[M]44 – How I got into freeuse & bondage [MF]

I was inspired by a few posts here and there, that were able to dig into my memories with a few similarities, and decided to make this post since I had no idea that “kink origin” is even a thing.

I got acquainted with this stuff many years ago, in my early 20’s (now I’m 44). Somebody showed me a 20-ish minutes video with a tied-up & gagged woman that struggled the whole time. It was weird for me that my friend masturbated every day while imagining that she was the one tied up, and I was also disappointed that there was no nudity. Later, she explained to me about self-bondage and this was absolutely weird from my point of view but I concluded that “no one’s normal anyway”, and her porn was often strange, but I finally understood it when I was able to see it in real life.

For a little context, she was a friend from the neighborhood but no one dare to date her. She was in love with martial arts for a very long time, she has a history of violence against an ex-boyfriend and his mother, plus some casual beatings here and there. Well, she was able to snap any of us like toothpicks. We, the boys, liked her because she was a great beer drinker, she swear like a bunch of drunk sailors, and probably because we felt safer with her. I personally liked her because she was very open regarding any questions I had about girls, she definitely was more fun than any of the guys, and for her porn collection. Back then, VHS was still a thing in the ex-communist country where I used to live, and even those were rare, so more often we had to buy porn magazines, and burning a CD was rarer than a solar eclipse. These things being said, at some point, we started to masturbate together while watching porn, alternating movies between my and her taste, although for me it wasn’t any fun watching non-nude struggling women and I was more interested in watching her. We put the shyness to the side and masturbating together became the highlight of my boring life, spending long nights drinking, smoking, and cumming. Except for a few kisses, while we were drunk in pubs, nothing more happened between us, not even a single touch during our “cinematic” experiences.

One day, during a wank, she decided to make me understand. She asks me to duct tape her bent over on a table. I wasn’t creative at all but I was effective, although it looked more like the work of a drunk man in the dark, which wasn’t too far from the truth. It’s playing some of “her porn” and, in a few minutes, I witnessed the weirdest but also the most obvious pleasure that I was able to see on someone’s face up to that point. It was weird because I had no idea how one can get this amount of visible pleasure without any sort of sexual stimulation. And she asks me something like “What if I tell you that you can do anything to me?”. Back then, I was way more stupid than today, so I had to ask quite a few times if she is sure, if she was joking, and so on. I was hesitant like a scared deer in front of a high-speed train but she asks what do I need at that specific moment. If my boner wasn’t an obvious response, I had to say that I need to cum, and she tells me to cum however I want.

Initially, all I wanted to do for quite some time before this moment was to jerk off and cum on her body but she was wet like a dripping faucet so I had nothing else to do but to grab her waist and go in. I pumped inside her like a rabid dog fucking a bitch behind a truck in the safety of the night, and the only thing I cared about was to cum while staring at my cock repeatedly entering her, an image highly improved by the looks of her ass. I had this unusual feeling like this was the first time when I actually cummed and it got imprinted forever in my brain, like a mental tattoo. With no premeditation, I lit up a cigarette and lay on the couch while forgetting for a few seconds about her on the table but I decided to let her there, just to see what was happening. She wasn’t gagged so she was able to communicate. I decide to hold the cigarette for her to share it and, without saying a word, I begin to feel her body with my hands. At that moment I was convinced that she is perfect, that there was no better woman than her, in looks or otherwise. I changed the porn with something for my usual taste and, soon after, got a fresh boner. The porn had its role towards my hard cock but the image of leaking precum getting dry, of her being there only for my pleasure, made me go again inside her, she felt like my property that existed only for my pleasure and this made me feel like I own the universe. I don’t remember how long did it take but I assisted to the first excruciating and animalistic orgasm, something that neither of us had any idea was possible. At first, I got scared and, full of confusion, I ask if she was ok while the answer came as a yell “This Is A Fucking Orgasm!” and this made me explode again inside her, thinking I’m the best fucker that anyone can have.

We both had what we described as the most relaxing releases ever. On my part because, for once, I didn’t have to care about my partner’s pleasure (to be read: my ego) and I felt relieved in more than one way. To bring an end to this long post, I have to say that we experienced a lot together until a few years ago but the common kinks weren’t too many, we used each other (mostly) for this stuff while becoming best friends. We have a lot of great memories together but this one still feels the most important, we talk about it once in a while like it’d be the first time, and we also share the ways it changed us into the perverts we are today.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yl44wn/m44_how_i_got_into_freeuse_bondage_mf