I watched 3 European men in their 60s worship my Thai wife’s 31 year-old ass [group]

First, I had to do some searching to find this subreddit. The story that I’m about to tell you happened last night, and I just had to share it, somehow, someway. While I am not sure about the nature of the other stories on this subreddit, I have to emphasize that THIS story is ABSOLUTELY 100% true.

Me (American male) and my wife (Thai) live in Thailand. She is a genuine Amazon, especially by Thai standards: Around 5’ 9” and 170 pounds, and she wears it well, with a delightfully big, shapely ass that wobbles all over the place when she walks around naked. And MAN does she like to walk around naked. She has a nice job, and ever since covid she’s worked from home, going in one day a week to the office. This has turned her into a nudist. She NEVER wears clothes at home, even when we have company over. It’s great, really. All of our friends totally expect her to be naked when they visit, and at some point all of them have squeezed her bum, often encouraged to do so by her.

Anyway . . . we are presently staying at a resort in the southern part of the country, next to the beach. She obviously can’t go nude on the beach here, it’s not that kind of country. But, when we get back to our bungalow she HAS been taking her bathing suit off outside, and hanging it to dry, before going inside. We’re not in a central location, and kind of on the edge of the resort actually, so it’s not like everyone can see her. But there is a guesthouse next to our villa, in which two older German couples are staying. I guess they’re in their mid-60s. Yesterday my wife was outside our door, naked, washing her feet, when the German couples walked by. They all made eye contact, giggled, and waved at each other. It was a great moment. No one was shocked or offended, but everyone appreciated the novelty and humor of the moment. I imagine the men were appreciating their good fortune.

Fast forward to that evening, and we went to eat dinner at the restaurant at the resort. As we walk in, we see the two couples sitting at a table. They wave. We wave. As luck would have it the only available table is right next to theirs’. We push our tables together, and enjoy drinks and food for a few hours. At some point during the conversation someone makes a joke about seeing my wife naked. I inform everyone that basically everyone in our social circle has seen her naked. They find this amusing, naturally. Also, during the conversation, we discover that in two days we’ll be moving to a different resort on the same island. So one of the wives exchanges contact information with my wife so we can meet up later. We say our goodbyes, and walk back our respective bungalow and guesthouse.

About 20 minutes after we’ve gotten back my wife gets a text from the German wife, inviting us over for some glasses of wine. At this point, my wife is already nude, and we think it’d be hilarious if she just showed up at their door that way. It’s all of a 30 second walk, with no houses/bungalows in between, and it’s dark. Not exactly a risk of being seen. She agrees, and we head out.

We arrive, and hilarity ensues. Everyone is delighted to see her naked. They think it’s fantastic. Furthermore, guests from the guesthouse on the OTHER side of where the Germans are staying are visiting as well. They’re a Dutch couple that looks to be about the same age as the German couples. People compliment me on my luck, my wife jiggles her butt for our hosts, and we begin to socialize.

After several bottles of wine (delivered by staff who are thoroughly shocked when they open the door and see us), everyone begins to agree that my wife’s butt is amazingly perfect. I don’t argue, because it’s true. Big, pear-shaped butts in Thailand are exceptionally rare. I say something along the lines of “Yes. I never truly enjoyed cake until I came to Thailand” (Thais use these bidet things that they have in every toilet, we call them ‘bum guns’; Thais are generally hairless down there and are exceptionally clean; truly, I never enjoyed eating ass until I came to this country). Well, these Europeans are . . . European, and obviously a bit older. They ask me what ‘cake’ is. I explain it to them. One of the German men says something like, “I’ll never know the pleasure of Thai cake”. My wife gives me a look, winks, looks back at the German and says confrontationally, “There’s a naked Thai woman with very LARGE cakes sitting right in front of you”. The German’s wife starts laughing hysterically, and says to her husband “I think you should take advantage of this opportunity while you can”. I can’t believe what I’m hearing. But I am CERTAINLY not going to stop it.

A space is cleared for my wife on the kitchen table. It’s sturdy. She gets on it and lies on her stomach. There is a genuine moment of silence as everyone marvels at the sight; I’m not even trying to be funny (even though, in hindsight, OF COURSE this is hilarious). The German man says “pinch me”. His wife pinches him. He works his way up from my wife’s feet, to her calves, to her thighs, to her cheeks, and finally he dives in.

This happened. Yesterday. I watched it.

Apparently Europeans are even MORE liberated than I imagined.Soon enough, the two other men get the go-ahead from their wives, and they take turns eating my wife’s fat, Thai cake.

I ask the wives if they’re really OK with this. They insist that they are. I ask if this is some sort of exchange, and if I’m expected to pull my dick out for THEM. They laugh, and tell me no, it’s not like that. They explain that they have good, strong relationships with their husbands, that my wife is exceptionally gorgeous, and they might never get an opportunity like this again. I accept their perspective, and their gift to their husbands, as it’s unavoidably happening right in front of me.

These three men worship her ass for approximately 30 minutes.

The men, finish, reluctantly. She is spanked a couple times. She squeals playfully. She asks if she can use their shower. The men follow her back. They’re in the bathroom for maybe 15 minutes – 20 minutes, taking their turns washing her

They walk out of the shower, and as they walk back to us the men cannot stop watching my wife. Especially the ass. They appear to be literally hypnotized by it. We all sit back down, and my wife goes “Well . . . THAT was a first”. Everyone laughs. We drink more wine. She takes turns sitting on everyone’s laps. The men remain handsy throughout the night.

As we say goodbye (around 5AM), she makes a point of kissing everyone (men and women) on the mouth. I am in a kind of daze (not just because of the alcohol). We return to our bungalow, she making the small journey au natural. I don’t really know what to say when we return, so I stupidly say “Well, that’s something we will definitely not forget”.

Today we saw them on the beach. My wife, unfortunately, in her bathing suit, casually talked to their wives while I talked geopolitics (APEC is in Bangkok this week) with the husbands. I’m not sure if we’ll meet up this evening. I suspect we will. I also suspect my wife will continue to not wear clothes. If there are any noteworthy developments, I will let you know.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yt04t5/i_watched_3_european_men_in_their_60s_worship_my


  1. Well if everybody on vacation saw her voluptuous naked body, surely you can show us a photo too 😏

  2. It’s funny that you’re shocked or the slightest bit surprised about these Germans. Being from America, you seem to be mistaken about a great deal of their culture.

    For starters, bidets are super common in Europe. It’s America that’s weird for not having them.

    Second, nudism is *normal* in Europe in general and Germany especially. See also: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Freik%C3%B6rperkultur

    Their amusement that your wife is comfortable naked in mixed company is likely more a surprise that there are Thais like them. As you point out, Thailand isn’t the kind of country that has nude beaches.

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