Sweet Virginia: She made me fuck her to prove to herself I didn’t love her [MF]

I was in my Junior year of college and had been seeing a girl for a period of a year or so. She was my first “real” girlfriend, I guess you could say. I’ve written about how we met here before and you can find it on my profile. Well, she moved across the state to be with me and being the typical college guy I freaked out and we broke up. She shouldn’t have moved, I should’ve said something to stop her. Again. Young. Dumb. Live and learn.

But this tale takes place about 2 months after the breakup. I’ve moved into a new apartment and have an awful roommate, no furniture, not even a mattress. She has moved down the way, equally depressing circumstances. We’ve been having occasional conversations, usually very dramatic. Neither of knew how to handle the breakup well at all. We’d argue, and then we’d end up fucking, or she’d give me head, which she was so God damn good at that I couldn’t say no. But again, I refused to get back together and I stopped telling her I loved her.

One day she asked to come over. She knocked on the door and answer in a long coat. I brought her in and she sat on the floor, holding the coat closed and her legs tightly together. “You don’t love me anymore… Tell me, ok? Just say it.” she sounded devastated.

I was a wreck too. “I …. I….. No…. Ok? I am not in love. This is just…. Fuck…. It’s way too heavy and ….. Come on…..”. I got on my knees and held my head in my hands. “I don’t, ok? Is that what you need to hear?”

Her face was so sad. Tears welled up in her eyes. She caught her breath. But, then.. she began unbuttoning her long coat, slowly, to reveal she had nothing underneath. Her tall, voluptuous body began becoming exposed. Her gigantic breasts, flanked by her lengthy brown hair, with their big areolas, the rolls of her soft belly. She spread her legs and her freshly shaved pussy shone between her thick thighs. She was still crying when she said “Just make love to me again, like you do, ok?”

It was so sad… My heart was breaking… But honestly, my dick was rock hard beyond belief. Her broken state… Her gorgeous body…. It turned me on like something never has before.

I crawled over, removing my clothes, and mounted over her. She fell back onto the coat like a blanket and wrapped her arms around me. She kissed me. Long…hard….her tears rubbing off on my face. We ground against one another….pushing…sliding….clutching each other. “I wish you loved me…” she kept saying. “I wish you were mine….”. I can’t prove it but I think her insides were hotter that day than they ever were to that point. It was like being inside an oven.

After 15 minutes or so, we were both wracked with a dual orgasm that shook us both to the core. Our bodies colliding along with our broken hearts. Cum and juice spilling out of her cunt and onto my cock. Afterwards, she almost pushed me off. She quickly got up to wrap herself in her coat. I asked where she was going, and she said “Away from you. I needed to prove you saw me as just sex. Now I have, and I hate you.”

She left, quietly closing the door, leaving me naked on the floor. We found out five weeks later that we had gotten her pregnant that day. The baby didn’t come to pass, but we kept in touch. Our journey didn’t end there and wouldn’t for nearly a decade.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yt0i1g/sweet_virginia_she_made_me_fuck_her_to_prove_to

1 comment

  1. I had a similar experience with my first lover, except that it lasted for 45 years.

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