My fantasy pt2. [m 54, f42] (anal, bbc, cuck)

Joe was friendly and outgoing. All the traits one needed as a PT. But also all the tools you need to be a stud especially looking like he did. Jen picked up immediately around him and became almost bubbly. I told myself it was due to the champagne, but the truth is they had a past and it was longer than what we had at the time and they were still friends after all. Friends that had not se each other in years. Or so I thought.

She had told me when we were dating that her ex moved off before the divorce was final and that they had not connected since. But in the casual conversation he mentioned they had not seen each other since their vacation trip to Miami a full year after they divorced. She smiled and agreed then looked at me with eyes that said ‘please don’t start something”. So I let it go for the moment and continued to let them catch up.

Soon the reception began and Joe stood beside my wife the entire time. Both of them whispering secrets to the other followed by smiles or giggles. I made my way to a table and had a set. They made their way to the bar and sat beside each ohter. At one point my wife placed her hand on his thigh. He leaned in to kiss her on the cheek. Suddenly she pulled back, stood, and told him something before looking around for me. When she found me she knew I was not happy about what was playing out. She made her way over to the table I was at and sat beside me.

“I am sorry of I made you mad, I just wanted to catch up some. I have not seen him in years.” she said.

“Not since Miami I am guessing?” I asked

“Yea, sorry, I forgot about that. He and I were single, not dating anyone and we had bought the tickets a year before. So we decided to go together as friends” she explained

“Did you fuck him?” I asked flatly

Her face blushed red. “First, if I did, thats my business, I was single so I could fuck who I want.” She paused

“And second? I asked

“Yes, I fucked him if you have to know. But it was just as friends, there was no love involved.” She said.

“Is he the reason you are not into anal?” I persisted.

Her face was crimson now. “Thats on of your business. Its my body and if I don’t want to do something I have a right to say no. she almost hissed between clinched teeth.

“Babe, I am just asking because you said you had a bad experience and thats why you do not like it now. I am just trying to figure out if I should hate this guy or not.” I tried to should logical.

She paused for what seemed like minutes before whispering. “Lets not talk about this now, but I may have overstated why I do not like it. It was not so much a bad experience, it was…… we, Joe and I, had a lot of anal sex. A lot. And he is big down there. So it hurt a lot at first when he put it in, every time he put it in. But I enjoyed it once I got used to it. But now I am just not into it like I was then. Yes that make sense?” She asked.

“Did he ask you for anal or did he just take it?”

“Seriously, do we have to do this now?”


“He did not ask for anything, he told me what was going to happen and then he did it.”

“So he would tell you to get on your stomach and then put his did on your ass?’

“Or tell me to get on my hands and knees, yes”

“How much bigger is his cock than mine?”

“Fuck you I am not answering that.”

“Why not”

She paused for a few moments. “Because there is no way to answer that and not hurt your feelings”

“So he is a lot bigger. How much”

“She dropped her head a bit. “Babe, you have all I need”

“How much”

She sighed. “Twice as long and thick…”

“Holy fuck” I let out loud enough for the people around us to hear.

“Shhhh” she whispered. “… maybe more”

At that point we both became aware of the growing erection on my pants.

“Are you getting turned on thinking about my ex fucking me?” She half whispered in a mix of excitement, shock, anger.

“I am thinking about your little body somehow taking that monster cock for years actually, so yes”

“Oh my god you cannot be serious.” She insisted. “I am your wife”

“Yes, but you were his wife at one point and he got to fuck all three of your holes for years with some porn star cock. I have Never even had anal with you once.”

“So you are jealous of him then?” She said flatly.

“I guess so”

“Then get a porn star sized cock and I will let you fuck my ass.” She said with a hiss as she chugged the last of her champaign. She then stood up and walked back to the bar. I let her cool down a few minutes and was about to join her but Joe managed to slide up to her first. I decided to see how this was going to play out. It only took a few minutes and they were on their way to the once floor. The DJ played a fast song as they began, but as soon as they started he switched to a slow one. Just after it started he put his hands on her hips, she put hers around his neck and looked up and him. I could see she was telling him something that made him smile. A few moments later and his hands dropped to her ass. I watched as this monster of a man grab and squeeze my wife’s ass as if to say it was his any time he wanted it. She, to my surprise, did not stop him. They danced like this until the song ended.

Once the song was over she made her way over to the table and announced “take me to our room and make love to me” as she leaned over and grabbed by painfully erect cock.
