The Tutor, Parts Two & Three [F20/F18] [Domme/sub] [Role Reversal]

Ages tagged in the title this time. Every character in this story is 18+


Did this girl live in a mansion??

I grew up in a small house in the suburbs, so I wasn’t sure where the line was between ‘big house’ and ‘mansion.’ But for all intents and purposes, that’s what it felt like when approaching the Alodia’s property. Aside from the huge white house being impressive, the front yard and surrounding greenery were expansive and well maintained, and I found myself driving up one of those long, semi-circle driveways that I had only ever seen in movies.

If Annabelle’s parents hadn’t explained how they wanted another girl, and one closer to her age, I would have been more surprised when approaching the house. Why not just hire an army of tutors for the girl? They could probably afford one professional from every field if they wanted to. Instead, they chose me. And, while it was flattering, it was also incredibly intimidating.

I had barely stepped out of my car when I heard someone call out to me. “Ms. Moore?”

“Yes, that’s me,” I said. Turning towards the voice, I saw a girl who looked to be around my age standing just outside the front door. “Are you Annabelle?” The moment the question escaped my lips, I realized how wrong I was. The girl was dressed in black and white, appearing more like a maid than what any normal teenage girl would dress like. Even a wealthy one.

“No, ma’am,” she said, “I’m Trixie. I apologize for the inconvenience, but can you please pull around to the back? Employees are supposed to use the side door.”


So, one of those households. It wasn’t quite a ‘servant door,’ but it had a similar vibe. Whatever flattery I felt just a few moments ago waned as I realized that my first visit here didn’t warrant ‘guest’ status. I was getting paid to be here; therefore I was an employee. It wasn’t necessarily insulting, as this was a completely different world than I had ever experienced, but I was definitely taken aback.

“Umm, sure,” I replied, “Should I just let myself in?” None of these details were included in the latest message from Annabelle’s mother. If I was relegated to the side door, was I allowed to roam the unfamiliar house until I found the girl? Or was I to be escorted? So many questions.

Thankfully, Trixie was familiar with the routine. “I’ll meet you down there,” she said, “And I’ll inform Ms. Annabelle that you’re here.”

After getting the simple directions from the girl, and thanking her, I got back in my car. It was simple enough to find the side road that led to the back of the property. I parked next to the rest of the cars that were hidden behind a clever facade that obscured my vision of the house until I walked around the thick bushes and towards the side door. While I had never experienced such a lavish lifestyle, nor had any friends that were this wealthy, it was pretty easy to connect the dots. Less impressive cars were hidden away so guests socializing on the back deck didn’t have to deal with the eyesore.

But who was I to judge? Trixie and I were probably here for very similar reasons–Money that was impressive to us, but pennies to the Alodia’s. If I was being paid this much to tutor, I imagine she was here because it was more lucrative than some hotel or waitress position.

I didn’t have to knock. As I neared the small side door, Trixie propped it open for me. “Shoes off, please,” she said, “Then you can follow me.”

It didn’t escape my attention that the young maid, assuming that was her role, was wearing shoes herself. Maybe they were indoor-only shoes, as her black flats were spotless. I was wearing flats too, as I had somewhat dressed up for my first tutoring session. If I was being paid this much, the least I could do is look professional. My current footwear was a lot more clean than my sneakers, for example, but I guess I had still just worn the flats outside.

I did what Trixie said, awkwardly balancing with my backpack over just one shoulder, and carefully stepped one at a time out of my flats.

The cool tile on my feet made me feel a little bit self conscious, as my ensemble was now missing something. It’s not like I hadn’t done study sessions barefoot around friends before, but this was different in so many ways. It was a new job, a first impression, and a girl who had probably grown up with the ability to snap her fingers and have anything she wanted. Part of me wished I had worn a gala-worthy dress instead of a simple skirt and blouse. That ship had long sailed, however, and I couldn’t help but be curious what rich girls wore on Saturday. Would Annabelle be dressed down, or look absolutely perfect?

I wouldn’t have to wonder for too long. Trixie led me down the side hallway, where I spotted a laundry room and a mini kitchen along the way. For staff to work invisibly while the Alodia family and guests were going about their business? The door at the end of the hall opened into a more impressive kitchen, and it was only when I stepped onto the marble floor in yet another long hallway that another thought crossed my mind.

Was I supposed to address my student as ‘Ms. Annabelle?’

That would be beyond weird. Especially since I’d be sitting and teaching her for a full ninety minutes, while Trixie probably came and went with much shorter interactions. I guess some private school teachers did that in their classes, but it’s like nothing I had personally experienced in high school or university life so far.

I was about to ask the girl guiding me, but it was too late.

“Ms. Annabelle?” Trixie said, a few paces ahead of me as she turned a corner, “Your personal tutor is here.”


Red hair.

That’s the first thing that drew my eye, especially amidst all the neutral colors that made up the spacious living room. She was wearing a black skirt and an emerald satin top; the classy outfit immediately answered my recent question. Rich teenagers don’t dress down, not even on a Saturday.

With just one look, I could see that Annabelle Alodia was the kind of girl that made pretty much every other girl jealous. Myself included. She was tall, but not too tall. Slender, with curves that gave her a perfect hourglass figure. Perfect skin, perfect hair; perfect everything, and an outfit to accentuate those features. It was difficult to believe that she was only eighteen years old, as her posture alone would have been enough to make me believe otherwise if I hadn’t known who I was there to see.

For the most part, I had only been with guys, save for one or two drunken girl kisses over my first few years of university. Annabelle was the first girl, however, to make me consider a more open-minded sexuality on the spot. She was drop dead gorgeous, which made me feel guilty, confused, and a ton of other emotions as I remembered that she was still in high school. Eighteen, sure. But still a teenager, a daughter of my employers; the last girl I should ever be interested in. And yet, she caught my attention in seconds.

“You must be Meredith.”

No uptick in her voice, no questioning tone that so many younger girls tended to use when they spoke. Hell, how people in college still tended to talk sometimes. I was nervous enough just from the pressure of a first tutoring session, and off balance from the servant-like way Trixie had me enter the impressive house. The last thing I expected was for Annabelle herself to fluster me even more. And she hadn’t even done anything.

“Umm, yes,” I said. Feeling a blush coming on, I tried my very best to will it away before totally screwing up this first impression, “Meredith Moore. It’s nice to meet you, Annabelle. Or is it ‘Ms. Annabelle?’” I asked, glancing towards Trixie for a moment. Does being an employee mean all of the blonde maid’s rules apply to me as well?

To my relief, the red haired girl spoke up first and let me off the hook. “‘Annabelle’ is fine,” she said, “Come on in; get settled. Trixie, bring us some refreshments. Have you asked our guest what she would like?”

“No, Ms. Annabelle. I’m sorry,” Trixie said, then turned to me, “May I offer you a drink, Ms. Moore?”

“Anything at all,” Annabelle added.

I didn’t even know what to say. I’m sure Annabelle meant it, but I already had a thermos of coffee with me. This wasn’t like being a guest at some friend’s apartment, however, so I still felt compelled to ask for something. “Ice water?” I asked. Normally I wasn’t the type to specify something like that, but I felt self conscious enough to act like my tastes were more picky than usual.

“Yes, Ms. Moore.”

With a nod, Trixie walked back down the hallway from which we just came. For a moment, I wondered why she didn’t ask Annabelle what she wanted as well. Then it dawned on me that a Saturday morning routine was probably already established for the girl.

I had fantasized about being rich before, but I don’t know if I would be interested in this level of wealth. Taking care of myself was perfectly manageable without someone to get my drinks, for example. It was also strange seeing a girl like Trixie in a subservient role like this. Perhaps I was biased from seeing older women as maids in shows and movies. It was probably what I thought earlier; that Trixie was doing it for the paycheck, rather than actually being interested in a career like that.

A moment of silence lingered as Annabelle and I were left alone. Trying my best to slip back into tutor mode after all the curveballs of the morning, I spoke up. “Well, shall we get started?” I asked. Noting the lack of notebooks or pretty much anything but furniture in the room, I added, “Where do you like to study?”

“We can go to my room,” Annabelle said, “Come, Meredith.”

She strode right past me, and I was definitely shorter than her once she closed the distance and I could see for sure. Not by much, but it made the difference when I already felt somewhat small in the huge house. I had no idea how to handle her straightforward and mildly patronizing order. It sounded like the way you’d address a dog, but everything Annabelle said so far had a proper and entitled edge to it. Maybe that was just how she spoke.

Thankfully, she calmed my swirling thoughts right then and there. “Relax, Mere,” she giggled. Turning to me with a friendly smile, “I’m not actually like that. But it was worth it. Your face was priceless!”

Oh. She was . . . kidding? About which part? “Oh, umm,” I began, internally cursing about the filler word I normally never used. But here, it had already happened a few times.

“I’m just a normal girl; just like you,” she said, “And don’t mind Trixie. She’s just following the rules.”

“Good to know,” I replied, still feeling fairly awkward about pretty much everything I said. Annabelle had just been joking, apparently, but this new dynamic was just as confusing. Maybe I wasn’t cut out for tutoring after all.

“I know, I know,” Annabelle said. She gestured to the room behind me. “It’s a fucking mansion or whatever. If it helps, we can just go to a coffee shop or something.”

Hmm, maybe she was a normal girl after all. “No, it’s fine,” I said. Faking a small smile of my own, I decided as the tutor that staying here was better. Maybe a coffee shop would make me feel more comfortable, but the commute would waste time that I was being severely overpaid for. “We can just study in your room. I don’t mind.”

“Suit yourself,” she said. With one last glance towards me before turning to lead the way, Annabelle repeated her earlier phrase. “Come, Meredith.”


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