[MF] halloween taught me (26M) a valuable lesson! Always sexy maids (24F) over drugs!

A few halloweens ago. I started hanging out with this super cute girl. We had known each other for a while but she was definitely pointing me more in the direction of friendzone. So I invited her to see a movie. Maybe sneak some booze in the theatre. Something we’ve done a few times in high school. Things have changed a lot since then. We don’t really drink much anymore. She got into heroine and I got into crack. So our addictive lifestyles don’t really match up well.

Anyway…. I get to her place. And she’s waring this super slutty Maid costume. Fishnets and super short skirt. I’m waiting for her to get her makeup done and then we’ll head to see a movie. But in the middle of her doing that, her roommate who sells her dope busts in and accuses her of stealing his dope while he was passed out. He says she ain’t leaving anywhere until they find that dope…. So movie night is off. So I say fuck it plan B. I’ll go grab a bottle n we’ll just drink Here in this drug den haha. A few drinks in and I’m grabbing handfuls of that fat ass. She starts straddling me and I lean in to initiate a kiss. She started kissing me back. And then my phone fucking rings and it’s my dealer outside. So I get up and tell her don’t worry. Take it slow n we’ll get there haha.

Welll a few hours later and we end up in someone’s room on the bed. And she offers me some of what she’s smoking and I say fuck it why not.

Well I don’t do heroine. But all that happened was I got sick like I needed to puke. Puked in the bathroom like a gentleman and passed the fuck out for close to an hour. In my opinion heroine sucks and is not fun at all ! Haha
She stayed there with her head on my chest the whole time. Making sure I’m breathing and not overdosing. When I wake up I try to drape my arm over her n she pulls away and gets up.

We end up cuddling a bit until the morning and I go back home. Completely cock blocked myself twice in one night by drugs. And that’s why drugs arnt cool kids. Pussy is much cooler.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yhygtl/mf_halloween_taught_me_26m_a_valuable_lesson