Happy Halloween! Part 1! [F20] [Str8] [Solo-masturbation]

“Hey, Valerie, are you going to the show tonight?” Paige asked me as she sat down at the small wooden table in the coffee shop.

I had completely forgotten. Paige had told me around a month before about a house show that was supposed to happen on Halloween night. I didn’t have any plans besides filling up on cheap candy I bought for anyone that happened to come by my apartment and watching shitty B-movies all night long.

“Honestly, I forgot all about the show, but I think I would much rather come with you than hang out by myself in my apartment for another night,” I told Paige.

My ex-boyfriend left me around two months ago. Well, he didn’t leave so much that I made him leave. I happened to walk in on him completely naked with another woman I used to call a close friend. That really fucked me up for a while. It still gets to me, honestly. So that’s why so many nights recently have been spent cooped up alone on the couch, in front of the TV, with any junk food I can find. I love Paige, though. She has really been there for me throughout this whole ordeal. She gets me. I guess not every night has been spent alone. Sometimes Paige likes to show up unannounced on what feels like my worst nights, kind of like she can sense the desperation. If it wasn’t for her, I’m not too sure I would have handled the breakup as well as I’ve managed so far.

“You have to dress up though! Everyone is dressing up. You have to wear a mask. Those are the rules for the show tonight,” Paige reminded me.

Everyone had decided that the best way to put on the show was to have every person in attendance dressed up in a costume with a mask. The idea is that if you are covered up, even the most shy people can just let loose. This was a big selling point for me. After Gavin left me it truthfully put me in such a negative mindset about myself. My self-esteem was ruined. Going to this show really felt like it might be the escape that I needed. As Paige continued to talk, I pulled up the flier on my phone. There were four bands that were supposed to play. Scissor, Lifebloom, Mutual, and a band called Wasted Life playing their first show.

Even though I didn’t look the part, I loved going to punk shows. The energy was unlike anything I’ve ever been a part of before. Everyone is there to have a good time. I had been to about ten shows over the course of being in college so far. Going to shows really felt like a break away from all the stress.

“Maybe you might even meet a sexy ghost or some slasher with a guitar there,” Paige said with a sly smile.

She thought my rebound was due and had been due for a while. Paige is a very, well, free spirit in that regard. Sometimes I think she can be a little much, but other times I feel like she may be completely correct. Maybe it was time for my rebound. I could put myself out there more, get out of the slump I’m in, and just have fun. After feeling like I gave everything to Gavin, this time I could just be free and accept whatever might happen. I could have one hundred one night stands or happen to find the perfect someone, whatever.

I finished up my coffee as Paige and I discussed other events. We talked about our classes, the guy’s she had fucked recently, and what she planned on wearing to the show. I realized I hadn’t even bought any kind of costume for any party. It didn’t need to be well thought out though. I truthfully could just throw a sheet over me with eye-holes cut out and that would suffice. Paige really wanted me to lean into the whole “slutty outfit with an unrelated mask” look, but I sold myself on the plain sheet ghost.

We planned on where we would meet up in a few hours before the show, then said our goodbyes for the time being. I made my way back to my apartment and walked inside. Every time I entered I felt that same wave of mixed emotions. This was a place where everything was right, but everything went wrong altogether. Even though I had caught Gavin and Lexy together, part of me still had feelings for him. I probably always would.

Fuck that. Not again. I’ve been a lot better at catching myself slipping into that mindset. Fuck Gavin. Fuck Lexy. This is my life now and they will not hold me down. Paige was right, I need to let myself loose. I walked to the table and threw my keys down then went to the bedroom. I had a spare white sheet in the closet that I quickly cut two holes in and threw it over myself. I looked in the mirror and laughed. This costume, if you could call it that, was so fucking ridiculous. It was perfect.

I stared at my ghostly, formless shape in the mirror.

“I’m going to get fucked tonight. This is my life,” I told myself.

I took the sheet off and opened the drawer next to my bed. Paige had gifted me a vibrating wand and told me to become best friends with it. I really had over the past month or so. I pulled it out and plugged it into the outlet beside the drawers. I slid down the side of my bed and sat on the floor with my feet planted and my legs spread apart. I closed my eyes and pressed the button.

The wand lit up with motion and I held it against the middle of my pants. My head tilted back onto the bed behind me as I rubbed it against myself. My breathing became shallow. I held the wand in place and closed my legs against each other, feeling the pressure push the head of the wand into me. I could feel my panties getting wet as the wand vibrated. My shallow breaths turned to small moans.

Paige was so fucking right about everything. I’m going to get fucked tonight. Somebody, anybody, I do not care. I do not fucking care. I squeezed my legs tighter and felt the vibrations run through me. This is finally it. I’m breaking free. I’m letting loose. My moans and breathing intertwined, faster and faster. I loosened the pressure of my legs and rubbed the wand up and down against me. I could feel the wetness penetrating my panties and moving to my pants. I moved my free hand to my mouth and forced a finger inside. I wanted somebody to use me. They could do whatever they wanted. Whoever it would be, I was theirs.

Without a thought, I pressed the button on the wand. The vibrations got stronger. I squeezed my legs back together and held it against me. I could feel my body start to get tight, my legs shook, and I moaned into the room.

I had never came that hard before. Gavin had never gotten me close. Tonight, it was someone else’s turn to try.

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/yj1njr/happy_halloween_part_1_f20_str8_solomasturbation