[C] A Sex Litrpg: Level 1 [M 20] [F40] [Litrpg] [Cunnilingus]

[Features: Sex, litrpg, cunnilingus]

Life was, heavy sometimes. Perhaps not all misery was made equal though but hell, what did I know? All I knew was that I was broke. That wasn’t the real issue I was having though. My name is Marcus Phoenix and my life just wasn’t really going anywhere. Somewhere along the way I had just, lost all motivation and all desires. It started easily enough, about the same as anyone else I guess.

I started working. No one really wants to but we all do it. But then you end up in a dead end job. No career, no long term goals, no, no anything. You just whittle your time away. You spend your money on some stuff, sure, but it’s all just kinda a pointless road down to the void ain’t it? So I started drinking at first but it never really agreed to me, not like when I really started drinking anyway. The first time I woke up with a splitting migraine that even god would need an aspirin for, I knew that this wasn’t it.

Then I moved on. Tried to dive even more into my games and movies and TV shows. My hobbies and interests. And sure, I got addicted, I mindlessly played games I couldn’t remember, I bought all the latest merchandise and posters and other junk and stuff. I watched more TV and played more MMO’s than anyone I knew. That shaved off a good few years, filling the void in me. But then it started to grow dull one day and it never stopped growing dull. I still enjoyed it but the misery had returned, that same emptiness was back.

Other vices all started to get their own turns. Smoking, a few drugs, and my most recent one was sex. Paying escorts for their time. This emptiness had mixed with the pleasure though. It all felt fun and pointless, meaningless, and it all had mixed together into some sort of horrible soup. It started affecting work, until now I only had a part time job and even then, I was hemorrhaging money from bills and still paying for women.

In short, I was depressed.

And the reason why was rather simple. There just was no, no point to it all. I wanted, I just wanted more in life. Something I could take and grow and do more with it. My thoughts had recently started to surround getting into the porn industry myself, simply because at least the sex hadn’t lost any of its flavor yet. It just hadn’t been more than the crushing despair I felt day to day.

It was a quiet walk home. I had just gotten from a particularly lousy blowjob. Well, sometimes you really do get what you pay for but most women at least made the bare effort. It had left me in a thoroughly meditative mood, thinking about my life and my future.

Which is why I almost cracked my head on the sidewalk when a giant blue screen appeared in front of me.

[Greetings mortal. You have unlocked the Saikō-shin-kei through your past actions. With this power granted by the Great Kami, may you grow upon your Path]

My first thought as I landed my ass on the sidewalk was simple.

“Is that Japanese?”

My second thought was more immediately useful.

“What the fuck is this?!”

I stared, disbelieving, at whatever this weird floating screen was. Apparently, I had unlocked something from something called a Kami? Wasn’t that a God?

I tried to touch the box in front of me and it disappeared and was replaced by a different one. It was simple but no less overwhelming.


Level: 1
Experience: 0/100

Form: 8
Mind: 7
Spirit: 5]

“What… the hell… is this?”

My mind bucked, trying to tell me that surely, I had gone insane. I pinched myself. Ow. Well, probably not asleep at least. Had I finally broken and lost all my marbles, was this the end of Marcus?

No, insanity, hopefully, usually isn’t so… visceral. And hell, even if I was insane… at least this was something?

I stared, frowning at the screen in front of me. Level and experience was obvious enough, like a video game. The others weren’t. Alterations was blank, and I had numbers attached to other things. If mind, was, well, my mind then… was form my body? And spirit was, my soul? Or was it something else?

I felt a headache coming on already and I didn’t need that. I looked at the top where I saw Mantra and Ascension and mentally focused on Mantra. If this really was like a game then…


The Holy Dao shall advance via the Path.
The Holy Dao shall advance via consumption of Essence.
The Holy Dao shall advance via the touch of Flesh.]

………what. What? No seriously, come on, there’s not at least some kinda user manual here?! What does any of that even mean? What’s the holy dao? What the hell does, does any of this mean? Path, Essence, Flesh?

I sat on the sidewalk and rubbed my head, the headache now fully formed.

Alright, so, I have a system. A… I frowned. I popped out my phone and googled “Saikō-shin-kei”. There wasn’t a direct translation but after sitting on the cold ground for a while, it very roughly translated to “Divine Sex System.” So….

Like a lightning bolt, all of the details came together. Holy Dao, Path, consumption of essence, touch of flesh, all of it crystallized into a singular answer.

“Holy shit, did I unlock a way to level up from sex?”

Before my mind could take all of that and run with it, I needed to look at the next… tab? Whatever. I was jumping to conclusions. Surely, it wasn’t…


Complete the trials and rise from mortality.

Through neither words nor action, allow yourself to be the culmination of the boundless pleasure of man.
Through neither want nor desire, suffer the boundless pleasure of man.
Through neither self nor ego, unravel society through the boundless pleasure of man.]

Well. Good news/bad news. On one hand, I am now absolutely positive I have received a way to level up through sex. The bad news is that I don’t understand how to ‘ascend’ in any way whatsoever. Jesus Christ, what even are these? I need to seriously pick these apart.

So, neither words nor actions means I can’t do anything to cause it. Simple enough. But what on earth does ‘be the culmination of the boundless pleasure of man’ mean? God I hope it means man in the “human” sense… I guess it means have lots of sex? Boundless huh? Maybe a crazy amount of sex…

Suffering the boundless pleasure of man is pretty simple then. No thank you. I’m perfectly happy not being raped, at all, let alone “boundless”-ly.

I don’t understand the last one at all.

With a thought, I close the screen and just blink. For a moment, I almost can delude myself into thinking it was all a dream, a fake reality, some crazy insanity that I cooked up. But now, I can almost feel it. I focus and it reappears in front of me.

This Sex System… I wonder if this was what I had been missing? I have no intention of trying to ascend to be some sort of Sex god but, if this is real, even a little bit real, well it certainly doesn’t feel empty. The idea of leveling up and increasing my body, mind, and even my soul…. That sounds amazing.

The pursuit of that nebulous thing called power had always been, well, nebulous. You could get richer, physically stronger, but it was always kinda vague. And almost pointless. So what if you can lift five or ten extra pounds? So what if you can now buy one thing more over the other? It’s all just a pointless existence. But this? This was real power. Defined, structured. Even if I never completed the weird Ascension stuff, if I reached level 100, what would I be capable of doing? What heights could I reach? I felt like I had found my hedonistic treadmill again. I was a hopeless addict for desire and I desired to advance like never before. Even more than the power, maybe that was why I had been given this. The human desire to advance, even if it all turned out to be pointless.

I was level 1. And I wanted to be a higher level.

Even before everything else, that was the one thing that kept coming back to me. It was both irksome and sweet. The desire to make progress now was so strong. The only problem was…


The Holy Dao shall advance via the Path.
The Holy Dao shall advance via consumption of Essence.
The Holy Dao shall advance via the touch of Flesh.]

The Path part was vague but I essentially had to have sex and drink cum. Well, hopefully not cum but still. I didn’t know how many people I needed to have sex with to advance to level two. I seriously doubted just one person would be enough.

I couldn’t help but smirk to myself.

Yeah, I could probably never get enough women in bed to advance if I had to do it the natural way. But whoever made this system, or whatever kami had given it to me, I had the distinct feeling that they had never heard of a credit card before.

A plan was already forming in my mind. It wasn’t a difficult plan but as I thought more and more about Essence, I refined it over and over again. This might actually be fun.




It was a few days later. Among all of my many traits, insanity was hopefully not among them. Taking the time to fall asleep, waking up, and still having the system floating around me was, well, uncomfortable to say the least. But it also suggested it was here to stay and not just me being completely delusional. Even if I was well, as long as that number went up, I’d personally count it as a success. It was a thing to do and work on.

I had been calling some escorts, discreetly, but the results had been… less than great. All of the women I would normally have gone with had raised their prices and to make matters worse, finding new escorts wasn’t exactly the easiest thing in the world. Eventually, I did manage to get someone who had both cheap prices and was open to maybe a bit of experimentation. My mind couldn’t stop churning at what those 3 mantra’s actually meant and I wanted to try a few different things. Not something every escort was down for.

I was currently on my way to a nice hotel room, which hadn’t been that expensive but it all adding up to a painful notion of money. I was going to start going into red soon if I wasn’t careful. Hopefully, maybe, this system could even fix that problem too somehow but one thing at a time.

I walked in and, true to form, the whor- escort, the escort looked wonderful.

And a bit past their prime.

Where normally I’d see a woman in her 20’s, this woman was definitely at least 40. Slowly turning into a silver fox but the escort lifestyle clearly hadn’t been the most kind to her either. Beautiful but also a bit older and a bit… worn out.

She smiled at me as I walked and hell, I appreciated that. Because the smile sure wasn’t fake.

“So, you’re the guy paying huh? Heard you had some kinky stuff you might want to get to before the night is done?”

“Yeah, we’ll just have to see how the night goes.”

I inwardly thanked my lucky stars. This woman had come highly recommended and cheap. Sure, part of that was age, but another part was that this woman was down for whatever. The things I’d heard… well, I was more than ready.

It didn’t take either of us long to get naked. Angel’s experience showed because her clothes has practically been clip on. In only a few short moments she was naked and I appreciated her body all over again. Even age couldn’t completely dull some things and Angel’s breasts were certainly enough to get a rise out of me.

I slipped on a condom and had Angel get on all four’s on the bed, facing away from me. Good ole doggy style. Looking at her naked ass facing me, I double checked my System. Doggy style was fun but the main point of it was more so I could test if I could actually see any progress happening on my system. As I slipped into her and felt that particular tingle of pleasure that only a tight wet pussy can give you, I strangely found myself frowning as I continued to fuck Angel.

I was staring at my system and my experience hadn’t moved an inch. I kept fucking, running the Mantra’s through my head. Was I missing something? Path was way too mysterious but I thought it meant fucking in general, Essence I clearly wasn’t doing, and Flesh… wait, did I actually have to go flesh to flesh?

That might be an issue.

“Um, Angel. Would you be willing to do it without a condom?”

Before I could react, she pulled away from me, out of my hands, and turn and sat on the bed and gave me a little glare.


Well, fair. Any smart escort won’t have unprotected sex. Any experience Escort would definitely not have any unprotected sex. I hadn’t paid for a drug addicted hooker off the street after all, I had paid for someone with career lifestyles. Even if they weren’t all A-listers, they still had basic professionalism.

Which made things much harder. My experience wasn’t going to raise without some skin on skin contact! Maybe! God, why couldn’t the System be in plain english? I felt a small put start to open up in stomach. A mix of that emptiness and hitting a roadblock, mixing together. The idea of having a system I couldn’t progress past level 1 was just… awful. Agonizing. My mind spun and I decided that I might as well try and see about Essence.

Angel had been nice enough to stay silent and merely wait while I stood there and thought. With a smile, I came back and asked,

“How about some eating out instead then?”

She raised an eyebrow, no doubt not the most common request she receives from paying men, but it couldn’t be that rare either. She laid back and soon, I found myself buried head first into her pussy.

A quick glance at the experience had my heart racing.

It was rising. Increasing. Going up so painfully slowly, at 2 and seeming to slow down as it went to 3 and onward but it was increasing. It was going up!

I was so happy that I rubbed my whole head against Angel and more or less… motorboated her.

And to my shock the points seemed to skyrocket up faster! But all I did was… touch her pussy with my face. Was that all I had to do? More flesh on flesh contact? Wait, no, I had definitely been holding her and literally inside her and the points didn’t even move!

Then that means, more parts of my body needed to touch her actual pussy?




Angel had experienced her fair share in her days. Nothing was exactly new but that didn’t mean some things weren’t surprising. A new young man had asked for her services and here she was. She wasn’t a spring chicken anymore but she still more than had it. It had all started simply and easy enough and then a wrench had been thrown in the works.

“Um, Angel. Would you be willing to do it without a condom?”

She had pulled away immediately, having learned how dangerous such a desire could be in the past. She had then gently but firmly told the young man “No.”

She had mentally prepared herself for him to either wave it off and for her to have to look out for any heavy handed attempts anyway, or possibly even for an angry customer situation.

What she hadn’t expected was for him to switch over to cunnilingus. At first she had thought he was the type of guy to want to do something nice as an apology but as she felt him rub every part of his face into her vagina, she realized that this was something else entirely. Now it seemed like he had really just been holding back before as she found herself putting getting practically smeared. It had caused her to jolt a little and it was incredibly enjoyable. The young man certainly had no talent or even skill for eating someone out but he more than made it up with enthusiasm.

She leaned into it though, taking full advantage. It’s not every day she gets a customer in this position after all. The heat of it all ramps up and those telltale signs start to flow in. Soon the passion reaches a tipping point and explodes as she cums and the man buried in her groin feels it and slows down.

Normally, while that might not be it for their time together, it would definitely be it for now. The young man would pull himself back and she bend this way or that and then there they’d go.

Only she felt a vibration coming from below. As she peered down her breasts to see what going on, her eyes widened just a little. The man below her was vibrating. Shaking and, was he cumming? Now that was pretty kinky, most men didn’t get that turned off by eating out a whore’s pussy. Still, it was rather nice. She watched the man shake and presumably cum for a bit, before he began grinding all of his face back against her. Ha, if only all of her customers could be half as fun, she might not mind the job nearly as much.




It had worked! It. Had. WORKED! I leveled up. At first I had been, sad. She had cum and the rapid amount of points seemed to slow down to a trickle. But then I stopped and just kinda, sagged. For a moment, the experienced teetered close to the edge, close to getting me that last little bit needed but then it kept going. It kept coming. As the woman’s juices flowed down into me, I realized that Essence, mantra two, was still in effect.

Soon, with bated breath, head plunged into a vagina, I watched myself rise to level 2.

And it was breathtaking.


Level: 2
Experience: 2/300
Alterations: (Available)

Form: 9 (+1)
Mind: 8 (+1)
Spirit: 6 (+1)]

My body immediately felt stronger, like I’d spent a few weeks working out in a gym. My mind felt like I’d taken a cup of coffee and my spirit. That empty feeling was receding. Not being drowned out in pure hedonism, I felt it going away. Like a depression or a curse breaking away. Tears streamed down my face. It, it, it felt like I had found a way to permanently fix myself! I had been floating along, just going along with the ride of this because why not? That really boiled down my whole personality. Why not? Sure. But this! This was it!

This really was a heaven sent gift! And this was only level 2?! I imagined again being at level 100, having the body of a superman, the mind of super intelligent, and the spirit of a buddha. Strong, smart, but most importantly, happy. I could finally just be, happy. No weirdness, I could just be purely content with myself, life, and the world.

And all I had to do was Level Up by having sex.

With a grin and tears streaming down, I ate pussy like no one could ever believe. I scubbed it with my entire face, and just ate and licked and touched it as much as I could, making sure to try and get all the juices I could out of Angel. I might have been a bit… overzealous but I was on some kind of high like I couldn’t believe!

Eventually, everything wound down and I just, relaxed. Yeah, I hadn’t leveled up to level 3, I wasn’t even close as experience points seemed to get harder to earn, but I was content and truly happy. I felt like a man freed from the mire, is this what it meant to start taking steps towards divinity? It was really great. I hadn’t even cum and yet still, I felt like I had gone and entered the post-cum state of peace and wisdom. The after glow.

“Well, that was certainly different.”

I blinked, nearly cringing at myself. I had gotten so intent it that I had… kinda forgotten that there was an actual person attached to vagina I had been eating out. I slowly looked back up at Angel, who was sitting up now. She at least had a wide smile on her face.

“I was expecting kinkier honestly, chains or whips, that sort of thing. But I can see why you asked for someone like me. So, you paid for the hour and the hour is up. I have venmo, cashapp, and paypal if you want to keep going. Won’t be through the agency of course but I won’t say anything if you won’t.”

I blinked owlishly, needing a moment. Right, Angel is not only still here, but more importantly, still available. Speaking of…

“Small break to think about it first?”

“Works for me~”

And with Angel headed to the bathroom to freshen up. Which was perfect really because apparently, I had alterations available. Which, what the hell were alterations?

I laid on the bed, not on the wet spot thankfully, and opened the menu and then mentally ‘selected’ alterations. It hadn’t really done anything when I’d tried it the night before but now that I had them available, something new appeared.


+25% increased penile length

+25% increased penile width

+25% increased cum load

+25% increased sexual endurance

+25% increased….]

My mouth gaped like a fish. I had thought alterations were honestly going to be something, well, scary. Something crazy or insane. I had no idea it would lead to, this! The idea made my head swim and feel like I had ran into boulder and gotten dazed. The list was so long. Some it didn’t even make sense! What was I going to do with +25% shorter pregnancy (self) or +25% tighter vagina (self)?

As I scrolled through the list, one option among others caught my eye. It was a simple option but the reason it was so different was that it wasn’t a ¼ increase. It was a doubling.

[Double drinking capacity]

There were some major thoughts in my head but it all was kind of a trickle down. What did I now need and want? To level up. Okay, but how do I do that? Sex seemed like the most obvious answer… but was it the only answer? Had I gotten experience for fucking? No, no I had not. Because I had a condom on. What I’d gotten experience for was that “Flesh on flesh”, which meant my face in pussy. Sure, I had no doubt it would also work if I got a blowjob but then there was another rule that had activated wasn’t there? Essence. When I had first seen Essence I had only hoped it had meant more than just cum, because I wasn’t particularly gay. But now I knew it meant more than just that. Female ‘cum’ also counted.

But there was boiling in my mind. A singular question that was repeating itself over and over and over again.

‘Was that all?’

What if it wasn’t the only thing that counted as “essence?” I don’t know but it felt like that was, wrong? No, like that wasn’t the only thing that was available. Maybe I had seen and read too many things and making a mistake but my brain was practically screaming at me.

‘What if ALL bodily liquids count as essence?’

I didn’t really have too much of a leg on alterations. They were secondary. So I could afford to potentially waste a singular level on it. I doubled my drinking capacity. And honestly, felt no different after the selection, but there it sat in my list of alterations and after feeling what I felt? I was positive it was a real effect.

Angel came out of the bathroom, still naked, having seemingly wiped her crotch up a little and given me some space and time to think. Perhaps she had needed the space as well? Hard to say. Well, a small break for the both of us would be nice anyway before getting back into it.

Speaking of…

“So, I have something I want to try in mind but, it’s… pretty kinky.”

“Well, go ahead and tell me and we’ll go from there. I’m pretty openly available to things, you made sure to pay for that.”

Part of me was internally grimacing at the idea, another part of me didn’t mind, which was pretty surprising. Maybe I was still just riding that high from earlier?

I grabbed a thermos off the nightstand that the hotel staff had handed out. That seemed off and odd for some reason but for now I shook that thought away and stared back at Angel.

“Would you be willing to… piss an… impressive amount into this?”

She stares back at me, raising a singular eyebrow. Then she grins, a tad bit more feral.

“You know, I don’t typically do watersports. Not really on my ‘list’ of things. But if you’re willing to pay a bit more?”

I had fallen into a terrible trap and I realized it straight away. Asking for someone kinky is fine, that probably does include much much more than watesports. She’s probably done more crazy things in her time. But she was trying to fleece me here and now because she could. I almost respected it. The problem, was that the hour was up. I’d already have to pay more but now she knew what I wanted too. If I had just paid the hour and said “alright, please fill this up” done, easy. She might not like it but you don’t market yourself as openly kinky like that and aren’t willing to do some of the more “””basic””” stuff. But I had asked afterwards. Nothing was stopping her from leaving and me finding someone later.

But I wanted it now. Waiting to find a new girl to piss in a cup, when it might not even work? Waiting to level up even more? That idea sent shivers of fear down me. No, no I needed that next sweet hit of increased capacity, of happiness and growth. There was no way in hell I was going to wait for it.

I grunted.

“How much?”


I stared at her.

“You can’t be serious about that.”

She just smiled wider. She had only cost $250 for an hour. Part of me wanted to be angry, most of me was screaming at the rest of me to just hurry up. I split the urge down the middle.

“Get another girl in here and I’ll do it.”

She clicked her tongue but nodded. Yeah, $1000 for one woman to piss in a cup was just, no. $1000 for two girls to piss in a cup, well, good for me if it works (god I hope it works) and she gets another of the girls she knows a bit more.

We both split off, her making a phone call and me Venmo-ing out $500 to two different accounts. It hurt my little heart but soon, soon it would all be worth it.

It didn’t take that long but I was starting to feel like an addict from having to wait so long just to even test a theory. Another part of me was recoiling from the idea of drinking two strangers’ piss. It wasn’t long before a more “classical” escort came in. Younger at the very least.

“I heard you wanted something a bit more, wet~?”

I nodded and then got to see the pleasant sight of her stripping down to nothing. Then the very odd sight as, as I had asked, they both pissed into a thermos. Watching women piss was a bit more erotica than I had expected.

The younger one smiled and handed it back to me and I looked down and gulped. In my hands was nearly full thermos of piss. It was… a lot more than I expected. It suddenly occurred to me what I was doing and my mind bucked. Was I really going to try and do this, to level up?

The now warm thermos sat in my hands as I stared at it and prepared myself.

[Read more at /r/WarixViviana. Commissions available.]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/ykimcm/c_a_sex_litrpg_level_1_m_20_f40_litrpg_cunnilingus