made my guy friend cum in his pants as I was on his lap on a road trip [FM]

Earlier this year, me and my lovely friends (4 guys and 3 girls) decided to go on a road trip. At the time, none of us had a car so one of my friends took his dad’s car. Because I’m the smallest one, I had to sit on someone’s lap because the car didn’t fit us all, one of the girls sat on the other girl’s lap and I sat on Jake’s lap (fake name). The trip was around 6 hours I think, and for the first while I could feel Jake getting hard while I’m sitting on him and then he would get soft and hard again….etc. I didn’t mind it since I think it’s normal, especially because I was wearing a mini skirt and thong underneath. Anyways, after like 3 hours I noticed all of them are sleeping, only the driver is awake, even Jake is sleeping and he was rock hard. I lifted up my skirt, so his cock is on my lingerie and pussy lips, as soon as I felt that he woke up, I started grinding on him and I think he didn’t mind it because he slowly put his hands around my hips. I kept grinding on him, I could feel his cock teasing my pussy lips .

After a few minutes, he leaned into my ears and whispered *”Daisy , stop …. I’m close”* , but i didn’t stop and I had two ideas , either to make him finish in me or keep grinding on him until he cums in his pants , while both sounded great lol but I wanted to make him suffer, I kept grinding and he couldn’t resist, he slightly moaned as he came and the driver asked *”what was that”* and Jake said it’s nothing. I felt his cock thrusting underneath me, and as he was cumming I giggled so much , it felt so fucking hot. He then leaned into me again and whispered *”I told you to stop …”* I replied *” aww I’m sowwy darling , did I do something wrong”* in such a teasing and low pitch voice , I thought it would tease him again. We had to stop because he said he wanted to use the bathroom and after 10 mins we found a gas station, he changed his pants and said it’s because he *spilled* water on his pants. I couldn’t stop laughing the whole trip and it’s kinda like our inside joke, no one from the group knows what actually happened. I think maybe the driver was suspicious because he asked me when we stopped what happened but I told him it’s nothing.



  1. I would have unbuckled his seat belt to get dick inside me. Man, after basically riding him for hours I would need a creampie!

  2. All the girls in our big circle of friends would sit on the guys laps around the camp, never enough chairs (whoops) but 1 girl I used to grope years before, sat on my lap around the fire, i typically didn’t get hard but she was grinding on me I couldn’t tell if it was intentional or not. I got hard, so much so I could do that flex and slap her thigh and or pussy. She did nothing the 1st few times but the 3rd she looked over her shoulder giving me that dirtiest death stare, that just made trying to feel her up in public all that more exciting. She stormed off without a word into the trees. I casually slipped away and made a B-line for where I thought she might be. When I got to her she hit with that girl hit, then rushed me for a kiss, that night was the 1st night we had sex. No one else knew till I told a few years later. Good times

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