Oak Spring College – Chapter 7 – The Annual Special Sports Event [MF18] [Winner Takes All] [Mixed Sex Soccer] [Kissing] [Hand Job] [Clit Rubbing] [Showering Together]

**Author’s note**: I am sorry it took so long to write this, however, I want to give a warning for the future: These delays will continue. I have a lot going on in my life and most things are more important that writing erotica (I know some of you won’t agree, but it is hard to explain why writing erotica is so important to normies and I would much rather not, all things considered). Therefore, continue to expect a new chapter circa every 2 or 3 weeks, as it takes a really long time to write these works, especially since my loving audience deserve nothing less than the highest quality of erotica. Now, back to the story.

Link to [Chapter 6](https://www.reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/y3bmov/oak_spring_college_chapter_6_first_time_playing/)

Olivia was so excited that she couldn’t sleep.

*Next week is the Annual Special Sports event, during which there will be both team- and individual-based events. I am so excited about it! If the team I am participating in wins an event, each member of the team gets 2 points added to their midterm exam score. This might be hard, since not just my efforts will count and I have no control over who is in my team. However, I get one point if I win in an individual-based event and I should be able to win several of them!*

She turned over in bed, feeling the soft caress of the bed sheets against her naked skin.

*I wonder how Jonas will do in the event? He certainly doesn’t seem like the sporty type, however he has surprised me many times before. Still, I bet I could score more than he does!*

She turned over again in bed, getting her left foot tangled in the bed sheets, but she was too deep in thought to care.

*Ohhhh, what if I made a bet with him about it? Like whoever scores more points gets to ask the other to do anything and they cannot refuse! I wonder if he would agree? What would he ask for if he won? Would he ask for a kiss?*

Her heart started to beat faster.

*Or what if he asks me to do something even naughtier? Like, strip for him in his apartment?*

Her heart beat faster still. The she breathed in sharply at her next thought:

*What if he asked to have sex with me?*

She felt her face growing warm and likewise her groin. Her heart felt like it was going to explode with excitement and anticipation. She pressed her face to her pillow and beat her feet against the bed and screamed into the pillow.



I had barely even entered the school building when I heard naked feet running behind and Olivia shouting:

“Hey Jonas, wait for me!”

I looked back and was met with Olivia’s gorgeous naked figure and her usual wide and excited grin. However, today she was grinning wider than I’d ever seen before, so wide that her cheeks almost scrunched her eyes shut. I got an ominous feeling.

“Hello Olivia, you look happy today.” I said, trying to keep my composure.

“Oh,” She responded while her grin grew more devilish, “What is it about my body that looks so happy today?”

As she spoke, she slowly stroked her naked body with her hands from her hips and up her sides, drawing my eyes along to take in her chiseled figure, from her shaved pubic area to her small perky breasts. I felt my dick twitch in my pants. Damn it, she got me. I looked away feeling embarrassed at her managing to get a reaction from me so easily. I expected her to continue pursuing me now that I had shown weakness, but instead she changed subject.

“So are you excited about the assignment to a team for the Annual Special Sports event next week? I heard that one of the sports events will be soccer!”

I was relieved at the change of subject and went along with it.

“Oh really? That should fit you pretty well, right?”

“Yes, however, they also have individual-based events and I should be able to do pretty well in them too! How about you Jonas, do you think you will be able to perform well in any of the events?”

“Hmm, probably, I also played some soccer in middle school and high school, I wonder if I still remember to play. I didn’t play much, but I usually did well in team sports. The individual sport though I probably don’t stand a chance of winning.”

“Oh so you also played sports? You didn’t immediately strike me as the sporty type, but you have surprised me before.“

She said, as she put her hands behind her back and leaned forward.

“However, I bet you are not as good as me!”

A mischievous smile formed on her lips.

“As a matter of fact, I challenge you to get more points than me in the upcoming event! Whoever gets more points gets to ask the other to do anything and the other cannot refuse!”

“Huh? What?”

Was all I could say. Olivia is very sporty and athletic, did I even stand a chance against her?

She didn’t know of course that I had frequently been praised for my ability to enable teams to do great things by helping to coordinate the efforts. I had actually been the Vice-Captain of my soccer team in high school.

Still, all that really meant was that I might win a team event or two, but Olivia could win individual events and team events. Or could she? She wasn’t exactly a very good team player, she always just did whatever she wanted.

“Just imagine what you could do if you were allowed to do anything to my body, without me ever being able to refuse!” Olivia said as she swayed her body back and forth, making her breasts jiggle and her hips suggestively dance with her movements.

Imagine what I could do, indeed… I could touch every inch of her body, I could ask her to do things I had only dared to fantasize about. Maybe I could even kiss her…

Why did that excite me so much? I had already licked her pussy… Yet kissing her lips made my heart pound. There was a completely different kind of intimacy to a kiss.

One I hadn’t even realized that I wanted.

“All right, I agree.” I said with more confidence than I felt. I wasn’t sure if I could do this, but, although the risks were high, so were the potential rewards… Besides, turning her down now would be the end of this game of ours. The second I stopped competing with her, she would lose interest. That was not an option for me.

She let out a brief laughter, then said with a huge mischievous smile: “Marvelous! I look forward to it! See you later, Jonas!”

Then she ran off down the corridor.

Could I really do this?


Although the students were assigned to each team randomly, the team elected its leader. The members of the team I was assigned to consisted of relatively mediocre students: a few had had previous experience in sports outside of school, but most had not and none were of the caliber of Olivia. As the most experienced member in leadership, having had experience as a Vice-Captain in soccer, I was unanimously elected as team leader.

Despite the mediocre nature of the members of my team, I was nonetheless quite hopeful for one main reason: I had no uncooperative team members. Not even one. This is a God sent for any team leader. Even if only one team member is an egotist, that can be enough to ruin an entire team.

In addition to this, the students were relatively high performers on the entrance exam, most having scored around 70 to 80 and there were even a few that had scored over 90, like me. This meant that everyone was very motivated to get as many scores as possible, since this could mean the difference between reaching over 90, and thus getting, or keeping, uniform privileges. I couldn’t have asked for a better team, despite their mediocre skills.

As team leader I was relieved for tutoring duties the week before the event, so that I would be able to train my team for the upcoming event. We had exercises everyday and no one complained. Wow. I might just be able to do this.

I drilled my team hard, each day before the event, training mainly in the five team-based events: Soccer, Basketball, Handball, Baseball and Lacrosse. We had previous players in Soccer, Basketball and Lacrosse, so we put special emphasis on these sports.

Although it might seem foolish to focus on Soccer, given Olivia’s star player status, I had two reasons to think we might nonetheless win the game:

1. The rules in the team sports are different from what they are usually: because the teams are mixed sex and because of the lack of experience of many players, the tolerance for physical contacts was severely reduced and the penalty for breaking those rules were harsh, loss of one point in the game, plus a loss of one score from the midterm exam score for each member of the team. This would throw off even experienced players who might rely upon physical contact or the intimidation of it to gain an edge. Players such as Olivia.
2. Knowing that Olivia had been assigned as leader for her team too and that she wasn’t exactly what you would call a team player, I knew that their team might be individually strong, but weak as a unit and their tactics would revolve around Olivia. If we developed and trained on tactics to block her, we might severely reduce their chances to score.

The day of the Annual Special Sports event was coming closer. Were we going to be able to get ready in time?


As we had learned before, the Annual Special Sports event would be a fully dressed event, which was unusual for our college, obviously. However, actually seeing it on the day still felt strange. Perhaps they had made it so as to give all students a taste of what it would be like to be clothed in school again, thus motivating them to try their hardest in the games. Who knows.

Since the team-based events occurred on the second day, the first day was fairly care free. Being athletically mediocre, none of us stood a chance of winning any individual-based events, but we did our best nonetheless.

However, the highlight of the day was seeing Olivia in her sports outfit. She was hot.

She was dressed in a sports bra that did a great job at accentuating her athletic upper body and small breasts, the elastic textile hugging tightly around the curves, and a pair of tight sport shorts that did an equally good job at accentuating her rounded hips and ass and her strong long legs.

Somehow seeing her in this outfit turned me on even more than seeing her naked in the college corridors. Perhaps it was the covering of those intimate parts that I had gotten used to seeing, yet nonetheless very revealing of her beautiful and muscular body. It drove me crazy, I just wanted to rip off her clothes so I could see her naked body again.

It wasn’t helped by her dashing and grace movements in the game. Olivia was fast, very fast. She actually won the sprint against a male student who supposedly had trained in sprinting in high school. This made me very worried about playing against her in Soccer. If she was that fast, she wouldn’t need to get physical, she could easily get out of the way of my mediocre team members.

Her impressive display continued in Hurdle and Jumps. She won them too.

Yet the most impressive part was her body and how it moved. God, what I would have given to see her compete naked. She was like a Greek goddess, unparalleled in her erotic beauty, grace and expert display in athleticism.

By the end of the day, she had won three competitions and although I had done well in several games, I had won none. We would have to win two out of five team-based events tomorrow, assuming her team won none. I was so nervous I could barely sleep that night.


The next day I met Olivia at the event, just before the first game of the day was going to start.

“Hello there Jonas!”

I turned around when I heard her voice and was met by a wide gleeful grin.

“I heard you didn’t score a single point yesterday. Are you losing on purpose? I bet you are hoping that I will ask you to do something naughty when you lose, aren’t you? Maybe get a taste of me like you did in the lecture room the other week?”

I got mixed feelings from seeing her. On the one hand she was a gorgeous sight up close.

Her tight fitting sports clothing hid less than it accentuated her body. A light red sports bra with white straps and seams with the text: “Come get me!” across her breasts and almost obscenely short sport shorts with broad red vertical stripes down the sides that covered at most a quarter of the tights, revealing lots of her gorgeous legs.

I was pretty sure I could also spot a slight camel toe where her pussy was hidden, but I wasn’t sure and I didn’t intend to stare in order to find out.

On the other hand, I was losing hard to her and although she gave the impression of being nonchalant about it, there was a slight change in her tone that grated at me. An ever so slight note of disappointment.

She obviously wanted me to win.

I couldn’t let her down. The first day was her day, individual-events where she could shine. Now it was my turn.

A smile crept upon my face. I should at least show a brave face, if I lost it may be over regardless. I’d rather go down fighting, than to assume defeat and lose because of lost spirit.

“Winning individual-event only requires the discipline of oneself. Today is the team-events and they don’t just require self-discipline, but also discipline and control over other people. To get other people to do what you want. We both know who is better at that. Maybe I will show you some more of that once I have won this competition and you are forced to submit to me.”

Ughh. What was that? Some kind of battle speech? I cringed the moment I finished. Yet it seemed to be exactly what Olivia wanted to hear.

“You haven’t given up I hear,” She said with a grin, “Good, I hate winning against someone who has already given up. It is more satisfying to win this way. See you on the field, Jonas.”

With that she flashed me a devilish grin and turned around and walked towards her team, her hips swaying, alluring my eyes to look at her barely hidden ass under her much too tight and much too short shorts. It was obvious from how the short had hiked up between her cheeks that she was either wearing a thong or nothing under her shorts. the lack of panty lines hinted at the latter.


It had been a tough day. I already felt exhausted. But we had won two out of our first four events!

Although Olivia’s team had performed poorly in the team-based events as I had expected, it was close, much too close for my comfort. She had lost two events by a very thin margin and one was settled during overtime.

However, her team had managed to win one event, thus giving her five points against my four. I had to win one more event, gaining two points. The only problem was that the last event of the day was the soccer event and the last game we would be playing was against… Olivia’s team. Of course it had to be this way…

Yet if we won, I would get another two points, six in total, thus beating Olivia. There was still a chance. But this would be tough. Very tough. Olivia was beaming from her corner of the field. She was loving the fact that the last team-based event I had to win was against her. She was not going to make it easy, I was sure of that.

The referee blew the whistle and the game was on. Olivia dashed like this was her first game of the day, full of energy. She got the ball almost effortlessly and made her towards our half of the field.

However, before long she was bogged down by our strong defense, which I had drilled to focus hard on her precisely because I knew she would take charge.

Yet she didn’t lose the ball, instead she dribbled and tried to find a hole in the defense, refusing to pass the ball backwards to let someone else try to find an opening.

The audience must be amazed at her display, being bogged down, but still not losing the ball. Yet that was exactly what it was. A display.

Knowing how good of a solo player she was, I had trained my team to not try to take the ball from her immediately, knowing that she might trick them and get past the defense, instead I trained them to block and distract her, keeping her busy on them. So she would see me.

I was not a good soccer player in general, I lack constitution and strength and I am not good at confrontation. But I was very good at reading players and their weaknesses and I had built up a frightful reputation as “He who comes from behind” as a midfielder.

I came up behind her as she was busy defending against a feint attempt to take the ball and swiped the ball from her as she pulled it behind her to protect against the feint attack.

Before she could turn on me and take the ball back, which I was sure that she could, I wasn’t good at close contact, so I did my second speciality. Long passes. Very long and accurate passes.

I kicked the ball across the field to the awaiting deep-lying forward and striker. They weren’t the best players, not even close to Olivia. Yet she was on the other side of the field and her team was very aggressively positioned, leaving them an almost open field. They scored only five minutes into the game.

Olivia was aghast. Her mouth was wide open in surprise as she stared in amazement at me. However, I must give her credit, for she did not make that mistake again. Not only did her team play less aggressively, she kept a close eye on me at all times. I wasn’t going to win against her like that again.

The game played on roughly after that, Olivia’s team managed to score once against us in the first half of the game. One guy in the defense got frustrated and tried to take the ball from her seriously, at which point, she tricked him and got through the defense and scored.

Yet we held at 1-1 for the rest of the 40 minutes of the last half of the game. Now there was only five minutes left and it was time to execute Operation Switch-Up. Knowing that we would not be able to pull off tricks more than once on Olivia, I had reserved a tactic for just this kind of moment, when time was almost up and we were tied.

I made a hand signal to our deep-lying forward, then I dashed against Olivia, who was close to the midfield.

She was obviously surprised at seeing my challenge, yet after the initial surprise a wide grin formed on her face. Clearly she was happy to go up against me personally, which I had mostly avoided up until now.

I used all my energy to entertain her, dashing back and forth to block her and making feints at the ball. Her eyes were fixed on me and her eyes grew wider and wider as I gave her a real challenge. More than once I almost got the ball. I expended all my energy until I was almost completely out. She could tell that I was almost done and made a move to get around me.

That’s when Markus, our deep-lying forward, who normally is far up the field to catch my long passes and pass them along to our striker, came up behind Olivia and snatched the ball. She had only her attention on me and had completely missed him, even though her teammates had shouted warnings at her.

She spun around fast like a demon from hell and went after him. But it was too late. Before she could get the ball back, Markus had passed it back to me and I wasted no time in passing it to the awaiting striker, who goaled with a beautiful header before anyone could even react.

The audience went wild. They roared. Again Olivia stared at me. But not with anger, but stunned amazement and shock. I had bested her, twice, at her own game.

The remaining five minutes were tougher than the forty previous minutes of the second half combined. Olivia was relentless, but being in the lead with minutes left my team was more motivated than ever, expending all remaining energy on defense, while Olivia’s team was crestfallen, their spirit broken. Only Olivia fought.

The referee’s whistle went off. It was over. We had won. I had won.


The team had gathered on the field to celebrate our victor. Everyone was ecstatic, howling in euphoria. Except for me. I mean, I tried, I pretended to be happy, but all I could think of was: What would happen between me and Olivia?

Last thing I had seen, she looked to be in a foul mood for losing and seemed to be heading off of the field with her team. Then everyone in my team had gathered around me to shout their praise at me and I had lost sight of her.

I had thought that she wanted me to win, that had been our game before, but now she seemed angry and distraught. The worry formed like a clump in my stomach and no matter how cheerful my teammates were, I couldn’t shake my worry.

Finally the adrenaline of the euphoria wore off and people started realizing how tired they were and talked about going to the showers and then home to bed. It was late, the sun was hanging like a giant bright yellow orb over the horizon. I took one look around to look for Olivia, but she was nowhere to be seen, so I also headed back towards the showers, tailing my victorious team.

However I didn’t make it far before Olivia found me.

“Hey Jonas, do you have time for a moment?”

She was standing under a tree, hidden by the long shadows cast by the setting sun. Her tone was different. It wasn’t sad or upset, it was just… Serious. I had never heard her like this before. I walked up to her.

“Sure, do you want to talk?”

She gave me a mellow, but friendly smile. She was like a different person. Yet it wasn’t unsettling, rather it felt intimate. I think… I think she was showing me a deeper part of herself she had never shown me before.

“Yes, let’s go for a walk.”

“A walk and talk, sounds good.” I said in an instinctual attempt at making a joke to alleviate the tension. She gave out an amused snort and some of the tension immediately evaporated.

Walk for a bit before she finally spoke.

“You know, I am not used to being beaten at my own game. I was so mad at you during the match and for a while afterwards for outwitting me like that. I was so frustrated and annoyed at you that you wouldn’t come at me one-on-one. Instead you played your whole team against me, I felt like the whole team was an extension of you, with you in the background steering things. I felt cheated and confused and it made me so mad.”

She kicked a small branch as we walked down a paved path lined with trees. The sun had now set well and properly and the sky was colored purple.

“But then I realized it wasn’t you, it was me. I was simply playing a lower game. a lower level, if you will. You always use all resources available to you, not just relying on yourself. You are able to steer the flow of things, influencing other people in a way I never even consider possible. I have to admit that in the beginning I thought less of you, you didn’t display strength but rather intellect and I didn’t value that. But you found ways of controlling me in ways I was even willing to admit was happening. Now I realize how wrong I was.”

With the last sentence she looked up at me and gave me a weak smile.

“I was a fool to challenge you, of course you would find a way to leverage things to your advantage. More importantly, you found a way to leverage my strength against me, turning it into my weakness. That uniform you get to wear isn’t just a sign of your grades and your hard work and study, it symbolizes so much more. I feel like I should just strip right now, I am not worthy of wearing these clothes. Humans are intelligent, that is why we wear clothes. Animals are not, that is why they are naked. I am not…”

“Stop,” I interrupted her, knowing where she was going. “You underestimate yourself grossly. You are street-smart and savvy. You think lightning fast and are able to quickly adapt to new situations. I maybe have been able to fool you once, you never twice. It was only thanks to the fact that I knew you so well that I was able to plan so far ahead and pull two tricks out of my sleeve. That and the fact that I had a week to plan it. Had I had no time to plan, you would have beaten me hands down. Had I not known you it would have been even worse. It just so happened that that wasn’t the case, I had time and I knew you. But that doesn’t make you any less smart, you are just smart in a different way, along a different axis, one which you didn’t get to take much advantage of under these circumstances. You don’t have to get naked on my account. I mean I wouldn’t mind it, but you don’t have to.”

I said the last with a flirtatious undertone. She caught on to it immediately and flashed me her characteristic mischievous grin.

“Oh? I am sure you regret now giving me that lecture about me not having to get naked. You should have just commanded me to undress for you instead of giving me back my courage. Maybe you can still convince me to strip for you.”

Instead of responding I took her hand and stopped her. She looked at me surprised, but before she could say anything, I stepped up to her and placed my lips upon hers. She tasted salty from her sweat and her lips were soft.

*God, I love her so much when she talks like that.* I thought to myself. *Wait, did I just say I love her?*

But before I could go any further down that train of thought, Olivia placed her arms on my shoulders and behind my head and started to reciprocate the kiss.

She didn’t kiss me gently like I had kissed her, but more passionately. Her lips played over mine, caressing them firmly with her own and taking hold of my lower lip between hers and pulling back, causing an intense sensation of intimacy. My knees were growing weak. To nobody’s surprise Olivia was really good at kissing.

She pulled me closer and I could now feel her breasts against my chest as my heart started to beat faster and faster. She kept kissing me, barely stopping to breathe.

We stood like that for several seconds. Several minutes? I am not sure. All I know is that when we finally broke off from one another, I could feel her heart beating fast and I was sure she could feel mine too and we were both panting hard from the lack of oxygen. She was still holding me tight to her.

“I like the way you think, Jonas.” She whispered flirtatiously in my ear. “How about we go back to the shower and then maybe go somewhere private after that?”

As if even possible, my heart started to beat faster still at her words and I couldn’t help but wonder what she had meant with that. Did she just want to kiss more or did she want to go even further?

I didn’t have much time to think about that before she took my hand and started pulling me in the direction of the gym building and the shower. All the while wearing a huge mischievous grin.


We arrived at the gym building and separated into the boys and the girls locker room, agreeing that whoever finished first would wait for the other outside.

I felt so weary, yet I couldn’t wait to see Olivia again outside. I quickly got my clothes off and grabbed my towel and headed for the showers.

I was completely alone, both in the locker room and in the showers. It would seem that during our walk the others had already finished, surely as tired as I was and in desperate need of sleep and rest.

I hung my towel on the hooks outside the shower and turned on one of the showers.

Hot water showered over me in mind-cleansing bliss. I pull my fingers through my wet hair and thought of Olivia.

*We have already done sexual things before, I wonder if she really just want to kiss or does she want to go further still, maybe all the way to sex?*

I started thinking about sex with Olivia. My cock immediately started to become engorged at the mental picture of her slim, but firm body underneath mine.

“So that is what you look like naked!” I heard a girl say from the shower exit.

My first thought was that I had accidentally entered the wrong locker room and I spun around to look, but then I saw it was Olivia standing there. Completely naked in her full glory, sweat and moisture from the hot foggy shower air glistening on every inch of her gorgeous body.

As I turned to her, her eyes trailed down my body and stopped to take in my cock. Her eyebrows rose up. Then she looked up again to my eyes and said:

“It is bigger than I had thought. It seems you have been thinking about some naughty while I was away. Could it possibly be that you were fantasizing about me?”

She wore a huge devilish grin and started to walk towards me, her body swaying confidently at every step.

She stepped into the shower with me, the water running over her breasts, running in tendrils down her shoulders, over her firm breast and around her erect and swollen nipples.

She pressed her naked body against me and I could feel her hard nipples against my skin, then her lips found mine and she started to kiss me hard. My mind went blank and only the taste of her remained.

At the same time her hand found my cock and she ran her fingers up and down the shaft as she kissed me, provoking it to ever greater hardness.

Finally she broke off the kiss and grinned widely at me, her hand never leaving my cock, but rather continued stroking it lightly with her fingers as I asked her:

“What are you doing here Olivia, this is the men locker room!”

She laughed at my worry, then she told me:

“I noticed that the girls locker room and shower was completely empty, so I figured that the boy’s would be too and it was. Well, almost empty. There is one boy here, but I don’t think he will mind if I stay here.”

She let out a giggle and looked me intently in the eyes, as I felt her hand finally fully grasp my cock and give it a squeeze. I involuntarily let out a quiet moan at the pleasure of having her hand tightly wrapped around my cock. Then she bit her lower lip and a mischievous smile formed on her face as she brought something up for me to see. It was a bottle of shower gel.

“After that game and making me lose, I feel so tired. Would the man who made me submit, be so kind as to lather and clean my weary body?”

She grinned so widely I thought her face would split in two. She was enjoying this immensely.

I took the bottle from her and said:

“Well I guess that is the least I can do. Turn around.”

She let out a happy giggle and turned around. I then poured a good handful of the shower gel in my hand and set the bottle down on the floor. Then I lathered it between my hands and stepped up close behind Olivia and brought my hands down on her shoulders and lathered her up and down her arms and shoulder. She gave out a purr-like moan of pleasure and leaned back towards me.

Once her arms were properly lathered, I brought my hands to her front, still standing behind her and close enough that my cock touched the small of her back, and started lathering her chest, paying particular attention to her firm, yet soft breasts. This was the first time since licking yogurt off of them that I got to touch them and they were just as firm and petite as I remembered. I could just barely squeeze them without them bouncing back to shape. Each time I squeezed them gently or rubbed my hands over her nipples she breathed in and gave a low moan.

Next I lathered up her midriff. Her stomach muscles were so firm and my hand so close to her shaved pubic area. I decided to tease her and lathered up and down her midriff, stopping just before her clitoris and other sensitive bits, then up again. Then down again, almost touching her clitoris. She gave out a frustrated moan.

She had teased me so much in the past, it was time for me to give a bit of pay back.

I back off for a bit and grabbed the bottle of shower gel again and filled up a new handful, then I said:

“Spread your legs.”

She looked down at me with a smile and a bite of her lower lip, then she obeyed.

I sat on my knees and raise my now again fully lathered hands to her cute and well shaped butt and started above them by her hips, then drew my lathered hands down over her butt, which was so firm, down the back of her thighs and all the way down to the back of her feet, then I brought my hands back up against, this time on the inside of her thighs all the way up to where her legs joined her pussy, eliciting another moan, but stopping short of touching her frustrated bits.

Then I started rubbing her ass, squeezing her firm cheeks and pulling them apart to reveal her pussy and its protruding lips. She moaned at each squeeze and pull and she had to support herself on the wall to not fall over. I rubbed the inside of her thigh as high as I could without touching her pussy, lathering her inner thighs, squeezed them, which elicited more frustrated moans, as I was so close to her pussy, but not close enough. She started to breathe hard.

I went back to rubbing and squeezing her exquisite ass, being rewarded with more moans.

I stood up again and brought my hands around her, lathering the inside of the thighs from the front, again as high as I could without actually touching her pussy. She let out a frustrated whimper.

“Is this what you wanted?” I asked her.

“Yes,” She responded with a frustrated voice, “But you are missing a spot.” “Oh, where could that be?” I asked as I rubbed closer to her pussy, now touching and caressing her outer labia, but staying clear of anything truly sensitive.

“Closer.” She said in a whimper.

“Closer to what?” I teased her.

“Closer to my… Pussy.” She finally admitted.

“Oh, you mean here?” I said as I finally slowly drew my hand directly over her pussy, trailing her labia from down and up, as I pushed down gently for maximum effect.

Her hips buckled and she let out a moan when I reached her sensitive clit, rubbing over it once.

I then drew my hand down again, briefly over her hooded clitoris then down, caressing her along the entire length of her labia. I did that over and over again several times, each time she let out a pant of moan and leaned back into me, squeezing my hard cock against her butt cheeks.

I decided it was time to get serious. I wanted to make her cum.

I started rubbing her more focused, using one hand to rub up and down from her midriff to her inner thigh, as I used the other hand to rub circle around her hooded clitoris, using my lathered hands to gain almost no friction as I rub over and around it, occasionally pulling the hood back as I rubbed the clitoris gently up and down, before going back into a circle around it.

She was breathing hard now, moaning each time you fingers touched her sensitive button. I tried to match the rhythm of my motions with her breathing, syncing up with her body.

It didn’t take long, she didn’t stand a chance. After only about two or three minutes of this, she was panting and then she let out a loud moan as she came, shaking in her orgasm.

I had to use my other arm, wrapped around her midriff, to support her and keep her from falling, while I used my other hand to keep rubbing her clit, until she put her other hand on mine, signaling that she was too sensitive and wanted me to stop. She was still breathing hard and was not yet able to speak.

I kissed her on the neck and up behind her ear. She let out another moan. We stayed like that for a few seconds as she recovered. Me holding her close in my arms, feeling her heart beating fast, but slowly calming into a gentler pace. Her breathing was also returning to normal.

“My turn.” She said mischievously as she turned around in my arms.

She grabbed my raging hard cock with her left hand and wrapped her right arm around my back. Then she gave me a deep kiss as she jerked my cock slowly up and down. It felt amazing and it twitched in rhythm with the motions of her hand.

She stopped kissing me for a moment and put her mouth next to my ear and whispered:

“I have wanted to do this for so long.” Then she gave me a gentle bite on my ear lobe.

I was at a loss for words, as Olivia could clearly tell, because her lips formed into a satisfied devilish grin.

She kept looking me in the eyes with that grin as she kept jerking my cock. She increased the pace, making me moan. God, she was so sexy when she wore that mischievous smile.

“You like that, don’t you?” She asked with a teasing voice, already knowing the answer.


Was all I managed to say. My attention was increasing focus on my pulsing cock, aching to cum on her hand.

She sped up even more, pushing me closer to cumming.

I couldn’t believe this was finally happening. Ever since I had met her, I had dreamed of having sex with her and here she was, pleasuring my cock with that satisfied cocky smile of hers, fully enjoying how good she made me feel.

“Wow you are so hard right now, you are about to cum aren’t you?” She said, again teasing.

She wasn’t wrong. After a few more strokes, I came. Hard. I felt all those days of teasing and edging had built up a mountain of cum and it was all trying to make it out of my cock at the same time.

I let out a long moan as rope after rope of cum shot out of my cock, falling on her hands, her belly and one even made it to her left breast, covering the nipple with my cum. My knees felt weak and would have fallen over if I hadn’t supported myself by putting my hands on Olivia’s hips and holding myself up.

“Oh my god, you are cumming so much!” Olivia said in shock and exaltation, the she continued teasing me by saying:

“Is it all just for me?”

“Fuck…” Was all I could say.

“Hmm, that would be nice,” Olivia said, intentionally misinterpreting my words with amusement, “but I think that will have to wait for another day. I seem to have drained you pretty thoroughly.” I leaned forward and kissed her, passionately and deeply.

*God I love this girl… There I go with the L word again…*

I thought briefly for myself.


After having washed ourselves, for the second time in the case of Olivia, we got dressed and headed out the gym building. It was dark now outside and we were only lit up by a lamp about the exit.

“That right, I almost forgot!” Olivia said excitedly, “You won, so that means you get to make one request from me that I cannot refuse. You better make this one count, Jonas, you might not get a chance like this again.”

She said the last with a flirtatious mischievous grin.

I had deliberated over what to ask her for a while now. I was clear that our relationship was getting increasingly sexual, but there was something else I wanted from her, more even than sex. I told her what I wanted.

“Olivia, will you go on a date with me?”

She just stared at me for a moment, her cocky smile frozen. I felt my heart beating faster for every moment she didn’t answer.

“That’s what you want from me? You could have had sex or anything, but you want that?”

“Sex lasts only for moments, I want more than that from you.” I responded.

She walked up to me, wrapped her hands around my back and kissed me, gently and slowly. Then she whispered into my ear.

“Fine, but you better make it the best damn date ever.”

Nothing was ever easy with Olivia.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ym60sx/oak_spring_college_chapter_7_the_annual_special


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