NNN 03 – Prep/Plan (fiction, No Nut November, 22M)


It’s October 30th and I walked around the house double checking everything in my *prep* for November 1st which was the day after tomorrow.

Let’s see here I got digital dead bolts on my door. A new digital security on just about every angle on the house including a new digital door bell. I little safe to put all my naughty stuff into in my closet. Though I think I might have fucked up on that purchase as I should have gone with the key safe and given the key to Becky so I didn’t know how to get in. With the safe being a combination and me knowing the combination is a problem. Might have Becky take the safe away on November 1st and keep it away from me until December 1st so I’m not tempted.

Window locks on the sliding windows along with privacy film installed so no one can see in but I can see out though this *might* work against me. Eh I’ll just keep the blinds closed so I don’t see anyone….mainly would be hunters.

Though I do have a problem is I know the password to my digital library of porn. Ummmm might need to have Becky help me with that on November 1st.

My fridge and pantry is stocked up to the brim and should last the entire month….I hope. It better last or I’m screwed.

I’ve caught up on my bills. Though now I’m broke with all my purchases to *prep* for November.

I looked at my living room as I had my gaming set up and a charging station for my headsets and controllers on the portable dining tray next to the sofa. I had a laundry list of games I had in queue that I needed to play.

My laptop is set to chime when I get any emails for work sitting on the opposite dining tray. When I get an email I’ll just go to my office and do my work there.

I looked around my house thinking I got everything.

I may have gone overboard on my *prep* but Becky kind of made me paranoid about being *hunted* when there was so much at stake though I knew I was going to dread though I’m been masturbating like crazy trying to keep my nuts on empty so when November 1st arrives my nuts *should* be on empty and the normal *urge* to masturbate won’t hit me until day six…hopefully.

During my spending spree to *prep* I may have went overboard on a lot of items officially draining my account as up until this moment I have always stayed with inside my means and kept my spending to a minimal. So over the last year I *had* built up a nice cushion in my account but one week of prepping kind of killed that as now I barely had a $100 in my account so I was kind of screwed.

I looked around putting my hands on my hip feeling satisfied that I had gotten everything.

I looked at the time realizing that Becky would be here soon and thought I *should* pick up….mainly my row of drying false pussy’s, another BIG purchase. Then I realized that they were in my room with a hair dryer drying them on my bed.


Like I said I was *trying* to keep my nuts on empty and there’s only so many times you can use rosy palms. No a false pussy was needed and I might have went over board buying four of them as I didn’t want to re-masturbating using the same false pussy I had just came in. So while the first one was cleaned and drying I would use the second…and then the third….and the fourth.

*Excuse me* if that’s excessive but you try wringing out the sponge and let me know **your** process.

Though I think I fucked up on my purchase because I *think* I accidentally purchased the short casings as my tip kept kissing the back end of the housing for my ‘toys’. Hmmmmm I wonder if I can return them and get longer housings for my toys. Eh, I doubt it now that I’ve used them. I mean all I was asking for was a longer casing, I was willing to keep the current molds. It’s not like I want **new** toys, really don’t think my account can take another hit.

I waved at the idea of hiding my toys as they were in my bed room and I highly doubt Becky will go back there so I decided to leave them as is so they can dry.

As I was going over everything, and was nearly finished…..I think, I heard my doorbell ring. I looked over at the tablet sitting on my kitchen island to see it flicker over from the security to the doorbell and display *who* was at my door. In the display I saw it was Becky….and Paula…and Amber….and looks like the entire crew.

I immediately thought *Uh oh*.

Still I pulled out my phone and quickly navigated through my apps and found the new app I was looking for which was to control my digital dead bolts. I opened the app and signed in. Then clicked the ‘*Unlock*’ option as I heard the dead bolt loudly unlock the door and spoke through the house ‘*COME IN*’.

I heard the door open as I watched my sister and the crew of girls walk into the house as I briskly walked over to my bedroom door and quickly closed it before walking back to the front to *greet* my guests.

As they walked in I smiled warmly, “Welcome to my humble abode.”

Becky smirked as she rolled her eyes before she even looked around the house as she lowly whistled, “Wow bro! This is a stark change.” Then she smiled evilly at me, “Did I terrify you with the *hunters*?”

I scowled at her but nodded as she barked out a laugh.

I looked around at the rest of the girls as I spoke, “Well ladies, should I give you the dime tour?”

Becky smiled sweetly putting on her normal act around her friends, “Maybe another time little brother. We’re here to talk about *plans*.”

Paula spoke, “What plans?”

Becky turned to Paula, “Protecting my little brother from us *Hunters*.”

Paula blinked, “*Wait* you told him?”

Becky smiled knowingly as she nodded, “Sure did.”

Paula put her hands on her hip, “I didn’t even tell my brother about *hunters* when he did the challenge. What makes **you** think I’m gonna *protect* Mickey?”

Amber spoke, “Yeah I’m confused. First you’re *green lighting* us to go *after* your brother **now** you’re taking it back?”

Cori looked at Amber, “I think she meant **after** the challenge Amber. Not **during**.”

Amber spoke, “*OOHHHHHH!!!*,” she looked at Becky, “Gotcha.”

Cori spoke, “But I’m with the rest of us as being confused. Isn’t the *point* of being ‘*hunters*’ is taking men off the board and getting paid? It’s **why** we all joined you these last couple of years. To get paid.”

Becky smiled, “Exactly.”

I watched as the girls looked Becky confused. Hell even **I** was confused though not entirely surprised all her friends were *Hunters*.

Becky looked around the room like it was obvious but she spoke slowly, “The *lottery*.”

Jackie looked shocked as she spoke, “*OOOHHHHH!!!!* I get it now,” she smiled semi smugly, “You want to go after the jackpot don’t you?”

Becky smiled as she nodded, “You got it.”

Paula’s eyes widened as she spoke, “Are you *nuts*?”

Becky looked at Paula as she shook her head, “Nope.”


I spoke, “Jackpot?”

Becky looked at me, “Each time Muschi runs the contest offering up to $750,000 to the winner(s) and **WE** take them out only giving us pennies on the dollar.”

Cori spoke, “Which $20,000 to take **each** of you *players* off the board is nothing to sneeze at.” If

Amber smiled at me, “It’s how I own three houses.”

I looked around the room suddenly realizing *how* these girls have been able to afford their houses and cars and what not.

Even my fucking sister had been riding this gravy train and knew she was lying about her money source. I was always miffed every December when she was swimming in money the past few years and when I asked she always told me it was her bonus from her sponsors from her online accounts.

It always seemed weird to me when I checked her profiles seeing her number’s of followers how it didn’t make sense.

Now I knew she had been doing this and now it made sense.

I spoke, “How much do you all make each November?”

Amber smiled at me, “Last year I made $800k.”

Paula smiled, “1.2 mil myself.”

Cori spoke softly, “7.”

Jackie mumbled, “five.”

All of them looked at Becky as I looked at her. Becky looked around the room, “That’s *besides* the point.” She looked at me, “Didn’t mom ever teach you it’s not nice to ask women how much money they make.”

I spoke flatly, “But it’s ok for *women* to ask **men** how much money **we** make.”

Becky sneered at me, “That’s different.”

I spoke equally flatly, “How much sis?”

Becky turned to the circle and ignored my question as she spoke, “My *point* ladies is if we help my helpless brother here beat the odds and actually win so he’ll have access to the jackpot,” she smiled around the room, “and it’s *pay day* for ALL of us.”

Paula looked at Becky, “I don’t know girl. What you’re asking is a *tall* order.” Paula leaned to address me, “No offense Mick,” she went back to Becky, “but you know as well as I do *WE* are not allowed to interfere with another *Hunter’s* prey.”

Becky nodded as she held her hands around the house, “And you can see my brother as *already* prepped to where *WE* don’t need to do much help.”

Paula looked around to see my actual prep before she looked at me, “How much prep have you done Mick?”

All the girls looked at me, making me feel somewhat embarrassed. I cleared my throat before speaking, “Let’s see here. I installed security cameras including the doorbell so I know who is at the door. The windows are tinted for me to see out no one can see in. Blinds so I really don’t see who’s outside beyond the cameras.” I pointed to the fridge behind them, “There’s enough food in there and in the pantry to last the month….I think.” I swept my hand towards my little setup in the living room, “And here is command central where I plan on binge watching shows I’m behind on, play video games and what not.” I pointed to the laptop, “I have my laptop set to alarm me when I have actual work to do so I can go to my office when I need to do that.”

I watched as the girls listened to me, mainly Paula who asked the question.

My sister spoke, “What about diversions?”

I looked at her confused as she rolled her eyes before speaking, “Your porn stash,” as the girls lightly scoffed and giggled.

I looked at her for a moment before clearing my throat again, “Ummm I have a safe to hide my,” I looked at the girls feeling embarrassed, “*ahem* toys and lube. But I was hoping you wouldn’t mind *helping* on that front.”

Becky looked at me, “Like?”

I sighed, “Password changes on my online library and maybe taking my safe off my hands until December.”

Becky thought about it for a moment before nodding, “I can do that.”

Good that took care of my stash and online library. If I didn’t know how to get in then I couldn’t be tempted. Granted I could always do a password reset via email but I was going to try to avoid that.

Becky turned to Paula, “Do you think his prep is enough?”

Paula looked around before looking at me, “I don’t know,” she looked at Becky, “he’ll be hard to get to. But **we** still can’t interfere with another *hunter’s* ploy.”

Becky smiled, “And we don’t have to. All I’m asking is we do our jobs and knock guys off the board like agreed. Just occasionally come visit him make sure he hasn’t fucked up and been tempted.”

Becky looked around the room, “It’s not like I’m asking each of you to move in and tie him down,” she looked at Amber, “no ideas Amber.”

Amber looked innocent, “What?”

Becky frowned, “Come on WE ALL know you enjoy that.”

Amber smirked crookedly but didn’t say anything.

Becky continued, “If WE help Mickey WIN he gets access to the jackpot and we all know how much is there. I’m *sure* Mick will help spread the wealth.” She looked at me, “Isn’t that right bro?”

I looked around the room as I shrugged, “Sure. Just don’t know how much is there.”

Becky looked at Paula, “Tell him.”

Paula looked at Becky, “You sure?”

Becky nodded, “He needs to know what’s at stake.”

Paula leaned to address me, “A little north of 2.2 BILLION.”

I blinked as my mouth immediately hung open from pure shock as the girls lightly giggled at me. I blinked a few times before I got over the shock, sort of, before I blurted, “How?”

Becky looked at me, “Each year when WE, *Hunters*, take you fools off the board, Muschi puts the supposed winnings into a trust fund for the eventual winner. Each year they offer it you fools lose they put into the trust fund. A trust fund that has been building winnings for 20 years. A trust fund that has been adding interest for 20 years.”

I *tried* to do the math of what I knew. 750K times 20 equals….shit only 15? I multiplied in my head 7 times 2 is 14. 5 times 2 is 10. Add 1 to 14 is 15. That makes 1,500,000. Shit am I missing a zero? Or is it two?

I suck at math.

Let’s say 15. That’s $15,000,000. How’d they get 2.2 billion? As my math was missing another set of zero’s. So how? What was the interest rate? Unless the interest rate was over 100% I was missing some key numbers.

Still 2.2. I could do A LOT with that much. Hell divided….I looked around the room. One, two, three , four…seven? No that’s seven friends PLUS Becky PLUS me. That’s nine.

See I suck at math.

Still I tried again dividing 2.2 by 9. Let’s see here 9 doesn’t go into 2 but it does into 22. That’s 2 with a remainder of….19, 20, 21, 22. 4? 40 divided by 9 was….4? So that’s 24.

I gave up as I still had a lot of places and the math was beginning to hurt my head so I stopped at $240,000,000.

That is A LOT of money.

That’s retirement money.

That’s *fuck you* money.

That’s *I can do whatever the hell I damn well please* money.

I looked at Becky who smiled and nodded as she saw my gears working before speaking, “Yes little brother.”

I looked at them, “Ok what do I do?”

Amber spoke, “We can tie you down for 30 days.”

All of the girls looked at Amber as Amber blurted out a innocent, “*What?*”

Paula looked at Becky, “So we *occasionally* check on Mick to make sure he’s good and make sure he isn’t tempted.”

Cori spoke, “*While* **he** will be doped up on pure erection supplements ready to fuck an outlet?”

Jackie spoke, “And while **we** are doped up on our own horny medications.”

Cori snapped her fingers, “Yes that.”

Becky sighed, “Yes there is that.”

Paula spoke, “Yeah no offense to the rest of the group between *our* drugs and **his** raging boner I don’t think *any* of us can be trusted to ‘*check up on him*’,” she chuckled, “I’m strong willed like the next girl but on those drugs I turn into a whore.”

Cori spoke, “And the thrill.”

Jackie mused loudly, “And all that cum.”

Holly added, “And the ravaging we get.”

Becky yelled, “YES YES I GET IT!!!”

She looked around the table before sighing, “*FINE*, **I** will check on my brother to make sure **he** isn’t tempted.” She looked around the table, “We just need to take as many off the board,” Becky pointed to me, “and make sure **he** stays **ON** the board.”

Becky looked around as she added, “But *this* time we don’t do it too quickly.”

She looked at Danielle who had remained quiet this entire time, “No running marathons.”

Danielle slightly smiled a shit eating smile.

Becky pointed to Holly, “No inviting guys to your personal glory hole.”


Paula rolled her eyes but was still smiling.

Becky looked around the room, “Don’t want to knock out the competition *too fast*. All I’m saying is slow it down. Make it last.”

Paula scoffed, “You know who won’t make it last?”

Becky looked at Paula as Paula spoke flatly, “The fire and ice twins.”

Stacy spoke, “Yes but those two tour the state hitting more men. It’s why they’re *always* number one in the leaderboards.”

Each girl looked around before Holly spoke, “I’m not afraid to go to more than one town.”

Danielle spoke, “Hell I’ve hit the next city over when I need to do bulk shopping when I need it now. Just hop over, fuck a few dudes, get my bulk, might run into a couple during my shopping take them out, then zip home.”

Holly spoke, “Is that how you got those extra dozen last year?”

Danielle smiled as she nodded. Holly smirked, “You go girl!” as she raised her hand for Danielle to high five back.

Becky nodded, “Between ONE of us,” she sighed, “Me sitting on Mickey those two **won’t** get through the front door,” she looked at me, “I’ll make sure of it.”

*Uh oh* I don’t like the look in her eyes as she looked at me.

Becky returned her attention to the girls, “So you got your marching orders?”

All seven nodded.

Becky spoke, “Are we ALL in agreement?”

The seven looked at me as Paula spoke, “As long as he splits it we’ll try to protect him.”

I quickly spoke, “I will.”

Becky clapped her hands, “Alright you seven head off to the bar. I’ll catch up,” she looked at me, “I need to have a few last words with my brother.”

*Yep this won’t be good*

The seven looked at me as Amber spoke, “See you soon.” As Paula and Cori helped escort Amber out the door.

When the girls left Becky looked at me as I decided to make a joke, “I think Amber has a thing for me,” as I lightly chuckled.

Becky scowled at me as she folded her arms and spoke, “What do you need help with?”


Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ynfm7u/nnn_03_prepplan_fiction_no_nut_november_22m