Nurse Natalya [MF]: Closet Pet

I was initially working as a CNA at a local hospital. I’d begun working in nursing homes, but those were honestly awful. Eventually I started working in Kidney units, but again, so morbid to be honest. Then though, I was able to land a job in an Emergency Department. It was crazy. Excitement every night, I’m telling you. Blood. Guts. Fights. Lunatics. Drunks. Prom Queens with puke all over them. DUI and bodybags and security guards and just …… Madness. But most importantly? A workplace full of attractive, high-stressed women’s who when they weren’t at work … I can’t explain it. Still had this need for a high, an experience that was a bit …. Edgy.

I was a bit younger or quite a bit younger than most of them. I was in my fourth or fifth year or college. So, I was either like a son to them, or it seemed, a piece of meat. Natalya was one of the nurses. Short hair. Dyed it black or red or black and purple. It was always changing. She had these cute pixy cuts that sat very nicely atop her friendly face. She had one of those faces that could laugh and smile and be so cute, but with the slight change of expression, could say “I could fuck you to death”. That all sat on top of what I could only describe as the prototypical thicc body. She was about 5’6 I guess, thicc all over but in a great way. Thighs, ass, arms…perfectly balanced. Having had a baby she complained that her breasts could’ve been better, but I what did I know or care at that point. When we worked together she basically blew me off. She talked a lot about how freaky she was and well, I kept my mouth shut.

I didn’t want to speak out at work and share who I was. People don’t tend to understand those things. My kinks. So I didnt. However, one day, I realized she had stopped working there. Damn, I thought … Too bad. Chance missed.

Sometime later I was getting gas and there she was. She looked good as ever and I figured fuck it, and shot my shot. Arranged for a dinner at a nearby steakhouse. Arrived dressed in normal clothes that would accentuate the fitness not seen in my scrubs. She was dressed better also, cleavage for the world and jeans with tears along the thighs. The conversation was polite for a while, but now, when she made sexual jokes or insinuations, I leaned into them. “Hmmm … I guess ball gags are alright.” “Oh, you have experience, do you?” And she chuckled at me…. Looking at her intently now, the vibration at the table changed when I said “Yes, I have a few gags. Balls or bits. I just don’t prefer them. It turns me on much more, and my partners as well, when I stuff their own panties in their mouth.”

I could feel the heat from the underside of her length of the table. Her eyes changed. Her posture changed.

“Are you serious right now? Cause if so I’m surprised.”

“I’m supposed to talk this way at my work? Unlikely. And the reaction you’re having tells me your panties are already feeling the effects.”

“What the fuck … Who are you?” Laughing but clearly loving it

“I’m the one asking you to go to the bathroom and bring me back your panties. If you’d like for me to take you home and show you where I’ll be keeping you.”

Get curiosity was clear. Her arousal was obvious. I could see her chest flushing red. Her cheeks were even worse. She stood up, looking a bit discombobulated and went to the bathroom. I sipped my drink and waited a few minutes, sending a couple texts on my ancient flip phone.

She came from behind me, slid her hand on my shoulder as she did, looked around, and when no one was watching put the panties on the table and slide them over to me.

I called for the bill. She whispered for me to grab them. No, I thought, let’s make a point to her. That when she’s with me, she mine. For everyone to see. The waitress came over, took my card and began ringing us up. I soun her panties slowly around in a circle using my finger on the table. The waitress noticed but said nothing. Natalya was embarrassed but clearly excited. I didn’t know her well enough at the time, but later I would realize I had rarely played anything so perfectly.

After getting the check, I snatched up the panties and put them around my fingers, feeling the dampness.

“Let’s go back to mine. I have something to show you.”



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