[C] Tiffany’s New Life As A Cumslut [Part 2] [Rape] [Gang Rape] [Branding] [Internal Urination] [Prostitution] [Mind Break] [18+ All Characters]

[Features: Rape, gangrape, branding, suffering, yuri, sexual racism, BBC gang, internal urination. This is a harder one.]

[Part 1](https://www.reddit.com/r/WarixViviana/comments/yn39ui/c_tiffanys_new_life_as_a_cumslut_part_1/)

On unsteady legs, Tiffany stood. Slowly, slowly she walked back outside. She wasn’t really thinking anymore she just needed to get away. To get away from this hell. To escape. She made it outside and just kept walking. Just kept going. No one stopped her, no one tackled her. She was, she was really making it out!

She kept going, her heart beating like a drum, not knowing where she was heading. All she had on was a red string bikini out in broad daylight and the few people that passed her, nearly all black men, raised a few eyebrows. Some were eyes full of pity. Others were eyes full of lewd desires. She kept walking.

It was a big city but it wasn’t evil. There were plenty of places that weren’t, this. She would just, walk away from it all. Escape. Find a ride. Anything to get the hell away from this terrible nightmare she had found herself in.

It was a few hours later, her mind still screwed up, when she heard a car behind her. She glanced back at it, and saw a white van. She didn’t hesitate this time and took off sprinting. It was hopeless, the die had already been cast.

It caught up to her, it’s doors opened, the van not even slowing down. Hands grabbed her and she screamed, before the back of a hand met her face. Breaker was there and he looked absolutely serene. No, even more than that. He was ecstatic.

“Thank you so much you dirty whore. Thank you so so much. I’m going to love this next part. But that’s for later tonight, let’s get you back to work for now.”

She struggled, fought against their hands, fear and pure terror, now with the despair of experience, overtaking her brain. And yet she was held down, hands keeping her doing anything of worth.

“If you keep struggling, it’ll just make it worse. Now come on you ugly whore, we have customers for you to service.”

Her movements slowed and she stared up at the ceiling with tears in her eyes. They were going to rape her again. Tie her down and have their way with her all night. She choked back a sob.

It didn’t take long for them to return and the second they did, they practically threw her out of the van, and back into the spot she had been in. And then they were off and she was left there, Breaker standing by her. He smiled at her, she trembled.

“Don’t worry! We’ll have you punished tonight. I’ll even be nice and not up the money you owe us. So get back to work. We’ll deal with it after you’re done for the day.”

She shook but that was all he said and then he was gone. The day passed and it was truly terrible. Three men paid for her, only to fuck her face. She gagged and choked on their dicks but it was better than the fourth person. It was simple but it was intimate and she hated it. He had her lay down on her back and had sex with her missionary style. His cock inside her, his body pressed against her, his head next to her own, his arms wrapped around her. It was too intimate, too visceral. He came and left.

She lay there, the sun going down, truly feeling like a whore. Like her life was over. Still, still she thought about the numbers. Four men, she only needed 95 more. 95 more and she would be free again.

Sadly for her, night had come. Breaker arrived in her room a little later.

“Come on, get up, time for your punishment.”

Her heart beat threatened to cause a heart attack. She almost wished for it. The idea of getting used by the whole gang again made her want to scream and collapse but she knew it would just make everything worse. Trembling, she followed.

He took her back to that room and she started to feel like she was going to throw up. But he didn’t stop at the table, he moved past the curtain and had her follow him. She walked into a new room and froze. It was a dungeon. She had entered a dungeon. Ball gags, chains, paddles, more and more bdsm gear and what looked like torture gear, a few barrels in the back, it was a waking nightmare for her. Her eyes looked towards a certain part of the room where a few men were getting something ready. They turned and her breath left her. Was that? Was that really?

“no.” Her words came out like a scared whisper. She couldn’t believe her eyes. Couldn’t, couldn’t make tales of the reality she was facing.

Breaker grabbed her and she screamed.

“NO! NO!” Her screams resembled a dying animal more than a human’s.

Some of the other men joined in holding her down. They moved her to a wooden stand with holes for her arms and head and bent her over and into it. She struggled, every step of the way, and it did take a while, but eventually, she was in the same position she had been earlier in the day. Except this time she was chained down and her ass was propped up.


She screamed and shivered when the man she saw walked in front of her. He was holding what had caused her to panic and freak out.

A branding iron. They were going to brand her. It was already red hot.

Breaker walked next to the man and took it from his hands.

“We can’t have you running away now! So just a few brands, to make sure no one forgets who owns you.”

The branding iron was large, two long words fitted on it. She stared at it, horror filling her. After a moment, she made out the words.

‘Keeper Property’

She screamed and wailed and cried, but soon she saw Breaker walk out of her vision and felt her underwear being pulled down. She tried to drop her legs, to get away, but they had propped her up. Her legs were tied down. She screamed and then screamed loud enough to shatter glass as she felt intense hot piercing pain that threatened to break her mind as her flesh was seared. She screamed and didn’t stop screaming until long after the brand was done. Her mind felt like it was washed away in white hot searing pain. Her whole body shook.

Then she felt another. A new pain, a new brand, on her right ass cheek this time instead of her left. She screamed, the pain bearing down like an angry god, before she fell limp, having blacked out.




Tiffany woke up and cried and cried and cried. It was only hours later that she realized she was crying because she was in pain and realized a while later where and why that pain was happening. Her ass felt it was constantly being branded. It hurt. It hurt like nothing she ever knew could besides what had happened yesterday. She laid there, groaning. No one bothered her on that day.

The next day, she had water and food shoved into her face, almost literally. One of the gang members walked in, with mushes of food, and practically forced it down her throat. Then the water too. He came back later, flipped her around, and forced some type of cream on her ass. She had screamed, the pain flaring up. .

Her days continued, a week passing like this. Forced food, forced water, salve, pain. Nothing but this. It had gotten better. She could stand now. Her ass felt less sore. She wasn’t healed but she could stand, barely.

She was going to play it up, fake it, continue this, but Breaker showed up that day while she was in bed and ruined that dream of his.

“Alright you lazy bitch, time for you to do your job. Can’t believe we gave you a whole fucking week. Fucking waste of time.”

The idea of having to go back to the hell of fucking men filled her with dread.

“I-I can’t move!”

“Hm? Bitch, you think you can lie to me? Get your slut covered ass up right now or I’ll really make you unable to move.”

Grimacing, she stood and winced. She walked back out, the days feeling like they were endlessly repeating, feeling like she was trapped in time, as the same events played themselves out. Her following Breaker, her standing outside, a man picking her up that she didn’t know.

It changed when she walked back in.



$90. $90. Her, she blanched, her price had been lowered. Why? Why? Mikey didn’t offer an explanation and she wasn’t insane enough to ask. More men. It meant more men. Fine, it was fine, she could, she could do this. She’d make the 10k and get out of here. Get away from this horrible nightmare.

She took the man back to her room, seeing a few other women this time and freezing at their horribly haunted expressions. She gulped and kept moving.

As soon as they were in the room, the man wasted no time.

“Bend over.”

Her heart froze. The man’s cock was already out and he stared at her, waiting. She turned around and bent herself over the railing on her bed. His hands moved forward, sending a flare of pain as brushed against her ass and pulled down her panties.

“Oh. Wow. Keeper property and Slut huh? Seems fresh too.”

If her heart could squeeze itself anymore, it would have. ‘Slut.’ She knew she had two brands, no one had told her what the second one had said. She had felt it press against nearly her entire ass cheek and had no idea what was on her. Now she knew. She had literally been branded a Slut.

And then he was inside her vagina and she was gritting her teeth. It hurt, it hurt so so much. Every thrust sent new waves of pain through her body. She felt it as his dick rammed into her, breaking her mind a little further. She had become a whore, and it hurt. She barely noticed when he came, her ass was still on fire.

He left her lying there against the bed frame. She was starting to suspect the Keepers had some kind of strict rules about not talking to her or staying for too long or something. She should have been happy at that, a small mercy, but it just made her feel more like a tool that was getting used.

She slumped down. Her mind already felt itself waring away. It hadn’t even been that long since she’d been stuck here but she had already been raped more times than she could count. She had to get out of here. Running away hadn’t worked, she just needed to do her job and they’d let her go. They’d let her go.

She stood back up, shaking, and did her job.

The day sucked. Sucking dick, swallowing cum, feeling pain any time someone fucked her. It was miserable. As it was getting later in the day, a woman came up to her from where she had been hanging off the arm of some guy. Tiffany waited, wondering what she wanted. Probably to have her do the guy she was with.

“Oi. Come on ya squinty eyed bitch. Need this pussy eaten.”

Tiffany blinked, caught off guard. The old grooves of her life kicked in, the ones before she had arrived here.

“Ah, I’m not gay.”

“Huh!? Did I ask? Don’t be stupid you bitch, let’s go.”

The woman wound her arm around her waist, slipping her hand into her underwear. Tiffany was frozen with shock and disgust. She had no sexual interest in women.

That didn’t matter. She realized that didn’t matter. No one cared what she was into. Like all the times before, she was forced to walk in, to have the customer pay Mikey, and to lead her back to her room. But this time it was a woman.

She was forceful. She practically threw her onto the bed as soon as the door closed.

“About damn time.”

The woman pulled off her shorts and underwear and then took her crop top off. She got on to the bed and Tiffany felt a wave of revulsion. It was different, a different kind of revulsion. She didn’t like women, she wasn’t into them, yet here she was. The woman crouched over on the bed, her pussy inches from her face. She grimaced. She couldn’t do this, she couldn’t.

“Please. I-”

“Bitch, does it look like I care?”

And with that the woman pushed her wet pussy against Tiffany’s face, grinding against her. Tiffany blanched and tried to turn away but the woman just pressed harder against her.

“Hurry up and get that tongue out, I don’t got all day!”

Swallowing her disgust and revulsion, Tiffany began eating her out. It was a horrible, miserable experience, feeling her fluids get into her mouth, pour down her face, feeling her grind against her lips. But it wasn’t the first time she’d felt disgust and it wouldn’t be the last. The minutes ticked by, the grueling experience continued, the woman forcing Tiffany to use her tongue. Forced to feel the inside of her walls. Finally, the woman seemed to clench up and more fluid seemed to pour on top of her. The woman sat on top of her, grinding for a little while more, before she finally got off.

“Eh, you’re ugly and suck at this. Fucking shitty as whore.”

She put her clothes back on and walked off, leaving Tiffany feeling humiliated. She didn’t want to get up, didn’t want to leave the safety of this room, to go back out there and face reality. Maybe, maybe she could just stay inside. Just, for today. Just for a little while.

Time passed, day became night, and Tiffany did nothing. And she loved it. Every moment of doing nothing felt like heaven. No man shoving their dick in her ass or vagina or face. No cum being put into her. No woman shoving her gross pussy onto her face and grinding against her. No man using her like his own personal urinal. No gang raping her for all she’s worth. Just silence. An empty room. Nothing.

It was ruined when Breaker opened the door. She worried he would be mad, or worse, overly happy. He looked the same as normal though.

“Come on, working hours are over.”

She followed him, not sure what was going to be happening now. This was new. It occurred to her that every night before, she had a good reason to be stuck in the room. Healing, mainly. Now, now it could be said this was the first night she didn’t need to ‘recover’ from. Her terror didn’t need to speed up, it had been at it’s peak the moment Breaker had opened the door.

The building she was in was like a hotel, more than enough rooms for men and women. She could hear more than a few moans, and crying, coming from around the place. Breaker was taking her to a bigger room. When she got there, she saw more gang members. She even recognized a few.

“Oh Breaker! Ya brought some entertainment huh? Still have her wearing that red bikini though?”

“I think it suits her. Now let’s have some fun.”

Breaker put an arm around her and some of the other men started to undo their pants. There was at least seven of them in total. Tiffany’s eyes grew wide.

“No no, I was good! I, I didn’t try to run away or anything!”

The men laughed like it was a great joke.

“Who cares about that? You’re Keeper property, so stop belly aching and suck my dick. Actually, how ya wanna do it Breaker?”

“You idiots will get stains on the couch again. We’ll take turns using her face. Oi, go kneel over there.”

She wanted to resist but the very idea had been mired in horrible sensations. She had been branded for running away. It wasn’t hard to imagine what Breaker would do if she went against him or the gang.

She walked over to where he had pointed. Then he frowned.

“Hold on, I’ll be right back.”

He left and the gazes of the men sitting on the couch grew heated. It wasn’t long before one of the men came up to her, his long black cock already out. He didn’t say anything to her, just smiled and roughly grabbed the back of her head. Before she knew it, she was choking on dick as he rammed it down her throat. She took it, just kneeled there and took it, feeling like a piece of furniture. Like she wasn’t even a person, just a thing to use to get off with. The gang member, her clients, they all treated her the same way.

Soon, an experience she was sadly getting intimately familiar with happened. The feeling of cum spurting out into her face, flowing over her tongue, and down her throat. Her gag reflex had been utterly destroyed at this point. The man walked away, sitting back on the couch.

Breaker returned not a few minutes later and looked annoyed when he saw her. He handed something over to one of the other men and they all grumbled before the man who had fucked her face was handed it. She got a better look at it. The ring gag. She was going to be forced to wear a ring gag again. The man walked behind her.

“Open up already.”

She did. The only thought running through her mind was the small spark of hope that she could eventually get out of here. That she could pay off her ‘debts’ and leave. That this wasn’t forever.

After it was on, the men took turns that night fucking her. At first, it was awful. Same as ever. And then it transformed into a true horror.

They weren’t stopping. There had been seven men, but some left and some more showed up. And they were all taking turns fucking her mouth. One right after the other. It was never ending train, a stream, of men railing her face, fucking her till she felt like choking, shoving their cocks down her mouth. Over and over and over again. Hours passed, at one point she started crying, the only laughed and fucked her face harder.

Eventually, it came to an end. It was morning.

“Get to work whore. You’re too ugly to just sit there.”

Exhausted, she got up and went outside. Terror and fear had been baked into her by now. It took only a brief glance at the memory of her flesh being seared to destroy any rebellious thoughts. She clung onto her only hope like a rope in the sea. It was all she had.

The days passed. Nothing got better. Men would fuck her, rarely a woman would have her eat them out, and the gang. The gang was the worst part. They would use her in a variety of ways. As a literal doormat, to play an incredibly stupid game of pin the tail on the donkey, sometimes it would just be sex. Sex with all of them, taking turns. A few nights were even more intense than the first one she had.

On one of the nights, she got done with ‘working’ only to have Breaker take her back to that horrible bare room. There was someone waiting for her, with a table full of gear that made her heart squeeze into her chest. For a moment, it looked… medical. Her mind went to full on torture.

“Got you a present. Go lie down.”

She did, still wearing only a red bikini. It was the same pair. The only pair she had been given. It was stained but it was either the bikini or going naked. She laid down, praying she wasn’t about to be torn apart. She had been working so hard on making money.

The man picked up something that nearly jogged her memory. It was only when he pressed it against her waist, right above her vagina, that she realized it was a tattoo gun. They were forcing her to get a tattoo. It hurt, but her body had been taking a beating recently. Men and women were not gentle with her. She laid there, looking up at the ceiling, wondering how on earth her life had fallen to this. Could she have done something different? Could she have actually escaped when she had the chance? The tattooing took a few hours. When it was done, she looked down, and realized it was a queen of spades tattoo. She vaguely remembered it having some sort of sexual meaning, but she couldn’t recall it. She nearly let out a mirthless laugh. She had a womb tattoo. It wasn’t funny, it was sad. Made her feel like she really was a whore and a slut. That she was ugly, a bitch, a toy for others. And that was it. That she truly had become property now.

Every day, her hope burned a little brighter, fighting harder to keep up. And the reason was simple.

They kept lowering the price. She use to be $100. She knew that. She remembered that.

Then they had lowered it down to $90. Not just one time, after a few days, it had permanently become $90.

Then $80.

She had lost track of days, but it she was worried that it would keep going down. The day started, and her worst fears were realized. It went down to $70. Still, still she kept track. Even working up the nerve to ask Breaker about it. She told her the exact number, proving he was paying attention too.

It was on this day, today, she had earned half. $5k. She had no idea how many men she had fucked. She had lost track of that too. But she was nearly there, nearly there. Her first customer of the day, she vividly remembered and grimaced just at the sight of him.

“Yo! Good to see ya again. Been a bit busy doing some running for the keepers. Ya know how it is, proving yourself and all that. How’s my favorite toilet doing?”

Tiffany hated him.

“Great news! I’m officially gonna join the Keepers soon! Gonna get to have ya every day soon! Don’t listen to all the others, you aren’t that ugly. Well, kinda. Bah, you got a good mouth and a good pussy, so anyway, let’s hurry up, I really gotta pee this time.”

She felt sick, but walked back inside with him. He was the only one who ever pissed in her ass. He had been back once and done the same thing. It made her feel sick and dirty.

“Hey Mikey! How much is it for the girl?”


Her heart clenched. It was lower! No, no, it was probably just a discount right?!

The man, she didn’t even know his name, frowned. Then looked at her. Then smiled.

“How about $1?”

Her mouth dropped open. But it was the next words that made her mind collapse.

“Sure, she was earning too much anyway.”

They were never planning on letting her go. Never. It all just been, just been a lie. They were just going to keep lowering her price more and more until she was free for use. She was trapped here. She was a slave. She was property. She was never getting out of here.

“Come on miss cumslut, like I said, gotta pee. Your mouth will do nicely this time.”

He passed over a dollar and as Tiffany numbly walked back to her room, tears fell from her face. This was her new life. As a cumslut. Forever.

Soon, the taste of piss was a new awful experience to put a point on her new awful existence. She had known, deep, deep down, she had known. But she had clung to hope that they weren’t lying. That they were telling her the truth. That they really would just let her go.

She was wrong. As she swallowed a stranger’s piss and was forced to have his dick shoved into her ass, she realized just how wrong she was.

This would be the end of Tiffany. Soon, the man joined the Keeper proper and convinced the men to use her like a urinal. Now that the ‘game’ Breaker had been playing was over, they didn’t ‘hold back’ anymore. She was used and abused, far, far worse than had ever known. During a particularly painful day involving electricity, she rolled her head over from the bed and looked into Breaker’s eyes. There was no fear left in her. Not even despair. She was just numb.

Breaker was all smiles.

“I love that look. That perfect look beyond even the deepest of despair. Where you’re just gone.” He ran a hand down her face. She didn’t even acknowledge it. The light in her eyes had nearly gone out completely. She was more corpse than woman.

Breaker had earned his name sake once again. He had broken another one.

Tiffany the cumslut was all that remained.

[Read more at /r/WarixViviana. Commissions available!]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/yn3hmy/c_tiffanys_new_life_as_a_cumslut_part_2_rape_gang