Another couple joined to Mile High Club during flight [FM]

Today during the flight a woman came up to me and tearfully asked to help her, she whispered so no one else would hear. Her daughter and the boyfirend they were flying with to meet his parents had locked themselves in the plane lavatory and would not come out for a long time.

She was very afraid that they would be arrested. I was sure that the lavatory was not occupied for a long time because we were watching it. Five minutes seemed like an eternity to that woman. I went to the door of the lavatory and when I put my ear I heard soft moans.

Another young couple had decided to join the Mile High Club. Of course I didn’t bother, I just let the woman know it was okay. A minute later the lavatory door opened and a happy guy came out, followed by a girl in a short dress at a. We made eye contact and she was terrified, she realized I knew everything and thought I would turn her in to the police. I just smiled at her and winked, she relaxed and smiled back at me and went to her seat, but her gait was a little strange. It’s the same kind of gait I have after anal.

Well, welcome to the Mile High Club.



  1. Is this actually illegal anyplace? I wouldn’t think so but never had occasion to look into it.

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