Paladin’s Pride M25 M50 F25 Mind Control, Non Consent, Superheroine Peril

Everyone has their favorite superhero or heroine. When they are boys and girls, they tend to pick an idol they want to be like. When they grow up, they often find themselves fixating on the ones they would like to fuck instead.

Paladin was the object of much of this.

She had been an archeology student on a dig in the Spanish mountains when she uncovered Durendal, the legendary holy sword of Huon of the Horn. Transformed by its holy power, she was blessed with the strength of a hundred knights, armoured with the mantle of the Archangel Gabriel to turn aside all earthly weapons, gifted by the fairy King Oberon with immunity to magic. Armed with a sword that could cut through stone and steel as if it were warm butter, and the wings of an Archangel to fly, she was a vision of purity that sailed above a world too base for her perfection.

She had been an athletic girl, a blonde vision of a coed whose presence is short shorts and a halter top barely containing her breasts did much to make the whole dig team motivated to get up to work every day, even if her persistent rebuff of every attempt to get into those delightful little pants failed utterly against a soul that was even then too pure for this world.

The power of the blade Durendal magnified all that she was. Her already amazing clean cut girl next door beauty became beyond the best CGI artificial perfection. Her fit and toned body became like that of a Valkyrie, that of a born and trained warrior. Her naturally ample female assets were likewise magnified to comic book proportions.

To say that her red crossed white crusader mantle did little to hide her curves was true. The chain mail she had originally worn had been slowly blasted away, to be replaced with mail forged of holy light as the Archangels rewarded her purity with greater protection than any enchanted steel.

The loving telephoto lenses of her fans and enemies agreed that one thing this glowing holy mail was, was almost transparent. Her body was clad in glowing gold chain mail that you could almost see through, or totally see through with a computer filter. Only the damned crusader robe hid the tips of those amazing breasts and the soft valley of those amazing hips from view.

She was the go to heroine in the spank banks of most prisons, half of which she had filled.

The problem of sex trafficing was getting bad, and while Paladin had joined the crusade to stop women from the devoloping world being smuggled into the USA as enslaved sex workers, she uncovered other rings serving more rarified customers who practiced white slavery to deliver young coeds to serve rich unsavory CEOs in China, Imam’s and Princes throughout the Middle East, and even Russian Oligarchs. All of these were beyond the reach of any law.

Paladin was not the law of man. She was the avenging wrath of God.

She had spent almost a year recovering the girls, somehow magically charmed into wanting to serve sexually, to be the playthings and even prostitutes of their new owners. Nothing angered Paladin more than seeing good and innocent girls, even strong professional women robbed of their will and their core morality to become nothing more than eager, no DEDICATED sexual playthings.

They all told versions of the same tale. They had found a new magic game on their phone, free to play. It required access to their phone location and photo data, but none of them thought that was odd.

Soon to unlock the higher levels of the game, they had to take naked selfies. Just take them, not send them. Certain select girls then unlocked new levels of the game that included summoning spells. They would look at the magic circles and chant the spells, and when their phone microphone accepted they chanted the spells then their character would cast the spell and they would win the prize.

Those that made it all the way through and defeated the final boss, Magic Man, were kidnapped the next day.

Paladin knew how magic worked, she had been taught how to fight off magical charms and illusions by Oberon, the Fairy King himself. She was immune to any lesser magic. She was the sword of god’s wrath, the wielder of Durandal. She would find the common link between all these things, and find the Magic Man himself.

Each of the girls recalled their first meeting with him, how he had rewarded them for finding him, as if they were not kidnapped and dropped at his feet! He claimed that they had won their way to him by their own efforts and as a reward, he would become their pimp, and their first customer.

He simply took out money and laid it before them, and they found themselves eager to perform sexual acts many of them did not even know the name of, let alone ever wanted to perform.

Whatever his magic was, only Paladin was strong enough to withstand it. She would seek him out, and bring him in.

She teamed up with Detective Chastity Blake, NYPD when too many of the kidnappings came into airports whose only common location was New York City.

His tracks were well hidden, but Detective Chastity Blake headed NYPD’s computer crime division, and she located what ISP was tracking the victims phones. When the NYPD tried to serve the warrants, they were met with overwhelming force.

The sight of police cars dissolving under gatling gun fire as the concealed weapon posts rose from fake dumpsters and power company utility boxes caught SWAT by surprise. The only reason that the helicopter did not drop its tactical team in flames rather than on the roof was that Paladin rose in the sky like a phoenix and struck down the two Stinger surface to air missiles with two strokes of her sword.

Falling like an avenging angel, she ignored the fire of the manjack automated machine guns that hosed her like water guns for all the good it did them, as Paladin carved a path through the automated defenses,and into the living guards.

The guards themselves did not even consider surrendering. They fought on like religious fanatics, not like zombies, they retained individual initiative and training, but all wanted only one thing, to die before letting anyone reach Magic Man.

Paladin did not grant their request. She struck with fist and flat of blade, breaking limbs and stunning but killing no one. Behind her the NYPD tac team cuffed the unconscious, and followed their heroine into the Magic Man’s lair.

Doors the strength of bank vaults failed to stop her. Poison gas attacks failed to stop her longer than it took to drag SWAT back to the roof for medical evac. The claymore mines triggered when she burst through the door only served to make her golden semi transparent mail glow brighter, offering hints of the pale perfection underneath.

In the end Magic Man turned out to be a grossly obese sweaty late twenty year old Indian kid who was caught surrounded by his security consoles, his porn consoles and his gaming consoles, as if he couldn’t stop his gaming session or porn consumption long enough to concentrate on defending his base.

Paladin pointed her sword at Magic Man and declared proudly.

“Your crimes against women end today, Magic Man. Summon your sorcery, but you will find it fails in the face of Durandal the Holy Sword. Raise your demons, cast your spells, and I will send you to the Hell you bargain with. Surrender if you wish to live.”

Magic man found himself sporting a boner that threatened to take all his blood supply. Paladin was not just the single greatest threat to life on earth, she was the living goddess of fuck, trapped in virgin armour. He just about blew a wad looking at her.

“I surrender, I surrender!” Magic man cried.

Paladin fit him with special thorn manacles, forged by trolls in the depths of fairy, they prevented any magician from calling upon their power. Merlin himself would be helpless once bound.

Magic Man felt her breasts press into him as she shoved him against the wall to cuff him and hoped he didn’t develop a fetish about being manhandled by her. He stayed silent beyond demanding his lawyer be present before he would talk, but he listened.

Magic Man listened to Paladin, and to the detectives, especially the raven haired Irish born Chastity Blake, and realized they thought he used actual magic to charm the girls into working for him. He didn’t know yet why that mattered, but some predatory part of him knew to stay silent and wait. Wait for the opportunity he knew was there.

It took a week for Magic Man, Vihan “Vinnie” Nanda and his lawyer Amitabh Bachchan to sit across an interrogation room table from Paladin.

The sweaty and obese Magic Man was still bound in the Thorn Manacles that blocked all magic. The room itself was sealed with Paladin’s own wards so that no physical or magical force could enter.

Detective Chastity Blake monitored behind polarizing one way glass with full spectrum recording.

The interrogation was conducted mostly between the grey hair and beadred Amitabh Bachchan, an angry and proud old Indian lawyer who accused the NYPD of racial profiling, of terrorism, of planting evidence, and kept cycling back again and again to the fact that they had nothing linking Vihan Nanda to being the Magic Man they were after. The financial data recovered, the cash money, the photo and video files could all have been faked or planted after all.

Finally Paladin slammed her fist down on the table so hard it dented the fortified metal surface.

“Enough. I watched every one of those files. Played every one of those games to the end. I heard every voice over, because only I have the magical protections to block whatever sorcery you employed. I listened to them all, and my memory is perfect by the will of God. It was your clients voice.

I have had Detective Chastity Blake, behind my anti sorcery wards, listen to the records of my play throughs and every downloaded file. She ran it through a voice print analyzer and both magic and science agree, it is your client’s voice.

Paladin turned to glare at Magic Man, and smirked.

“What does your client have to say about that.”

Magic Man and his lawyer shared a look.

Magic man nodded at the lawyer, who finally asked his question in return.

“Am I to understand that both you and the detective watched the videos all the way through to the end?”

Paladin declared proudly. “Yes, I am purity, I am justice, I will not allow another to risk themselves when I am the only one who is safe against any of your foul sorcery.”

Magic Man smiled and finally spoke.

“I will tell you my secret. What I do, it is hypnotism. It isn’t actually magic. You have won through every obstacle I put in place. You have triumphed over every challenge and won your way to my side. Now you must prove your worth to me. Prove you are worth training as one of my whores.

Meet this test as you have met ever test to win your way to my side, and Magic Man will make you the whore you were born to be.”

His words hit Paladin like a freight train. Her eyes flew wide in alarm as her body arched in pleasure magnified by her magic, as every one of her physical aspects were magnified one hundred times her human base. She felt desire blast through her like dragon fire, as beside her the attorney pulled out his wallet and began laying down five dollar bills on the table between them.

Paladin stood and went to back away, but her body froze.

Magic man spoke at last. “Show my your tits, whore.” The fat man smirked.

Horrified, she felt her breasts tingle, her nipples painfully engorge as she reached up to remove her tabard.



  1. Paladin couldn’t understand what she was doing, what she was feeling.

    Her strength and virtue were that of a hundred, her armour protected her with all the faith she had to defend the innocent and weak from those who would do them harm. She had taken main gun rounds from a T90, and charged back off the ground to cleave the tank in half with the Holy Sword Durendal. She could not be defeated!

    And yet. Flushed with pleasure, she pulled her tabard off, shaking her hips like a burlesque dancer to allow it to fall from her shoulders, baring her comic book sized breasts. Her blush extended to the fair skin of her chest and her nipples were hard enough to etch glass.

    “What is happening to me?” She asked as Magic Man reached out and cupped one of her generous breasts and trailed a five dollar bill across her cheek, causing her to moan in pleasure as wetness flooded her core, causing her knees to buckle as she dropped to the floor before him.

    “What is happening is that you have taken all my programming into that superpowered little brain of yours. All the programming that told you that because of your privilidge, because of your gifts, because of how much you have been given, you need to give back. Money is the root of all evil, so giving money won’t be enough. Money is evil, so you must take money out of the world. Love is good, so you must give love for money. I am the Magic Man, the one that can teach you how to give love for money, so you must make money for me by giving love.

    You are gifted beyond all women. Usually the women I program only have enough guilt about their privilidge to serve as my whore for a year or two. One billionaire heiress actually turned tricks in a pleasure house on the docks in Bejing for four years before she felt she had done enough. The client who cast her aside after the first year actually regretted it and tried to buy her back, but the house wasn’t keen on giving up such a good earner and made him pay per hole like everyone else.”

    Magic Man pulled out his cock, a hooded cobra of a dark brown shaft, easily nine inches semi hard, with a full foreskin. Its scent was spicy, the oils of Indian food giving his sweat a slight tang that was foreign and exotic.

    “You know what do do. Save the world. Take money out of the world and give love. No one will buy drugs or guns with this money. No one will destroy the environment. I even support charities for the underpriviliged around the world. Best of all Paladin. You are invulnerable. You cannot be hurt. You cannot get disease, your endurance is legendary. While you serve the lusts of men, think how many poor vulnerable women are being saved? After all, I only select among the most privilidged and ask them to give back love for all the money they took from this world.”

    Magic Man knew this was bullshit, but white guilt was a hook that worked on liberal elites. Sexual desire among conservative raised women was shrouded in guilt, so giving them the excuse to pretend they had no choice was a hook that worked on them. It didn’t work on everyone, but he cast his nets in rich waters and did well enough among those who had those hooks in their brain. Paladin though, she had the strength of a hundred, if that was true, did she have the desire of a hundred as well? Had he tapped on the worlds first super whore?

    Paladin looked up into his dark eyes with her blue ones, her white breasts shining in the interrogation room lights, and with a hungry moan, took the head of Magic Man’s swelling penis into her mouth.

    “Krishna preserve me, I think she is trying to suck my soul” Moaned Magic Man as Paladin worked his cock with her mouth. She was the image of a pure temple maiden, the white virginal tabard pooled around her hips as she worshipped his dark cock like she was taking holy communion. Her eyes were wide and teary as he felt his cock harden to its full length just shy of 11″ and thick as a coke can. and she was fighting her gag reflex to take him deeper.

  2. Meanwhile the lawyer Amitabh Bachchan had walked to the mirrored glass and held up a business card., behind it was another five dollar bill.

    “Listen, little cop slut. This is five dollars. You are not a super whore, so you are only worth half the price of Paladin. You are only good for cleanup and prep work. So here is your assignment. You are going to purge all the electronic evidence against my client. You are going to send every film and audio record of this interrogation to my office at this email address, and set the machines here to wipe when it is done. Then you can come in here and eat your little super bitches ass. Eat it good, because I am going to fuck it. When we are done, you are going to clean up all the evidence. You are going to clean ever drop of cum out of her, and off the floor. Do it naked, because I don’t want any surviving on your clothes.”

    Magic Man was feeling like he had died and gone directly to Nirvana. He pulled his cock out of Paladin’s face and slapped it, right, left, right, and then lifed his cock, and without any instruction she began to lick his balls. She lapped at them like a bitch in heat. He was going to lose his load if he didn’t cool off, but he wanted his first load to be in that virginal super pussy.

    “Amitabh, give me another ten bucks, I want her pussy now!” Magic man roared as he yanked Paladin off his balls before he lost it. He was a pimp, and had the finest bitches known to man service him, but they were nothing like Paladin, who loved with the devotion of a hundred sluts, as long as you had ten dollars a hole.

    Magic man yanked the blonde to her feet, and slapped her tits as she moaned. He left no prints. Her magic armour failed as soon as she surrendered, but her body while soft and supple as flesh was a hundred times more durable. An unbreakable whore. She felt everything and was damaged by none of it. A sadists wet dream.

    Reaching his lips down, he took one of her perfect breasts in his mouth and sucked. As his lawyer walked over and took out his wallet and a crisp ten dollar bill, Magic Man bit Paladin’s nipple hard, she cried in pain, whimpered in submisssion, then her eyes went wide, and her tabbard got wet as she came with unreal force, her whole body shaking like she was connected to a high voltage wire.

    “Strip Paladin, here is ten bucks for some Paladin Pussy. I aim to feel what your orgasm feels like from the inside.” Magic Man offered, gripping the base of his cock to stop its twitching.

    Paladin stripped off her tabard and her tame white granny panties. Suddenly she felt ashamed her underwear was so unsightly. She would have to fix that she thought. Unaware this thought was new or strange.

    Magic man lay back on the interrogation room table, legs hanging down, and Paladin prepared to mount her steed, to serve her pimp, to give up her virgin super pussy for ten dollars cash.

    Magic man felt a hot wet vice clamp around the crown of his ten and three quarter inches and gasped. This was on the border between pleasure and pain as she clearly had never had anything, even a finger up here.

    Her pussy pulsed, then proceeded to gobble up his cock like a velvet mouth. Her muscles, so supreme in battle were even better as a sheathe to his cock. Her body was enhanced in all respects, she was not just stronger, but more sensitive and more supple. She could not be torn, but she would feel the stretch more than any woman. She was the Maiden of Virtue, so she felt her defilement more than any mortal could, but her sexual desire was enhanced a hundred fold as well, the pleasure took her like a wave, and she surrendered to it, not through hypnotic compulsion, but through the sheer hunger of a natural desire she had been denying her entire adult life out of a fear she could not control it.

    “GOD ALMIGHTY!” Paladin cried, as her first orgasm hit her five inches down the shaft. Her pussy spasmed, foam and honey drooled around the cock shaft as her pussy milked it like a ravenous beast, her desire to impale herself warring with the natural tightness of her virginity. Magic Man settled the issue, reaching up and grabbing her by the hips and impaling her full length.

    Amitabh Bachchan pulled out his cock and slapped Detective Chastity Blake’s face.

    “Get to work Detective cocksucker. You are only good for prep work and clean up. So unless you want your little friend fucked dry up the ass, get sucking.”

    The little cop was more experienced than her friend and it took considerable reserve to not show how excited she was making him. Key to breaking a bitch was making her admit how much more she was getting from getting fucked that you were. They had to know you were better at pleasing them than they were at pleasing you. It kept them motivated.

  3. Paladin was desperately kissing Magic Man as she pressed her breasts into his chest above his bulging belly. Her tongue was raping his mouth as he was plundering her pussy. This was definitely the best ten dollars he had ever spent. His cock was like a lightning rod, and every velvet pulse of Paladin’s divine pussy sent living lightning burning down every nerve in his body. It was a struggle to breathe, the pleasure was past pain into something he was not sure he could survive. Death by snu-snu, his Hindu cock buried in the magnificent angelic sheath of the Christian Crusader. He was going to martyr himself before he bust a nut. Magic made a note to work on his cardio while he gamed, he needed to up his endurance if he was going to have cunt like this on command.

    Paladin felt her cheeks parted, and the loving pink tongue of Detective Blake began to probe her virgin rosette to prepare it for the lawyers writ of habeus bitchus, to secure the release of his pent up balls inside the superheroine who had caused his client so much problem.

    Against her will, she found the woman’s tongue and then fingers in her ass coupled with the massive bronze battering plow in her fertile garden were more than she could bear and she came with a scream only the magical sound proofing wards could contain.

    The lawyer Amitabh Bachchan yanked Detective Chastity back by the hair and lined his hard cock up against Paladin’s pink pucker, and drove a lance of law up the new whores ass. Her asshole, wet with her Detective partners spit, was tight as any sheath could be. Unlike other bitches, Amidtabh knew he did not have to be careful. This one was UNBREAKABLE. He did not have to be gentle, he could not damage the merchandise with a flamethrower. He grudge fucked the Paladin of Purity up her tight shit hole and made her understand she was nothing but a set of holes to be used for any man with cash.

    Her whimpering and shuddering showed her surrender as the two cocks drove into her like sychopated pistons, each thrust driving pleasure and submission into her like the will of God.

    Magic Man felt his control shatter. Master pimp or not, this was a pussy that Shiva himself would descend to earth to plow, that Brama would abjure purity to possess. His balls took control of his whole body, and he bucked like a brahama bull in a rodeo beneath his new super powered whore.

    “FUCK YES!” he screamed emptying his balls in a dozen shuddering spasms that robbed him of his breath and left him almost unable to think.

    Amitabh Bachchan gave a wordless roar of lust and rage as he felt his hard cock being milked by the no longer virgin asshole of the holier than thou whore. His legs collapsed and he grunted in pain as he felt his whole body suspended by his penis as her ass clamped on him with more than human power. He felt helpless as a dog knotted in a bitch, unable to pull out as his balls continued to jerk and pulse as if she would make him cum himself to death.

    At last her asshole shuddered in final release and he was able to pull out.

    Seeing Detective Chastity playing with her raven haired bush, the lawyer grabbed her by the hair and snarled.

    “Clean up cop, get this shit off my dick. My boxers are imported silk and this bitch left me nasty.”

    Detective Chastity had been whimpering, her programming not allowing her to cum without cum in one of her holes or on her body, edging herself into insanity while watching Paladin be defiled by the two dark criminals. She lunged at the half hard cock like a cobra striking the tastiest rabbit existing. She took the shit and cum covered cock into her mouth and began cleaning him with the devotion programmed into Magic Man’s whores. The release of seratonin this caused in the Detective made her both happy and relaxed, accepting all that had happened as her body felt an overwhelming sense of rightness in the world, and her place in it.

    Magic man stood in front of Paladin, and watched her clean his cock with the devotion of a golden retreiver puppy given her first bone. He chuckeld, a few more rounds to settle the programming and she was his. At least, that was how it worked with normal bitches. She had the strength of a hundred. Did that mean he had to fuck her a hundred times to make the programming hold? There was no way his heart would survive. He really needed to up his cardio. Less gaming, more treadmill.

    “Vihan,” Amitabh said softly beginning to insert his tenderized cock back in his silk briefs, “we have to leave. Now.”

    Vihan, the Magic Man looked down on the finest whore he could dream of and couldn’t understand how his lawyer could walk away from the chance to finish the jog.

    “What are you talking about man, we are a few fucks away from owning the most powerful superhero in the world, and the finest pussy the gods ever created!”

    Amitabh Bachchan grabbed Detective Blake who kept trying to reach is zipper and take his cock back out for more cleaning, and gave her a slap.

    “Clean your whore friend out. Suck every drop of cock off her, suck every drop of cock off the floor. Then the two of you go shower. Wash everything. I want all electronic records of this interrogation sent to my office and then wiped. Once that is done you will have earned your five dollars, you cheap cock cleaning cop cunt.” Amitabh Bachchan growled.

    Turning to Vihan, the Magic Man, he broke the news to his client.

    “Vihan, I came with money for parking and coffee. Not to buy a BMW. I am out of cash. Once you don’t have cash up front, what happens when that self righteous bitch comes down off cloud nine?”

    Magic man blanched. He programmed his bitches to accept what had been done to them as their choice, their desire, their insistence. They viewed him, once fully broken, as not just their pimp, but the man who gave them a chance to finally become decent people. They looked at him as their saviour, their living god. Of course in the middle when there minds warred with the programming, and they realized what he was doing to them, they got a bit uppity.

    If Paladin got uppity she could and had, tear the turret of an T90 tank and swat down a Sukhoi bomber with it. What she could do to him if she had a “moment” with the programming half settled did not bear thinking about.

    The two of them left, using the Detectives key card to swipe their way through the electronic doors between them and the exit.

    Behind them, Detecive Chastity Blake and Paladin screamed in mutal orgasm as the detective finally had a belly full of cum and her fingers could bring her over the edge. Paladin looked helplessly down into her friends eyes as she committed an immortal sin and Paladin came all over her face for it.

    She didn’t understand what happened, what was going on. Her mind in a haze, she lay back as the good detective fulfilled her duty. Every last drop of cum. She would earn her five dollars today!

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