Mindtech industries, Chapter 1: The kraken [Femdom] [Msub] [Mindcontrol] [M26] [F28]

Hey, this is the first chapter of a story I’m in the middle of finishing. I will post more chapter in the days to come. Also, my stories always start pretty light and increase in intensity with every chapter so don’t expect this one to be too crazy. Feedback is always highly appreciated.

Mindtech industries Chapter 1 : The kraken

“You fucking piece of shit! Haa!” I shouted just before slamming my cell phone to the ground, breaking it into pieces.

I just finished having a conversation with a huge investor that decided to go with our competitor instead. They obviously came up with an incredible amount of ridiculous excuses but I knew why they didn’t pick our company. I’m a young woman in her 30s, I’m too young and especially too “woman” to be trustworthy. These bunch of old farts still live in an era that is already far gone. It’s 2086 for fuck sake! I don’t care, I’ll show them. I built this company from the ground up and I’ll show them that I don’t need help from any men. It’s just gonna take more time…

While I was still reflecting on what just happened, I got disturbed by a knock on my door followed by a gentle voice:

“Is everything alright, Miss Demers?”

I sighed deeply and answered “Yeah, come in Max.”

The young man entered the office slowly and nervously with his tablet hugged against his chest, prepared to get shot. I would never hurt Max though. Young with cute, blonde, semi long hair, he was the total opposite of the men I just had a meeting with. He was always shy but never did it stop him from accomplishing his tasks. His obedience and willingness to please me as his superior was the greatest quality a secretary could offer.

I told Max to take notes, which made him finally relax and immediately readied his pen eager to be of service.

“I’m gonna need a new phone. I want a Trita 3s. It comes out only in two weeks but I know the shops already have it in stock. I don’t care how you do it but you’re not coming back here until you have one. I want you to pick a case that absorbs shocks too. I want the case to be violet. Violet! not purple. Is that all clear?”

“Yes, Miss Demers!” Max said while hurrying up to leave and get on with the task.

“Alright, time to go back to the lab”, I thought to myself. I got in the elevator and pressed on the B2 button.

Our company was working on developing multiple new high tech instruments, mostly centered around neuroscience. The most promising project was by far the Kraken. A chip that could be implemented over the scalp and could interact with the brain without even having to touch it. It looked a bit like an octopus, hence the name. Once installed, the Kraken would then analyze via an algorithm the patient’s brain signals’ patterns. When fully synchronized, it would automatically be able to intercept signals, then stop, replace or create new signals to correct the brain functionality. The applications are numerous; we could cure diseases like parkinson’s disease, schizophrenia and so many more.


Finally at my destination, I walked towards doctor Schmidt’s office letting my presence known to everyone with the loud sounds of my heels tapping the ground with every step I took. I barged into his office like it was mine, making the old man jump out of his chair.

“Oh ! Miss Demers! I have news concerning the Kraken device.” Said the doctor with his German accent.

“I’m not in the mood for bad news so it better be good.”

“Oh do not worry, good news today! We went through all the animal testing protocols and everything has been cleared. We are finally ready to proceed with human testing.”

“Show me” I ordered, quickly turning the doctor’s computer’s monitor towards me.

I took a look at the data concerning the tests in awe for a while. The biggest indication of success was actually the willingness of the patient to have their thoughts altered. Mice that were combative and dominant failed the tests fifty five percent of the time but those who showed submissive behaviors managed to get positive results up to ninety seven percent!

The device exceeded our expectations in every category, but my joy came down as soon as I remembered the meeting from this morning. We are gonna need human test subjects, a new test environment but most of all, build multiple kraken devices adapted for human physiology. For the moment, only one was ready and every one of them cost more than a hundred thousand dollars to build. And well, we were totally out of budget. Without a new investor, the project couldn’t be pushed further.

I went back to my office still demoralized. The large window behind my desk gave sight to the whole city. It was somewhat relaxing watching everyone else live their lives from so high up while no one could watch me back, a silent observer.

“I need a test subject, that’s what I need. Just one to show that the product has potential so investors will want to support us. But it also needs to be someone who is willing to have his brain tempered with for it to show good results.“

For the second time today, my thoughts were interrupted by a knock on my door.

“Miss Demers? Are you in your office, I have the phone you asked for.” Said Max’s lovely muffled voice.

“Come in, darling.”

Max entered the office, pushing the door with his back, for his hands were encumbered by bags. My eyes widen seeing that many bags and Max realizing my surprised face started to explain in a hurry :

“So first, the phone, that was a bit complicated but I managed to get my hands on one. I had to give the clerk a 500$ “tip” though which I took from the company credit card. I hope that’s alright, you said to do whatever was necessary to get one. And then for cases, well, that was a bit more complicated because I did almost all the shops in town and couldn’t find one that was just violet. So what I did is that, I just bought all the cases that had violet on them so you can pick which one you prefer and I’ll return the others later.”

I couldn’t believe it. I pretty much sent him on an impossible mission just out of anger and he actually accomplished it. I started walking slowly towards him in silence, fixing him in the eyes. He tried to back up but the door right behind him stopped him. I could see the terror in his eyes. I love teasing him like that so much. I stopped right in front of him, realizing that with my high heels I am actually just a bit taller than him. My breast only a centimeter from touching his chest made his face turn completely red and his breath got heavy. We looked each other in the eyes for a moment and then I put my hand on his head and started petting him.

“Good Boy” I said just like you would to a dog. I pet the back of his head for a moment and then start scratching under his soft chin.

“Ha!” Max let out gently in a girly way.

“Enough reward” I thought to myself. I suddenly stopped, took the phone out of his hand and went back to sit at my desk.

“Sit.” I sharply said to Max while unboxing the phone. I needed this particular model because of a new technology in it that makes it compatible with the Kraken AI. I opened it, skipped all the useless settings and there we go, ready to sync.

“Max… you’re such a good secretary, you always do everything you’re told but I have a favor to ask you. I need someone to test our new device and according to the data, you seem to be a perfect candidate.”

“Mmmm… what is it?” Asked Max not so sure.

“I actually can’t tell you what it does or it would skew the results but I swear it’s not dangerous. Would you do that… for me?” I said, almost in a sensual way.

“Well, if you say it’s not dangerous and it helps you then… I guess I can do that.”

“Haaa you’re such a sweetheart, I just need you to sign that before we can begin” I push a pile of paper with a pencil on the other side of the desk. Max hesitantly gets up, takes the pencil and gives me a look still not convinced he should do it.

“Don’t worry Max, it’s just a bunch of bureaucratic bullshit. I don’t even remember myself what half that document says but you know, the lawyers are really nitpicky about unimportant details.”

Obviously, Max, like the good little boy that he is, ended up signing the document.

“Good, now lay down on the sofa right there.”

While Max laid down, I prepared the Kraken prototype that I kept in a safe under my desk. I then placed it on his head and by itself, the Kraken started to move and attached itself under his hair, becoming almost not visible anymore. I went back to my desk and looked at my phone where I could read “Synchronization 100% complete”. “Perfect.” I mumbled.

I started looking around the app we designed for tests. There were so many functions that we could test. Of course the Kraken could be used for medical purposes but there was just so much more it could do.

“Mmmm confidence level. That could be interesting to test.” I thought while increasing the level. Max’s shyness is really cute but I feel like he could be so much more productive without it.

“Alright, I think I’m gonna keep it simple to begin. How do you feel Max?”

“Mmmm, I don’t know, pretty much the same?”

“Weird” I said perplexed. The device is supposed to start working immediately. I got up and leaned over Max’s head, looking at the device to see if it’s actually placed correctly.

“I… really like your boobs.” Said Max, out of nowhere. I took a step back and gave him a weird look. Max would never say something like that… Is it working then?

“I’m so sorry, I didn’t mean to say that, it’s just that, I’ve wanted to say it for so long”. He added.

Let’s test it then. If the Kraken is working, then Max should be able to do a lot of things he would usually be too shy to do.

“Would you like to touch them?” I asked him while sitting right next to him on the sofa.

“I-I-I….. Would love to.” He said still with a bit of shyness in his voice.

I took his hand and placed it directly on my left breast, showing him that it’s OK. He started by just rubbing his hand against my soft white blouse, doing the contour of my breast. I tried to stay professional for a while but my heart rate started to accelerate and Max could feel it on his hand.

“Can I grab them?” He asks still with some reserve. I wanted to test his limit so I answered him in a authoritative way:

“Max. I want you to stop asking permissions and do whatever you want to do with my breasts”

As soon as I finished talking, he started grappling my boob with passion. As he did that, I started to feel tingles between my legs. I couldn’t stop myself from enjoying being touched so tenderly. Max saw me biting my lower lip which signaled him to go further. He sat on the couch and passed both his hands under my arms, reaching for my breast again. He played with them in duo for a while before saying right next to my ear :

“They are way bigger than I thought, your business uniform does a good job dissimulating them”.

I wondered for a second if I should thank him for the compliment or keep my superior attitude towards him but those thoughts disappeared when he started to unbutton my shirt. He only removed three buttons, enough to expose my large black bra. Max started fondling them again over my bra and gently clawing his hands around them.

“Let me help you.” I said while reaching in my back, detaching my bra. I left him the pleasure of pulling it out. As soon as he was done throwing my bra away, he got back to his task. This time grabbing my naked breast with his soft fingers brushing against my nipples. He played around them for a bit, building my anticipation for what will inevitably happen. He started by gently rubbing the tip of my tits, making me produce a moan that I tried to bury in my mouth. Although, when he finally started pinching them gently and rubbing his finger around them in a twisting motion, it got too much for me; I let out a sensual affirmative word.

“Yes… ha….”

It’s been so long since I let someone get this intimate with me. I realized at that moment that my hand had been on Max’s leg for a while now and I’ve been rubbing my hand unconsciously higher and higher on his thigh. As I turned around to look at where my hand was, I noticed his bulge in his tight pants.He also realized what I just saw and he stopped his motions to look at me a bit anxious. I started to unzip his pants while our eyes were both locked looking at each other.

I released his dick from its prison making it bounce in the air like a spring. Max dick was disproportionately big for how cute of a femboy he was. With a lot less restraint than him, I started massaging his cock. I loved the feeling of a hard throbbing cock in my hand. I squeezed my hand a bit to get a tighter gasp, feeling every detail along his shaft as I went up and down.

Max became a total mess as I increased the pace; He started moaning louder, still in a feminine fashion, he humped his hips into my hand, practicing the gesture of reproduction and he was barely massaging my breast anymore, he was just holding tight to my body. I could feel him close to the edge. I couldn’t stop myself from giving him the last push needed for release.

“Cum, Max. Cum for me.” I said in a caring voice.

Instantly, hearing those words sent Max into a blissful orgasm, ejaculating all over my hand. With every rope of cum that ejected from his dick, Max was sent into pleasurable spasms. I continued jerking him but really slowly, trying to make his orgasm last as long as possible until he was too exhausted and he laid back on the sofa. Still trying to catch his breath, I could clearly see a smile on his face. He looked so satisfied.

Everything that just happened turned me on so much too. My brain explored thoughts of going further, maybe masturbating, but I stopped myself from thinking about it any longer. I cleared my throat and grabbed a box of tissue to clean my hand, leaving the box next to Max when I was done as I went back to my desk. I replaced the buttons on my shirt as I checked the data on the app. Everything seemed pretty solid. The only thing I was still curious about right now is how this will affect Max long term so I slid the confidence level bar to default levels.

As soon as I did that, the cute relaxed femboy on the couch got up, his face all red and he put his hand in front of his crotch.

“I-I-I’m so sorry Miss Demers!” Started to garble Max. “I don’t know. I don’t know why I did that. I’m so sorry. I shouldn’t have done it. Please don’t fire me.”

I looked at him, dazed from clearly seeing the effect of the Kraken in action. One second he was enjoying getting nurtured by his superior and now he’s too shy to even think about what happened. God, he’s so cute when he’s all flustered like this…

“You did great Max. Your shift ended 15 minutes ago, you can go back home now. Just remove the Kraken and put it back on my desk.”

Hearing those words made him relax a bit but he was clearly still really uncomfortable. He quickly cleaned himself, put his pants back on, removed the Kraken as instructed and then left with his head down.

I stayed in my office for a while, sitting in my chair looking at the city lights, now that the night had fallen. I just couldn’t believe how well the Kraken actually worked. We had to review the data of course but… my mind was already starting to come up with a million different tests to do with it. This tool is gonna change everything and I can’t wait to set it in motion.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ykg324/mindtech_industries_chapter_1_the_kraken_femdom


  1. This is a great beginning to what appears to be an interesting story line. Keep going!


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