[M]y Girl[F]riend Suggests I Bang Her Sis[T]er

Allow me a minute to introduce our dramatis personae.
I met my girlfriend, Emma, when we were both in school, around a decade ago; she did track and field and is the hottest woman I’ve met in real life. The minute I saw her I fell off a cliff into love. She was medium height then and now, with the most beautiful caramel skin and curly black hair. Not much by way of tits but her ass is athleticly shaped and her legs are sculpted, and as the real cherry on top her midriff is gorgeous. Some guys are into asses or thighs or whatever, a good midriff has always been my thing. When we were first introduced she was wearing a top that showed off her abs and right there I decided I would ask her out; when I finally worked up the courage a couple months later, she joked that she wondered what had taken me so long, and we’ve been together ever since.

I soon met her family, lovely Italian mother and father who I adore and who seem to like me, and her brother Christian. Christian was Emma’s little brother by a few years; he also ran track, and we became good friends over the years as I dated his sister.

Now, Christian and I didn’t become extremely close immediately, but I liked the guy. He was different from Emma in a lot of ways. She’s a type A, and he’s more type B I guess, but they were very close. Emma kind of, well, big sistered him, and in school we hung out a lot and became friends that way. He was sweet, a quiet guy but not in a dour way. He was funny and light, but he usually let Emma take the spotlight. Towards the time Emma and I graduated, I was the first person he came out to as gay outside his family.

I’d always sort of assumed. Christian was a good looking guy but he never really had much to do with the girls, and there were other stereotypical signs. But I realized then that he trusted me enough to include in his coming out, and that meant something to me. I figured he saw me as an older brother, and I was proud of him. Emma was too, and I know it was her support that made him confidant enough to take that step

Some of you may be putting two and two together by now that my title talks about my GF’s sister. About a year after he came out as gay, Christian came out as trans. I’d been referring to Christine, or Chrissy as she likes to be called, as male up until now, but from that moment on I’ve always seen her as female, and with that backstory out of the way I’ll refer to her as such from now on

Chrissy’s family was supportive thankfully, her parents really are sweethearts, and Emma was so proud of her little sister she could burst. She confided in me that Chrissy had felt she was female for years, and that as the supportive older sister she was she had been gently helping her along. Once again, I was the first person outside Chrissy’s family who she came out to, and frankly it made me feel great that she trusted me enough to include me like that.

Chrissy started hormones and other gender affirming things soon, and it was like Emma got the little sister she had always wanted, and I’d never seen Chrissy more happy and upbeat. Emma took her shopping for new clothes and makeup and they talked about hairstyles and did each others nails, it really felt like Christmas all the time for those two. Chrissy had always been slender, with Emma’s input and the hormones and everything Chrissy was quickly almost as pretty as her sister.

In the meantime, Emma and I moved into an apartment together as we started college, but since we live in a college town anyway we were always nearby, and I saw a lot of Emma’s family. Emma would show me photos of Chrissy, what they had gone shopping for, how they had done their makeup to match, and Chrissy was over at our apartment to hang out quite a bit.

The spicy stuff started a year or two after Chrissy transitioned, when Emma and I were both about 24, and Chrissy was 21. Emma mentioned off handedly that Chrissy wanted to start dating but was worried about it. I of course pointed out that Chrissy was pretty, fit, and sweet, she could probably get almost any guy. Emma pointed out that A) Chrissy was still shy about her body (she hasn’t had any surgeries yet or anything) and B) not every guy is as understanding as me. She pouted a little and said she wished I had a brother for Chrissy to be with who was as sweet as I am, which made me melt straight into the floorboards

She and Chrissy would get my opinion on their matching outfits when they would go out on a girl’s night, or when they went shopping they would take pictures and ask what I thought of this top or those shoes; Emma had always done this with me as a way of sending me sexy pics, so when I got a text while I in class with a picture of her in skintight jeans, her gorgeous caramel back topless in the mirror, I made all the requisite but absent minded appreciative boyfriend noises. Later when she came home she had a grin on her face that only widened when I asked what she was so tickled about. Emma laughed at me and told me the photo was of Chrissy, not her. I looked again, and realized the photo wasn’t a mirror pic at all, but a picture Emma had taken. I felt a little silly and apologized for not noticing, and then Emma asked if I thought Chrissy was beautiful

My knee jerk reaction of course was mind racing panic you get when your GF asks if you think another girl is pretty, but it settled quickly. Emma had never been the jealous type, not in that way anyway. So I answered honestly that since Chrissy looked a lot like Emma, yah I thought she was pretty. Emma seemed to like that answer, called me sweet, and I figured I had in my dopey way made the right call

Then Emma asked, in a more inquiring tone, if I thought Chrissy was sexy

I stopped her there and asked what this was about. Chrissy had really taken after her sister after her transition, growing her hair out and gaining some curves on top of her slim athletic body, but frankly I’d never considered it beyond the fact that she was becoming more feminine. Emma laid it out: Chrissy wanted to lose her virginity. I guess she saw it as something like a rite of passage in a way? She wanted to have sex with a guy, but she was trepidatious about the whole process because she thought that it would be difficult to find someone open and understanding about her body and where she was at in her life. Emma, always the solution finder, had come up with the idea of Chrissy having sex with me

I guess Chrissy had always had a crush on me. Frankly, I was never big into seeing those clues when I was single and since I’ve been with Emma I’ve not really cared about the romantic affections of anyone not named Emma. The conversation was a little tense for a moment, I could see Emma had been thinking about this for a while, and I made the joke that hey, I guess siblings really do have similar tastes. That broke the tension and we talked about it more easily after that. Emma told me that if it was Chrissy she would be okay with me having sex with another woman, and that she actually thought it might be fun. It may be of no surprise but in the bedroom Emma was the more take charge one, though just because I’m more laid back by nature, and she had mentioned before how she thought it might be sexy to see me fuck another girl. I’d always held onto that as the possibility of a threesome some day but had never REALLY considered it

I told Emma, however, that I wasn’t sure. It was nothing to do with Chrissy being trans, of course, or anything to do with that, I was just not super into the idea of having sex with someone who wasn’t my girlfriend. Emma let it lie there, saying it had been mostly an idea anyway, not something Chrissy was intent on, and I just let the idea go too

A few months later, Chrissy had to move apartments due to some student housing stuff, and Emma and I offered to have her stay at our apartment in the meantime. She moved in, and things were great. We hung out and had fun together, and one night while Emma and I were having sex, as I took her to an orgasm she whispered into my ear “Do you think Chrissy can hear us?”

Chrissy’s room was on the other side of the apartment so I was pretty sure she couldn’t, and said so. Emma replied “Wouldn’t it be hot if she could hear you fuck me?”

Something about that, in the middle of fucking, struck a cord with me, and I came in Emma hard, right then and there. Something about the idea of another woman eavesdropping on us as we had sex seemed hot to me, and as Emma giggled in my ear I could tell she thought it was hot too. The next day, Emma asked me again about having sex with Chrissy. If I would be open to it. I again took refuge in honesty and said that, yes, I think Chrissy is sexy and could see myself, theoretically, having sex with her. The hormones had really made Chrissy, pardon the terrible term, blossom, and her tits were now bigger than Emma’s, and objectively she was a beautiful woman. But I said again I really only had eyes for Emma, and would feel wrong having sex with someone else even if Emma approved

Then she asked, what if she was involved?

This kind of set me back. I think every guy has a twins fantasy, at least conceptually, and I’m no different. Having sex with Emma AND Chrissy? Now, that made me think. Not long. Not hard. I said I thought it could be fun. Emma grinned like a mastermind seeing a plan come together, and said that tomorrow night would be amazing

The next evening Emma told me to go to our bedroom and be ready, but she specified leaving my jeans on. I didn’t argue. I took a shower and dressed and sort of just sat nervously on the edge of the bed. A short while later, Emma pushed the door open and they both walked through

It was the sexiest sight I’ve ever seen, and I’ll remember it forever. They had obviously put a lot of effort into prettying themselves up, beautifully done makeup, hair like they were going out on the town, but the best part was that they wore matching lingerie. White, to offset their caramel skin and jet black hair, and strappy instead of lacey which Emma knows I prefer. Instantly my jeans were too tight for my cock, and I believe all I said was “wow”

Emma giggled and said “that’s the reaction we wanted”. Chrissy was flushed, but her eyes were bright as Emma led her into the room. She guided her sister in and knelt her down in front of me, leaning over to give me a long, deep kiss. Then she put her hands on her sister’s shoulders and said “Now, what do you want, Chrissy?”

Chrissy looked up at me, more beautiful than I had ever seen her and asked, sweetly, “Can I have a kiss too?” I leaned in and kissed her, going slowly at first. I knew Chrissy had kissed a few girls and boys but I felt that, somehow, this was special, and I didn’t want to overwhelm her too quick. She surprised me by how fierce her kiss was, like Emma but less experienced, more hungry. As I pulled away, Emma said “you’ve been wanting to do that for a long time haven’t you?” To which Chrissy nodded and said “Yes”.

My heart was beating so loud and fast I thought they must be able to hear it, and it only went faster when Emma said “Now what else did you want to do?”

Chrissy answered by looking at me with her sweet eyes and saying “Can I see your cock?” I didn’t have a suave answer for this, my brain having checked out a bit ago, so I scootched a bit more off the edge of the bed, and Chrissy unbuttoned my jeans. She had a bit of trouble pulling my cock out because at this point I was maybe the hardest I’d ever been, but when it was free she sat back and said “It’s just as nice as I imagined!”

I’m not huge, but Emma has always told me that I have a nice cock, even calling it beautiful, and to hear Chrissy admire it made me melt again. She looked me in the eyes again, half pleading and half teasing and said “Can I suck your cock?” Emma gathered her hair back with her hands and guided her mouth to my cock, and I shivered as her warm, wet mouth closed over the tip.

She wasn’t incredible at giving head, but she didn’t need to be. Emma coached her through it, telling her where to put her hands, one stroking my thigh and one at the base of my cock, which she knew I liked, and she told Chrissy how I liked it when she swirled her tongue over the tip. Any practical shortcomings were absolutely drowned in the aesthetic sexiness of my girlfriend holding her sister’s hair back, coaching her on sucking my cock. It wasn’t long before I came.

I put my hand on Chrissy’s head, my habit to Emma to tell her I was close, and Emma whispered in Chrissy’s ear “He’s close to coming. Make him cum with your mouth.” To which Chrissy redoubled her efforts of licking and sucking. In a moment I came, and Chrissy leaned back, taking my come across her face with a smile that was almost triumphant and twinkling eyes that flinched as a rope of cum crossed over them.

Emma gently grabbed Chrissy by the chin and turned her face up to meet hers, and lovingly licked my cum off her sister’s face. When she had thoroughly cleaned Chrissy off she said “What did I tell you?”

Chrissy smiled and said “I can share his cock but only you get his cum.” Emma nodded and lifted her to her feet. “Now let’s get you fucked.”

Emma pushed me back into the bed and guided Chrissy up, having her remove the bottoms of the lingerie. Chrissy was rock hard, which surprised me a little because I had thought the hormones made that difficult, but her cock was, well, it was cute. Not tiny, but it’s femininity emphasized by being a cock attached to a beautiful girl, if that makes sense. Emma reached over to the dresser drawer and pulled out the bottle of lube we keep there and told her sister “Get his cock hard and lubed with this,” squeezing some into Chrissy’s hands. The younger sister massaged my now-hardening cock back to attention, and as she did so Emma put a little dollop of lube on one finger. Caressing Chrissy’s body with her other hand, she gently put the lube on her asshole. Chrissy’s body shivered as the cool lube touched her hole, as her sister’s finger gently probed, putting lube inside. I was fully hard at this point, and Chrissy inched forward to place her own cock against mine. “He’s bigger than I am. I’m not sure if it’ll fit!”

“That’s why you’re on top,” Emma responded sweetly. “You can go as slow as you need to. Now let’s get him inside you.” She withdrew her finger and placed her hands on Chrissy’s hips, guiding her up to an on top of my cock. Emma grabbed the base of my cock and guided Chrissy down gently. Her ass was tight, almost too tight, but after a moment and some heavy breathing the tip entered Chrissy’s hole, and she lowered herself slightly down. She felt incredible, hot and slick from the lube and clenching ever so slightly to the discomfort, but she soon slid more of me into her with a groan, placing her lubed hands on my chest for support. That view, a beautiful girl sitting on my cock, hands on my chest and her own cock dipping onto my stomach, her sister behind her gently guiding her was another vision I’ll never forget. As Chrissy warmed to her position she closed her eyes and let herself move up and down my cock, feeling it slide in and out slowly. Emma slowly started to caress Chrissy’s hips with her hands, reaching up and across her tummy, just touching her. Finally one hand reached out and was placed over her sister’s hand in my chest, grabbing it, fingers between fingers as her other hand reaches up and tweaked and teased Chrissy’s hard pink nipple. She put her lips on Chrissy’s ear and nibbled gently like she does to me, whispering things I couldn’t hear but that made Chrissy bounce her ass quicker up and down my cock. With a devilish little giggle she kissed her sister in the cheek and let her go, crawling around to be above my own head.

She grabbed Chrissy’s hands and entwined their fingers, and said “Kiss me, so he can see”. Chrissy obediently leaned forward and Emma took her mouth with a deep, lusty kiss, outmaneuvering her sister’s tongue with her own in a way I knew she did well. Then she looked down and said to me “Make me cum with your mouth while Chrissy rides your cock. Touch her.” She slipped aside the bottoms of her lingerie and settled her pussy over my mouth as I put my hands on Chrissy’s smooth, lithe thighs. Her pussy on my face was familiar territory for me and frankly I was grateful to be slightly distracted from the incredible warmth and tightness working my cock. She was wetter than I’ve ever felt her, and the rhythm of Chrissy moving inexpertly but happily up and down my cock coupled with the warmth of Emma’s ass on my face and the automatic teasing of my tongue on her clit made me feel like if I could stay this way forever hypnotized by these two women, I would, and happily.

I felt Emma lean forward and Chrissy match her, and I knew they must be kissing again as I brought Emma to the easiest orgasm I’ve ever given her by eating her out. She shuddered and clenched on my face, grinding herself on me as Chrissy’s cock thumped against my stomach. When she finished she dismounted my face, to my mixed disappointment and relief, and took up her spot behind Chrissy again. Lubing up her hand a bit more, Emma grabbed her sister’s cock and started to stroke it, gently but commandingly. Chrissy groaned more than moaned, and paused in her up and down movement, but Emma tweaked ner nipple and said “Keep bouncing on my boy’s cock, Chrissy. I want you to cum while youre fucking yourself with it. You,” she said, addressing me. “Hold her hands.”

I took Chrissy’s hands, still slick with lube, in my own, twining our fingers together like Emma had done. Emma stroked Chrissy for a few minutes and then Chrissy bucked. Her asshole clenched painfully around my cock as an orgasm ripped through her, nearly doubling her over as Emma mercilessly and slowly stroked her cock. Chrissy groaned between her teeth as the orgasm built and built, her pretty face screwed up in incredible pleasure. She looked so hot, and so sweet, her face so near to mine, I needed to kiss her . She grunted into my mouth but the breath had left her body from the heaving, quaking orgasm clenched her body, and I felt warm liquid splash across my stomach. I kissed her more, until she writhed and twisted away from her sister’s merciless hand, saying “Stopstopstop,” and falling onto her side beside me with panting, contented breaths. Emma laughed wickedly again and finally relented, but gathered her sister up in her arms and said “And what else did I say?”

Chrissy, exhausted but positively glowing, nodded, crawled over to my stomach, and licked her cum off of me. I saw it was a different texture than I had expected, more watery which I guess is from the hormones. Emma held her hair for her as she did so and made sure she got every drop of her cum she had spilled on me. Then she set the satiated Chrissy down and said “Kne last thing.” She lifted me up and I knelt over Chrissy, unsure of what to do. She dispelled my doubts by saying sweetly and wickedly in my ear “Jerk off onto her cock.” I followed her instruction as she held me and nibbled at my ear, and the orgasm I had over a beautiful girl while another beautiful girl kissed me and guided me was incredible. I shot rope after rope onto Chrissy’s now limp cock, and then fell beside her, exhausted myself.

Emma knelt down and licked my cum mixed with lube and Chrissy’s own cum off her sister’s cock and said “This is always mine.” Then she crawled onto the other side of Chrissy, kissed me deeply with cum and lube on her tongue and lips, and said “I love you.”

I said “I love you” back, and all three of us just lay there for some time, holding each other

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ymb3si/my_girlfriend_suggests_i_bang_her_sister


  1. Amazing! I’ve been waiting for the motivation to write part two of my first Trans experience and now I think I’ve found it. Thanks!

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