[MFF] Students are passing notes about me during lecture

Friday lectures are always a bit more squirrelly and distracted than usual. I’m a drawing professor and Mondays and Wednesdays are reserved for actual drawing, but every Friday I start with a lecture before getting into drawing. And honestly, I know I teach college courses, but every so often there’s a class that makes me doubt that.

Today I was talking and I notice these two young ladies (honestly two of my favorites, they’re very sweet and have great energy, and pretty cute too if I do say so myself) passing notes around the circle, back and forth to each other. There’s literally no way for me to miss it. It’s on bright pink paper and they’re seated right in front of me. My first thought is, “what year am I in?” I mean what happened to texting during class? But then I think maybe they’re drawing things back and forth to each other. It is a drawing class after all, and perhaps I shouldn’t be worried about it. As you can tell, I’m getting increasingly distracted and have to cut the lecture a bit short as I notice I can hardly focus as I’m almost completely focused on what they’re writing or drawing.

So the lecture ends and the drawing portion has begun and I start to make my rounds around the class and from the other side of the room notice they’re still passing notes. I make my way over there, trying to casually see what it’s about, but they hide the paper and get back to working on their projects. Until once when I’m nearby, and I can tell they’re drawing something. I get closer to try and see but they cover it up, so I try to say discreetly, “throw it out [student’s name], we’re in class. You should be working. Unless you want to share what you’re working on.” They refuse and instead one of them gets up balls up the paper and throws it in the trash can. The rest of class is a bit quiet and textbook.

As class winds down I notice I’m still wondering about the note. I mean, why weren’t they texting?. . . So when class is dismissed I walk over to the trashcan and pull out the pink balled up piece of paper.

I kid you not.

It’s a picture of me, with the shirt I’m wearing that day, pantless and my cock hanging down to my knees. It’s cartoony, as my hands are on my hips and I’m smiling. There’s a note at the top that I think started the drawing. “How big do you think [my name]’s cock is?” Then it’s the drawing, then comments like “I heard it was big.” and “you can see the outline going down his left leg, is he commando?”, “I would definitely smash”, “me too”

I threw back in the trash, but do have to admit I was and am still incredibly turned on by it.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/y89xt8/mff_students_are_passing_notes_about_me_during


  1. Sounds very complimentary, but don’t do anything more about it
    Maybe you could give it a mark as to how good a likeness it is

  2. Sounds like a fantasy you came up with in ur head and also its very fuckin weird and predatory for a teacher of any age to be with a student. Theres a very clear power imbalance

    EDIT: your post history has you saying you want to send a dick pic to your entire class. You are a creep and shouldnt be teaching. Going to look into this

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