Bathing Beauty [BBW] [M30’s/M30’s/F28] [Non-consent] [Nature] [Humiliation] [Dubious consent] [Threesome] [Chubby] [Rough Sex] [Ambushed]

The lake was just cool enough to provide a nice contrast with the sultry weather outside. Mae gave a contented sigh and stepped back to the sandy shore. She unbuttoned her shirt, took it off and folded it neatly, putting it down next to her towel and shoes. Taking a deep breath of clean forest air, she started to unbutton her jeans.

This was her lake: in three summers of coming here regularly, she never saw anybody else here. It was a long drive and a short hike away from the city, and it was one place Mae felt relaxed and safe. Still, she did not undress completely, although the two-piece bathing suit she wore under her clothes was something she’d never wear on a public beach. Not that she went to public beaches.

Mae was a very shy girl and she was not comfortable letting people see her in a bathing suit. Her thighs were large, dimpled and wobbly, and so was her belly. Every now and then she decided to diet, but the weight kept coming back.

She took off her jeans and remained in her dark blue bikini. It was getting too small for her: the pale plump flesh of her hips bulged a little around the edges of the bottom piece. Mae folded her jeans and left them on the shore. Her soft white belly jiggled a little as she walked into the water and started wading deeper and deeper, the water taking her into a cool gentle embrace, making her feel light.

She was never an athletic girl, so she swam slowly and lazily to the opposite shore, about fifty yards away. The bank was very different there: no sandy beach – just trees and bushes all the way to the water. The beach was really the only way one could get into the lake.

Mae relaxed and laid down, letting the water hold her, floating on top of the lake, her arms spread, her eyes closed, water blocking her ears. Serenity and bliss.

The young woman floated there, her thoughts also lazily drifting. She thought about Josh, the sweet boy from work, who had been very nice to her lately. Three years younger than Mae’s twenty eight, he seemed quite interested in having coffee with her. Maybe she should tell him yes. It’s been a long, long time since she was on a date. Years, actually. Not that many dates before that time went anywhere far: she had always been very shy and men tended to lose interest when realizing that she was not ready. But maybe Josh will be different.

Mae twisted her body, losing her balance momentarily and splashed around, finding the bottom with her tiptoes. The lake was shallow enough to stand almost anywhere.

The plump girl’s eyes caught some movement on the sandy part of the shore. A deer? She squinted, trying to see better.

It was not a deer. It was a man, standing on the little beach. Her little beach. A tall, big man, wearing a plaid patterned shirt and jeans. A backpack on his shoulders. A hiker. What was he doing here?

Silly question. He probably walked all morning and was now admiring the beautiful secluded forest lake, like any other person would.

Another figure appeared out of the trees. A much shorter man, also with a big backpack with something long and thin sticking out of it, perhaps a fishing pole. Black shirt and jeans. He stood alongside his fellow hiker and stared at the lake.

Mae didn’t know what to do. She decided to wait for the men to leave. But what if they decided to take a swim? In her lake? That would be very awkward… but she couldn’t just wade out, could she now, with all her jiggling pale near-nakedness exposed.

The men have taken their backpacks off and were talking between themselves, quietly. Mae couldn’t hear them, but she saw the short one jerk his head in her direction. Then they both laughed.

“Hey Miss,” the short one called, “how’s the water?”

Mae paused. If she said the water was fine, they might see it as an invitation to join her. If she said the water was too cold, they would invite her to come out… Well, maybe if they went into the lake she could just swim past them and get out, and back to her car.

“The water is fine!” she replied, “Have you been hiking long?”

“A couple days,” said the tall man, “and it’s been longer than that since I saw a pretty girl’s face.”

Mae didn’t say anything. She hung back, watching the short man undress. He had a wiry, dry body of a runner or a martial artist. After stripping down to his briefs, he walked into the water.

“The water is nice,” he said to the tall man, “come and take a dip.”

“Maybe after,” said the tall man and bent down to pick up Mae’s clothes.

Mae gasped.

“Sir!” she cried, agitated. “Sir! Excuse me! What are you doing?”

The tall man straightened, holding Mae’s jeans, shirt and sandals in his hands.

“Your things are getting dusty here, Miss,” he said, “I will hang them here and you’ll just get them when you come out.” He reached up and flung the girl’s clothes over a horizontal branch, hooking the sandals on a protruding snag.

Mae glanced around. The cold feeling in the pit of her stomach had nothing to do with the water temperature. She was trapped in the lake, and judging by the ease with which the short man was swimming towards her, she couldn’t very well wait them out.

“Oh, hi,” said the short man – not too short, really, about an inch taller than Mae, – as he swam close.

“Hi,” said the young woman, a little bashfully, – can you please tell your friend to take my clothes off…” she paused, seeing the guy grin, “…I mean off that tree…” she stumbled, embarrassed. The last thing she needed was to be seen as joking with a strange man about taking her clothes off. Not when she was half-naked around two strange men. “I don’t appreciate strangers touching my… things.” she finished awkwardly.

“Of course,” the man said, touching her shoulder reassuringly. His fingers were rough on Mae’s smooth skin. “Let’s go and talk to him together.”

Mae hesitated. She did not, did not want to be seen by two strangers in her bathing suit. But she couldn’t really sit in the water and refuse to come out, could she? And the man sounded reasonable. Maybe this won’t be so bad.

“Okay,” she said meekly, and started half-swimming, half-wading towards the shore, the shorter guy following her closely.

She got to the place where the water became shallow enough to show the tops of her breasts and paused there. The tall man stood on the beach, thumbs hooked into his belt, watching her, smiling as he waited to see her boobs. She thought she should probably swim until she could swim no longer and then stand up, but then she realized that if she did that, the shorter man would be enjoying a good view of her legs and ass in the water. So Mae crouched and continued walking like that, with water up to her shoulders.

“Stand up,” said the short guy. “Walk straight. You are not a toad. Come on.”

He took Mae by the elbow and gently made her stand up. She could not very well refuse, not when he was being so encouraging. He was thinking of her dignity. This would all work out fine.

“What is your name?” – the man asked.

“Mae,” said Mae, “what’s yours?”

“I am Brad,” said the guy, “and my friend is Doug.”

Doug was still standing on the bank and smiling at Mae’s boobs, which had just became visible.

Mae’s boobs were as soft as the rest of her, and not very big compared to her belly and hips. They swayed gently as she walked. When Mae noticed Doug staring, she put her arm across her chest to hide her boobs and stop them from moving. She was very conscious of every inch of her pale stomach that was appearing as she waded closer to the bank. A couple men told her that her belly was beautiful, that her figure was lush and feminine, but deep inside Mae did not believe them. She lowered her eyes, not looking at Doug.

Brad was wading next to her and slightly behind. Mae was very aware of his proximity. After a long hike and a swim in the lake, he smelled… male. Disturbingly and somehow intimately so.

A few more steps and the water only came to the tops of Mae’s thighs. Her belly was fully visible to Doug, who had so far made no attempt to get Mae’s things from where he put them. Involuntarily, she stopped, unsure of what she should do.

Brad gave her ass a little pat and Mae jumped, startled.

“Keep walking,” his second pat was almost a slap, “don’t stop. Come on.”

Scandalized and scared at having a stranger touch her butt, Mae continued walking forward, fear sucking on her belly.

“Good girl,” said Brad, making Mae squirm inside.

“Yes, she’s a good girl, isn’t she,” said Doug, now close enough not to have to shout. “Pretty girl, too. Nice body.”

Brad was giving Mae’s big soft ass little slaps now and then, herding the plump girl out of the water. Mae was shivering, not from cold but from fear and embarrassment. It was dawning on her that she had absolutely no chance to get out of this situation without doing whatever the men told her to do.

“Douglas,” she asked, stepping out of the water and standing in front of the man, covering her breasts with one arm and trying to cover her belly with the other, “can you please hand me my clothes?”

“I can,” said Doug amiably, “but how about you hang out with us a little first? As I said, it’s been a long time since we’ve seen…” he eyed Mae up and down, taking in her round forms and pale skin, and then continued, “a pretty face.”

Mae’s pretty face blushed bright red. She whimpered a little, turning to Brad for support, but Brad only grinned.

“Yeah,” he nodded, “stick around, Mae. You might just like it.”

Мае looked around, feeling trapped. And she was trapped, sure enough. The key to her car was in her jeans pocket and her jeans were on the tree branch about seven or eight feet up. Maybe if she got a stick and then jumped, she could knock her things down. She thought of jumping up and down in front of two strange men while wearing her small bathing suit. Everything would wobble, jiggle and shake. That’s probably what they had in mind for her. Make the fat girl jump and make fun of her. Like fifteen years ago in gym class.

“Please,” she said, “please just give me my things back and let me go. You’ve had your fun…”

“We didn’t have our fun yet,” Doug disagreed, “well, maybe Brad had a little. How about you take off that bra and show us what you’ve got there.”

Mae froze.

“And then,” said Brad, slapping her on the ass, “I want to sample this.”

Mae blushed, her pale skin turning deep crimson all the way down to her neck. Up to this point she had been sure that the men were planning to play some cruel juvenile joke on her. She never realized that…

“Are you going to… what do you want to do to me?” asked the pretty plump girl in a small panicky voice.

Doug laughed out loud.

“We want to fuck you, honey!” he guffawed, “but if you ask really nicely, we can just let you get off easy with a couple blow jobs for each of us.”

Mae felt dizzy. She felt almost nauseous with sudden fear. And she felt a strong, overpowering sensation of warmth and wetness flooding in between her thighs. It wasn’t arousal per se, she did not feel horny – it was just her body preparing itself. It was like her body knew what was going to happen.

Mae screamed like a panicked rabbit, and ran.

She was not much of a runner: her thighs rubbed together, her feet kicked out to the sides, her ass and boobs and belly jiggled all around the place. The frightened woman tried to head away from the lake, but Doug stepped into her path, his arms spread wide, ready for an embrace. She turned, stumbled, and ran back towards the lake.

Brad overtook her easily. She could not run into the lake, there was no point. She could not leave the beach. And the man was having fun chasing her, laughing and grinning. She sped towards the lake anyhow.

She stumbled again, running into the water, and Brad’s hand was on her shoulder, then he grabbed her soft upper arm, threw his arm around her neck, breathing heavily into her ear. She could feel his erection press into her soft ass cheek.

“No!” she cried, “Please no!”

“Forget about getting off easy,” the man sneered. “We are doing this the hard way.”

He grabbed and twisted, and with a giant splash Mae found herself in the shallow water, on her belly, Brad sitting on top of her. She tried to throw him off, to wiggle from under his weight.

“Don’t fight me.” he growled menacingly, and Mae stopped, obeying him. There was a sinking, pulling sensation in her belly, as if fear and obedience made her feel good somehow, turned her on.

“That’s it,” Brad hissed, fumbling with her bikini top, “that’s it, good girl.”

He shifted his weight on top of the girl, and Mae wiggled desperately, losing her top, crawling like a seal, moving deeper into the water.

Brad grabbed her hair, wrapping it around his fist.

“Don’t you fucking fight me,” he barked, forcing Mae’s head under the surface. The girl thrashed under him, and the man pulled her head up, letting her breathe.

“Please…” Mae gasped, “please, Brad, please…”

Brad’s free hand reached around and grabbed Mae’s soft tit, squeezing it, mauling it. The girl cried out. Brad found her nipple and pinched it. Fear, pleasure and pain caused Mae to let out a long tortured moan. She was breathing heavily, too drained to struggle any longer.

“There’s a good girl,” Brad said, feeling Mae arch her back.

Mae felt a sense of relief: the man was pleased with her, so he won’t dunk her head in the water again. And then, against her will, she felt wetness and warmth in her pussy once more.

Brad reached down and, sliding Mae’s bikini bottom aside, shoved his finger up the distraught girl’s pussy.

“You are ready, little slut,” he crooned, sliding his finger in and out of his prey easily. “You are there already.”

Mae moaned and shifted her hips to meet his finger. She didn’t know what was happening to her. Water splashing around her arms and thighs as she stood there on all fours, shaking and shuddering, her hair plastered to her face.

The man mounted her from behind. His cock found its way into Mae’s wet pussy and slid inside, making the girl cry out. She lost her balance and almost fell head first into the water, but Brad grabbed her by the throat and pulled her head up, preventing her from getting water in her nose again.

Brad started to fuck Mae with fast, brisk strokes. The poor girl cried out and yelped as the man sated himself upon her, using her warmth and softness and freshness like no one ever used them before. She felt completely helpless, completely in his power. It was wrong to enjoy this. It was so wrong. She could feel an orgasm creeping up. It was so wrong.

His rough fingers were digging into Mae’s soft neck, his other hand was mauling her hanging breast and his bony hips slammed against her fleshy buttocks, water splashing loudly as he rutted. Faster and faster he moved inside her, his cock filling her pussy, until he suddenly grunted and Mae felt his cock throb and then an unfamiliar sensation of something warm shooting inside her pussy. She moaned and jerked her hips forward, but it was too late, a strange man just ejaculated inside her.

Brad grabbed Mae’s soft hips painfully, pressing her to himself, emptying himself into her pussy, making gleeful, smug sounds.

“Now that’s the stuff,” – he said hoarsely, slapping Mae’s jiggling thigh. – “Come on, Doug, your turn.”

“No, Doug…” – Mae pleaded, sitting down heavily in the shallow water. – “Please. Please.”

She tried to stand up, but only splashed around, fluttering helplessly. And there was Doug, tall and strong and menacing. He grabbed her from behind, half picking her up under her arms, dragging her to a shallower spot. There he plopped her down and pulled off her bikini bottoms. He was naked already.

“Spread them,” – the man growled, slapping Mae’s thigh. – “Spread your fucking legs.”

The girl obeyed, opening her thighs, spreading them wide. There was nowhere to run, nothing to do but obey. Nothing to do but consent to being used.

Doug knelt in between Mae’s pale legs. His hard blue eyes met Mae’s and he smirked. The girl was looking up at him meekly, timidly, as if asking him to please be gentle.

“Please be gentle,” Mae whispered as the man grabbed her by the hips, pulled her closer and stuck his rigid cock into her defenseless pussy.

Doug was not gentle. His cock plunged in deep into Mae, filling her, stretching her. If Brad hadn’t been inside her first, it would have been very painful. Mae’s feet dangled helplessly in the air, she cried out, moaning and yelping as the tall man started to fuck her.

The water under Mae’s ass rippled and her own soft fat rippled with it, her thighs and ass and belly jiggling under Doug’s merciless pounding. The girl moaned louder and louder, her fingers curling, digging into the wet sand of the beach, leaving deep furrows that filled immediately with water. She moved her hips frantically, gasping and groaning as an orgasm hit her, coming in waves, making all her body shudder and sing like a struck bell.

She grabbed Doug by his muscular forearms and held on to him as he fucked her faster. Her moans became quieter, longer, more plaintive. She had never in her life been fucked like that, never had an orgasm like that.

Doug groaned, grinding into Mae’s soft pelvis, his cock growing even thicker, pulsating, stretching her tired pussy, and then he came inside her. For a while he stayed there, his cock still hard, not moving, and then rolled off the plump girl’s body.

“Good girl,” – said Brad, sitting down in the shallows next to her and placing a familiar hand on her breast, squeezing it idly, playing with it. And Mae was very flattered. Brad stroked her hair, put his hand on the back of her head and guided her face to his semi-limp cock. Mae did not resist. It was rewarding to know exactly what was wanted of her, to know exactly how to deserve more approval and praise. She obediently licked Brad’s cock, then kissed it, then took it into her mouth and started to suck.

Brad’s hand caressed Mae’s hair and the back of her neck, stroking the little hollow spot right under the hair line, sending pleasant tingling through the plump girl’s body. She sucked, twirling her tongue around the head of his cock, making little moaning noises.

Doug reached out and squeezed Mae’s leg, fondling it, sliding his hand along her thigh to her hip and ass. His fingers dug deep into Mae’s soft fat, pressing and kneading and probing. Mae arched her back a little, letting him grope her ass, enjoying the feeling of rough hands sliding over her wet skin. She shuddered and arched her back even more when Doug’s finger found her pussy.

The finger stroked Mae’s pussy lips, up and down, teased her clit and slid deep into her. The girl moaned into Brad’s cock, and Brad grabbed the back of her head and held it, making Mae gag.

“When are Steve and Fatso supposed to pass through here?” – asked Doug, starting to idly finger-fuck Mae. Brad let go of the girl’s head and she gasped for air, moaning and twitching her hips.

“I don’t know, man,” – said Brad, turning to lay on his back, his cock sticking straight up in the air, – “Fatso is a slow walker. An hour, maybe?” – he motioned to his cock and slapped Mae on her hip, – “Sit on it, girl.”

Mae cringed inside. She never tried that position, believing that she was way too fat to sit on top of anyone. But she couldn’t very well say no, so she scrambled to all fours, crawled on top of Brad and lowered herself onto his rigid cock. She was so wet that it slid right in.

“Mmmmmm, fuck she is hot,” – moaned Brad. He grabbed Mae’s hips and started moving her back and forth on his cock. Mae gave out a yelp. She never imagined being on top could feel so submissive, but there she was, a man probably half her weight was manhandling her like a rag doll.

Doug started slapping the plump girl’s soft, pale ass as it was moving around. Mae was very aware of how much jiggling there was, but soon stopped caring. The sensation of being bounced up and down on a cock, of strong arms moving her big soft body, of fingers sinking into her softness, was too intense.

“I don’t want to wait for them though,” – said Doug, standing up so his cock was in front of Mae’s face. Someone, Mae wasn’t sure who that was, opened her mouth and tried to catch that cock with her tongue. She would never behave like that. Not a modest shy girl like her.

“Good girl” – said Doug and put his cock in her mouth. Mae sat a bit straighter which made Brad’s cock go a little deeper into her. She moaned and started rocking her fleshy hips. Brad reached out and grabbed her breasts, squeezing her nipples, pulling on them, twisting them. Mae moaned louder. She could feel another orgasm creeping up on her.

“If you don’t, you don’t,” – said Brad, playing with the girl’s pale breasts, – “they are going to be pissed off that we haven’t saved some pussy for them.”

“Yeah,” – Doug laughed, grabbing Mae by her hair and fucking her mouth, – “Fatso would love her. He’d want to spank her ass, maybe fuck her in the ass, too.”

Mae whimpered. They couldn’t be talking about her, could they? Please, they couldn’t! At the thought of being used by even more strange men she felt chills of horror and excitement run through her body. She whined and moaned through Doug’s cock, and she felt that the man liked it. He groaned and tightened his grip on her hair.

“Oh fuck”, – Doug said as he started to cum down Mae’s throat, – “oh fuck fuck”.

Mae had tasted cum before, but never swallowed. Now she had no choice, the man’s cock was too deep in her. She swallowed hastily, gulping and almost gagging.

“Oh… fuuuck…” – Doug stepped away and left Mae to continue riding Brad’s cock. The shorter man was squeezing and twisting her nipples, groping her soft, doughy belly and fucking her from beneath, fucking her furiously.

“Get off, get off!” – he shouted, slapping her thigh and squirming out from under her. Mae moaned as the cock left her needy pussy and looked around, unsure what Brad wanted her to do.

“On your knees,” – Brad ordered as he leaped to his feet, his hard, reddened cock in his hand. The plump girl scampered to her knees and stood on all fours thinking he would fuck her doggy style some more, but Brad grabbed her hair, forcing her to sit up, and started jerking his cock, aiming it at Mae’s pretty face.

She realized what was happening and whimpered in protest, closing her eyes, and a second later a hot splash hit her cheek, then another, then another.

“Clean it now,” – Brad said and Mae took him in her mouth, sucking and licking his now limp cock. It tasted a little different from Doug’s.

“Good girl,” – said Brad after Mae spent some time cleaning his cock. Mae opened her eyes. Doug was already pulling on his shirt. Her clothes were still up in the tree, now, it seemed, a little higher, wedged in between two branches.

“Douglas,” – she said uncertainly, – “ummm… could you… please?”

“What?” – asked Doug, – “ah, you want those? It’s OK, doll. You can get them yourself, or just wait for an hour or so, our friends should be along. They will help you. If you help them, of course.”

“Please!..” – tears came out of Mae’s eyes, running down her cum-covered cheeks, – “Please! I did what you wanted. I sucked your cocks and I let both of you fuck me. Please!”

“But you didn’t,” – said Brad coldly, putting on his jeans, – “I had to chase you all around the beach, and then you fought me. You are getting punished for this.”

“When our friends Steve and Warren come by,” – said Doug, – “you better be a good girl for them and not try to run away. Let’s go, man.”


Mae didn’t try to run after the men, what was the use of that? She stood on the beach, naked and barefooted, tears and cum on her face. She was stunned.

She waded into the lake, washed her face off and swam around a little, but there was no bliss, no leisurely drifting. She realized that she got close to cumming on top of Brad’s cock, but didn’t, and that frustrated her.

Composing her thoughts a bit, she came out, retrieved her wet bikini and put it back on. Wandered around the tree, threw some rocks at it, tried to get a long enough stick to dislodge her clothes. The only thing that came down was one of her sandals, and the stick broke.

Weary, Mae sat down, leaning her back against the tree. There was nothing left to do but to wait for those guys, Steve and Warren, and hope they would not use her too harshly, and help her get her stuff down. She would be compliant and meek this time. She would be a good girl.

Her fingers found her way in between her soft fleshy thighs and started idly stroking her pussy…




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