His Darkest Secret [femdom] [bdsm] [real] [femdom] [extreme] [fearplay] [execution] [new] [F25/m44]

To say it started innocently enough would not be a fair statement. He had a very good idea of what he was getting himself into when he sent his first follow up message to his application; he had for a long time fantasized about what it would be liked to be condemned to death and face his execution, even more so, his executioner. He could remember the first time these feelings ever came up, watching a History Channel show on the group convicted and hanged conspiracy in the assassination of Abraham Lincoln including Mary Surratt – all hooded, led to the gallows and killed.

Now the normal reaction to this would be to turn away or simply cringe, instead he found himself wondering what it felt like to be told by the judge he would be killed, then hooded and led to the gallows in shame, and then eventually hanged for some crime. The more he thought about it, the harder his cock became until he eventually made a makeshift hood and masturbated to the scenario running through his mind. To that day, one of the most satisfying orgasms he could remember.

In the years that followed, he found himself thinking of the scenario often, mostly in the context of being wrongfully convicted of a crime where he was sentenced to death and the shame and humiliation that came with the time on death row before he finally met his demise. He often watched porn with self-identified Executrices, but they were just that, porn stars; he always felt they were just playing a role for clicks and to rack up more OnlyFans subscribers. But he’d never mentioned a word of his thoughts to anyone else, even in the safe spaces created by multiple Dommes he served over the year and became friendly with, he still felt this kink was too taboo to share.

It was one day when scrolling through Instagram where he saw a profile that really caught his attention, a woman dressed in thick, black leather, holding a knife with blood covering multiple areas of her body, and the background of the photograph. He’d seen similar posts before, and he’d investigate and move on, but this one felt different, it felt much more authentic than any he’d ever seen.

Like any curious kinks yet, he went a few clicks deeper, landing on her page dedicated to her career as a pro Domme. As he read through the first page, then moving on to her “About” page, something hit him like a punch in the mouth. The last entry under her favorite types of session, after things like psychological scenes, breath play, suffocation and fluid exchange was “execution roleplay.” And while others may have been scared away, turned off or just indifferent to those two words, it stood out to him like a blinking neon light.

After keeping it a secret for so long, he decided to be vulnerable and trust someone who seemed authentically like-minded with what he felt was his darkest secret. It was a few days of thinking he’d made a mistake before he finally received a response from the woman on the site. Even before excitement, his first emotion was relief when he started to read her response. She seemed genuinely pleased with the fact he had shared his secret, and was open to exploring it once he booked a session. There were a few back and forth messages, what some might call negotiations; but it was really just finding a mutual date that worked within both their busy schedules.

Once they found a date that seemed like it could work, it would normally be time to wait and anticipate; but he decided to make a bold move which he never expected to work, he was out of work for the afternoon, and decided to try and invite her to lunch. He was so sure she’d rebuff his offer, he had headed downtown to take his train home. He was absolutely floored when she gave him the address of a restaurant in the West Village and told him to be there in 30 minutes. He jumped on the R train and headed uptown, and in a few minutes, he found himself standing outside the Minetta Tavern wondering if she’d truly show up.

As we walked inside, the emptiness of the place was the first thing he noticed. He’d been there so many times before, but never at 2pm on a Thursday. He took a seat at the end of the bar and impulsively picked up his phone. He scrolled through the Instagram account of the woman with whom he had been exchanging messages. He was so enthralled, he didn’t notice the fact that there was someone standing behind him, completely invading his personal space. As he turned around, she didn’t say a word, she didn’t need to say anything. She was wearing leather pants and a black leather jacket, and underneath the coat, she seemed to be wearing a matching black leather shirt.

“House red,” she said as she signaled to the bartender and turned to the man she’d come there to meet. “One drink, and we’re going to go somewhere we can speak freely – it’s just a good habit to meet someone in public first.”

As she sat down next to him, she looked him over, it truly felt like she was sizing him up. They made some very friendly small talk as they both quickly finished their drinks, and as they placed the empty glasses on the bar, she told him to settle up and meet her outside. When he got outside they started to walk together, but after just a few strides, there was no doubt who was leading the way – she exudes confidence and power. She led him to a Noho apartment where she took out her key and let him inside, locking the door behind him.

“Third floor. It’s a walk up,” she said to him as they started up the stairs. “We can talk about absolutely anything here, I figured you’d like that.”

When they reached the third floor, she walked to the door at the end of the hall, unlocking the deadbolt and then the regular lock, pushing it open, and letting him in first. He looked around, but was intoxicated by the scent of leather that hung in the air, he was eager to explore. She locked the door, then the deadbolt, then fastened the chain and lastly set another lock. He didn’t hear any of it, and as he inhaled deeply and tried to look in the other room; she reached in her purse. She wrapped her red manicured nails around a matching red, 6000-volt cattle prod. Without hesitation, she lunged forward and jammed it in his lower right side sending electricity pulsing through his body. He had no idea what had happened, everything went black and he hit the ground like a ton of bricks. She put the device back in her purse, took out a set of police-issue handcuffs and put them on his wrists, walking away leaving his lifeless body lying in her hallway.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/yll2wl/his_darkest_secret_femdom_bdsm_real_femdom

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