The Crimson Vow Chapter 2 [FFFFFFFFMMMMM Ages 20-58][Pet Play][Impact Play][Fantasy Setting][Story Arc]

# The Crimson Vow

**Chapter 2: The Wager**

*This is a work of Fiction, all individuals presented here are non real people who are all over the age of 18. This will be a slow build up to a rather large Climax*

**Cast List:**

**Astraea Jebivic** – Countess and Figurehead of Castle Mejko

Age : seemingly her erly 30s

**Ciran Velkaguza** – advisor to the countess

Age : seemingly her erly 30s

**Bjorn Kuretz** – new slave sent to Castle Mejko

Age: 28

**Frederick Kuretz** – Bjorns father, slave to the royals

Age: 58

**Amadia Jebivic** – younger sister of the countess

Age: seemingly her erly 20s

**Duna Velkaguza** – Wife of Ciran, Arcane arts teacher

Age: 42

**Zora Maimoon** – plaything to the royal family and head maid

Age: 56

**Alexia Malicice** – Prisoner

Age: 26

**Alfred Malicice** – Happy Farm Resident

Age: 26

**Albert Malicice** – Student

Age: 22

**Sellen Dobrapicka** – Happy Farm Resident

Age: 24

**Marik Dobrapicka** – Prisoner

Age: 20

**Yuria Kravamejko** – Student

Age: 24


**Castle Mejko** – Home of the royals

**Castle Mejko Throne Room** – Throne room of the Countess

**Kuretz Family Home** – Old stone house restored to the Kuretz

**Astraea’s Bed Chamber** – The Countess’s Personal Room

**Ciran’s Dungeon** – A playground for the advisor

**Duna’s Magick Academy** – Where Mejko Magick Flourishes

**Amadia’s Happy Farm** – Just a Happy Farm with Happy Residents

*This scene opens inside Ciran’s Dungeon where Ciran is polishing her special toys, while she listens to her wife Duna propose a wager. Duna is a dwarf, short and thicc with a large ass and breasts and very long blonde hair set up in an extravagant braid that rest upon her breasts. Her lips plump and her eyes blue as on ocean. Her body is soft and her scent sweet, for she does not fight with muscle but with her mind. Her ability to use magick is only second to The Countess herself, to which she and her wife are eternally loyal to. She is clothed in a black bodysuit that really shows off her assets and wears a shawl that stops at the top of her breasts, on her hips a sash that wraps her mid-section delicately.*

**Duna:** I can say with certainty that my methods produce results!

*Ciran smiles and places her hands on her hips and raises her eyebrows at her wife*

**Ciran:** They just might luv, but my methods don’t require a daily reapplication

*Duna pushes her tongue to her cheek and smirks*

**Duna:** Why don’t we have a little wager? We each will pick a prisoner and then whoever has the most adorable pet after will be victorious!

*Ciran bit her lip, having wagers with Duna was one of their most exciting games that they played.*

**Ciran:** What are your terms?

**Duna:** If I win, I want you to submit to my will along with the pups for the rest of the harvest. What would you like my moon?

**Ciran:** Spicy, I suppose if I was on my hands and knees I could meet you at eye level.

*They share a laugh, the two of them had quite the height gap. Duna is 3 and one quarter ft tall while Ciran stands at an imposing 6 and half ft tall.*

**Ciran:** When I win, that’s when not if. We are going to the Happy Farm after the harvest.

**Duna:** Well then shall we get started?

*They both turn and look at the large cell in front of them and inside of it are two figures. One man and one woman, lovers in chains. The woman was of average height, slightly chubby, round, supple breasts that have dark nipples to pair with her olive skin, she had brown hair that rested at her shoulders and brown puppy eyes, she sits in her cell chained to the corner while the man is chained standing up. He was he was a bit shorter than average standing at 5 ft 4 inches, he was thin, and had short black hair and alabaster skin with pale blue eyes, his cock a bit small but it had a certain adorable quality to it.*

**Ciran:** I want the girl, her softness isn’t like yours, but I can make do with that.

**Duna:** Well, I should hope not luv. Since we are here on your turf, I think it only fair if I take him to the academy.

**Ciran**: Fair is only fair; I’ll meet back up with you after I’ve had some fun. Before you go, let’s seal the deal with a kiss my love.

*Ciran kneels and the two share a passionate kiss. Duna pulls her lover’s tongue into her mouth as they embrace each other. The two prisoners can only watch as their captors put on a show of passion and strength in front of them. With one last kiss they break apart. Duna smiles and gives Ciran a nice whomp onto her impressive ass while Ciran lovingly waves at her wife.*

*Duna waves her hand, and a portal opens next to her, with her other hand she snaps her fingers, and the male prisoner appears before her in new astral chains, one of which is in the form of a harness around the man’s cock and balls, she reaches down and grabs the chain like a leash and gently tugs on him*

**Duna:** Come now pet, we have work to do.

*She guides him through the portal and the two vanish.*

*Ciran turns to the woman in the cage and walks over to her. She towers over the woman and places her hand onto her chin, lifting it so that her eyes meet hers.*

**Ciran:** Well now, we can do this the easy way like her, but it wouldn’t be nearly as fun for me if I didn’t get to train you, my way. If you do behave you won’t have to be in chains for much longer and your sentence will be reduced. If you don’t however, well I’m going to correct that behavior. I’m going to make you wish that you obeyed the first time Alexia. Now what do you have to say for yourself?

*Alexia bites down hard, her discomfort shown, she takes a deep breath before she answers.*

**Alexia:** Why should I do anything at all? You are the royal advisor; surly you know how powerful an asset my family is to the Countess so hurry up and unchain me and ill forgive this transgression if you’re lucky.

*Ciran frowns for a moment, then she smiles and chuckles to herself. She looks down on Alexia with an intensity in her eyes before she raises her other hand to strike the chained girl. The force of the impact caused Alexia to reel in pain, as she was taken aback by the blow. Ciran, still smiling wide, walks outside of the cell to the room she was in before and makes her way to a table with the special toys she was polishing. She grabs a single toy and conceals it before she heads back into the cell.*

**Ciran:** Yes, your family might hold some sway but a powerful asset? Don’t make me laugh. You are here because you simply thought yourself more important than you are when you are nothing more than a brat. The Countess was asked by your family personally to correct your rather annoying behavior. So, listen well to these words Alexia; There are no second chances. Throwing around your family’s name like that means nothing to me but talking back to me in that manner is something I can’t forgive. Especially not when it involves a threat.

*Ciran grins devilishly as she revels in the fun she’s about to have. Ciran, as the advisor to the Countess must be able to procure information, something that she has honed well over many years. She delivers a series of slaps across the girl’s face.*

**Ciran:** You have made your choice and to my delight you picked the path of greatest resistance. I will break you, then I will rebuild you right before I break you again and again. You will come to know me as your Goddess. You will address me as Maîtres Ciran. Failure to adhere to my orders will result in things such as flogging, spanking, whipping, and crying. It doesn’t have to be all punishment for you though. You could be pampered and treated like the good pet I want you to be. You will submit to me.

*Alexia still feeling the sting of Ciran’s hand, sits up. She can feel her cheek pulsing from the pain. Determined to not let her resolve be broken she sits up and spits at Ciran’s Feet.*

**Alexia:** Fuck you bit-

*Quickly Ciran picks her up by her throat showcasing her impressive muscles and shoves her into the wall. She lifts her off her feet and chokes the life out of the girl for a bit before letting go. She watches as Alexia struggles to find her breath, coughing and gasping for air. Ciran’s height and muscular figure look even more imposing to Alexia now more than ever. She feels something she hasn’t since she was young, she feels fear. Alexia trembles and starts to doubt if she can hold onto her resolve.*

**Ciran:** That’s “Fuck you, Maîtres”, pet. Let that be your first lesson. To disobey me is not a worthwhile prospect. I do enjoy correcting your insubordinate behavior. Somehow, I feel you would rather feel my warmth over my wrath. Isn’t that right my little dog?

*Alexia, still dazed from the impact of being thrown against a wall, starts softly crying. She thought she could hold her resolve but she has never known pain before in her life. She was a spoiled child growing up in a noble family under the rule of the Countess. She thought her status would save her from any punishment. This may have been true if she ruled the country, but the Countess was not entertained by spoiled brats and decided the girl needed to understand what I meant to hear the word “No”.*

*Ciran holds up her hand and says a short incantation, Suddenly the chains around Alexia’s arms and legs undo. They form into an astral chain around her neck and clamped to her dark nipples. She takes the chain like a leash in one hand and in the other reveals the toy she had concealed earlier to be a riding crop.*

**Alexia:** W-Wait, just a second I ne-

*Before she can finish, Ciran gives her swift tap on her breasts with the crop*

*Alexia gasps, she bites her lip and takes a deep breath. She is confused, the pain she felt earlier brought her to tears yet this time she felt a sense of satisfaction unknown to her previously.*

**Ciran:** Oh, does my poor pathetic little pet enjoy having her itty-bitty breasts bruised? We are only just getting started now.

*Ciran reaches forward to grab and squeeze Alexia’s bruised breasts to further tease the girl.*

**Alexia:** Please Maîtres I-

*Ciran gives her a quick slap and a bop on the nose.*

**Ciran:** Maîtres Ciran, pet.

**Alexia**: M-Maîtres Ciran, May I please have a moment to catch my breath?

*Ciran smiles, she raises one curled finger at the girl before gesturing her to come forward.*

**Ciran:** It’s time we go for a walk, come now pet.

*Ciran gives a small tug onto the leash.*

*Alexia feeling the tug on her throat and her nipples. She starts walking forward, but Ciran stops her and points downward.*

**Ciran:** No, no. Walking on two legs is a right you just don’t have anymore. You aren’t a noble girl anymore; you are my pet. You won’t like it now but after I’m finished with you. You will never want to go back to your previous life. So my pet, be a good girl and get on your knees. Now!

*Alexia hesitates for a moment before quickly getting down onto her hands and knees. Ciran grins, then starts leading her outside of the cell.*

**Ciran:** Such a good girl! Now bark for me little dog!

*Alexia, feeling humiliated, trys to speak out but before any words escape her lips Ciran brings the crop down hard onto her ass cheeks. Alexia howls in pain. To be disgraced like this, it infuriates her, but much to her surprise, it also excites her. She feels herself wetting in front of her captor. She doesn’t know how to process why being treated this way turns her on so much. She, a highborn noble would never engage in such vile acts such as pretending to be a dog. However, she is not a noble anymore.*

**Ciran:** Now then, let’s try that again, shall we? Bark little dog, Bark!

*Alexia wastes no time fearing even more repercussions. She yelps.*

**Alexia:** Bark Bark Bark!

**Ciran:** What a good girl! See was that so hard? Since you followed directions so nicely you can have this.

*Ciran bends down and gently caresses Alexia’s wounds. She then looks down at Alexia’s dripping pussy and places her hand near it.*

**Ciran:** I’m granting you permission to speak just for now. Tell me little dog, do you enjoy being humiliated? Be honest with me.

*Alexia bites her lip, before excitedly answering her Maîtres.*

**Alexia:** Y-Yes, Maîtres Ciran, I never knew how much I loved being treated like a filthy animal.

*Ciran grins, then inserts two of her fingers into Alexia’s sloppy wet dog pussy (or dussy if you will) and starts exploring her insides. She slowly slides her fingers in and out while the poor pup moans softly.*

**Ciran:** Such a good girl! When I told you I’d give you warmth if you behaved, I wasn’t lying pet. Now let’s see what face you make when you cum, shall we?

*Ciran starts arching her fingers inside in a grasping manor. With her other hand she pulls on the leash making Alexia’s nipples in turn also be pulled and stretched.*

*Alexia’s mouth drops and her tongue falls out as if she were panting for breath.*

**Ciran:** Impressive, just for that I’ll give you this.

*Ciran brings her face between Alexia’s clamped nipples and starts lashing at them with her tongue in rapid strokes.*

*Alexia can barely contain herself as she yelps and moans from pleasure. She feels her body temperature rising and her body starts jerking uncontrollably.*

*Ciran smirks and then latches onto an elongated nipple before she starts sucking with force.*

**Ciran:** Now be a good pet and cum for your Maîtres!

*Alexia lets out a deep moan as the combined sensations of having her tits sucked and her sloppy wet dog pussy (or dussy if you will) sends her over the edge. She screams in ecstasy as she squirts all over Ciran’s fingers.*

**Alexia:** Oh god yes, Maîtres!

*Alexia falls back, trying to catch her breath but unable to move for a moment due to her powerful climax.*

*Ciran takes her fingers to Alexia’s mouth and presents them to her.*

**Ciran:** Clean my hand of your filth pet.

*Without wasting a second, Alexia springs back up and starts greedily lapping away her own fluids from her Marites’s hand.*

**Ciran:** Remember this feeling pet, how you are treated depends entirely on if you choose to obey. I could make you feel like this every day if I wanted. I could also batter and bruise you if I wanted as well. It all depends on if you are a good little pet and listen to your orders. Bark if you understand.

**Alexia:** Bark Bark!

**Ciran:** Good girl, now then let’s parade you around the castle grounds on our way to the academy. I’m curious to see how Duna is fairing.

*Ciran leads the girl around on a leash for all to see what happens to spoiled brats who misbehave in Castle Mejko.*

***End of Chapter 2***
