42 [F] British OnlyFans milf moves onto my 21 [M] street! Part 3

Sorry for the delay, now let’s get on with the show!

2 days have passed, I’m having a lazy day at home and I get a text.

‘Fancy a workout sess today? x’

‘Yeah I’m down, shall I come over after lunch?’, I suggest while feeling my cock enlarge.

‘Cool see you then x ’, she responds

A few hours pass, around 230 and I head on over to her place. Seemed like she was home alone, which I came to know was quite often as her children spend time at their fathers too.

She was in a similar type get up, biker type shorts/leggings and an oversized t shirt.

At the odd time I could see her nipples poke through, but very rarely. Evidently she wasn’t wearing a bra.

Just some normal chit chat, asking about each other and we are off to her outhouse gym in her back garden. It was a real proper nice place, fully spaced out kit, quite large and a full length mirrored wall.

Just before she starts she gets a message on her Apple Watch, and is surprised. She excuses herself, says she has to take a call for 15 mins and for me to start myself.

I can’t lie I feel like it may be one of those calls 🍑 🍆, or something along those lines.

I get to work, the AC wasn’t put on and I didn’t know it was remote controlled so I was picking up a sweat.

I took off my top, a couple exercises in and in she comes bouncing with energy ready to go, about 30 mins later.

We end up working in together, she complements my body touching my abs slightly. And in general being very touchy.

As I work with her, I’m almost acting like a PT also. At times getting real close to help her with her last few reps. At one point I was literally right up behind her getting her through an exercise.

As we finish up, both standing there, wiping myself down with my shirt. She asks if I want to jump in the jacuzzi with her to relax. I mean I was feeling quite sore so yeah!

She jumps in, in her same clothes so I did too without my top of course. Sitting opposite each other and getting to know each other more.

We pried into to each other’s life also, she told me she did glamour modelling (evidently not sharing the whole truth) but I was being naturally flirty too. She seems to like it anyways, she’s quite out there and doesn’t shy away from anything taboo anyways.

One thing that stood out was when she asked when the last time I had had sex.

I was open and honest and said, literally straight after we went for a jog the other day.

‘Aha, what jogging gets you horny?’

I shrugged it off and just said I had no idea, but went and shagged a friend of mine who lives nearby. She seems gobsmacked and a little intrigued anyways aha.

As we sat there, her toes brushing up and down one of my legs, and I just strike up that I can see right through her shirt! With her asking me what I thought, sitting up taller putting them on display while pulling her shirt tighter.

‘The bigger the better am I right!’ I responded with, she agreed and chuckled.

Well it had been a short while, skin starting to wrinkle having been in the water for so long. As I was getting out I can’t believe I didn’t realise that I just got in clothed and had soaked through all my clothes.

How was I gonna get home? As she was drying her self off she handed me a towel and said to hand over my clothes, she’ll put it in the dryer.

So there I was stripping down naked, had ny cock hanging out for the odd second and ended up standing there wrapped in nothing but a towel. She wasn’t being obvious but I’m positive she would’ve seen something, she didn’t turn away at all, and neither did I.

She turned on the dryer, excused herself for a second telling me to have a seat.

Back a few mins later, she too was now simply wearing a towel. So we sat there both in our towels, while my clothes were drying.

After that was done and I was getting changed and slipped on my boxers under my towel for modesty. Didn’t want to push it too much.

As I took my towel off, only in my boxers just putting on my shorts. She pops up out of nowhere saying how much she loved my ass and how it’s quite perky even for a guy.

I trim my body hair as waxing was just too expensive and too much. She asked do I trim it as well?

‘Of course I do, I used to get it waxed tbf’ I replied with.

She begged to have a look and just pulled my shorts down before I could respond. Her only words were

‘Oh, I could eat that’

Aha, as she let go and the elastic waistband snapped back.

After that I was on my way, a kiss on the cheek and a hug, which I love btw especially as I was topless. And she smells awesome, and having her run her hands along my skin feels so sensual. Giving me a slap on my ass too!

‘Ughh, if you can do it then I can too!’ I respond with.

Apparently seeing her tits through her top was enough aha, but I had shown my ass too her. So she obliged and turned her ass towards me, ‘go on then’ she said. And I gave her ass a slap through her towel with a cheeky chuckle as I was on my way!

Im surprised I didn’t sport a boner throughout, or at least didn’t get clocked if I did! As I was standing too attention within 5 seconds after leaving!

Please do let me know what you think, I want to hear your thoughts in the comments! Maybe who you think it is too!!!!

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ytj03c/42_f_british_onlyfans_milf_moves_onto_my_21_m


  1. Definitely want to hear more! No idea who it is and doubt I would know her anyways.

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