[C] My Invisible Gel Part 2/2 [Invisible Women] [Yuri] [Slimy] [18+ Characters]

[Features: Invisible women, yuri, slime]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarixViviana/comments/x6pe8h/c_my_invisible_gel/)

It had been a whole week now and I finally had some semblance of control again. It was like being high on drugs 24/7, the feeling of being invisible lighting me up inside, sending me to a nirvana of my own making, especially when I started fucking my own brains out. Was this love? I felt like a reverse Narcissus. I wasn’t in love with my reflection, I was in love with my lack of a reflection. I now understood how Narcissus drowned in that pool. He must have died feeling amazing.

And yet, crazy as it seemed, there were still higher heights to reach. An even higher level to ascend too. I had even gone ahead and bought a few cases of water via drop off delivery just so I wouldn’t kill the poor person. Because the next level was to fucking destroy an invisible person with my own hot invisible body. We we’re gonna fuck like rabbits until the sun died and I was making sure I was prepared for it.

Now, the only question left, was a simple one. Who?

Who would I do? Truthfully, there was only one answer. I had had a crush on my female best friend forever. She had never returned it or, maybe she had. I had never been woman enough to actually ask her out and if she had any feelings for me, well, she definitely was a bit too shy to approach first. Two bottoms a relationship just does not make, apparently.

But now? Riding this eternal high and with newfound confidence from being unseeable? Oh yeah. I was more than ready to tell her how I wanted to grind that cute little pussy of hers until she squealed for me. A simple phone call began, possibly, the second most important day of my life.


“Sarah! Can you come over sometime soon today? I wanted to talk to you about something.”

“Oh, uh, sure I guess? Is it something serious?”

Hmm. Serious.

“Kinda, but it’s nothing bad. In fact, I’d say it’s something really really good actually.”

“Well. Okay. See you at five?”


And with that, I hung up, and thus began the worst anxiety ever. Was she going to reject me? Would she freak out about me being invisible? Would she reject me because I’m invisible? Would she not want to turn invisible as well? How would this affect her life? It had been a whole week and I was still A. Slimy and more importantly, B. invisible. Would she hate the idea of being eternally invisible? How would our family and friends react? Would she be okay with eternally being slimy as well?!

Over and over, the thoughts pounded against my head, until finally I heard the doorbell ring and rushed to get to the door. I through it open, seeing a surprised Sarah in front of me.

“Sarah! You’re here!”

She blinked, looked forward, squinted, and her mouth hung open a little. The moment started to become awkward.

“Alright. I give up. How are you doing that? Did you install an automatic door and microphone or something?”

Oh. Right. She couldn’t see me.

“I turned invisible!”

It was always best to get the news right out of the way.


And thus began a short but crazy talk as I explained to my best friend how I had become invisible to the naked eye. After she had digested that nugget of information, a new question formed.

“Wait a minute! Doesn’t this mean you’re currently naked?! Or did you cover your clothes too?”

“Nope! All naked!”

Her deep red blush was so cute! Part of me would miss it if she decided to at least join me. Speaking of, it was time.

“Sarah. I have something to tell you. Well, and ask you, I guess.”

She looked at me, well, she looked towards me as best she could.

“I, I’ve always liked you. As more than a friend. Much more than a friend. But I’ve never had the courage to say anything until now. I know it’s kinda sudden, and I probably should ask this sort of thing separately, but I still have around half the gel left in the bathroom and-”


And like that, she was gone. Not just visibly, like me, but also literally, as she rushed to the bathroom. I was deeply, deeply confused and was now sure I for some reason should have separated the invisibility talk away from my confession. I walked over to the bathroom, only to have my jaw drop as I got quite an eyeful.

In front of me, Sarah was butt ass naked and had completed ignoring the idea of waiting for the gel to become gel. Instead, she had coated her entire body in the powder and just turned on the shower. She looked like someone threw a bag of flour at her. It was, hot. She finished powdering the rest of her body, focusing on her feet, and jumped into the shower.

“Come on come on come on come on. How long does this even take?!”

A crystallized realization settled in me. I knew there were other people like me. Those who try to achieve their own impossible dreams without any real hope in them. I couldn’t really remember where I had met Sarah, we had known each other too long. But like calls to like. There’s a reason the ‘token’ friend is called token. Most of your friends will share similar things with you. I didn’t know the where, how, or why, but Sarah was more exactly like me than I had ever figured. Her radiant smile, as she waited for the water to turn her invisible, was something that would live on in my memory forever.

Especially as it disappeared.

Her face was the first to be hit by the water. It was almost odd, watching it from an outside perspective. But that inner heat, that inner lust, began rising in me as it continued. It was like watching something fade out of existence. Her face was there, in all it’s beautiful glory, and then it only got better as it started to turn translucent all at once, like she was made of water. The last look I saw on her face, before it was gone for good, was one of shock.

“Ewww! Why is it so slimy?!”

I burst out laughing at the rest of her body began to follow suit. Her hair went next, at the same time as her breasts. But it wasn’t just that, just her becoming invisible. She had jumped into the shower and even now, even as parts of her disappeared, there was still a noticeable shape left in the world, as the water ran down her body. The water was see through, her body was invisible, but still there was a distortion in the air, an outline, of a beautifully naked woman. Her stomach and waist went, and then the rest of her body, all going translucent all at once, before finally, I was left with only that beautiful distortion standing there. Watching the water pour down her nude form.

I once more thought of Narcissus and imagined a different reality. What if someone had looked exactly like him, what if instead of a reflection he had a twin? As I saw my best friend go from human into what seemed like an otherworldly creature, into the same being that I had become, I realized that my obsession had truly reached its final form.

I prayed she felt the same way for me, because I doubted I could actually hold myself back after her transformation.

“Kelly! How long does the slimy feeling last?! It’s so gross! I thi-”

She turned towards me, knowing I was there. How exactly was a mystery, probably the impression my feet were leaving on the shower rug. Maybe the sounds of my heavy breathing from just looking at her. It didn’t matter. She knew I was there and it was like all the pieces of reality came together for this one singular moment.

She stepped out the shower, the water dripping off her, leaving her rapidly becoming harder and harder to see. I reached out a hand to where I guessed her face would be and felt it touch her cheek. I felt it as a shiver went through her body.

And then everything happened all at once.

I didn’t even see her move, the water no longer helping my view at all. I just felt her lips on my lips, her hands traveling my back and waist before grabbing onto both of my cheeks and not the ones on my face. Her breathing was strong and heavy, mine was no better. We were both invisible and while I had had a week to burn off my enthusiasm a little bit, Sarah was practically a burning building of desire.

I felt myself lift a little off the ground, Sarah putting far more effort into lifting me, and then we were going, traveling, walking. She was lifting me and only seconds later, I felt my back hit the bed as she practically threw me onto it. Before I could my bearings, my eyes widened as I could practically feel her aura. Her lust made manifest. She had seen the curve of the sheets, the press against pillow, the effects of my body without seeing my body itself. And it had turned her from a raging bonfire into a forest fire.

She was on top of me in moments, her hands traveling my body, squeezing my breasts, squeezing me, before both of her hands found my leg and pussy. She shoved her fingers in and I couldn’t help but let out a moan. Then more moans as she practically turned her fingers into pistons, rapidly going in and out of me at speeds that staggered my mind. Feeling her slimy fingers slide in and out of me was just!


I gripped the sheets underneath me, only raising her lust more.

Sarah wasn’t content to just be the giver though, no, by no means was she. That had clearly barely been a warm up. She grabbed my leg and it felt like Hercules himself had gripped me. She raised it up and then got into a new position. Suddenly, I felt something so absolutely soaked, that it took me a moment to realize what I was feeling was her vagina touching mine. She was scissoring me.

And then my mind exploded as she grinded hard and fast against me. Her grip around my leg was tight and the motion! The motion was amazing! My breaths became heavier, the electric shock to my mind became smoother, my pleasure started to increase more and more, rivaling what I had been able to achieve on my own.

Soon, I felt myself orgasming, from the situation, from her body, from her slimy pussy rubbing against my own slimy pussy. And she wouldn’t stop. Oh god, I loved that. I loved that so much. I loved her. Hell, I loved everything so much at the moment. She wouldn’t stop and it was the greatest thing in the world. I opened my eyes and looked forward and saw nothing. No beautiful woman rubbing against me, no intense hard passionate sex, nothing. And yet it was all there, all there for me to feel and hear and know. I felt Sarah orgasm but I knew that we would be busy for a while longer.




The heat and passion took time to bleed off. I had lost track of time, so had Sarah. There were now more than a few empty gallons and bottles of water lying around. At some point we somehow broke the bed, I forgot how. I felt my pussy in Sarah’s mouth and her’s in mine, we had started doing the 69 at one point. I forgot when. It was the great night, possibly multiple nights and days, of my life.

As Sarah barely pulled herself together a little, she laid down next to me, her hand in my own. We sat there quietly, basking in a glorious afterglow, before she asked a question.

“So, how long does the slimy feeling last?”

“Oh, it’s permeant, like the invisibility.”


An absolutely perfect existence awaited us.

[Read more at /r/WarixViviana. Commissions available!]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/yo2e6w/c_my_invisible_gel_part_22_invisible_women_yuri