Egyptian foreign exchange student: Part 1 [M22/F18] (Interracial, dubcon, corruption)

The apartments I had been staying in since I was a sophomore were brand new at the time. Built quickly and cheaply, they are shit quality, and it came out that there’s an issue, something with the air conditioners and mold, so I had to move back home.

My parents had a case of empty nest syndrome even before I left for college. They have always been very social and charitable having always been involved in my high school and other community groups, so to lessen the blow of their youngest leaving for college and leaving them alone at home, they signed up for the foreign exchange student program and were assigned a girl from Egypt.

The exchange student’s name was Inaya. At first, I thought she was quite plain looking always wearing pants, long sleeves, and a hijab. Any attraction I had for her came much later. Despite being Egyptian, Muslim, and fairly quiet, she spoke English well and could hold a conversation once you got her started. I felt bad for her for having to spend her 18th birthday with my awkward parents and me when she first moved here.

Inaya and I were living different lives and really didn’t hang out much at first. Our relationship also started out rocky. For example, one time I had asked about her hijab, and she was telling me about her religion and cultural traditions. I wasn’t trying to be a dick, but I may have suggested something about it being evil and oppressive. Anyways, it didn’t go well, and I don’t think she liked me all that much in general.

Form what I gathered, it was clear she was very conservative, was almost certainly a virgin, and claimed she didn’t have much interest in boys. That being said, I noticed the way she was snap her gaze away from me anytime I caught her looking at me shirtless, in a towel, or in boxer briefs that didn’t do much to hide my bulge.

Things started shifting when she walked into the living room later one night while I was playing video games. My class schedule allows me to stay up later which is great because I’m naturally a night owl, so I spend a lot of time as the only one up at night. Not only did she recognize the game but asked specific questions about it that made it clear she actually plays it. I was shocked that she was a gamer and is only now telling me, and she thought I was an idiot for thinking so which she made clear when she playfully accused me of being a typical racist, sexist gamer boy. From then on, she would occasionally come out at night to hang out playing games, watching movies and talking, and I started seeing her in a different way.

But gaming’s not the only thing I do out there when my parents are asleep. Sometimes, like any guy, I jerk off too, and one fateful night, she walked in on me. I was quick enough to close my phone and cover up before she saw me, but she knew something was going on because the tv was dimmed from inactivity, and it was perfectly quiet in the room.

I told her I was going to watch a movie and to my surprise, she stayed, lying on the other end of the couch. I flipped through the menu and put something on not caring what it was. I had been on the very edge of cumming before she walked in and knew I would get blue balls in no time if I didn’t finish. Yeah, I could go to my room, but I figured I could just finish in my underwear really fast without her noticing.

She fell asleep almost instantly which came as huge relief. Lying in the fetal position, her sweatpants hugged her ass and crotch, and maybe I was just crazy horny from almost cumming earlier, but I started really appreciating the curves of her hips and the soft mound between her legs. My imagination was running wild. It wasn’t long after stroking myself in earnest again until I pumped a massive load into my boxers and could actually relax again.

After coming down from cumming hard, I was ready for bed, so I turned off the tv and moved to get up. When I opened the blanket, I was hit by the strong scent of cum that filled my boxers soaking through my underwear. My first instinct was to run and hide so she wouldn’t notice, but then I felt the strange desire that she be aware of it somehow. I stood in front of her on the couch and gently shook her hip telling her that the movie is over and to go to bed.

[Part 2](
