(32)[F] – (22)[M] Intern at work – The Complete Humiliation

Sorry for the delay! These are the continuation of the events that happened more than a couple of months ago.

This picks up from where the previous part left off. You can read Part 27 [here](https://www.reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/y7vcbm/32f_22m_intern_at_work_pushing_boundaries/)

**Part 28 is below**

I looked at my naked, collared hubby kneeling in front of me awaiting my further instructions, wondering how to gradually escalate it to the next level. I still had a few more tricks up my sleeve which I wanted to introduce at the appropriate time. I removed a blind fold from the box and tied it around his eyes. He started shivering wondering what I was going to do next. He could only hear my heels on the wooden floor as I walked away unsteadily (I was quite drunk at this point) from him. I went to the fridge and filled a bowl with ice and soaked a towel in hot water.

I walked back to him and waited a few minutes not doing anything heightening his anticipation. I took one of the cubes of ice and ran it over his nipples making him scream and moan. I again waited a minute before taking another another cube of ice and ran it slowly across his balls and his painfully hard cock. He nearly collapsed at gentle torture I was inflicting on him. I then applied the warm towel on his balls making him yelp. I did this a couple of times alternating between hot towel and cold ice.

Once I was satisfied I had warmed him up (and cooled him off) and it was time to take it to the next level. I put the box purchased from the sex store containing the one remaining thing in front of him and removed his blindfold.

*Me (Casually) – “Oh I forgot to introduce you to* ***’The Punisher’****. (A startled look crossed his face). Open the box, bitch.”*

He opened the box with trembling hands. Inside the box was a beautiful black leather flogger with a thick handle which looked capable of inflicting some delicious stinging pain. He looked up at me with terror in his eyes.

*Me (Smirking) – “I know it has been a long day, but I hope you have not forgotten that you still need to be punished for failing in your task of finding us and driving us back home.”*

*Cuck Bitch – “But…”*

*Me – “But what…Cuck Bitch. Oh you thought that pathetic job you did of sucking my cock (Gripping and waving the strap on dildo in his face) was your punishment?*

I started laughing maniacally at him, feeding his humiliation.

*Me (Wiping away tears of laughter) – “That was just the warm up, honey. I am barely getting started.”*

I made him drag the ottoman to the center of the room so it was right under the spotlight as I grabbed my fifth beer. I then yanked the leash and made him lean over the ottoman and pulled his hands behind his knees and cuffed them tight, trussing him up like a spring chicken. I rubbed his butt with the tips of my fingers. I could feel him tensing up under my touch.

*Me – “On second thoughts, I am going to give you a choice, bitch. For your punishment you can either have 15 flogs from ‘****The Punisher’*** *or…”*

He looked up at me expectantly hoping I would give him some easier alternative. I was really going to enjoy dashing his hopes.

*Me – “Or…(pausing for the effect).. Or you can let me peg you with* ***’Strappy Joe’****.”*

His entire body shuddered and convulsed on hearing the alternative. It was like a choosing between the devil and the deep sea.

*Cuck Bitch – “I…I…I will take the flogging Mistress.”*

I raked the entire length of the strap-on slowly across his asshole making him feel every vein, bump and ridge. He trembled and his asshole pulsed rapidly in fear.

*Me – “Are you sure you do not want to introduce* ***’Strappy Joe’*** *to your asshole?*

*Cuck Bitch – (Shuddering) – “No…No.. Mistress. I will take the flogging.”*

*Me – “You look so vulnerable in this position. I am going to enjoy this.”*

I smiled as it was time to make my next play. I downed some of the beer and I picked up the flogger and gripped the handle weighing it my hand as I dragged its tails across his butt tickling him and making him squirm.

*Me – “Oh! Silly me, I forgot to tell you the fine print Cuck. One, I want you to count each flog out loud. Two, I want you to take the flogging like a man, which means except for the counting, I do not want to hear a single squeak from you – no screaming, no hissing, nothing, nada. In case you do, we will count those hits separately. (Pausing). Now this is where you ask me what I am going to do with the separate count?”*

I went around to the front and straddled the ottoman sitting in front of his face. I yanked his head up waiting for him to ask the question.

*Cuck Bitch – “What are you going to do with a separate count Mistress?”*

*Me – (Gripping that strap-on which was right next to his face) – “You see my little friend* ***’Strappy Joe’*** *here. He is going to go as many inches as that count inside your (pausing) ass.”*

I was surprised that my alcohol filled brain was able to come up with the fine print idea on the fly. Poor Cuck bitch, I had set him up. He was going to get his ass fucked today irrespective of the option he chose. He started heaving and struggling against the cuffs on hearing those words as I tickled his back with the tails of the flogger

*Me – “Relax Cuck Bitch. All is not lost. You just have to remain quiet for the 15 hits. Don’t worry, I will go easy on you. (Pausing).. Just kidding!!”*

I had never wielded a flogger in my life and had absolutely no idea how hard to hit or how much pain it can cause. So I decided to err on the side of caution and start slow. I did gain some useful experience with spanking the previous weekend, but flogging was a completely new territory.

*Me – “Here is something for you to watch while you are getting flogged, bitch”*

I started playing the video of me deepthroating Eric on the TV. He had to really twist and contort his body in order to view it. As he was engrossed in watching it, I tightly gripped the handle, carefully aiming for the center of his butt, raised my hand and brought it down with what I thought was a reasonable amount of force. It landed with a soft thud and barely elicited a response from him distracting him from the video as he counted ***”One”***. I increased the intensity on the second one and this one and this one left a light mark. I could hear him slightly gritting his teeth as he counted ***”Two”***.

I made sure to take my time between each stroke. I timed each stroke in such a way, just as he was engrossed in the video and when he least expected it. I soon had a nice rhythm going and gave another 8 flogs each with increasing intensity as my hubby counted them off. There were angry red blotches and streaks forming all over his ass cheeks and it is safe to say his butt was glowing red hot. With each harder hit, he violently struggled against his cuffs, trying to shut out that searing, intense pain he must be feeling, gritting his teeth to keep himself silent and desperately trying to focus on the video. He was heaving and panting as he watched inch after inch of Eric’s monster cock disappearing down my throat and he shuddered every time Eric uttered my name. His counting got more erratic and I could tears welling up in his eyes with every flog. I was surprised by the amount of punishment he was able to endure. My arms were now getting tired and I was sweating pretty hard. Who even knew that flogging someone was such a physically demanding task.

I was a bit disappointed as except for the counting he had not said anything or made any noise. I took a mini break to regroup and decided to change the angle of attack for the last 5 flogs. I yanked him off the ottoman and pushed it away. His face was now on the floor and his ass was sticking up a lot higher. This time around I used more of my wrist rather than my hand as I brought down the flogger hard on his upturned butt. Boom, immediate impact. He howled and writhed around in pain. A part of me was smiling, but I was also concerned that I had hit a soft spot.

*Me – (Concerned) – “Are you ok, babe?”*

*Hubby – (Gasping) – “Yes Mistress. I am ok. It hurts so good. Eleven.”*

*Me – “Ok bitch. What is the separate count?”*

*Cuck Bitch – (Struggling to say it) – “One”*

I got a little too excited on the next one and the handle slipped out of my sweaty hands as the blow landed harmlessly on his butt. Number 12 was a waste. Number 13 and 14 on the other hand were right on target making him howl which was music to my ears. I gathered all my strength and number 15 was the hardest and it left a big red mark on his ass. His knees buckled and collapsed in a heap as the combination of intense pain and pleasure racked his body.

*Hubby – (Gasping and Hissing ) – “Oh god. Fifteen. That was one of the most pleasurable things I experienced.”*

*Me – “Good to hear that, Cuck Bitch. Now comes the fun part. How many inches are we on now?”*

*Cuck Bitch – (Hesitantly) – “4 inches Mistress.”*

*Me (Laughing) – “Never in a million years you would have thought you would be first between the two of us to get fucked in the ass.”*

I quickly took out a tape measure from the tool box and measured out 4 inches and drew a ring around the strap-on with my red lipstick.

*Me (Holding it out and showing him) – “This is how deep we are going to go.”*

I took out the lube and coated the strap-on with it. I went behind him and generously applied the lube to his butthole. Everything had happened so fast that hardly a minute had passed since the time I had applied the red lipstick to the time I was pressing the tip of that black dildo against his asshole. There was a small voice of reason inside me telling me that strap-on is too big for a beginner, but my lust filled brain simply banished it. He started struggling against the cuffs in shock and fear as he realized I was actually going to fuck him in the ass. As he felt the increasing pressure,

*Cuck Bitch – (Croaking in terror) – “No No!! Please Mistress. Gorgonzola.”*

***’Gorgonzola’*** was our safe word and that snapped me out of this lust fueled craze. I quickly stopped and stepped away and uncuffed him. Both of us were heaving and panting from the intense experience. A part of me was disappointed that I did not get to peg him, while another part of me was mortified that I had almost just butt fucked my hubby.
We waited a few minutes to calm down. At this point, my pussy was clamoring for a release after being in a state of constant arousal the entire day. I removed that strap-on and threw it on my hubby.

*Me (Sneering) – “Wear this bitch. Mommy wants to play.”*

He took it and quietly wore it, pushing his dick to one side. I grabbed both of them and put them next to each other, highlighting the difference. The strap-on at nearly 8 inches was obviously so much bigger than his small dick.

*Me – (Smirking) – “Your dick is so tiny Cuck, even mommy’s cock is way bigger than yours. Eric is now even bigger and thicker than this. So do you think you can please her anymore with your tiny pathetic dick?”*

*Cuck Bitch – (Shuddering) – “No Mistress. I am so sorry. My dick is tiny and pathetic.”*

I smirked and bent down and pretended to almost suck him, but at the last second I switched to the dildo and deepthroated it all the way, till my nose was resting against his pubic bone. I sucked on it noisily, excessively drooling on it, rapidly bobbing on it, putting on a show, while completely ignoring his hard dick. I looked up at him smiling.

*Me – (Getting up) – “My pussy needs attention. Fuck me now, bitch.”*

I went on all fours leaning over the same ottoman as my hubby approached me from behind. As soon as his real dick touched my pussy lips, I moaned involuntarily, but I had a job to finish. I quickly got up and slapped him as hard as I possibly could.

*Me (Angrily) – “Not with your pathetic tiny dick. (Pointing to the strap-on) I want to be fucked by a big cock.”*

My poor hubby had no choice, but fuck me with the strap-on. The thicker and longer dildo was going deeper and delivering entirely new and intense sensations. The grooves and ridges were touching me in spots that I didn’t even know existed. My bladder was also extremely full due to the large amount of beer I had consumed and this was making everything more intense. His every thrust was making me gasp with pleasure. I was getting very close to my orgasm.

*Me – (Smirking) – ” Here you are, fucking your wife with a fake cock while your real one gets no attention. She even prefers the fake one over yours. Can you think of a bigger humiliation, Cuck bitch?*

He moaned on hearing those degrading words and it was enough to trigger his orgasm even though I had not even touched his dick. He groaned as his dick twitched and pulsed and his hot, thick, white cum dripped on my ass almost burning up my skin. His knees buckled and he wildly yanked at my hair to steady himself, thrusting that dildo deep and holding it in there. This was enough to push me past the edge as my pussy started convulsing violently, gripping and milking that big dildo. I screamed and squirted around that dildo as my orgasm washed over me. It was either the bigger, thicker cock or the fact my bladder was so full or being on the edge the entire day or a combination of above which delivered what was easily one of my most intense orgasms ever. He collapsed in a heap on top of me and we remained like that for a few minutes. He quickly got up and started licking his cum off my butt.

*Me – “Babe, we are done. You do not have to do that.”*

He would not listen, but instead kept mumbling *”Sorry Mistress”* and did not stop till he finished licking it clean. I touched him on his cheek gently and kissed him.

*Me – “Relax, babe. It is over. You can be normal now.”*

We lay there quietly for a couple of minutes, trying to process what had happened. I am sure he had a million questions about my night with Eric. My extremely full bladder was painfully indicating to me that those questions probably would have to wait.

*Me – “There is just this one more thing, though…”*

To be continued…..

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/yao4ly/32f_22m_intern_at_work_the_complete_humiliation