[MMF] Just be Careful; They’re Swingers: Part II

Thanks for the great feedback! These stories are true, but with a color commentary to make them more interesting. Why would you want to hear about how we ate frozen pizza? You wouldn’t and won’t! Believe these or not, it’s up to you.

This is Part II of [https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yp8rqs/mmf_just_be_careful_theyre_swingers_part_i/](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yp8rqs/mmf_just_be_careful_theyre_swingers_part_i/) .

I waited on pins and needles for my STD results. It wasn’t just because I’d be disappointed if I couldn’t become Linda’s lover. It was that while I usually made good choices around safe(r) sex, I also made some dumb and risky choices. I once heard the phrase “youth is wasted on the youth”, and at times I cringe about some of the stuff I did when I was young.

But things worked out, though. All clear. I was excited to call Bob, but at the same time I was sheepish. I had basically bailed on them last time, leaving abruptly and hardly giving a proper goodbye. Hopefully they wouldn’t hold that against me, and would just understand that I was young and nervous, and that a toxic combination of extreme excitement and fear of the unknown had overcome me.

I called Bob around 8pm, and I was still super nervous. When he answered the phone and greeted me, it’s as if nothing ever happened. I started to apologize, but he brushed it off as no big deal. Then he put Linda on the phone.

“Oh, hi!” she started in. “Thanks for calling. We’ve been thinking and talking about you.”

“Ah, thanks,” I replied.

“So what’s on your mind?”

“Well, I was going to tell Bob that I got the results back today, and everything is good in that regard.”

“Oh good!” Linda almost squealed. “So, hang on a second…” I could hear her and Bob discussing something in the background, but I couldn’t quite make out what they were saying.

“Are you still there?” Linda inquired.

“Yes, I’m still here.”

“Well, good. Do you have plans tomorrow night at 8pm?”

“Uh, I don’t think so. What do you have in mind?”

“Bob and I were talking, and we realized that we laid a lot on you last time. We didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable in any way. How about we all sit down and have a nice chat, no pressure, and take it from there? The keys are for you to be completely honest about your likes, dislikes, the things that you’ve experienced, and what brings you pleasure / how you like to please. We promise to do the same thing. What do you think?”

“That sounds great, Linda. It really does.”

“I, uh, I mean *we* are so happy to hear that. We think that taking things slow will make things hotter in the long term, don’t you?”

The word “grooming” from my colleague Jill kept going through my head. And even though Bob and Linda took a step back from the initial intensity of what I experienced with them the first time around, I was 100% bought in for their grooming, for their training, or whatever they thought of it or wanted to call it. 5 minutes into the conversation with Linda, pre cum was pouring out of me!

I rang their doorbell at 8pm sharp. To my surprise, Linda met me at the door. She was wearing a black dress with black pumps, fire engine red lipstick, and a black ribbon choker around her neck. For something so simple, the choker is one of the hottest things that I’ve ever seen. If an 800-lb gorilla was wearing a choker, that might excite me as well. I kid, I kid.

Linda greeted me with a huge smile, a firm hug, and a wonderful kiss. It was a very affectionate full mouth kiss plus a quick flick of her tongue on my upper lip as we broke the kiss. She took me by the hand, and led me to their living room. I watched her hips swing back and forth as she walked, the muscular rips in her calves ebbed and flowed as she expertly walked in her heels.

Bob greeted me with his usual bone crushing handshake, and a clap on the shoulder. He reiterated that he was so glad that I decided to come chat with them that night. He offered some wine, and disappeared for a few minutes to get it. In the meanwhile, Linda sat down on the couch and crossed her legs. She patted the spot next to her, and I sat down. Apparently I wasn’t close enough to her, so she wriggled closer to me, and started holding my hand. She asked if I had any idea about the specifics of what we were going to talk about, and I said that I didn’t. She said that she thought I would like what they had to say, and what they had to ask, but stressed once again that it was critical to be completely honest and open with them.

Bob returned with three glasses of wine, and we all clinked our glasses. Then he plopped down in his chair, leaning forward with his elbows on his knees, and clapped his hands, finally rubbing them together, his gold bracelet undulating on his wrist. “So, before we get into it,” Bob continued, with clear excitement in his eyes. “Did you bring it with you?”

I produced the test from my jacket pocket, and Bob came over to inspect it. “Yes, this is great, oh, and here are our recent tests. We really appreciate you addressing this so quickly. But now, for what we wanted to discuss tonight: Linda, did you brief him already?”

We both nodded.

Bob went back to leaning forward in his chair, his elbows on his knees, and his fingers tented together.
“Great! So, if I was to ask you if you knew what a cuckold is, what would you tell me?”

I turned beet red and stammered. “Well, uh, I guess…”

Bob shook his head, and started to reiterate the point about honesty.

“Okay, well,” I cleared my throat. “I read this book in a college English class once where this husband, I think he was royalty, was mocked because his wife strayed with other men, everybody knew about it, and he didn’t seem to care. I forget the name of the book, but if I was to define ‘cuckolding’ it would be along those lines.”

“Solid start, don’t you think, Linda?” Bob asked. Linda nodded. “But there’s a lot more to it than that, and plus we have our own twists. Interested in hearing more?”

I nodded. I could feel Linda’s eyes burning into me as she watched my body reactions, and how I’d just started answering Bob’s questions. She was still holding my hand, and squeezed it from time to time. From the corner of my eye I saw that Linda kept kicking her leg, the top one in her crossed leg configuration, and that her heel was dangling slightly off her foot.

“The thing that you missed here, son, is that this is all about pleasure. For *all* of us,” Bob emphasized. “And for all of us to enjoy this, we need the right boyfriend for Linda, so here you are.”

I raised my hand, like a dork. Bob shot me a curious look. “So, uh, I haven’t done this before, and, uh, if it’s Linda and me, how do you, uh…?”

“Get off?” Bob replied. “Simple. This will be exciting for all of us. Why? Because it’s a violation of norms, for sure. We’ve all been programmed to get married, be loyal, and all of those things. But what if it excites me that another man has sexual relations with Linda in our marital bed? What if it excites her, knowing that she’s wanted by another man who’s willing to break these norms like the both of us? What if ‘mentoring’ an inexperienced lover… excites the *both* of us? What if the same lover is willing to be pleasured by both of us, and to please us both, or to go one on one with Linda should things evolve over time?”

Ah, so it was mentoring, not grooming. Got it.

“So you say that you’ve never done this before, right?” Bob started probing.

“I haven’t,” I replied. “Although I admit that this is exciting and new, and I’m really interested.”

“Well, you mentioned an ex girlfriend and cheating or something along those lines. Seems to us that you *have* experienced something like this before. How did that relationship make you feel?”

“Uhh, I…” I bowed my head to think this through. I used to run my mouth when I was that age, but strangely, sitting in this couple’s living room and hashing out details of this lurid relationship lead me to a newly-found diplomacy, and thinking before I spoke. I should add this badge to my LinkedIn.

“Well, uhh… not to be negative here, but the relationship was pretty rocky. We were too young, and incompatible. The cheating, at first bugged me a LOT, but then something happened over time.”

“Tell us, son. It’s okay. Safe place here,” Bob said, making this straight line gesture with his index finger.

“Okay, so I felt like shit each time I knew what took place, but at the same time…”


“At the same time, the intensity of the sex, for days on end afterwards, was totally off the charts.” Linda squeezed my hand super hard. Guess that it hit a chord with her?

“Bingo! He gets it,” Bob exclaimed. “So now you know how much it excites us, but we have a great marriage — and just want to add that extra bit of excitement. Actually, we want to add that A LOT bit of excitement, and we want ALL of us to share it. And we want to do it without unnatural barriers because that’s what natured intended.”

I took a deep breath, and swallowed hard. My god, the pre cum. It was back, and with a vengeance. I could feel the slickness of my semi-hard cock inside of my boxer briefs. I didn’t want a repeat of last time.

Since we all want to get on to how this night ended, I’ll skip the part of how I just started prattling on about my deepest, darkest secrets (bisexuality, breeding fantasies, how for whatever reason I was able to cum a LOT, you get the picture), the things I had experienced, and things that turned me on — but that I had not yet tried. Bob and Linda were eating this up, and kept egging me on. And they were totally fine with the graphic details here; the only ground rule that Bob set as a I proceeded was: don’t be rude or disrespectful, and that talking about sex in “colorful” terms was more than fine for the both of them.

One thing I will say is that the more that I chatted with Bob and Linda, the more that I became emboldened; I was saying basically anything that was on my mind sexually at that point. Never in my lifetime, to that point, having grown up in a Christian and conservative household, had I felt comfortable acknowledging the fact that I’m a highly sexual person, much less feeling completely open talking about it, in particular with a married couple that I barely knew, a married couple who were mentoring me to have a sexual relationship with the wife.

My heart was pounding through my chest. As if the last time / first time wasn’t hot enough, this was even hotter. The unknown was killing me. Should I make the first move? Would Bob make the first move? Or would nothing happen at all? I forget what led to Bob’s last question before things kicked into a higher gear, but that’s when he dropped the bomb that changed everything.

“You mentioned cumming a lot. How do you like to cum?” Bob asked.

“Well… I like to be on top, and in between her legs. My movements will slow as I’m getting close, and I’ll give a quick warning before I thrust as hard as I can as I finish off.”

“Like you’re knocking her up?”

I took a deep breath, as Linda squeezed my hand the hardest she had all night. I could feel her pulse pounding through her hand. “Yeah, uhh, yeah. ‘Like knocking her up’.”

The room fell silent at that point, the only visuals involved us sipping our wine and saying nothing. The flames, heat, and the crackle from the fireplace were the only other activity in the room.

Linda’s eyes were still on me. I could feel them. I could feel Bob looking at me from across the room, while periodically taking sips from his wine glass.

I set my glass down on the coffee table, then turned my head to Linda. I reached for her wine glass, and she readily handed it to me. I set her wine glass on the coffee table as well.

Even though this wasn’t a first “date”, we had the same awkwardness, like when you tentatively go in for that first kiss. I gently put my hand on the side of Linda’s face, and our lips met again. I tried to not be super aggressive with my tongue, like the first time you kiss your date with passion, and you’re telling them that you want them, and you wonder if they want you in the same way. I tricked myself into thinking that this was a date, but an unusual date where hubby was sitting in a chair across the room. Linda kissed me back and moaned softly into my mouth. My heart was still pounding, and in the back of my mind was I thinking about how to move to the next level.

I released my hand from hers, and placed it on my thigh as we continued kissing. Her hand started probing from my mid thigh to my crotch. With both of my hands free then, I wrapped my right arm around her shoulder and started probing her top section, on top of her dress, for her nipples. I found her right nipple first, and gave it a pinch. She really liked it, and moaned, loudly, into my mouth, so I put a firm pinch on it, and held it, giving it a tug through the fabric of her sexy-ass black dress. My left hand had been stroking, gently, her inner thighs. As I moved higher up, I could feel the warmth. By the time my middle finger touched the sweet spot, feeling the silky spot of her panties at first, then a super damp region lower down, I knew that I found the spot.

My ex girlfriend in question taught me how to make her cum this way, so I went with the same moves: gentle movement with my middle finger, in circles, slow but steady, and read your partner’s responses. But what happened shortly after that really shocked me. I still had a hold if Linda’s right nipple, and my finger was circling her clit through her panties, but her hand had a firm hold of my shaft through my pants. And, without warning, she threw her head back and let out a primal scream. My left hand, suddenly, received this warm stream of… something on it.

Theoretically, I was aware that women could squirt during an orgasm. But theoretically also, should sex stories from the old days of the Usenet messaging systems be believed, all men had 20-inch dicks and could fuck for 5 hours at a time, oh, and we would *always* make women cum. In that light, you can understand my confusion / internal glee the first time that a woman squirted on my hand, right?

But, holy shit, was my thinking at the moment. This was a real thing. I seduced a woman who’s probably twice my age. Her husband was watching. She just squirted all over my left hand. I quickly glanced over at Bob, and he wasn’t doing anything but watching calmly. He kept sipping his wine. And this time his cock wasn’t out. I looked down at my crotch, and the front of my pants was soaked with pre cum. Dry cleaning is real!

Linda started to kiss me hard, but I pulled away. I grabbed her hand, and hopped off the couch. I pulled her off the couch, and positioned her so that she was standing in front of me. Bob set his glass on the coffee table, and just watched. He didn’t say anything. He didn’t do anything. He just watched us, in particular once I started to grind my crotch on Linda’s bubble butt as I started running my hands up and down the front of her dress, before hiking her dress up enough to slink my middle finger up underneath her silky panties and into her pussy. My thumb started massaging her clit again. Linda was gyrating her hips, apparently so that my middle finger would manipulate her soaking wet pussy some more.

I reached for the zipper on the back of her dress while I whispered in her ear, “maybe we take this to the bedroom?” Again, I was treating this like the first date where everything is new, and you’re given more than subtle signals that you want somebody else. I got the zipper down and started working Linda out of her dress.

“Bob,” she said with a husky voice. “Please get the hanger.”

Linda held out her hand to me as she dropped and stepped out of her dress. She held up the dress to Bob who then put it on a hanger and disappeared to hang it up or something. Then she took my hand and dragged me towards their bedroom, or as Bob had so hotly put it before, to their “marital bed”.

As we got to the foot of their bed, Bob reappeared, and Linda asked him for more hangers to hang my suit and other clothing up. She gently stripped me, handing each garment to Bob as he smoothed it before putting each item on a hanger. I was standing completely naked before her, and we kissed again. I held her close, and my hard member, it saturated with pre cum, pressed right into the soaked gusset of her panties. She wrapped her leg around me, pulling me closer to her, as she masturbated my cock between her thighs, me enjoying the slickness of her earlier squirting.

I could hear a zipper unzipping in the background, and saw clothing being set on the bed next to where Linda and I were escalating things. Yeah, as discussed in Part I, I had threesomes before, but not like this. Then it was like drunken college hijinks where we were all like “ooo, let’s fuck” and we did. This one was different. But thank goodness that Bob helped, because I had no earthly idea of what to do next, what the real boundaries were, and so on.

Bob hanged up his own clothing in the closet, and was totally naked to my left side. Linda was still gently grinding her soaked and silky gusset against my cock. Now, I have this freakish part of me where my fsp (fatty shitty penis) concerns people, and how I come early and often, and how women who want to go a bunch of rounds are in favor of my multi-round approach, but on that night I was surprised that I somehow had a measure of restraint… until I didn’t.

Bob tapped me on my left shoulder, and I decoupled from Linda. He stripped Linda’s bra and soaked panties off in front of me then asked if it was “heels on or heels off?” Heels on. Definitely. Yes, this really happened. This is exactly the way that it played out.

There Linda stood in front of me, in all of her glory. Great looking woman, not Christie Brinkley or your supermodel of choice, but attractive with a fit body, even with a C-scar and a little bit of paunch after having two children (who were old enough to be out of their house when this took place), but man, it was SO exciting. Nipples like pencil erasers. Full bush (I kind of prefer the opposite). Fantastic legs. And should I play my cards right, somebody who would most likely be an incredible fuck, and more importantly an incredible lover going forward.

Thankfully, Bob was an excellent coach, and I’m sure he saw that I was stuck. As mentioned earlier, I had never fucked someone else’s wife before, in particular not on their “marital bed”. Heck, I had never been married before either. I had never been anything before except a shitty ex boyfriend, a guy who was finding his way professionally, and a guy who was open to new and unusual sexual experiences. This was new territory.

Bob led Linda to the corner of the bed and spread her legs. “Let’s start here. She likes it like this.” He tongued her pussy and then motioned me in. Bob’s head was beneath mine as he licked and tongue fucked her asshole; I could see it from the corner of my eye as I had a higher up angle on her pussy. I tasted her for the first time, and although she had a full bush, the wetness and the musk drew me in. I lapped at her until she arched her back again, that time with another loud yell, but no squirting. Bob tapped me on the shoulder again, and I retracted my position.

I moved out of the way as Bob dragged her to the point that she was almost falling off the bed, threw her high-heeled legs over his shoulders, put himself inside of her, and made short, short, deliberate strokes as he fucked her. The sound of their bodies slapping together echoed off the walls and ceiling. “Make her suck your dick. Just put it in her mouth, and gently slide it in and out. There you go.” I watched my cock slip in and out of her mouth, making a bump on the outside of her cheek each time I went in.

I don’t know what came over me, but I snaked my hand down to her clit as Bob was fucking her. My god, she just came again. Bob pulled out, and motioned for me to get in place. God, she was so hot and slick and wet, and Linda was LOUD as she received pleasure. It was so massively hot like you would not believe. I wasn’t going to last long, and I didn’t. I announced my intentions, and Bob told me to “do it”.

I nutted in Linda, like a full payload, then I pulled out after making a few more strokes. Bob then went in and finished up in even less time than I. Holy fucking shit. I just watched how beautiful this experienced couple was in their fucking, and was amazed. I hoped that at their ages I would be able to fuck like that. And yeah, it made me hard.

They asked if I was ready again, and Bob coached me about how Linda liked me to push the cum back in her with my cock, and I started fucking her, like railing her, with a passion. I’m usually a “second cum is like half hour” guy. Nope. It was like 5 minutes. The slickness of the lube of our cum, the depravity of it all. It was like 5 or so minutes. I wasn’t looking at the clock.

I pulled out, and Bob raced to Linda’s pussy with his mouth. He just kept tonguing and tonguing. I sat on the bed next to were Linda was laying as I watched this play out. Finally, he pulled away from her pussy and they started kissing. She pulled me close and we kissed, and I tasted all of our cum. I hadn’t tasted cum before. I was conflicted, but then again, this experience was so unique and hot.

Linda asked me to snuggle with her as Bob took off her heels and massaged her feet at the end of the bed. She fell asleep in my arms, and Bob whispered to me that I should go. He took my place, and by the time I was mostly dressed, his cock was inside of a barely-awake Linda.

“We’ll be in touch,” he mouth whispered to me. I gave a thumbs up and left. There are like 3 or 4 more parts to this story, depending on how I break them up. Stay tuned.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yqyvyd/mmf_just_be_careful_theyre_swingers_part_ii


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