Renata chapter 5 Aftercare(23f/24m, aftercare)

This picks up where chapter 4 leaves off. There is no sex in this story but is a very important part of the story. I hope you enjoy it still.

He carried her up to the bathroom setting her down gently in chair. He began to run the water for the bath adding her favorite scented oils to it. As the hot water filled the tub he went to cabinet and got a bottle of alcohol and cotton ball. Returning as he cleaned the broken skin on her neck. She jumped alittle at the burning sensation. He blew gently on her neck cooling it. When he saw the tub was almost filled he added bubbles allowing them billow up up to the top of the tub. Helping her up she bent over the tub as he gently removed the plug from her ass. Taking the ears also and setting them aside on the shelf. Helping her into the tub as she felt the hot water and bubbles on her skin. Once she was relaxed in the water he walked over turning down the lights and lighting a few candles making the room glow. Turning on some light music as he lets her soak.

While she soaked he cleaned up the plug and ears and took them back to their place in the closet. Returning he grabbed a large sponge that he began lathering up and began to wash her. She held up her legs one at a time with a giggle as he tickled her toes alittle. Moving the sponge softly along her skin. He worked his way up her body slowly making her to clean every inch. When he was finished he let her relax.

He heard the notification on his phone as he left to go down stairs and collected their food before taking it to the kitchen. Placing the food on a platter and getting a bottle of wine and two glasses. Bring it back up as he placed one of the glasses and the platter on a wooden shelf that ran across the width of the tub. Opening the bottle of wine and puring her some before filling his own. Walking over and sitting in the chair beside the tub room a sip of wine He then picked up book and began reading it aloud. It being the newest one of their favorite series. She listen happily as ate the food and drank the wine. when she had finished what she wanted of the food she closed her eyes leaning back in the tub sinking in until only her head remained above the water. After some time he looked over seeing her eyelids begin to fall. Knowing she would fall asleep soon he closed the book and set on the small table beside him.

Then helping her out of the tub and drying her off. Leading her to bed as she crawled under the covers. He went to leave but she would not let go of his hand pouting sleepily not wanting to leave. He didn’t want to leave the mess but it could wait for morning. He removed his clothes and crawled in letting her cuddle up against him as he held her in his arms. They driffed off into sleep happy to be together.
