[M25]F24] [2nd person] [soft mdom] [fingering] [wholselome]

Context: long distant bf finally comes to town, and you already know how you’ll be spending your first see each other again aftert 3 long MONTHS

Note 1: *discoption not needed just thinking your celebrity crush or your actual bf*

Note 2:*skip to doted line to jump straight jn (I don,t blame you ;) )*

You hear a knock at your door on a nice July afternoon. “Coming!” You yell already knowing who it is. You quickly close the distant from you and him bubbling with anticipation, (plus a slight tinge of arousesal) “jeezs already” you think to yourself “you haven’t even opened the door yet” you say laughing at yourself you finally open the door see him standing their all the emotions come rushing in

“How as the flight your flight I’ve missed you”

“Hey babe I’ve missed you, and the flight was fine. Just could wait to get here.” He says hugging tight. You take a big wiff of of him filling you with old memories both good and salacious.
“I’ve missed your smell” you say absientmidedly not letting him end the hug

“Smell? Thought you’d say face or my cocking skills” he says teasing

“Of course I’ve had” you say defensively shutting the door behind him “both cooking and face. So what did you want to do since it’s your fIsrt day in town.” Gou say Turing around

“You.” He says simply and firmly

“Wha-” you say taken aback. You feel your knees start to get week as you heart pace quickens

“The first thing I want to do is you.” He repeated firmly as if anything wise would be out of the question and this was the most logical answer
“W-well you just got back and-” heart pumping fast and the sickness between you legs growing he closes the distant bbetween you two.

“Am having right now.” The finality of it only made you want him more.
Slowly He draw you in slow with my hand at the small of your back pulling you close till are bodies meet. Kissing you He starts slow both as and hands exploring you. His cock throbs against your thigh as the tense and arousesal grows. Bringing you to your room, kissing and feeling you the whole way, and slowly lowering to the bed. He begins to explore you more with his hands whilst simultaneously kissing you soft and deep. You relish in the taste ofnhim missing every part about him. starting high he explores your breast making light circles of pleasure around your right nipple “oooh don’t stop.” You moan softly

“be patience, let me explore your first” He says as his hands go further south pulling off you pants and panties

“ohhh I’ve waited to long for you to this so slow” he laughing soflty he kisses your neck. felling the vibration against your neck your body quivers in aformation; As if telling you its has been sooo long and this is exactly what it needs.

His hands venturing south agian nearing the the soft folds that lies between your legs. You continue to shiver and squirm with antispation “if you were going to just tese me all ni-“your hips arc as He begins to slowly caress the folds of your outer lips above your clit, promptly shutting you up. “OOOHMMMM” you say as pleasure and need builds up somewhere deep inside “oh that shut you up didn’t it” he says chuckling as his lips reaches your breast, sucking and needing them with his free hand. You can bearly sit still as you squirm and arch you pussy against his hands, as if try to give him better access to something I already possess.

At this point all though and reason has gone out the window as his fingers and curious kiss send was of pleasure through you. “DONT STOP, DON’T STOP, DON’T STOOAAAHHP!!!!” you say your moans getting louder and louder. As if pouring like water pleasure arousesal centers at your pussy wich is unquestionably soaked slick with your juices. He slips a finger than 2 in you, further the intensity build in you

“Oh you like that don’t you?” he says noting your increase in volume

“Im almost there!” you say through breaths Rocking you hips the the rather of his fingers. “Just keep going- OOOOHMMM!” you say through a another bout of moaning. You can’t take it anymore all that pleasure centers in you jas reached its max.

Your body convlouses as pleasure and arousesal builds up to a crescendo “AHHH OHHH FUUUUCK” Rocking your hips and riding my finger. till you cum to a satisfied end. Still rubbing you he slowly slows down saying
“You enjoyed that did you, barley lasted 2 mins” jokingly

“hmmm…” you say in a mellowed tone, wrapped in the blanket of after glow “…you were exactly what I needed…”
“Then I supposed would be against for a round two?” I say fishing a condom out of my pocket

“Yes” you say ” -but leave the condom out of I, if your dick is any good as you hands . Than I rather feel that raw.” Laugh again I throw the condom to the side. Pulling you in cliser by your hips making you burst into giggles as we go in for round two.


Wow so while this isn’t my first time writing, it is my first time posting. Or really just making erotica in general. I sincerely hope you enjoyed and let me know you want to see round 2 ;)

P.s. feel free tell me if there’s any tips/critiques to improve my writing thanks

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/yjp8q3/m25f24_2nd_person_soft_mdom_fingering_wholselome