Filming Porn of my High School Bully/Crush (part 3) [MF]

[Part 1](
[Part 2](

I found a parking spot outside of Bella’s apartment building and found my way to the lobby, large coffee in one hand, pumpkin donut in the other, as she’d requested. I debated making a second trip for my camera gear, but managed to get both bags over my shoulders. I didn’t know her unit number, but the guy at the desk looked her up by name and directed me to the 4th floor, end of the hall on the left. When I got to her door, I took a second to catch my breath, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect next. Had she been serious about not putting on clothes today? I wasn’t sure I’d be able to stay professional facing a pair of distractions that big. I tried to manage my expectations as I put down a camera bag and coffee and used my free hand to knock.

The door opened and all I could manage was a raised brow. Bella wasn’t naked, she’d tossed on a hoodie to answer the door – how modest. What surprised me was that I recognized the hoodie. That had been my hoodie until Bella stole it back in high school and refused to give it back. I knew Bella well enough, there was no way this was a coincidence. “Heyy, you made it!” she said, with a grin. If you didn’t know Bella, you would have mistaken it for a smile, but I’d seen this look before. “Mind helping me with the rest of this?” I asked, trying to keep my tone level. Bella took a glance down the empty hallway before coming out to pick up the backpack.

When she turned, coffee in hand, I was standing between her and the door. “Really?” I asked rhetorically, gesturing at the hoodie. “You noticed then…” her grin returned. Bella’s bratty attitude had gotten to me, and I backed her up against the wall of the hallway. “Off” I snarled, looking down at her. “Make me, you won’t” she challenged, meeting my eyes. I held her gaze as I took hold of the zipper and tugged it down a couple inches roughly. Bella’s kept her eyes locked on mine, so I did it again, further this time. The zipper must have been past her belly button and it took all my restraint to not look down. I pulled one more time but the zipper stuck when it reached the bottom. Surprised, Bella looked down first and I let my eyes follow, enjoying every inch of my handiwork. I placed my thumbs against her collar bone and slid them apart, revealing ample pale cleavage, then soft pink nipples placed high on her boobs. As my hoodie slid off Bella’s shoulders, the stuck zipper freed up and I pulled it free, triumphant. “That feels even better than I had imagined” I gloated, running my eyes over her naked body with no shame. Taking my time to enjoy the moment, I slowly turned the sleeves right-side-in before pulling the long lost hoodie over my shoulders. A ding from the elevator ruined the moment and sent Bella’s hands scrambling to cover what she could of her boobs as she darted for the door. I think she made it in time, but I was left in the hall to give an awkward nod to the older couple who emerged from the elevator.

Inside the apartment, I followed Bella to the table and sat opposite her as she alternated big sips of coffee and small bites of donut. She agreed to go over my shot notes from earlier, so I started with the boring stuff. The bad lighting was an accident (of course it was) – she exclusively used the cheapest ring light I’d ever laid eyes on. The camera angles were more interesting. She didn’t know all the rules, but placed the camera wherever her partners eyes would be, which, surprisingly, worked for the most part. Her captions were mostly copied from other performers, as she said this helped drive engagement. This answered my general questions, so I moved on to planning today’s shoot.

I asked about possible positions, and Bella led me to the living room where she proceeded to drop into a near-perfect split. I walked a full circle around her, letting her body show me the best angles. I stopped when I was directly behind her. “What do you think Bella, would I pick front hole or back hole first?” I asked, hoping this wasn’t pushing too far. Bella laughed. “You promised me a Boston Creme donut later and I’m certainly hoping you’ll make it a round one” she joked. With both hands, she spread her expansive ass and gave me the tiniest of winks. My cock was pressed hard against my jeans as I reminded her that I made no such promise, omitting how very hard my shaft had throbbed when she had texted me that particular proposal. I walked the second half of the circle and helped Bella to her feet. “What do you want to get out of today’s shoot?” I asked, as we walked back to the table. She thought about it over a long sip of coffee. “I think… I think I want to lose control a little” she finally responded. “I can’t really do that when I’m taking all the photos myself”. This sounded like I’d have lots of freedom to direct, but would need all my creative juices flowing to get a good result. With a loud slurrrrrp Bella finished her coffee. “Shower time” she announced and stood up, brushing her boobs against the table on the way up.

I had Bella do some stupid test poses in the shower to help me get my camera set up. I tried to focus only on my settings to stay professional, but every aspect of this job involved making her body look like a tantalizing sex object. The first set of shots was from the front, and I had her support her boobs with a hand bra while I adjusted colors. It was hard to get her light pink nipples to stand out against her pale skin, but after ten or so adjustments I could see the detail of her areolas and her nipples commanded attention. Next up was adjusting shadows and I had Bella turn around and spread her legs while she shaved them. At first, the outline of her prominent labia stood in harsh silhouette against the white shower wall. With a couple adjustments though, the details began to show themselves. By the last shot in that series I could count the water drips between her ass and pussy. Good enough. At this point Bella was done shaving and I passed her a towel and then the body oil. The last thing I needed to calibrate was highlights and the shine of body oil was a perfect test. This setting looked great from the start, so I had Bella do a finger-guns pose, and basically just took a bunch of pictures that showed off her nipple/belly button/clit piercings. With the basics set up, I helped Bella slip out of the shower and followed her to a room with a closed door I hadn’t noticed before.



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