(32)[F] – (22)[M] Intern at work – The Water Sport

Sorry for the delay! These are the continuation of the events that happened more than a couple of months ago. Warning! This part is a little gross compared to others. So read at your peril. Hehe!

This picks up from where the previous part left off. You can read Part 28 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yao4ly/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_complete_humiliation/)

**Part 29 is below**

After our intense experience we lay there trying to process that had happened. I am sure he had a million questions about my night. My extremely full bladder was painfully indicating to me that those questions probably would have to wait.

*Me – “There is just this one more thing, though…”*

My hubby looked at me questioningly with raised eyebrows.

*Me – “I know you have this pee fetish considering the number of times I have caught you watching Sophia Urista’s* (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xCwXy0aq6Do)*. There is no point denying it.”*

My hubby gasped wondering if I was really suggesting what he thought I was.

*Me (Continuing, struggling to talk with full bladder) – “I know that your fetish is going to come out in the open one of these days. I highly doubt you are ever going to get another situation where I am this very drunk with no inhibitions, with an extremely full bladder from all the beer I have consumed and more importantly in a mood to do just about anything.”*

My hubby stared at me, wild eyed, hanging on to every word. My bladder was almost to the point of bursting.

*Me (Gasping) – “So consider this is a one time deal. Take it or leave it kind of thing. You only have a few seconds to decide as I cannot hold it in any longer.”*

I was secretly hoping he would say no. My hubby gasped and thought for a couple of seconds before he nodded his head saying *”Yes”*.

*Me – (Hoping to dissuade him) – “It is going to be nasty beer piss. Are you sure?”*

*Hubby – (Quivering) – “Yes. I want it even more now. Please piss on me Mistress.”*

*Me – (Shocked) – “You asked for it, bitch.”*

My hubby was turning out to be one kinky son of a bitch. I got up and nearly doubled over trying to control my pee. I shuddered as I squeezed my thighs shut and grabbed that leash around my hubby’s neck. I thought of going to the shower stall in the bathroom, but it was kind of cramped and not big enough for my hubby to lie down. I most definitely wanted to avoid the bathtub as that might be a challenging cleanup. I looked out the window into the backyard and that seemed to be the perfect spot. I opened the sliding door and walked over to the grassy lawn, just beyond the pool in the backyard dragging him behind me like an animal. I made him lie down on the lawn.

*Me (Gasping) – “How do you want it?”*

*Hubby – “Right on my face Mistress.”*

I stood with my legs on either side of him, bending my knees and slightly squatting on top of his face. I looked down to see my hubby looking up at me intensely with his mouth open. I could not believe I was actually going to go through with this and piss on my hubby’s face. It really was a bit much and I started having second thoughts about it. I squeezed my pelvic floor muscles trying to control my urge to pee, locking it in a titanic battle with my bladder.

My legs quivered and I gritted my teeth and groaned as this battle between them dragged on for a few seconds. This served to only increase his anticipation as he waited. It really was a lost cause and with nearly five beers inside me, it was obvious my bladder was always going to win. I closed my eyes trying to relax, but in the process a few drops of my pee started dripping out onto my hubby’s face. I was horrified and tried to squeeze my muscles to make it stop, but my bladder was way past the point of no return and the pain was unbearable. So I just let go and I started to pee again and it felt like the dam had burst as it started gushing out forcefully. I looked down to see my warm piss spattering on my hubby’s face and some of it was flowing into his open mouth which he seemed to be gulping down. It was such a nasty sight. I moaned and screamed like a bitch in heat as the feeling of peeing after holding it in for such a long time felt so good.

*Me – “Oh my god.!! That feels so good.”*

I ended up having [pee-gasm](https://www.healthline.com/health-news/pee-gasms-happen-and-its-natural#Is-a-pee-gasm-safe?). The floodgates had truly opened and I kept going on and on and it felt like it would never stop. It finally started slowing down and became a trickle and finally appeared to be coming to a stop. I involuntarily squeezed my muscles right before the very end, stopping the flow and then relaxed them, causing the last few drops to fall directly on my hubby’s outstretched tongue. He hungrily gulped it down like it was some sweet nectar. My hubby’s face was literally bathed in my piss. Holy Fuck, the sight was a bit too much for me and it was so gross and so hot at the same time.

My legs felt rubbery like it was going to give way. I tried to step away from my hubby, but ended up collapsing in a heap on top of him straddling his face between my thighs. I could feel my hubby’s tongue licking my pussy lips. I remembered that I was sitting on his pee drenched face and quickly rolled away and lay down beside him on the grass, enjoying the cool night air. This was easily the nastiest, grossest thing I have done. I shuddered as I could not believe I had just pissed on my hubby. It was crazy how I had changed from a regular desi girl into this depraved slut in just a couple of weeks.

*Me – “How was it? Are you satisfied?*

*Hubby (Looking at me) – “Wow! It was better than I even imagined. Thank you.”*

*Me (Shuddering) – “Hope I never have to do that again.”*

*Hubby (Grinning) – “Never say never.”*

He reached over to kiss me as I flinched and retreated back.

*Me – “Sorry babe, I know you have no hesitation in kissing me even if there is cum in my mouth or on my face, but pee is where I draw the line. I am sorry, but I just can’t do it.”*

I noticed the garden hose near me and I quickly got up and turned it on and pointed it towards my hubby. He howled as the cold water hit his face and body as he tried to run away. I laughed and chased him, dousing him in water, washing my pee off his body. He ran towards the sprinkler heads and before I realized what was happening he turned them on. It was my turn to shriek as the cold water from the sprinklers hit my naked body and there was nowhere to escape. Once I got over the initial shock, the cold water actually felt refreshing on the warm summer night. I stood over there, enjoying the spray beckoning my hubby to join me. We liberally hosed ourselves down, cleaning ourselves off all the various body fluids. The pool looked very inviting, so I jumped into the pool followed by my hubby. I swam around for a bit before settling myself against the steps. My hubby came over and we kissed each other deeply as I pulled him closer, locking my legs around him. My pussy was again aching to be filled again.

*Me – “Fuck me baby.”*

*Hubby (Resisting) – “Nope, not till the weekend. The next cock that is going to fuck your pussy is going to be Eric’s big black cock.”*

I moaned on hearing that as I kissed him again.

*Me – “Maybe the fantasy of seeing me getting sandwiched between two guys might come true after all.”*

*Hubby (Gasping) – “What? Tell me in detail what happened today.”*

*Me – “It is late. Let us go get some sleep. I will tell you everything tomorrow. Promise.”*

We stepped out of the pool and toweled ourselves dry. I touched the angry red streaks and bruises on my hubby’s butt from my flogging and shuddered at the brutality of his punishment I had given him.

*Me (Feeling terrible) – “Baby, I am really sorry. Did I hurt you too badly?”*

*Hubby (Wincing a little) – “Don’t apologize, honey. That flogging experience was absolutely amazing. It hurts but that pain was so pleasurable.”*

I could sort of relate to that since I remembered the intense combination of pain and pleasure I had experienced when my hubby had spanked me.

*Me – “By the way I hope you know all those things I did and said tonight are all just pretend. It was just acting and I did not seriously mean any of it. Again everything is only till the weekend. You are still my darling hubby and I love you very much. Also the wedding chain is safe in my purse.”*

*Hubby – “Yeah I know, babe.”*

Those words were not only to reassure him, but it was also for me. It was also my way of drilling into my head that humiliating him is all just a fantasy and I need to treat my hubby normally outside our playtime.

We got into bed and both of us were so exhausted that we immediately dozed off.

To be continued..

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/ydwwdr/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_water_sport