Orange bikini hottie in Mexico…[MF]

I’ll start with a little background, you can skip ahead to the arrow –> if you’d like…

Went to the beach my last full day in Mexico with the wife as I love the water and wanted to just relax.

She says let’s set up here on the beach, me looking around assessing the talent I see a young 20 something brunette with hefty cleavage laying on her back just a few feet away from us. Sounds good I say! This young hottie had on an orange bikini top and kahki shorts hugging her tight ass.

After a few minutes this hotties parents show up and we exchange greetings. Then the hottie peels off her shorts to reveal a plump tanned ass. The hottie and her mom not bad looking herself for a 40 something brunette with decent sized titties, head out to the gorgeous coloured ocean for some snorkeling.

Eventually the wife and I head out into the water as well and I strike up conversation with the hottie’s mom so I can get to know them and check out the hottie and her skintight orange bikini. Mom says they’ve been coming here to the beach each day and turns out her husbands parents live near us back home. We left soon after with the hottie and her orange bikini in my thoughts all day.

Decided the next day before we leave for the airport I’d head back to the same spot at the beach to see if I can find the hottie…

Well it was an hour earlier than we went yesterday and sadly the beach was rather empty but I laid down at the same spot and decided to get some rays anyways. Well after about 10 minutes I hear some noise and sit up and there is this woman setting up her towel and umbrella literally 10 feet just to my right. She looks just like the mom from the day before. I say hi but sadly it’s not her so no orange bikini hottie today I’m thinking.

Well clearly the sun was in my eyes as I scanned the beach a minute later and to my right about 50 feet away and closer to the water was a brunette in an orange bikini. She’s looking this way like right at me. I’m starting to wonder if that’s her but can’t tell for sure. Either way she’s far away so I lay back to get more sun.

After another 10 minutes I’m getting pretty hot so I sit up again and look over at orange bikini girl still unsure if it’s her. She’s also looking this way. I decide it’s time to cool off and head for the water. Sucking my gut in case she still looking towards me I figured I should explore the possibility that it might be her.

I start walking out into the water and slowly float my way over towards her. I’m about 50 feet away and notice she’s rolled over onto her stomach so I’m just checking out the beach and doing circles in the water checking out boats and the view.

–> I’d decided the more I checked out this girl, that it wasn’t the hottie from the day before. She seemed a little more slender and not as busty but was still tanned, toned and hot at least from my viewing distance. And then it happened laying there face down, she spread her legs apart while I was checking her out like the perv I am.

Right then and there I’m like WTF is that? She keeps closing and opening her legs. When someone walks by she closes them. But then she opens them right after and I’m
dumbfounded by what I’m witnessing.

There is a black spot right in the middle of her bikini bottoms. My mind starts to work overtime. Again I’m kinda far enough away so as not to be too creepy and I do have sunglasses and a hat in as it’s hot AF.

So she starts moving around more and more on the sand doing what looks like yoga movements and stretches. At this point I’ve convinced myself she’s got a plug either in her ass or up her pussy but there is something there and with all these movements she appears to be enjoying it and or pleasuring herself.

Of course even though I’m a good distance away in the water and trying not to make it too obvious I’m staring at this new hottie in the orange bikini I’m getting pretty turned on at the thought of this tanned 20 something-year-old hottie, attempting to give herself an orgasm on the beach early in the morning with me watching.

After what seems like forever, and it was probably five minutes the yoga hottie stands up, walked up about 5 feet towards her bag and clothes, and sits down facing out towards the water which is directly at me in the water.

She’s got her legs apart and her feet flat on the sand so she’s kinda covering her inner thighs from anyone on either side of her.

Pretty sure I’ve been staring without even moving around in the water much the last 10 minutes if it’s not obvious by now that I’m watching her.

A few moments after sitting down, she reaches down between her legs with her hand, and I’m instantly getting harder and harder watching this. After a few moments, she pulls something out, holds it up to her face looks around and sniffs it. She then turns to place it under her shirt on the sound, stands up and start walking towards the water.

I’m in a trance, staring at her and wondering at the same time what the fuck have I been witnessing? My cock is hard. As orange bikini hottie strolls into the water looking in my direction, she dives in, and I see her ass glisten in the sun as it sinks into the water. Again I’m not trying to be too obvious and yes I’ve been stroking my cock what guy wouldn’t be after witnessing this. After about five minutes of floating near her as she swims, I look at my watch and realize shit I’ve got to go, I’ve got a plane to catch or I’ll have some serious explaining to do to my wife.

Seriously I cannot wait to go back to this beach. Clearly this will never happen again, but hey doesn’t hurt to dream right.
