*I really advice you to read the previous parts first.* [*They are over there*](https://www.reddit.com/r/dirty_boy96/comments/y154r6/our_fucking_cabin/?utm_source=share&utm_medium=web2x&context=3)*. Enjoy your read.*
The next day, the seventh day in our remote mountain cabin began with two people opening their eyes and deciding to stay in bed a little bit longer. No, no fucking. Just enjoying the warmth of our cozy bed together. Because it is a nice thing to do and because there was nothing that was dragging us out of our bed.
Until hunger set in. Hunger and the urge to go to the bathroom. Two things that got more and more overwhelming with every minute that went by. Luckily none of us had to go to the cozy outhouse next to the carport. It just was there to look nice. Someone was so smart to install a biological toilet in the bathroom. But well, it was out of bed. But it had to be done.
On that day it was my wife’s turn to make some breakfast for the two of us.
No even half an hour later we were having breakfast together. My wife came up with the idea to visit our neighbor, who was living not even a kilometer deeper in the valley. I said yes. We agreed on heading there in the afternoon. So about an hour, or two later, because we were sleeping through the bigger part of our morning.
The walk deeper into the valley was a beautiful one. We were not taking the forest road, we took an old foot path that was following the river deeper down in the valley. It was a short, but step climb down, a romantic autumn walk into the valley. The sun was shining from a cloudless sky, the autumn colors were overwhelmingly beautiful. The air, fresh, but not too cold. My wife took lots of pictures, we both enjoyed the hike.
We enjoyed the hike a little bit too much. We got carried away and went in far deeper as planed. Luckily the path ended in the forest road that led into the valley. So we took the broad road back out, towards our neighbor’s cabin. It still was a nice walk. Not as scenic as on the old path, but by far less demanding for our legs.
Luckily we reached the destination much faster as expected. The smoke exiting the chimney of her cabin came in view first. Then the cabin. It was about the same size as ours. It just looked like it was crafted with more love to detail. She later told us that her home was a never ending work in progress. Mostly adding pieces. Sometimes removing something.
Once we were there, we just knocked at her door. A voice came out from the inside: “I am with you soon. Just give me a few seconds.”
When she finally opened up the door, warm air came out. The around fifty five year old woman had a huge smile on her face. She was nothing but happy that some visitors were standing in front of her door. She later told us that she loved being alone here in the mountains, but sometimes a little distraction like some visiting neighbors was more than just welcome.
The inside of her cabin, more than just cozy. As far away from the classic cabin look with some deer head over the fireplace. She didn’t even had a fireplace. There was just a huge wood filled stove in the center of her the one big room of the cabin. Well, the bathroom was separated and there was some small cellar to store some food but that was it.
She made us sit down at her kitchen table. Then she asked us what we wanted to drink. My wife and I saw, smelled some fresh brewed coffee. Our neighbor gladly served us some.
While pouring two cups of burned bean juice she offered us a perfect view down her cleavage and she asked us how we liked the cabin life. We told her that we loved it so far. Because after one week you clearly can judge something like that. It needs more time to figure out if you are made to live in a remote mountain cabin far far away from next to everything.
When she heard our answer, she smiled. She told us that she saw many people coming and trying to life here in the mountains. Nearly all of them left sooner as planed. Only two stayed, the are living in the village at the outer end of the valley.
Her asking us about how we liked it in our cabin was the next to perfect ice breaker. We kept on talking, we asked each other questions about our lives, my wife was curious about the stuff our neighbor was writing since the day I told her that she was writing erotic literature. So there were plenty of things to talk about.
And our neighbor was a very useful source of information about living off grid, in a remote mountain cabin. She asked us question like if we had stored enough food for the whole winter, if we had enough fuel for our generator, if we had enough candles to light our place in case the generator died and the last question she asked us was a very important one: “Do you have enough firewood to last through the whole winter? And I know, you are planing to stay until new year’s eve, but if the weather isn’t playing along with you, you can be stuck out here for a little bit longer.”
My wife and I already knew about the danger of getting snowed in. But the firewood, she clearly had a point there. We had thought about everything. We brought by far enough to feed us until next summer. I brought a lot of extra fuel with me from my last trip to town. But firewood, neither my wife or I were sure that we had enough of it.
Our neighbor was helping us out. She told us about the average amount of wood you need to keep a place like ours warm. To cook some food, to warm up some water and to keep the air inside the cabin from freezing. My wife and I listened carefully. To not forget anything she told us. We thanked her for her help, but a glimpse on my watch told me that it was time to leave.
On our way back home, to our cabin, my wife and I talked about our neighbor. We both agreed that she was nothing but nice. In a very genuine and honest way. We both also agreed that she was showing off her body more than just a little bit while we were at her cabin. My wife jokingly said back then: “Maybe we take her into our bed with us one day.”
I nodded with my head: “Yes, maybe one day.”
I knew that it was very unlikely that something like that would happen in reality. But thinking about it, fantasizing about it, it had something. It was a huge turn on for me. Sharing my neighbor with my wife.
After arriving at our destination I quickly made a fire in the stove. My wife made one in the fireplace. I cooked something for the two of us. She was watching me. Or at least half watching me while reading a book. Then we had dinner together. Not that much talking was going on, but it was a comfortable silence, not an awkward one.
After we were done eating we cleaned the dishes together. Then we landed in front of the fireplace. Enjoying the cozy dry heat of the fire. Cuddling next to each other. Kissing a little bit. Striping each other naked soon after.
Our hands were over each other’s naked bodies. The gentle kisses turned passionate soon. My wife went down on me. It didn’t took long until my hard one was sliding in and out of her mouth. She knew what spots she had to hit. It felt fucking awesome. Giving me a blow job was and is a special thing in our relationship.
It didn’t took long until my moaning was filling the cabin. It got more intense when my wife began to squeeze my balls. It didn’t took long and I was close to an orgasm. But she stopped before it happened. She wanted me inside her. She wanted my tongue inside her pussy.
She was spreading her legs for me. She gave me a perfect view of her tasty pussy. Moments later my tongue was on her pussy, my tongue was on her clit. She tasted nothing but awesome. It didn’t took long and her moaning was filling the cabin.
When she was close to an orgasm she pulled me up. She pulled my tongue out of her dripping wet pussy. She gave me a few passionate kisses while I slid my rock hard dick inside her.
Eating her out gave me a long enough break to give her more than just two thrusts. My wife on the other side, she only needed to thrusts for her first orgasm of the night. Her body was trembling a little bit, her moaning stopped for some time, I gave her a short break, then I kept on fucking her.
I fucked her the way she needs it. I worked myself towards an orgasm. I came closer and closer with every thrust I gave her. So did she. More and more tension was building up. Our moaning was filling the cabin.
Just a few more thrusts left. One more hard and deep thrust. Boom. My aching balls emptied themselves inside my wife’s dripping wet swollen pussy. She came with me. Two sweat covered bodies collapsed onto a blanked on the floor in front of a fireplace.
It took us some time to regain ourselves. We kept on kissing, cuddling for some time. We enjoyed each other’s company. But we were on the verge of falling asleep too. So we decided to call it a day. To head into the bathroom, for some shower, because my cooking had also heated up enough water for two people to sower after each other, then we went to bed. We fell asleep while spooning each other.
Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/yjmwly/our_fucking_cabin_part_iv_m32f31_pussy_licking