I met a Woman right after she left her Fiancee [MF]

It was Friday evening in the summer. I had just finished up my last installation job for the day and was sitting in my work truck in the parking lot of Taco Bell eating and listening to an audiobook.

Movement in the corner of my eye caught my attention and I look up to see a woman walking directly towards me. She was cute as hell. She had long deep purple hair that looked like a professional job. She wore a black Slipknot tank top with her midriff showing off a belly button piercing, tight black jeans, biker boots decked out in skulls and chains, and fucking amazing tattoos of mixed mythologies covering one arm with stylistic curls branching off across off ample cleavage on display. Holy. Fuck.

She greeted me and long story short she was in town with her fiancée for a concert on Saturday, they had gone out to eat at a restaurant across the street, and when she had come out of the bathroom she had found him at the bar exchanging numbers with a woman. She had stormed out without thinking about the fact that he had been paying so she had left her wallet and money in the hotel. She wanted help getting an Uber back to her hotel.

I decided fuck it and offered to give her a ride. She accepted and hopped in my truck. It was a good forty-five minute drive in traffic and our conversation was flowing extremely well. Everything from the turmoil of her relationship to our mutual interest in mythology and fantasy, similar taste in music, her school work for engineering, and what her plans were now.

I offered to help her get her stuff at the hotel and she declined. But accepted when I said I would wait for her and take her wherever she wanted to go. A little while later she came out with a rolling suitcase, red tear-filled eyes, and a tall, slim guy following her. He was red-faced, half angry, half pleading, and his black t-shirt was torn. I got out and opened the passenger door of my truck. His eyes locked on me. He was tallish. But I had a head of height on him and construction had been good to me. I saw him considering me for the briefest moment and while I tried to carry myself in a non-hostile manner, he still had the look of nope and instead threw an arm out to grab Melissa’s arm as she stepped off the curb. I started to move. She moved quicker. Her suit case hit the ground as she let go of it, turned, and drove the heel of her hand into his nose with a satisfying crunch. He let go of her and crumpled, holding his face and cursing.

I bent and picked up her suitcase and set it in the back seat while she climbed in the Passenger seat. I closed her door for her and just walked around the ex that was bleeding on the concrete. When I got in she told me to just drive for now. I told her she was welcome to the sound system and for a time we just rode around. No talking, just blaring metal music as she slowly relaxed.

Our conversation eventually renewed and I offered to get her something to eat since her dinner had been ruined. It was getting dark now. We ended up at a burger bar with a couple of beers to go with the burgers and she insisted on paying for herself. She periodically browsed local hotels while we talked. On a whim, I offered that she could just stay at my place for the night while she took time to figure things out. No creepiness, I assured her I kept it clean and that she could have the bedroom while I took the couch, and if she preferred somewhere else I would take her whenever she asked. She considered it for a time while we finished our food and accepted.

Back at my place we talked, we horsed around, we broke into a bottle of whiskey I had, and for shits and giggles I ended up buying two tickets to the concert she was supposed to attend Saturday night. I liked the band and from her stories and what I had seen I was willing to be a bit malicious about the ex for her sake.

It grew late and she decided to get a shower and sleep. The little house I was renting had a single bedroom with a master bath attached so I settled on the couch with a book and told her good night. I could have sworn I heard a vibrator some time later and smiled. She could use some personal time after the day she had had. And while I wasn’t trying to take advantage of her after all of that, I would have taken her to bed in a heartbeat if she had shown the inclination. It wasn’t long before I drifted off to sleep reading.

I woke up to the living room dimly lit by the hall light. I was still sitting up on the couch, albeit slouched. I could vaguely make out a person in front of me and my sleep hazed brain took a moment to recall everything. I was thankful she hadn’t just grabbed me, I tend to react poorly in my sleep.

Then I realized in the dim light she was completely naked. Then she was stradling me. Kissing me. Telling me she had seen the bulge in my jeans throughout the night and wanted to feel it. Fuck all the rest of the bullshit for the night. Then we were kissing and petting. Groping each other. I let her set her own pace as she grinded on me. Pulling my shirt off. Kissing her way down my body. Scratching lightly. Biting my nipples. Working her way down until she was undoing my belt and left my pants in the floor. She cursed as her hands slid over my cock. Her tongue and lips exploring it. Her nails and teeth teasing. Then taking me. Taking her time as she took more and more. Her hands stroking the base and massaging my balls. She had me moaning and growling. It took all my restraint to let her set the pace. She tortured me with her thoroughness. Until her own restraint snapped as she fingered herself while fucking her own face with as much of me in her throat as she could take. I came. And as she sucked every drop out I felt her moans.

It was my turn. As she pulled off me, strings of cum and drool on her lips, I grabbed her and pinned her to the couch. My fingers and tongue going to work. Sucking on her breasts, parting her and teasing her clit. Fingering and eating her until she was moaning and clutching my head with a hand and her thighs. Her words were filthy as she encouraged me. Telling me what she wanted. Moaning loudly in surprise and pleasure as I fold her up enough to lick and eat her ass as I fingered her with two fingers and a thumb on her clit. Her thighs nearly crushed me when she came. And I didn’t stop. Tugging her nipples and finger fucking her until she squirted for me.

I was beyond patience. I picked her up. My hands gripping her big, perfect ass as her thighs locked around me. Lowering her onto me. She rocked her hips as she felt me press against her entrance. She didn’t moan as I pushed inside. She gasped. Her nails dug into my back. She bucked. I kept pushing. Sliding in with a growl. And as I buried in her she cried out. Cursing. Leaning in and biting my shoulder. And as I pulled out, lifting her off me, she bit harder with a muffled scream as I slammed back inside. She was wildly bucking and writhing on me as I bounced and bucked back. I turned and slammed her onto the soft giving couch, never pulling out. I ravaged her and she returned the favor. We bit, we clawed, I spanked her and threw her around. Not counting orgasms. And when I wrapped a hand around her throat, told her I was going to cum, she tightened her legs around me, clitched my forearm with both her hands, and her eyes rolled as her face turned red. I filled her and she came as my cum sprayed as deep in her as I could pound it. Her body convulsed with her orgasm, her hands clawing at my back hard enough to draw blood but her legs never let go their crushing brace. We rolled into the floor, her curled up on top of me as I held her. Cum leaked out of her onto my leg. She kissed me then got up and went into the bedroom, locking the door. I cleaned myself up and went to sleep on the couch.

In the morning I was awake with coffee when she came out wearing a white sheer tank and thong. I admired the marks from our sex before offering her coffee. We sat and talked.

The day was a mix of spending time together, me cooking for us, her taking time to think about things, talking with me and so forth. She made some calls. And then we got ready for the concert.

It was a blast. We both let loose and got crazy. It had been a while since I had really done much outside of work. We saw her ex once. It was towards the end of the show. He was staring at us. He had a redhead woman with him. Melissa just turned her back to him, gave me a malevolent smirk, and pulled her thong off under her black skirt and slipped it in my pocket. I told her she was a vindictive little trouble maker. She jumped on me, wrapping her legs around me as I instinctively caught her bare ass, and purred in my ear that I liked it and it wasn’t her fault he was a cheating bastard that hadn’t made her cum as much in a week as I had in a night. I kissed her. Her coup de grace as our tongue danced together was to pull the engagement ring off her hand and throw it over her shoulder on the ground.

I have never seen it hit somebody so utterly that they had fucked up as I saw on his face before we walked away.

The rest of the show was amazing. And we didn’t make it back to the house before she had me pulling over on the side of the road and fucking her senseless in the backseat of my truck.

A quick synopsis of what we had talked about and what followed. She lived five hours away. She hadn’t picked up a summer job yet since they were planning the wedding and honeymoon soon after the concert. Her immediate family didn’t understand why she had not given him a chance. Her friends fully supported her. I drove her to the house she had been living in with her fiancée while he was at work, and with some help from one of her friends had her things packed and in a uhaul by the time he got off work. He pulled up in time to see us leaving to put most of her things in a storage unit.

Her friend, Sarah, thought I was evil but great. Once Melissa’s things were in storage, she double checked the boxes she had put in my truck. She stayed with me for the summer. Sarah came to visit a few weekends. While staying with me Melissa took a short-term job as a technician at a pharmaceutical company’s start-up plant. When it was time for classes to resume she moved in with Sarah and we kept in contact. She visited a few times, a few with Sarah, but last time we spoke she had accepted a job offer for when she finished her degree as an engineer at one of the company’s plants she had worked for several states away.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yrghbb/i_met_a_woman_right_after_she_left_her_fiancee_mf

1 comment

  1. Wow. Very hot she came to you in the middle of the night and took you and your cum

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