[MF] Neighbor

The title of this tale relates to the neighbor of a cousin of mine. Like me, she was there to attend my cousin’s kid’s birthday party. I noticed Jen immediately. She was an attractive brunette, shorter in stature, and we made eye contact a few times across the room. We had a few brief interactions that night, but nothing too involved.

After the party, I had arranged to meet another girl with some friends of mine at a bar for some drinks. This would be the first time I was meeting this girl – I’d seen a photo of her. When it was time to get going, I was going around the party saying my goodbyes to family and Jen stops me to say, “You’re leaving? We barely got to talk!” I explained I was going to meet some friends for a drink. “I was thinking about going to this party…” I was definitely getting a vibe from her and didn’t want to drag it out of her, so I just replied, “I’ll go meet my friends for a drink and be back in an hour. Why don’t we go check out that party then?” Giving her time to change and get ready. She excitedly agrees.

I met up with the “blind date” at an intersection in the city we’d agreed upon. I didn’t feel much of an attraction, to be honest, which was going to make what I did next easier.

We went to the bar and had our drink with my friends and I made up an excuse to leave, after said drink. I felt bad and frankly, it was a dick move. But my dick was definitely the one influencing my decisions that night.

I hailed a cab and headed back to my cousin’s place to meet Jen. Upon stepping out of the cab, my shirt snagged on a loose screw in the door frame and tore a small hole. I suppose that was well-earned karma in full effect.

A friend of Jen’s was coming along with us (hello third wheel!), but understandable given we’d just met. We made our way into this crowded bar and made our way to this private room where there was some charity benefity thing happening. Jen had some connection that got us past the velvet rope. So, the three of us get a round of drinks from the open bar. It’s mostly people standing around talking but club music’s playing. The third wheel wanders off to socialize, leaving Jen and I to banter. I can read that she’s a little aggressive and blunt, so I know that the best way to handle her is show some backbone.

At one point she says, “You’re funny, you crack me up.” And I responded, “Would you like to kiss me?”

She flinches at the abruptness of the question, but smiles and says, “Yeah, I would!” We proceed to start kissing (a little bit of makeout) among the crowd of suits and stiffs. Afterwards she asked, “What if I’d said no!?” to which I responded, “Well, I didn’t say you could. It just looked like you were thinking it.” She told me she liked that I wasn’t intimidated by her.

We eventually left the private event and moved to a different part of the club, leaning against the wall kissing, flirting, touching, laughing. Slightly buzzed, she asked, “So you’re just going to crash on your cosuin’s couch tonight? That doesn’t sound very comfortable.” I agree with her. There must be a better alternative. She asks, “You wanna get outta here?”

We catch a cab back to her place. Small talk. A few more kisses. We walk into her ground-level condo and she offers me some water. I follow her to the kitchen and she hands me a bottle. I take a much-needed swig and set the bottle on the counter. Soon after, we start kissing again. She’s tiny, so I pick her up and she wraps her legs around my waist. I back her onto the counter and it knocks over the bottle of water. We both look at each other alarmed. And I say, “I swear, that’s never happened before!” (I thought it was funny!)

We continue kissing and she tells me to take her upstairs. The climb up the stairs was like a scene out of a movie. The unbuttoning of shirts and pants, kicking off socks, struggling out of pants, all while kissing and crawling up the stairs after each other. My mind’s eye was savoring every second of it.

We proceeded to fuck for a while but I think the lateness of the night and the alcohol got the best of us and we both ran out of steam. Collapsing in bed. Lying naked together. (Not my favorite state of sleeping, to be honest!). We both woke up and the heat was gone, in the light of day, naturally.

We actually went on a couple more dates, but none were as exciting as the first evening together.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/y8c5x4/mf_neighbor