[MMF] Just be Careful; They’re Swingers: Part I

TL;DR I got involved in a cuckolding relationship for the first time. The wife and I would go on to date on the side.

It all started at a company Christmas party. Usually we were a buttoned down type of company: jeans, t-shirts, sweaters, Birkenstocks, you know, that kind of stuff. I was in my 20s when this took place, in my second professional job.

My colleague Jill (my bestie at the job, and confidant) told me that the company Christmas party was super formal, unlike the office, and she even took me out to help me buy a suit. The party itself was as advertised. Most of the people in the office were a LOT older than me, but the vast majority of them cleaned up well: suits, evening gowns, fancy dresses, shiny shoes, high heels, the works.

And that’s when I saw Linda. Normally Linda would wear bulky sweaters, jeans, and clogs, she had this totally unruly mop of hair, and she wore these granny eyeglasses (attached to a chain) that always fell to the lower part of her nose. Plus, she was super shy, and normally when I’d come across her in the hall, she’d smile and nod, but would quickly avert her glance. On this night, though, Linda was a total smoke show: tight, long, dark green cocktail dress with slits down each side, sporting a lot of cleavage, stockings, high heels, blingy jewelry, lots of perfectly-applied makeup (normally not my thing, but it totally worked in this case), no glasses, and her hair was slicked and pulled back. Smoking, fucking hot is how I would describe Linda.

Linda was with her husband, Bob. Bob was wearing this suit that could best be described as “Christmas kitsch”, and it matched his gregarious personality. I really liked Bob. I’d met him a couple of times before, and being a sales leader as his career, he was loud and funny and charming. He was the exact opposite of Linda, but yeah, the cliche is real; opposites attract.

To keep a long story short, Bob saw me from across the room, made a beeline to me, and next thing you know I ended up spending the night shooting the shit with Bob, and he even insisted that I dance with Linda, and by dance, I mean slow dance, with body contact and all of that. Linda smelled amazing, let me add. At the end of the night, Bob gave me his card, and asked if I had holiday plans. Yeah, I was going to visit my family for a few days around Christmas, but otherwise I’d be around. Bob told me that Linda was a mean cook and that they must have me over for dinner when I got back. He insisted that I give him a call, clapped me on the shoulder, and said that he was absolutely holding me to it. Did I mention that Bob was a great salesman?

Fast forward to Monday. I rolled into the office around 10am, as I usually did. Right before lunch, Jill knocked on my office door and asked if I had time to chat. I said that I had a few minutes, and she closed the door behind her. I wondered what was so serious.

“So,” she began. “I noticed that you spent a lot of time with Bob and Linda at the holiday party, the dancing and all of that?”

“Yeah?” I replied. “Bob’s a super-fun guy. I finally got to know Linda a little bit. I wonder, though. Is there a problem?”

“It depends,” she replied. “There’s this thing, and you can’t repeat it.”

“What is it?”

“Bob and Linda are swingers. I don’t know a ton about it, but from the little I’ve heard, they are both into grooming younger men, and, well, just be careful.”

“Swingers? As in… how should I put this?”

“You can tell me anything. What’s on your mind?”

“Wasn’t that a 1970s thing, like with shag rugs and orgies or something?”

Jill kind of rolled her eyes, then re-emphasized, “just be careful.” Then she exited the office, and that was the last we ever spoke of it.

Thing is? I knew *exactly* what swinging was. My ex girlfriend introduced me to threesomes, and we swapped with another couple a few times. I didn’t necessarily think of myself as a swinger (and I still don’t), but I am a highly sexual person (but not overtly) who has a sense of adventure — and who’s willing and excited to be involved in unusual sexual experiences. To be honest, the prospects of Bob grooming me to have sex with Linda where exciting. Very exciting. I was definitely going to give Bob a call.

I called Bob’s number at around 7pm, and he was happy to hear from me. I talked about my holiday travel plans, and told him that I was free again starting around December 27th, a Friday. “Perfect!” he exclaimed. “Why not join us for some coq au vin and holiday cheer? Say, 8pm?” I agreed, and asked if I should bring anything, to which Bob said that I shouldn’t. Bob’s only ask was that I dressed up for the event, as that was the preference in their home for any dinner party, even if it was just the three of us.

I ended up buying another suit, and a fancy bottle of wine. Guess that after spending all of my money that week, it’d be a week of ramen noodles for the next 6 days — until my next paycheck.

I arrived on time at their fancy, mid-century modern home. I kinda chuckled to myself as I entered, because I could totally picture a swingers party happening there: multiple levels, shag carpeting in places, and a fireplace that was suspended from the ceiling. Bob greeted me at the door, and gave me a partial hug along with an overtly firm handshake. This time around, Bob was wearing a sharp — and clearly expensive — suit. I told him as much, and he showed me his massive collection of suits, classic cars, and other fancy stuff, as he gave me a tour of the house. He also (seemingly half jokingly) referred to their master bedroom as “where all the magic happens”. God, I couldn’t wait for that night to play out.

On the lower level of their home, Bob asked me if I would be interested in playing some billiards, as in shooting some pool. And he thanked me profusely for bringing such a nice bottle of wine, offering me a glass. I affirmed, and we chatted as we suddenly morphed into this hyper-competitive game of 9-ball. Throughout the game, I felt that Bob was trying to psyche me out by telling me how Linda thought I was super charming, and smart and a nice / handsome young man. Still, we continued. Bob won the first game, and I won the second. He won the third.

I finally asked, “yeah, where is Linda?” “Oh, the ‘little lady’ doesn’t want to be bothered when she’s cooking, but we’ll see her in a bit,” he responded. I admit that the amazing smells of coq au vin were permeating to the lower level… finally. A few moments later, I heard Linda’s voice through this intercom, which I didn’t know existed, and Bob shepherded me upstairs.

Linda was just finishing setting the dining room table, and if it was even possible, she looked even hotter than she did at the company’s holiday party. She was wearing this Christmas green, tight, above the knee, wraparound dress, even more cleavage shown than during the holiday party, bare (and awesome) legs, red slingback pumps, and this necklace that was kind of like Wilma’s from the Flintstones, but only it was red in color. This time around her hair was flattened out, and hung neatly right above her shoulders, and man, could this woman really apply her makeup with an expert touch. Again, she smelled amazing, like this light aroma of fruit, with a hint of spice.

When she saw me, she smiled, gave me a tight hug, and a peck on the cheek. Her lips stayed on my cheek more than briefly, and I could feel her breath in my ear. She kind of chuckled at leaving lipstick on my cheek, and grabbed a napkin from the kitchen, before wetting the napkin with her saliva, then wiping the lipstick from my cheek. My cock was a full mast inside of my dress pants, and I felt supremely embarrassed. Yeah, I felt that this night was pure sex already, but maybe I’d gotten it wrong?

Dinner was uneventful, and the food was amazing. Linda was definitely a deft cook. Back then, I didn’t used to enjoy eating vegetables, but even the salad was off the charts. We had a nice conversation over dinner, and I was demure (strange for me at that age) when they asked questions about my dating life, and so on. Finally, dinner was over, and Bob asked me to join him in the living room, the place where the fireplace was hanging from the ceiling, with a fire roaring inside of it. I asked if I could help clearing the table or anything, but Bob insisted that I hang with him until Linda returned. He asked if I’d like a cognac, and he returned with three glasses. He offered me a cigar, and no matter how much I still like cigars, I said no. He cut the tip, tossing it into the fireplace, and fired his up. Although he hit a button for a fan, I kept getting these whiffs from his maduro, my favorite cigar to this day.

Bob was sitting in his recliner on the other side of the fireplace. I was sitting on a couch across from him. Linda appeared shortly after, but honestly? It was awkward. I totally pictured myself fucking Linda, but at the same time I didn’t understand their agenda. They wanted to groom me? Maybe that’s a real thing, but I’m not sure. Maybe something else that I hadn’t thought of? A total possibility. Bob just kept snapping his jaw, taking draws from his cigar. And he kept looking at me. I was so young that I didn’t know what to do.

You know how you’re young and naive, and you watched the movie “Risky Business” a bunch of times? This was exactly that. “Sometimes you’ve just gotta say ‘what the fuck’ to yourself before somebody else’s wife plops themselves right next to you on the couch… in the room across from their husband of 30+ years.”

And that’s when things started to get intense, as if this wasn’t intense enough already.

As Linda had started to scoot herself against me on the couch, Bob started asking questions.

“Brother,” he started. “Do you know why we invited you here tonight?”

“No,” I nodded.

“You see, son, and I know that you are young and all, but sexual people see sexual people for what they are. Do you understand what I am saying?” he retorted.

“Uhh,” I stammered. “So, Linda? And me?”

“That’s right, son. Linda and I have ‘a standard’ if you know what I mean?”

“Uhh, honestly, I don’t know what you mean.”

“Okay, so here’s the deal. You, her, me, her, and if things go really well, then you, her again. Then me and her again. That’s the drill. Do you know what I’m saying?”

“Uhh, still not sure. This is all new for me.” And I just wanted Bob to tell me that he wanted me to fuck Linda, an idea that I was totally fond of, and then… there was more.

“Son, let me ask you this. Do you know how hard it is to get your girl to do whatever you want?”

“I have no earthly idea.”

“You said that you had a girlfriend, what was it, last year? Did she ever fuck anybody else?”


“Ah, so she *did* fuck somebody else. How did you feel about it?”

“Well, uhh… I mean, we had an arrangement.”

“And what arrangement would that be? That she would do whatever she wanted?”

“Uhh, not sure. We broke up.” Of course she did exactly what she wanted. I didn’t manage that shit very well back then, but then again, I’m not writing sad stories on other parts of reddit about how we divorced, and how I was so shocked about it. So, I win, I guess.

“Alright, well… I get that you are young, but here’s the deal, ok?”

“Uh, okay…”

“Linda, show the young man how we do here.”

And this is exactly the way that it played out.

Linda basically stuck her tongue down my throat, and I could hear Bob unzipping his fly in the background.

“That’s it, you’re getting it,” Bob implored me. “Keep going.”

“Mmm. She’s a great kisser, isn’t she?” he continued. “My god, can she suck a face. And other things. If you’re lucky.”

Bob was visibly jerking off with one hand as he held his cigar in the other. This was intense, like intense in a way that I had never seen before. I had a cheating ex girlfriend who taught me what I thought was everything about sex. She would fuck other dudes, and it made me mad. Then I would fuck her for days knowing that her fucking other dudes made her hotter (?) for me. We had threesomes and we swapped. But, Jesus. This was something else. By a longshot.

Jesus, Linda unzipped my fly, and her hand snaked underneath my tidy whities (sp?). Her fingers were probing between my balls and my asshole. I had never felt this sensation before. My internal dialog was between “what they fuck is this, and why is it so hot” and “I hate to have to pay for dry cleaning, but…”.

Then Bob started in again.

“So, son, what we want is a very special relationship, as I mentioned earlier,” he said. “Linda likes you, I like you, but there’s something else…”


“Linda needs to be properly fucked. And she needs a boyfriend on the side, don’t you, honey?”

*Linda nodded*

“So what we want from you is to be available for that. Is this something that you can do for us?”


“Mikey, I think he likes that. How about that, Linda?”

*Linda nodded and smiled*

“Mmm, so son… do you have a recent STD test?” (We used to call them STD tests before we started calling them STI tests.)

“Uhh… yeah.”

“How old is it?”

“Uhh… god that feels amazing. Uhh… two years. I think?”

“Two years? That’s too long. Needs to be sooner than that. Explain it to him, Linda.”

And then Linda started speaking. A LOT.

“Bob and I like a young *stud* like yourself to turn me on. Do you like how my finger is lingering around your asshole? I bet you do. I need to be fucked, and I need a lover on the side. You get that?”

I nodded, not knowing what was going to happen next.

“Bob wants to watch you fuck me, and he’s going to suck your cock, and you’re going to drop your seed in me. And then he’s going to fuck me, and he’s going to fuck me. Then he’s going to suck your cum out of my pussy, and we’ll all kiss. Are you up for that?”


“Cat’s got his tongue,” Linda said. “Wait, has a man never sucked your cock before?”


“So a man has totally sucked his cock, Bob. I think that he’s perfect, like totally perfect. You told him about the overnight dates in the future, didn’t you?”

And that’s when I came in my pants. I let out a loud gasp, and Linda retracted her fingers from my pants entirely.

“Get the test, and give me a call,” Bob insisted. “Then we’ll talk.”

Linda went over to Bob and started sucking his dick, and he came promptly. I bailed. I admit it. I was terrified.

But was I going to get the test with the hopes of fucking Linda? You bet I was!

Stay tuned for part 2.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yp8rqs/mmf_just_be_careful_theyre_swingers_part_i


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