He (22 M) picked on me (22 F) at school. When we grew up I used him for orgasms [MF] (Part 1)

Part 1: The bar (context and background setting here. There will be a part 2 for all the good stuff if you’re not into flirting… but where’s the fun in that?)

At school, Ben was the heartthrob. All the girls loved him. All of them. He had a cheeky way about him, he was taller than the other boys, and he had black hair, olive skin, pretty eyes, and a dimpled smile. He was adorable. He was also an unrelenting arsehole where I was concerned.

“Hello E.T.,” he used to tell me every morning. I was a quiet, timid, tiny thing who hadn’t quite grown into her big blue eyes yet, hence the extra terrestrial nickname. It didn’t quite catch on, but Ben taunted me with it for five whole years before we left school. He also literally pulled my pigtails on multiple occasions.


6 years later, I’m at my favourite bar in my hometown with my best friends. If I do say so myself, I’ve grown into my E.T. eyes rather nicely by now. That night, I’m wearing a wine red satin mini dress which clings to every curve, my blonde hair is curled at the ends and my makeup is natural but glamorous. My friends and I are a few drinks deep and wiggling our hips to songs we don’t know when I feel a hand on my shoulder and a mouth beside my ear.

“Hello, stranger…”

When I turn to see who the voice belongs to, I recognise Ben straight away. He’s almost the same beautiful, Abercrombie & Fitch poster boy, just taller now, and his hair is pushed back instead of spiked. His arms are toned under his white shirt and his green eyes sparkle even in the dark bar. He’s annoyingly gorgeous despite my many hopes that he’d have lost all his hair and teeth by now.

“Hello, dickhead” I smile. Ben laughs, surprised.

“That’s no way to greet an old friend.”

“Friend? Is that what you are?” I say over the music. “I distinctly remember you calling me an alien every day of my life.”

Ben laughs loudly as if he’d forgotten that piece of information until I reminded him. His teeth are perfect, I notice, annoyed at this fact too.

“You know why I teased you, Sarah,” he says, placing a hand gently on my shoulder to speak into my ear again so that I can hear him. He smells of strong aftershave. “Stupid boys don’t have any other way of getting attention from pretty girls.”

I raise an eyebrow and laugh at the idea, gently batting him away. “So you’re saying you had a playground crush on me?”

Ben sipped his drink, quirked both eyebrows, “Still do, obviously. Let me buy you a drink.”

I stare at Ben for a beat while I digest the information, then narrow my eyes playfully. “I only drink beverages from my home planet.”

“Har har,” Ben emphasises sarcastically, taking me by the shoulders and steering me towards the bar. My friends all giggle in unison and I roll my eyes.

“You’re very annoying,” I tell him when we reach the bar. His chest rumbles with a chuckle against my back and he lifts a thumb to the barman over my head.

“A rum and coke and whatever this one wants please, mate,” he says. I scowl and order another drink before turning around to Ben. I have to crane my neck to speak to him, he’s easily a foot taller than me.

“What if I wanted to reject you? You can’t bow out with grace?” I ask with a small smile.

“Good question,” he pretends to think about it. “You didn’t want to reject me.”

“Still so cocky.”

“You like it, little one,” Ben winks, patting my head once. That forces a laugh out of me.

“Right. I’m fed up of you now,” I lie, eyeing his solid chest through the slight gaps between his buttons. “Can I go back to my friends or would you like to take my reg details for your UFO sighting report?”

“Nah, you’re not going anywhere,” he replies, catching my chin in his hand and pressing my nose gently with his thumb. “I’m having too much fun.”

“Still the playground bully, huh?”

Ben shrugs, his tongue flicking against his bottom lip. I watch it and feel something heat up in the pit of my stomach as he says, “Still just the stupid boy trying to chat up the pretty girl.”

I roll my eyes again and sigh heavily, a smirk creeping in.

“Come on then. Let’s get this over with,” I tell him, taking his untouched drink off him and placing it down on the bar before taking his forearm and walking ahead towards the door. I wave to my friends with my fingers on the way out.

“May I ask where you are taking me?” Ben asks.

“I’m afraid you’re being abducted by aliens,” I murmur, pop my head through a taxi’s door, scoot in and tell the driver:

“His house, please.”

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/y6q7l3/he_22_m_picked_on_me_22_f_at_school_when_we_grew


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