[M] I was the guy who she cheated on her bf with

This was back when I was in college so all of the details are a bit hazy. I was going out with this girl who we’ll call “Becca” during sophomore year. We really hit it off immediately and I was already thinking she’d be “the one” (I was young ok don’t judge). At the time, I asked if she was on any social media like IG or Snap and she said she wasn’t. I was surprised, but didn’t think much of it since I don’t really use social media much either.

Becca and I didn’t really do anything sexual until a month after we started dating, but she was extremely into it. I was honestly surprised because I’ve never been with a girl who wanted to have sex so bad at the time, but I was a horny college guy so who was I to complain? She always loved when I was really rough with her, pulling her legs open, pushing her into the bed, but she never let me leave marks on her. Looking back on it, I can see why.

Fast forward 4-5 months, we’re fucking 2-3 times a week. It was almost as if she was addicted to it, and my self-confidence shot through the roof. One night while we were recovering in bed after one of our routine fuck sessions, Becca asked if she could use the bathroom and I said yes. I was walking around gathering my breath and wiping myself off with a towel and then I heard a notification from her phone; it turned out to be from IG. I didn’t look at it and didn’t bring it up for the rest of the night. Instead, I made a fake account when she left and tried looking for her account. After a couple days, I finally did and my heart sunk. It turned out that she had a boyfriend back home; there was even a 2 year anniversary post. At this point, I didn’t know what to do. I liked her a lot and I liked the sex, but could I keep going with this knowing she was just cheating on her long-term boyfriend with me?

I ended up finding the boyfriend through the anniversary post and told him everything. I was expecting him to say he’s going to bash my skull in, and he did. I wanted to calm him down, but knew there was no way I could. Because of that, I didn’t say another word to him after sending the screenshots, and I never talked Becca again. She called me a lot after I told her boyfriend, but I ignored everything. I don’t regret what I did, but I sometimes think about if I should’ve navigated the situation differently.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yctm7a/m_i_was_the_guy_who_she_cheated_on_her_bf_with


  1. There are as many ways of handling cheating as there are types of relationships, but it sounds like you did the right thing. She lied to both of you and (probably) lost both of you. You let the victim know and stopped as soon as you found out. And broke contact. If I was being cheated on I really couldn’t ask more of the other guy than that.

  2. You could, but not should, have navigated the situation differently. You heart told you to do what you did, it was a good decision based on your feelings. There were other ways to handle it, of course, but you were honest with yourself and that is what matters the most. Have a good life dude.

  3. Honestly good on you for telling him. It can be almost impossible to know in a LDR when there is cheating.

    Also she was straight up cheating on what you thought was a relationship if I’m reading it right.

    That’s some crazy level manipulation.

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