First Kiss and [F]irst Time with [M]y Bully’s Twin Sister [Long]

Abigail was my dream girl. Short with all the right curves, class valedictorian. She was short with just the right curves and a slight paunch, thick brown hair, and expressive dark green-blue eyes. She was shy and quiet. I wouldn’t have called us friends but we grew up together and worked together at our first jobs.

Her fraternal twin brother, though, bullied me all through school. He was the star athlete, teacher and admin favorite for it. I was the shy, awkward kid with curly brown hair and a bit of a belly. He made school life miserable and got away with it. I was the typical middle child, trying to make my own way in the shadow of my siblings while living with ADHD, Bipolar, and Anxiety.

It was homecoming weekend, way back in 2006. When MySpace was still a thing and texting was in its infancy. Homecoming was always a huge deal with my school, so I reluctantly went in hopes to reconnect with the few friends who went away to school while I stayed in town for Community College.

I was at the top of the bleachers when she approached. My heart skipped a beat. Abigail was the object of my teenage fantasties. Untouchable by the popular crowd because of her brother, looked over by the lesser for the stereotypical cheerleaders and athletes. She sat next to me.

“I’m so glad to see you. I was really hoping you’d be here!”

She surprised by because I never considered us friends, but we talked a lot at work and lunch in school. I just smiled.

“Did you hear mom and dad conveniently went out of town and Jason is throwing a party tonight?”

“Yeah, that’s the rumor.”

“It would mean a lot to me if you came.”

“Yeah, I don’t know if that’s wise…”

“I’m sorry for what he put you through.” She interrupted. “I know I’ve told you what it was like at home for me, sister of the golden child.”

Abigail had really come out of her shell in the few months she’d been away. I reluctantly went to the house after the game and followed some people through the door. The house was full of people. Some I expected, some I was surprised to see. Unfortunately, Jason saw me but was shot down when Abigail intervened and invited me to her room.

We sat on her bed and she explained to me that when she left, she deleted her social media and tried to wipe all traces of this place. Which explained why we hadn’t spoken since her last day at work a few months prior.

“But I realized, there was one thing I did miss from this place. The one person who never saw me as just Jason’s twin sister. I’ve lived life at home and school in his shadow. The one thing, the one person I missed was you.”

I was shocked. Speechless. My teenage crush, my dream girl. She was admitting that she missed *me*. Even though I was even more shy around her.

“Honestly,” she continued. “I’ve always had a little crush on you.”

“Same.” I said. “But wouldn’t call it little.”

She moved closer to me. We talked of life, and school, and dreams. I guess we both came out of our shells a bit. We made eye contact as we talked, sharing stories like we did on slow nights work. As the conversation lulled, our heads leaned in and before I knew it our lips locked. Our bodies were tense at first, but soon relaxed.

“I never thought that would happen.” I admitted to her. “But I always wanted it.” I swept her soft hair behind her ear.

“I’m almost afraid to tell you this. But somehow I’ve always felt free to be myself around you. I used to dream about life with you. And…honestly…” she paused. “I’ve kind of…maybe…fantasized about you?”

I kissed her again, hormones overpowering my anxiety. She lay back on the bed as I sprawled over her. Our lips parted and our tongues began to swirl around each other. I decided to go for broke and let my hands feel her soft breasts over her tank top. Abigail moaned softly into my mouth.

I was encouraged by this, and slid my hands under it to feel her soft skin. My fingers traced against her areolas. They were big and puffy against her soft breasts. I tried to picture them, but before long she removed her shirt to bare them to me. Our kissing became punctuated with the removal of clothes, my boxers being the last to join the pile.

“Oh. *My* God!” She gasped as she took in my circumsized dick.

“What?!” I panicked. I mean, I knew I wasn’t small and thought it was a pretty good size, but her response threw me off.

“Nothing. I just haven’t ever seen one before so I didn’t know what to expect.”

We teased each other’s privates with our hands. Guiding the other to what felt good until Abigail told me she was ready. While she prompted me to be gentle, I put a pillow under her perfect ass. She helped guide me into her, only letting go as I slowly push myself in.

It was stop and go at first. Awkward movements as her body adjusted to me. I noticed that as the pain subsided, her whimpers became more lustful and her hips began to move into mine. The party continued below us and we found a rhythm that felt good but hopefully wouldn’t let me blow my load too soon.

Abigail soon began to moan. I felt her pussy get even tighter. Her legs wrapped around my waist, pulling me into her.

“Fuck! Fuck fuck fuck. Mmmmmm God. Don’t stop. Please don’t staaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhh!”

I felt her pussy convulse as her eyes rolled back into her head. Her legs released me and I quickly pulled out of her to finish on her body as we had discussed before we started. Abigail propped herself up on her arms as I stroked. She began to smile, the big dark green-blue eyes looking into mine.


Cum shot from my dick as my strokes slowed. Masturbation never made me cum as much or feel as good as the release I had just experienced. I gave myself a moment to take in her cum covered body before collapsing onto the bed in breathless exhaustion.

We ended up cuddling all night, talking as the sounds of the party continued into the early morning hours. Even as the sun began to rise, we were still chatting and periodically exploring each other’s bodies and learning what felt good.

Most people’s first times may be awkward, but mine is one I remember fondly and a memory I will cherish forever.



  1. That is so sweet and wholesome. Please tell me it wasn’t just a one time thing and there’s more.

  2. What a sweet story. I also lost my virginity to a childhood friend. I really hope you two found something from this!

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