A Goblin Girl is almost too much to handle! [Rough sex] [Intense sex] [Goblin Girl] [M20’s] [F20’s]

[Features: Monstergirl/Goblin Girl, blowjob, sex, intense sex, marathon.]

It was a glorious day! After all, it’s not everyday that a genie appears in front of you!

“Hello mortal. I am the great Sorbic. You have released me from my lamp and in exchange you shall get three wish-”

“A Goblin Girl! I want a cute lovely Goblin Girl!”

“-es… Are you sure about that mortal?”

Yes. Yes I absolutely was. I had dreamed of this day. Hell, I could be dreaming right now but who cares! A lovely 3 foot Goblin Girl to suck my dick had been my dream for as long as I could remember! A beautiful green skinned shortstack to take care of all my primal needs! Why wouldn’t I be sure?!

The day had all started so casually, so easily. I had bought a lamp, not even some kinda weird antique lamp, just a regular lamp with a lightbulb and everything. I had wiped some dust off it after I had taken it home and all of a sudden, a billow of blue smoke popped out. Instantly I knew that this was a genie and my mind could only go to one place!

Granting my ultimate wish!

“Yes, absolutely! I wish for a cute Goblin Girl girlfriend!”

The genie seemed to look unsure, looking away and clenching his teeth slightly.

“Well… if that’s what you really want?”

The Genie snapped his fingers and all of a sudden there they were before me. A beautifully short green woman. She looked, wild.she blinked her red eyes and frantically looked around the room. She had black hair, was three feet tall, and as she looked at both me and the genie, she bared her teeth at us in an aggressive way and growled. My eyes continued to roam her body, taking in more features. Her large pointed goblin ears, her small breasts, her slightly wide hips, and how she was utterly, entirely, naked.

My dick rose and the goblin girl’s smile went from fearful and aggressive to a wide smile, still aggressive. Oh boy, this was everything I had ever dreamed of!


I blinked and stuck a finger in my ear. What?

“Genie, I can’t understand what she’s saying at all!”

“Well, yes. Goblins typically only pick up a few words in Common and Common isn’t very common earth.”

NOOOOOO! My dreams, spoiled in the wind! I tried to swallow back my disappointment, my anger and frustration, to imagine a beautiful, peaceful life with my mute Goblin Girlfriend, communicating via growls, body language, and smiles. Yes, yes I could grow old and last off just such a pure relationship. Perhaps, even, in time, we could grow to not even need words and-

No way, fuck that!

“Genie! For my second wish, I wish that she fully understood English!”

The genie blinked and then sighed and snapped his fingers. It looked like a physical blow smacked the beautifully naked Goblin Girl in the head.


“Such a massive amount of knowledge for a creature like that is a bit… well, it’s going to be a bit rough…”

And truly, he seemed to be right about that. She looked like she had gone on a bender and was now extremely dizzy as she laid there on the ground. Her eyes were practically swimming. Still, I smiled. As long as she was alright after all… now my dreams can come true! I couldn’t wait and it was all thanks to this random genie that had decided to grant my wish! Tears started to fill my eyes at the immense gratitude I felt towards such a being.

“Genie! You’ve been a true pal. Please, tell me, is there anything you would like me to use my wish on? Do you need to be freed from your binds of imprisonment in like all the stories and that one movie?!”

The genie looked at me with his jaw dropping.

“Uh, no, I’m perfectly happy with my job after all. I mean, I guess I could go for some cake right about now but-”

“Genie, I wish for you have to a lifetime supply of your favorite cake whenever you want!”

The Genie actually physically staggered back, as if a giant hand had smacked them. His jaw had dropped to the ground and finally he seemed to pull himself together, muttering something under his breath.

“…always seem to get the weird ones… Alright. If that is your final wish,” and he snapped and then snapped again, soon summoning a beautiful chocolate cherry cake. Truly, the genie had good tastes. “I will leave you with your new found…. Girlfriend.”

And like that, he was gone. Truly, the best of genie society had surely just passed by through my life. I would never forget him for as long as I lived. What a great being he was! I let soft tears fall from eyes, blessed to have met such a person. Truly, there is hope left in this world.

There was a low groaning sound coming from the woman in front of me. Right, the goblin girl!

Now that all the crazy impossible stuff had already had happened and the excitement was starting to die down, I looked at what the end result was and swallowed. I had summoned a creature from the beyond, from possibly another planet or even another universe, purely to come here and be my girlfriend. Oh god, what have I done? I’ve basically kidnapped someone! Who said she wasnted to by my girlfriend or that she was okay with leaving her home plane?! Oh god, I’m a monster!

She was coming too, sitting up. She looked at me, she wasn’t even wearing any clothes! I was ready to get on my knees and beg for forgiveness when,




“Cock. Give me your Cock.”

“Um, uh, well-”


She ran over to me faster than I would have expected and began pulling on my pants with her small hands.

“W-wait a minute here!”

She kept pulling and pulling and my mind felt like it was tumbling before-!


I couldn’t believe it. She actually managed to somehow tear my pants and out came my erect dick, in all it’s glory. How could I not be hard when such a beautiful shortstack goblin woman was tugging on my trousers huh?! But now my cock had tumbled out and landed right on her face!

For a moment, both of us were frozen in time, before I watched with wide eyes as the Goblin Girl smiled fierce and wide and then it got wider and wider as she opened her mouth and-!


A moan came out of me unbidden as she began gobbling my cock, sucking and pulling and wishing it around and forcing her entire face down, practically headbanging my dick. The pleasure was so intense, so sudden, as she ruthlessly ate down my cock that I ended up leaning on her head slightly for support. She wasn’t slowed at all, practically speeding up as if her life depended on it. As if she was ruthlessly trying to shove herself as many times as possible on and off my cock, as if she was enjoying a feast prepared by her ancestors after starving for 40 days and 40 nights.

In an incredibly embarrassing display, I realized it was too much too fast and within mere moments from that crystallizing realization, felt myself pumping cum into the goblin girl’s head, over and over as she continued to guzzle my penis. The blissful pleasure, the intense crazy storm I had been thrown into, was so much that when I was finally released from my throes of pleasure I nearly toppled to the ground right then and there. I barely remained standing, looking down as the goblin I didn’t even know the name of, pulled back while keeping her mouth as closed as possible, before she came off my dick with a little ‘pop’.

It was the final straw upon the camel’s back and I found myself falling onto my ass and nearly onto my back, only holding myself up with my hands, breathing heavy. The goblin girl was about eye level now and she smiled that wide predatory smile again at me. She pulled her head up, gulping down my cum, and then looked me in the eyes. I found myself gulping for entirely different reasons.

I tried to stand back up, but she ran at me and physically threw herself at me. I was knocked to the ground, feeling her prone form for only a moment, before I found myself bucking a little. Her small hands were wrapped around my cock, touching it, squeezing it, rubbing it. I was being blitzed. I lifted my head and saw that she hadn’t waited more than moment with her idle hands as she was standing on top of me and her hands were holding my cock up.

What she aimed to do with it was obvious but I still found my eyes bulging for multiple reasons. The intensity, the speed, the strength of her libido. I was spent, I needed a moment to collect my thoughts, let alone so I could go again. As I saw her reaching down, holding my cock like she was, I was struck by the image of a member of royalty with a scepter. And as I continued looking, a haunting realization sped through my blood and bones. It was only confirmed further with her smile and the slight bend in her knees, pressing her feet slightly more into my waist.

This Goblin Girl was experienced. She knew exactly what she was doing.

I tried to move but it was too late. She threw her lets out from under her, splaying them towards me, and cannon balled down onto my dick. Her vagina was tiny, her body was half the size of a normal humans. There was no way I could seriously fit my dick in there, especially not quickly. It’d be way too tight, her body way too small.

As I felt her land, I realized that I had only gotten about half right. Her body was small. Her vagina was super tiny. She was indescribably tight. And yet still she fell, using gravity and weight to force herself down onto my dick. I felt a bliss I couldn’t imagine, not in a million years, like I was cumming my brains out, as I felt my entire sensitive dick ram itself all the way into her. I physically felt the Goblin girl cum and shake as she landed like a piece of heaven on top of me. My dick had transformed from a merely earthly contraption, mere flesh and form, to a rod of divinity, intent on driving me closer to the heavens.

I came again and my eyes rolled into the back of my head.




I came to a bit later. I could have been passed out for a century or a minute, it was impossible to say. It was all a blur of pleasure and intensity. I felt groggy and exhausted and when I rose my head up, found the Goblin Girl laying on my chest, her small body wrapped around mine, my dick still inside her, her small head underneath my chin. I smiled. The world was moving fast, way too fast, and I wasn’t sure I had all my marbles or bearing anymore but sometimes you just had to be along for the ride. No thoughts, no deep diving introspection, that will always be available. Just enjoy the moment and go along with the flow of things, even if that moment is crazy and insane and the flow is beyond rapid.

I rubbed my hand against her back and just how small she was, like a dwarf, was thrown into my face again. So tiny, so beautiful. Amazing.

I laid there in my afterglow and bliss, closing my eyes, rubbing her back.

When she woke up, it was like the building of thunder. Her pussy had been more than active while she was asleep but not it went into overdrive, tightening and squeezing, growing wetter. Her eyes opened and she peered up. We locked eyes and my mouth dropped as the pure desire practically screamed from it. She was still horny?!

“W-wait, maybe we could get some food or-”

But already she was practically vibrating and sliding herself up and down. I felt my dick hardening and everything getting tighter and tigher and-

“Holy fuck.”

The squeeze was unreal. It started to feel painful from how crushing her pussy was. It kept going, beyond my wildest imaginations and I started to worry that she was actually going to crush my dick.

She eventually stopped, but the pressure didn’t decrease.

She sat up on top of me, and she tried to rise off my dick.

And failed.

I could feel her trying to slide off my cock with her pussy and it just didn’t matter, at all. I was, I was firmly wedged in there. Still, she didn’t give up, using her entire body strength to finally rise a little bit off me. Then she tried to push herself back down. I gaped at her but she was fully focused on her efforts. I was starting to get the feeling I had bitten off more than I could chew.

I was still exhausted, lying on the ground, but as she put her back into it, as the struggle of it all seemed to make her even hornier, even wetter, she started making more and more progress, until she was bouncing up and down my cock, robbing my vitality all over again.

The pressure and tightening was no less than where it started but now there was friction and my dick had only one thing to say about that. I pulled my mind, forcing myself not to cum so early. And I succeeded but my goblin girlfriend was unrelenting. More and more and more. I reached out to grab her and felt her small body in my hands. My own horniness was shot and before long, my hands found her small breasts and waists, rubbing both of them, gripping her, I lost my concentration for a moment, and my dick decided it had had enough. I came deep, heavily into her. She kept going.

And going.

And going.

As I finally felt her slow down for a bit and panted on the ground, I looked up. Yes, she had slow down. But she hadn’t gotten off my cock at all.

And then I felt her start up again.

I looked up at her with panic in my eyes and saw what I had been catching hints of this entire time. What I should have known from the beginning. That look in her eyes… it was haunting.

My Goblin Girlfriend… she had absolutely no limit on her libido… it was either exhaustion or cock. No two ways about it.





Somewhere far away, a genie was shaking his head with a chocolate cherry cake.

“That absolute fool. What are they teaching these mortals these days? A goblin girlfriend? Really? Might as well have asked for a succubus. If he had asked for two I would have had to reject based on the fact that I can’t kill anyone. Still, crazy or not, at least he was a pretty good customer with simple desires.”

The genie took another bite of his now endless supply of cake.

“Sigh. I might as well throw a cake at that Goblin and save him. Only thing they’ll stop fucking for is food after all. Who knows, maybe he’ll even come up with a plan to handle her in those few minutes.”

The genie doubted it. Goblins were known as ravenous for a reason. Still, one Goblin girl was just barely able to be handled. He’d probably be fine… eventually… maybe.

The genie would go and help the poor fool in a bit. Right after this cake. Maybe two. He could survive at least a day or two right?

[Read more stories at /r/WarixViviana. Commissions available]

Source: reddit.com/r/eroticliterature/comments/y5rhib/a_goblin_girl_is_almost_too_much_to_handle_rough