[MF] How a crush got me into a sexy and unexpected situation

So a year after a toxic relationship I finally had enough will, confidence and interest in women that I started to accept and seek out opportunities to date again.

One night I went out with friends I actually got to flirt with a girl, Dara, the whole night. It was pretty cool since I’ve never gotten much attention from women at all but something was off about it. We had a mutual friend and so the day after I asked my friend about Dara.

The conversation went something like this:

Me: “So what’s up with this Dara what kind of guys is she into?”

Friend: “Oh Dara? Well… she’s a bit tricky when it comes to guys.”

Me: “What do you mean?”

Friend: “See, so when a guy shows her he’s interested she totally loses interest instead.”

Finding that out was interesting and since I wanted to get into this whole dating thing and I had basically almost no experiences with dating I went into it.

A week after that first night I went out again. We were a big group sitting and drinking in a park in my city. I was already drinking and getting to know new people when Dara joined the group.

I remembered the thing my friend (who was there too) told me about and only quickly greeted her before going back to my conversation. I explicitly made a point of not talking to Dara if she wasn’t the one initiating it.

Meanwhile I got to talk with another girl called Laura. Me and Laura weren’t really flirting by any means until my drunk ass got tired and asked if I could lay my head on her lap. Laura started to go through my curly hair with her hand and for some reason other people joined all going through my hair.

Writing this out I realise how weird it must sound but we’re all drunk at this point and curly hair isn’t common where I’m from. Dara joins the fun too but instead of going through my hair her hand slips under my shirt and she wispers something into my ear.

“I didn’t expect you to find a new girl this fast.”

I didn’t do much else other than nod and enjoy the attention. After that I sort of knew that it had worked and that I could start engaging more with Dara.

The majority of the night was mostly me going back and forth talking and flirting with Laura and then seing how Dara got jealous and try to talk to me again. Lter that night Dara was getting hit on by a guy she apparently wasn’t into and sought my attention to signal him to get away. I ended up talking to her a bit further away from the group and it got flirty really fast. The end of that flirty conversation is a bit foggy but from what I can recall it went something like this:

Dara: “Thanks for saving me back there.”

Me: “No big deal.”

Dara: “No seriously thank you.”

And then she grabs me and we kiss. We make out for a while and after we’re done we walk back towards the bigger group and that’s where she goes full not interested mode again.

At that point I was pretty bummed. I knew that whenever I talked to Laura again she’d be jealous and try to get my attention. So since she didn’t want to I went to talk to Laura again. That time even making out with her and Laura wasn’t playing stupid games so I kept going along.

So the thing is I thought Dara was more attractive so douche-me was trying to use Laura to make Dara jealous and get with Dara. Laura however was really into me and not playing games so we kept making out until I got extremely horny. Laura had big nice tits and the hornier I got and the more we made out the less I wanted to hold back so I started grabbing her tits. We were all still in public and probably anyone who wanted to could watch this spectacle. I pulled Lauras Bra down to really get a good grip of her tits and that’s where she said we should probably get a bit more private.

We separated from the group and found a spot in the park with a park-bench and no one else around. We made out I sucked on her tits and started teasing her by running my fingers over her legs and her pussy, still covered by her pants.

She eventually got so horny that she got on her knees pulled down my pants grabbed my rock hard cock and just started shoving it down her throat. And when I say down her throat I mean it. That woman made my cock fully disappear in her mouth and made it look extremely easy too.

At this point it felt like I was in heaven. My cock and balls were getting treated so well by Laura I didn’t even care that we were in the middle of a public park and anyone could walk by at any second. The only thing going for us is that we had a dark spot without much light but not completely dark.

I could still see her big tits jiggling up and down and I could still see her eyes getting teary as she took my cock deep down her throat.

After some time she got up and I unzipped her pants, pulled her panty aside and went down on her. She was so extremely wet it was so hot to shove my face between her legs and eat her out. The fact we were out in public just briefly returned to my mind when I heard the voice of my buddy talking to a mutual friend what must have been about 8 or 9 meters away.

After we didn’t feel like this was enough we went back to her house. The whole way there I couldn’t keep my hands from her ass and tits and if I could have I’d probably fucked her on the bus ride home.

When we finally arrived it didn’t take long till we got to do what both of us wanted all night long or me at least since the first moment I got a good grip of her tits.

I enjoyed sucking her nipples. Feeling her big tits in my mouth felt so good while I was deep inside her.

I got to fuck someone who showed a lot of enthusiasm to get fucked which was a first to me. I had only 1 girl before her and she barely moved at all in bed. I had not seen such enthusiasm before. It was so hot to see her go on all fours and basically beg me to fuck her with her eyes and entering that pussy after that was pure bliss.

We kept fucking all night and even went for round two the morning after. It felt really good to go through this experience. I started feeling more confident and happier for a while after. Writing this out makes me want to go on an adventure like this again haha. Let’s see what life has in store for me.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/y7p75h/mf_how_a_crush_got_me_into_a_sexy_and_unexpected