Human And Halfling MILF Have Hot Hammock Sex [M34/F55][Fantasy][size difference][milf][oral][vaginal]

*The Story So Far: Tobias, a royal diplomat, is traveling an immense river waterway by barge. His companion hires a halfling prostitute for them both, but unexpectedly the woman’s mother shows up, hoping to travel with her daughter to their hometown of Hadrimal.*

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“Again, Your Majesty, I’m so sorry for my undignified behavior,” Qamar mumbled as she tied up a hammock the barge captain had graciously provided. For a small rental fee, of course.

“Qamar, please, for the last time you don’t have to call me that. I’m not royalty.” Tobias secured his own hammock. The corner of the aft hold where they were setting up was cramped, but well shielded from prying eyes from the rest of the open cargo deck by tall stacks of lashed-down crates. Pokra was already curled up on a nearby barrel, snoozing away.

“But you work for a king!” Qamar said. “What else should I call you?”

“Just Tobias is fine.”

“But why aren’t you sleeping in the cabin with Azim and Drazat?”

Tobias stiffened his shoulders. “Even before you showed up, I was uncomfortable with Drazat’s… arrangement. It’s not that your daughter isn’t lovely, but I get the feeling Drazat’s might be working some kind of angle with her. So I’m bowing out early of whatever he might have planned. I also really didn’t want to just sit there and watch. I assume you didn’t, either.”

“Of course not. I fully approve of Azim’s work, but I’m still her mother.”

The envoy finished with his hitch knot and sat on the hammock to test it out. “This way I can look after you, as well. I’m sure the captain does his best to hire trustworthy crew, but there might still be a bad apple who’d take advantage of a lone woman down here.”

Qamar’s hands slowed slightly, fumbling her own knot around a support strut. “That’s very kind. Someone of your station doesn’t need to go so out of your way to help a poor farmer’s wife like me, Your Maj… Tobias.”

“It’s what any man should do for a lovely lady.”

Qamar’s motions stopped altogether, her chest expanding and contracting conspicuously under her breath. “Do you really think an old goodwife like me is lovely?”

The human was taken aback by the question, as he had meant that statement just as idle flattery to put her at ease. “What? Of course. And you’re not that old, especially for a halfling. Fifty-five, right? Isn’t that like thirty-five in human years? Still young.”

She leaned into his lap, nudging herself between his spread legs, setting the hammock swaying slightly. She lay her diminutive hands on his thighs, her disproportionately big green eyes pleading up at him. “Let me pay you back for everything you’ve done for me! Drazat has Azim, so let me be your whore… um, courtesan, for the trip!”

Tobias blinked in surprise, trying to stay the sudden gentle swinging motion in the hammock. “What? Qamar, you don’t have to…”

“I want to!”

Tobias first instinct was to say no, but something in the gleam in the older woman’s orbs made him hesitate. He raised a dark brow. “This isn’t just about paying for your passage, is it?”

She sheepishly looked away. “I admit that I am a bit jealous of my daughter. The life of a rich man’s mistress always seemed so glamorous to me! I didn’t whore around that much when I was younger, just a few seasons, and I was never able to get clients like that. I looked and acted too much like a country bumpkin to attract them, I guess. Drazat was the best I was ever able to do. But I always wanted to try it! Being used by handsome well-to-do noble men, with all their refinement and fancy talk and mysterious bedroom ways…” Her eyes glazed over a moment, lost in fantasies, before snapping back to reality. “Let me do this for you, Tobias. I don’t know much about rich people sex, but I’m a fast learner!”

Tobias felt his pulse racing. Was she aware of just how heart-meltingly adorable she was close-up? Plus she certainly did seem enthusiastic…

“First, there’s no such thing as ‘rich people sex,’” he said. “They have the exact same kind of sex as anyone else. And if we’re going to do this, let’s work out… whoa!”

He wasn’t sure how, but in the brief time it had taken him to start talking, Qamar had expertly uncinched his belt, opened his leggings, and began kissing eagerly at the dark pubic hair just above his bared shaft.

– – –

Tobias tried to stammer out some quip or another, but as soon as the tip of his cock began rising, Qamar practically inhaled it, working more than half his length between her ruby lips in a heartbeat. He hardened fully the rest of the way in her warm mouth.

The human leaned back on the taut fabric of the hammock to enjoy the small goodwife tending her work. There were certainly worse ways he could spend the rest of the voyage than by indulging the mature woman’s fantasies.

Qamar became more and more fervent in her sucking. At first she only swirled her tongue around his mushroom-shaped head, happily exploring its bumps and contours. She quickly graduated to bobbing her head up and down, taking him in as far as she dared. The bigger human groaned at the heated slick feel of the back of her slim throat. Tobias could feel her almost gagging a few times, but she powered through it until she found a nice, long, stroking rhythm she could easily tolerate.

She glanced up. Seeing the cheeks of the handsome human redden in passion made her narrow her eyes, quite pleased with herself.

Tobias ran his fingers deftly through the reddish hair above her bun, struck by how exotic she seemed to a visiting northerner like himself. Her rich caramel skin and sharp emerald eyes held shades of color not quite matched by any human lineage. Curly orange hair covered her forearms and calves as well as her bare, slightly oversized feet. Plus there was her stature. Most other women he’s known would have been on their knees to service him like this. Qamar, however, still stood on her feet and only slightly bent over.

“Little beauty,” he found himself muttering.

Qamar mewled gleefully at that, pressing her tongue harder against his cock as she bobbed her head even faster. He made a mental note that she definitely seemed to like people complimenting her looks.

Tobias had been months without a proper sexual outlet, and already felt his body tensing and tingling in anticipation of orgasm in an unusually short amount of time. He tried to give her a warning, but the best he could do in the height of his rising passion was unintelligible grunting.

Even so, Qamar seemed more than ready as his throbbing member shot forth its thick, salty whiteness. She quickly swallowed down each heavy spurt of seed as soon as it the back of her throat, rubbing excitedly at the skin of his hips as he quivered and moaned in release. When his torrent eventually trickled to nothing, she pulled off, gasping for air. Her cute pink tongue striped up and down his deflating mast to clean it.

She beamed. “Pretty good for my first whore job in years, hm?”

“Amazing,” he affirmed. “But Qamar, you don’t have to be a whore. You and I can just…”

The halfling straightened and pressed herself right up against his torso, soft tits pressing into his crotch. “But I want to be your cheap plaything. Use me however you want!”

Again, those pleading eyes… “Alright then.” He slunk backward onto the broader hammock. “Then come and join me… whore.”

She bit her lip through a joyful smile, heaving herself up on the hammock. But a moment later they both ended up falling loudly to the deck on their rumps.

– – –

“Is everything okay over there?” Came a baritone voice from beyond the nearest wall of crates in response to the thumping on the deck. Tobias recognized it as the barge’s captain, Jublio.

“Just, ah, having some trouble with the hammocks,” Tobias called, as he picked himself up and helped Qamar to her feet.

They heard some laughter from the other side before the captain replied. “Ah, those can be tricky devils, especially when you’re trying to blow wind in your woman’s sails.”

Halfling and human exchanged glances. “Uh…”

“Don’t worry, your Envoyship. You two are hardly the first amorous passengers we’ve had down here, or even trying to figure out the hammocks. Me and the crew don’t mind as long as you aren’t too loud. Some advice though. Still do your actual sleeping in separate hammocks. Even the bigger ones aren’t really designed for two unconscious bodies twitching about. As for your current activity, the best thing to do is just mind your balance and think of the hammock as a swing.”

“Got it, Captain. We’ll, uh, try our best.”

“Good to hear. And please, keep the noise down.” Jublio thumped on the crates twice as a quick good-night gesture.

Tobias and Qamar looked at each other again, but this time broke down into quiet snickers. “Want to give this another try?” he asked.

Qamar nodded her head enthusiastically.

After a bit of quick discussion, Tobias lowered his hammock, so that the nadir of the weighted sag was barely a foot off the deck. This way if they did take another tumble, it wouldn’t sting so much. They threw their bundled blankets on it, to weigh it down and give it better stability.

Qamar had just removed her top when Tobias unexpectedly lifted her up and laid her crosswise on the widest part of the hammock. She seemed a little annoyed at that — smaller people in general didn’t like being lifted without permission — but any complaint died on her lips when Tobias slipped to his knees and began kissing at her full breasts.

As she spread her legs to accommodate the human’s closeness, Qamar got her first real impression of how much bigger Tobias was than herself. As with her human clients years ago, she found the size difference exciting, especially combined with his other foreign features like rounded ears and near-hairless arms. So exotic!

Tobias straightened and stripped off his shirt. “So that’s where all your body hair is!” she giggled as her hand ran over his solid fuzzy chest.

“My hair is not as lovely as yours.” His digits dipped down to tickle the triangle of rusty fur between her legs. “Especially here.”

His fingers feathered softly along velvety pussy lips. She clamped her thighs together over his hand, trapping it and letting it completely cover her small vulva in instinctive sexual greed. She writhed under his skilled stroking. “That is magnificent, Your Maj — Tobias. But isn’t your whore supposed to be servicing you?”

“How about something we’ll both enjoy?” He slipped the rest of his clothes off and made to join her on the hammock.

As he attempted to climb onto the hammock, he ran into problems trying not to tip it over one way or another. After a few frustrating minutes, he said, “Let me try something, if you don’t mind me lifting you again.”

She nodded. Tobias stood, then reached down and grabbed her up, holding her tight to his naked chest. She inhaled sharply, thrilled at feeling herself pressed against his solid muscles. Then Tobias spun about and sat backward into the hammock, keeping Qamar held solidly on top of him. After some wiggling and precarious swinging of the hammock, things settled down, with Tobias laying fully in the hammock with the halfling perched on his torso.

“We’ll have to practice that,” Tobias muttered as he loosened his grip. They still swayed lightly from side to side.

Qamar tittered, a little giddy as she gingerly propped herself up on her arms. She sat on his lower stomach, legs spread wide, and could feel his stiffness bumping up against her butt. “Hehe. Okay. But how do we do this without upsetting things more?”
“From what the captain said, maybe it’s similar to having sex on a swing. And that’s kind of like sex on horseback.”

“What do you mean?”

“I learned the trick to horseback sex is not to actually move that much. Just join together and let the animal move for you. And to time movements you do make with the animal’s rhythm. Maybe we can do the same with the hammock’s swinging.”

The halfling’s brows arched high. “Oh, I get it! Let me shimmy back to get things started.”

Keeping a solid grip on the bigger human, she lifted her hip and gyrated her rear up and back, moving inch by inch. She quickly felt the blunted head of Tobias’ cock against her moist pussy lips. “Oh, I can already feel its heat! I hope my worn old pussy feels nice to you.”

His eyes half-closed in pleasure. “I’m not even in yet and it already feels magnificent.”

The older woman cooed in delight. She undulated her slit a little more, making sure his blunt point was well and fully nudged into her opening. Then with a flourish of her rounded hips, she expertly speared the first few inches of his straining limb into her moist sleeve.

“Whoof!” she gasped out, toes curling and her whole body stiffening. “You humans are definitely big boys!”

“Is it hurting you?”

“I’m fine. You’re as big as the other humans I’ve been with. But that’s still, you know, *big*. Nothing I can’t handle, though.”

She shuffled down a little further, taking her time, and also heeding Tobias’ advice of using the hammock to move for her. She worked in time with its gentle rocking. She shimmied her way down while the hammock oscillated a few inches right, then resting while it swung back left, then switching to the other way if the hammock gained too much resonance and began swinging higher.

Tobias turned red faced as her tightness slunk down further and further on him. He couldn’t really do much without upsetting the balance except let her work. Still, he allowed his large hands to settle over her plump chestnut bottom, giving it a squeeze. “You are really snug,” he gasped.

She gave once last surge downward, stopping with him about two thirds in. Her whole body shuddered. “Mmmph… I think that’s about as far as you can go, for now.”

His hands lifted up to her sides, his thumbs angling in to rub over her stiff nipples as they dangled just above his sternum. “Feels amazing,” he muttered.

Qamar slowly pulled up with the next period of the hammock’s swing, then slid back down with the one after that, using as much of the rocking motion as she could. Soon Tobias joined in, shifting his hips slightly up and down. As their movements became better synced with the hammock, they relaxed more and began to really enjoy their bodies mating together. With every stroke, Qamar babbled happily to a different halfling goddess, thanking them for the pleasure.

Qamar flumped down so her head rested on his chest, her soft bosom spilling out over his lower abdomen. Tobias’ hands roamed all over her curvy body, his grip eventually settling back onto her undulating ass. She dug her hands into his chest hair, taking turns listening to his thumping heart and licking at his surprisingly sensitive nipples. He made such cute sounds when she did that.

Pressing so close to the human allowed her to really rub her mound against his, and the accumulated wetness from them both really stimulated the bump of her clitoris. Her grinding against him became all the more frantic along with her high-pitched grunting. Her face reddened to almost match her hair as a sudden wave of sharp pleasure flooded her body, and stiffened her limbs. The next thing she knew, she came explosively, loosing soft mewling cries from the tingling waves of heat washed over her body.

Her orgasming cunt squeezed Tobias’ massive member again and again. As soon as the Envoy realized she was cumming, he stopped his own movements and just concentrated on the incredibly sensation of his cock in the small woman in the throes of rapture. In just a few heartbeats he climaxed as well, shooting long spurts of sticky seed deep into the halfling’s honeypot.

They remained coupled together for quite some time after, even after Tobias began going soft. Not just to bask in the warm afterglow, but also not to upset the finicky equilibrium of the hammock. Qamar yummed happily.
