Living dangerously: Professor [M]44 has freaky encounter with student [F]21 from class

I know many will frown upon my taboo behavior, having sex with a student from my class………. But sometimes we all take really boneheaded risks on account of the possibly great reward. This is such a story.

After many years as a university Prof, I am used to having female (and sometimes male) students flirt with me. Just part of the job, and harmless, good fun; it never goes anywhere. Taylor, a student in my senior seminar class this semester, was unique, however; her flirting never let up and just kept getting more overt with time. She also wears ridiculously sexy outfits to class and often sits right in front of me. That is precisely what happened four days ago. She wore a very short mini-skirt and sat in the desk right in front of me. Since I have 40 pairs of eyes glued me as I lecture, I had to work hard to keep my gaze up and away from Taylor.

During class, I could see her occasionally parting her legs. However, the student desks in this classroom are the typical type, with a 2’ x 3’ writing surface that covers student’s legs. Taking very subtle glances, all I could see was her feet and shins moving apart, my view of anything above the knees being obstructed by the desk. Perhaps I should have dropped my notes to the floor and bent over to pick them up…LOL….Did not happen.

As class ended and I conversed with some students in the front of the room, she very slowly and most provocatively rose from the desk and walked out. Back in my office 30 minutes later, I received a text from a number I did not recognize. [During COVID, I gave all students my cell number in case of emergencies, a practice I still did this semester]. “Hi Professor P____. I think I know what you wanted to see in class today. Can I show you?”. In responding to this text, I knew I was crossing a line that a Prof never should. “Sure!” I wrote.

The subsequent texts contained images with a desk exactly like the ones in my classroom. At this time of day (5:30PM), there are many empty classrooms in the lecture building and she must have ducked into one to take some selfies. Sitting in the desk, she had dangled her phone cam over the front edge and took pix. The first showed her amazing legs under the desk, but closed tight. The next was the same view, but with her legs apart, allowing a nice view of her bright pink panties. The next was the same, legs apart; except now, the panties were pulled down and wrapped around one shin. The last shot, was the panties sitting alone on the desk surface, but with a huge wet spot in the crotch area. OMG! This was some serious flirting.

The next text was words, “Can I come to your office to ask questions about the lecture today?”. Again, I answered, “Sure!” Ten minutes later, Taylor knocked on my door. I let her into my office, closed and locked the door behind her, and started to take in her stunning sexiness (and she smelled amazing also). She first sat down in one of the chairs in front of my desk, showing me a whole lot of leg.

Almost immediately, her phone buzzed and she pulled it out and took a look. “Sorry,” she said, “I have to answer this”. As she texted, she explained that it was her closest friend Daryl”. Smirking, she added, “Actually my best FWB……we are really close.”

She finished with the phone, got up from the chair, and slowly walked around the desk to my side. She sat on my desk placing her amazing legs right in my face. There was some chit-chat involved here, from which I will spare you, but in short time she said, “I want to suck you and then have you fuck me hard from behind on your desk.” And that, dear reader, is pretty much how the next 15 minutes went. For the fucking, she stood, feet on the floor, her chest pressed down on the desk, and her butt in the air towards me. I lifted her mini-skirt, pulled those pink panties away and went to work. After I entered her, she immediately got very loudly vocal. Fortunately, I had ascertained that my colleagues that occupied the two adjacent offices were both away. As much as I was turned on by her cries of “Fuck me Dr P____”, etc., her volume did concern me.

We were positioned behind my desk and therefore both were facing towards my (locked) office door. The door has a large panel of frosted glass….and suddenly I saw the silhouette of a human projected onto the glass. Then, I heard a key turning in the door lock and the door started to push open!?!?! In walked one of the nighttime janitorial crew, a guy in his 30s, his eyes popping out of his head as he saw what was going on in the office. [Yes, the janitors clean the offices every night, using a master key, but they are only permitted to enter offices after 9PM].

Mortified, I jumped backwards and, faster than you can say “Faculty Conduct Hearing”, my dick and balls shriveled up inside of me. I immediately pictured my hard-won academic tenure flying out the window. Struggling to get covered, I comically grabbed at my pants and underwear, which were badly tangled up in a pile on the floor. As I pulled up my pants, I noticed Taylor actually had not moved at all; she was still face down on my desk, with her nude ass in the air, while the janitor just stood and stared with his mouth open. I then saw Taylor put her hands on her head and shake it from side to side. She shouted, “Daryl, I told you not to come in until I texted you!!”

Wait….WTF!!!! FWB Daryl is Daryl the nighttime janitor!!! O…M…G!

Daryl replied to Taylor, “Yes, I know, but when I heard all the loud screaming, I had to come in.” I crashed down into my office chair, my heart and breath racing unbelievably fast. Taylor and Daryl had further strong words with each other, but, at this point, I wasn’t listening anymore; I was more worried about a heart attack. Finally, Taylor turned to me and apologized profusely for scaring the crap out of me. She confessed that she really wanted to fuck me….but also wanted to get fucked by me and her FWB. So, she thought he might join us, but after our first encounter; to be summoned by text only if it was OK with me. Wow….that sure was a lot to process.

Although sex was now the furthest thing from my mind, apparently the incident did not affect Taylor and Daryl in quite the same way. Just the opposite, they both suddenly seemed very turned on. As I sat there recovering, they started kissing heavily. Then Taylor pulled down Daryl’s pants to reveal an amazingly huge cock. She went to work on the cock orally, and when he was ready, they spread cushions from my office chairs on the floor, got on them and started fucking like rutting animals.

By now, my blood pressure and heart rate had returned to almost normal, and, amazingly, watching Taylor and Daryl go at so vigorously and erotically had caused my erection to reappear. At a lull in the action, Taylor noticed my swollen manhood and immediately suggested that we do a DP with me in her ass. She produced a tube of lube out of her purse (not surprisingly). I lubed up and entered her ass, which for me was my first DP experience (but I suspect, not Taylor’s). I really enjoyed it, as did Taylor who screamed even louder and orgasmed like I have never before seen a woman come.

Many may read this as a cautionary tale….and I definitely will think long and hard about getting involved with a student again. In the end, however, I have to honestly say that I enjoyed myself immensely.
