I [18F] got caught using the locker room after hours by a janitor [35M]. [Humil, exhib, embarrassment, forced, no sex]

I might be the unluckiest senior in the history of all high schools. Do you know anyone who changed the school during the second semester of the senior? Well, I didn’t until I became one. Shortly after my 18th birthday, my parents decided that they cannot wait just 4 more months to get divorced.

My mom said “Emily… Well, you are 18 now, and you about to go to college. So, we decided that it’s about time.”

Except it wasn’t.

And, dad said “I’ll be gone for a few months until I can fix whatever is going on at the London branch. And, it looks like your mom will be off spending half of my money traveling. So, you will stay with your grandmother until your college starts. Your admission is final, so changing school won’t do anything.”

Sometimes, I wonder why my parents couldn’t work things out. They are the same irresponsible and apathatic people when it comes to parenting. Maybe they couldn’t stay being with someone who’s so similiar to themselves. I knew arguring wouldn’t change anything. I had a tearful farewell party shortly after my 18th birthday party, and I was shipped to my grandma’s.

It was a small town. But, it was somewhat more vibrant than the big city I was used to. The school didn’t seem that bad either. It only had 300 students total, but it had a tennis team. That’s where I had made all my friends in my old school, and I was planning to make my new friends there as well. Luckily, the coach agreeded me to try out even though it was way into the season.

I felt like I blinked away the first day. After getting the schedules from the counselor’s office, I was off to a class after another. It seemed like everyone was interested in the new girl, but didn’t care enough to talk to her. I was looking forward to the tennis try out at the end of the day. That’s where I would make an impression and friends.

I went to the Coach Melinda’s office on my last block. She gave me a brown paperback and told me “Put your clothes in here until I can get you a locker. And, just leave your backpack in my office during the tryout. We had a huge incident recently where someone broke into the lockers and stole a bunch of valuables. So, I wouldn’t leave your bag out in the locker room.”

After putting my tennis clothes in the paper bag, I headed to the lockers. There were already girls changing. They instantly started asking me questions, and I felt like I was where I belong.

About half way into the trial, the Coach called me.

“Hey, Emily. Ms. Greene wants to see you now in her office to finish some paperwork she forgot earlier. And, don’t worry about the tryout. I think I’ve seen enough. You clearly know how to play. You can tell Ms. Greene you will be in tennis, and I will sort out the lockers and all tomorrow.”

I jumped at the good news, and I could see other girls cheering in the back. I practically hopped to my counselor’s office.

Despite how happy I was, it was dreadful to be in her office. She only had a couple paperwork left, but she had a long speech on how much she cares about me, how she doesn’t get many new students, and all. Then, she had bunch more questions on how the other students were treating me. She didn’t let me go even after the bell, and I was only allowed to leave more than 30 minutes after bell. When I rushed back to the lockers, the hallway was empty.

I got into the empty lockeroom and took off my teal tanktop and navy sports bra at the same time exposing my pale sweaty breasts and pink nipples. I sniffed my armpits to see if I would need a shower, but it seemed ok. Deciding I would just go home, I started rolling down my atheletic shorts and panties together. That’s when I heard the door open making a loud cranking sound.

I jumped and instingly covered my breasts and crotch with my arms. There was a janitor standing.

“You aren’t allowed to be here at this time.” The man spoke. He looked like he was in the late 30s, but he seemed like one of those people that looked older than their age.

“I… I’m sorry..! I’m almost done. I’ll be out in sec.” I yelled assuming he’d rush out and wait outside. But, he leaked me up and down with his gaze.

Then, he stepped in closing the door behind him.

“Do you go here? I don’t recognize your face.” He started looking around and stopped his stare at my panties around my ankles. Feeling insecure about the inside of my panties exposed, I twisted my legs hoping it will cover some up.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I just started today.” I replied.

“Where is your school ID?” He shot back.

Crap. It’s in my bag.

“It’s… It’s in my bag.” I whimpered the words out feeling my face turning red.

“Show me your bag and ID. We just had a huge break in, and I don’t know you.” The janitor demanded stepping closer.

“I’m so sorry, but they are in the coach’s office.” I could feel my hair down there sticking out besides my left hand. I pushed my thighs together as strong as possible and bent over sticking my butt back slightly hoping that will hide my most private areas.

“Hm. That’s convinient. Why are they there not in your lockers?” He still kept staring me up and down studying every inch of me. I started debating if turning around would be better, or if I’d end up giving him more show.

“I… I don’t have a locker yet… Can you please step out while I put my clothes back on…? I swear I will answer anything after.” I pleaded.

“No. Then I will be giving you time to hide whatever you stole. I will need to make sure you didn’t steal anything before I let you do that.” He said sternly. “If you prefer, I can call the securities and principle here right now, so they can check instead.”

“NO! No, that… that’s ok. Please, check my bag there.” I kicked my brown bag. I couldn’t imagine all those people storming in seeing me naked with my undies and shorts around my ankles.

He walked over to the bag without taking his eyes off me. Then, he started pulling out my clothes from the paper bag one by one.

First, he pulled out my sweaters. He patted around the sweaters and swung them around the air a couple times making sure nothing dropped. Then, he laid them on the bench while I was standing not even 6 feet away from him getting cold. The sweats on my body was drying off quickly. I could feel my nipples hardening under my arms.

Then, he pulled out my bras with his fingers like he is picking up gross banana peels or something. He examined my pink bras carefully flipping them around. Then, he shouted “what size are you?”

“Um… excuse me..?” I asked surprised by his question.

“These look pretty fancy. I’m making sure they are yours. These look… Bigger then yours…” He said looking straight at where my arm was covering my breasts smirking.

My face burned.

“I… I am 32..C…” I answered staring at the floor weakily. No one had known that intimate detail about me. Even my mom didn’t know at this point.

“Hmmm…” He gave me a distrusting look and dropped the bras on the bench. The sad bras looked like they represented how helpless I felt. Then, he pulled out my jeans with my panties stuck inside. He pulled the panties out of the jeans. He put his hands through the holes and expanded the panties.

“Are these yours too?” He asked. I nodded weakily not being able to look at my undies being paraded around the open air.

“Are you sure? Why are these white when your bras were pink? Aren’t they supposed to be matching?” He asked while he put the panties between his face and the light as if he was looking for some message written in invisible inks.

“I… I just grabbed the random ones in the morning…” I confessed while this random man kept examining my inner garment.

“Hmm… Then, what’s this stain?” He stretched the gusset of the panties and pointed at the white stain.

Oh my god. I had been washing my own underwear for years now because I was too embarrassed to show to anyone else. But, this man was looking at them inside and out, and now he even saw the embarrassing stain I made.

“Um… I don’t know…” I lied. I was just trying to avoid the question.

“Then, I will have to call the police now. If these were yours, you will know where this stain came from.” He lowered the panties to his side and reached for his phone in his pocket.

“STOP!” I yelled feeling desperate. He paused and looked at me as if he was saying ‘Oh?’.

“T…the stain came from my… my… privates.. It just happens randomly sometimes…” I confessed dropping my head.

“What are your ‘privates’? I don’t speak your codes. You need to be clear here, or I’ll have to call the cops now. Where are these stains from??” He asked me waving his phone.

“From my… vagina…” I could feel tears forming in my eyes saying the embarrassing word in front of this man I had never seen before.

“LOUDER! I can’t hear you!” The janitor yelled. I squealed at surprised and shouted “MY VAGINA!” looking up at him. My eyes locked in with his. My face felt like it started burning.

“Sure. If you say so.” The man chuckled. “What size are these?” He asked.

“Small…” After saying all that, telling him the size of my underwear didn’t feel like a big deal anymore.

“Let me see the panties around your ankles. I want to make sure these are yours.”

“What?? What do you mean?” I asked.

“Step out of your panties and pants right now, so I can compare.” He growled making a scary face. Shivering from the cold and fear, I pulled my feet out one by one. As my bare foot stepped on the floor of the locker room, I felt like my heart was on that same icy floor.

“Hand them over to me. I’m not taking my eyes off from you.” He pointed at the panties and pants on the floor with his chin. I was bending over to grab them, but suddenly I thought ‘Which hand should I use?’

I awkwardly paused bent over and started wondering. ‘I can’t stay like this forever. I have to make a decision.’ I thought. Thinking that using the right arm will uncover my naked breasts fully, I used my left arm hoping my slightly trimmed hair is enough to cover the whole area.

The janitor stole my sweaty undies from tennis from my hand and layered them on top of the others.

“Hm.. They look like they are roughly the same size..” He made a comtemplating noise putting the other undies in his pocket. Then, he put my undies up stretching them like before.

“Ew, why are they sweaty? Were you getting nervous sneaking in and stealing stuffs?” He ridiculed me. Then, he pointed at the slight stain that was on the panties. “Hm, this one got the stain too. These look about the same…” He pulled out the previous panties and examined the stains again. “Alright, let me do this.” He brought both panties up to his nose and start smelling them.

Sniff. Sniff.

“Alright. They smell the same. So, I believe you. These must be yours.” He laughed. While I was still in shock, he flipped the brown paper bag and shook it.

“Ok. It looks like you are not hiding anything in this bag. I just need to check you now, and you will be free to go.” He said so casually stepping forward.

“Ch…check me how..??” I asked.

“First, show me your hands, so I know you are not hiding anything in your hands.”

He saw me hesitating knowing that I would be exposing myself fully if I did that.

“Come on! You are almost done. I just need to do what I need to do before I can let you leave, you know?” He said trying to make a kind face.

Ok. It’s almost done. I endured so much to get this far, and I couldn’t just throw it all away being so close to be done. Shaking my hands, I lifted my arms off from my breasts and bottom.

“Put your hands up where I can see them.” He said. “Oh yea. You are right. They are look like about 32 C. See? You already cleared another suspicion.” He said as if this was a good situation. This situation where I was fully showing my body to him.

“Oh, I’m sorry. I forgot how cold this room is. I swear the rest will be quick.” He pointed at my hard nipples.

“Ok. Now jump.” He demanded stepping back a bit to get the whole view.


“To make sure you are not hiding anything. Again. I have to do this. If you are hiding something, it’ll fall off when you jump. You are so close to be done with this ordeal.”

At this point, my tear started running down my cheeks warming up my cold face. Weakily, I started jumping feeling my breasts swinging around.

“Harder! You just need 15 more seconds. 15… 14…” He started counting as I started jumping harder crying with my hands up in the air. His voice counting down and the sound of my breasts slapping on to my body and each other filled the empty locker room.

“2… 1… Done. See? That was quick.” He grinned.

“Am I good to go now?” I look at him angrily still crying covering my body with my arms again.

“Not yet. Just one last thing. I need to check your back too. Turn around.” He said.

At this point, I just wanted it to be over soon. So, I obliged without a question.

“Now, bend over and spread your butt cheeks.” He demanded.

“But.. But you said this was the last thing!” I protested.

“Yes. I did. I said I need to check your back. How am I supposed to make sure you are not hiding anything there in the back if you are standing like that?” He insisted. “Come one. Last thing.”

I bursted out of tears. But, I couldn’t say no. I was so close to the end. Slowly, I bent over, grabbed my cheeks with my hands, and spread. My most private parts. My most intimate, dirties, and delicate parts were all on display, and I was doing it myself. I could feel the cold air between my cheeks.


“What was that??” I shouted getting up and turning around quickly.


It was the janitor taking pictures with his phone.

“Well, when I let you go free now and if something goes missing, I will need a way to identify you. So, bet people will recognize your face and your pussy and asshole especially because you are a slut that wets her panties during classes.” He smirked.

“If something happens, I’ll show these to everyone at school so they can find you. Do you know what I mean?” He asked smiling evily.

I nodded.

“Alright then. Get dressed and go home now, Emily.”

He exited the locker room laughing.

I hope you enjoyed my story..! This is my first time writing this kind of things, so I’m not sure how well I did. I’m sorry if it looks weird on a computer. I wrote this on my phone.

And, I’m sorry if it was too bland and didn’t have any intercourses. I don’t really have much experience, and I don’t really fantasize about more intense things like that.

Please let me know if you have any questions or have cool writing ideas..! Thank you 💜

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/y9bpw6/i_18f_got_caught_using_the_locker_room_after


  1. Great little story! You can easily feel with the poor Emily. At any point she should stop this and just run out, but scared as she is she complies even with the most excruciating tasks…

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