Did my husband’s coworker get what he was after? [MF]

So after lurking here for almost three months, I am here with my confession!

I [F31] have been married for over 3 years now. I have had several relationships (across different races) before tying an arranged knot with a guy of similar parentage as mine.

However I sometimes miss the thrill of being chased or the often rough sex that I left behind! 🤫

So around similar time last year, my husband’s workplace threw a Pre-Thanksgiving party where I got to meet his coworkers.
I am naturally an outgoing person and almost hit it off with most of them.
One of those was Jason – a suave new B school hire, who used to head creative consulting in otherwise geeky IT group my husband works in. He was single at that point in time, would’ve been 30, tall, very fit, dirty blond messed up hair with an air of smug sense of humor around him.

He did made me laugh at his jokes and I enjoyed the overall company.
That same night, Jason followed me on IG. Mine is a public page anyway so it was not a big deal. I am not a blogger as such, but I do post stories about my day in general. For a week, he reacted to almost all my stories with steadily progressing but still civil emojees or reactions.
I specifically recall one car selfie I posted to which he reacted with a flirty gif. The spark kept on simmering for weeks – we would mostly speak in memes / gifs and the chit chat was meandering from playful to amorous to flirty to heavy flirt and coyly teasing bits! (And I loved that 🥰)

I would curate stories as baits sometimes! 😈

He offered to meet several times but I kept it deliberately to memes/ chitchats. (I am not keen to cheat on my husband)

Then around mid summer, he got engaged. I took that opportunity to up the tease game! We exchanged gym selfies sometimes and memes/ forwards with heavy double entendres.

The first slightly hardcore media featured in our chat thread was when he shared an IG reel (or was it on TikTok?) wherein a woman was getting delightfully spanked! Now, my ass had featured several times in the innuendo between us but never explicitly. I played along with matching gifs and I actually got off during our chat that day.

Just the following weekend, he invited my husband and me in a small dinner he hosted for his workmates to mark his engagement. I chose a sexy short sundress that showed my curves pretty well, and matched it with high heels to accentuate my derrière!

His eyes went wide when he opened the door for us and as I walked in behind my husband, he lightly tapped on my ass which bought a little moan of pleasure from me. We moved to the deck in his backyard where my husband took guard of grilling the steaks while I socialized with his other coworkers and their partners. I was speaking with Jason’s fiancé while he was texting what he intends to do with me. I felt a sense of power in that moment and gave affirmative reactions (in form of gifs or emojees) which nudged him further!

There was intense sexual heat between us that evening. At some point he even asked me to help him with the drinks in the kitchen. I walked in feeling butterflies in my stomach (and flutters in my pussy) for what isolation had in store for us!

As soon as we closed the patio door and moved where we couldn’t be easily seen from the deck/ backyard… Jason grabbed my hand but before it could land anywhere, two other guys barged in for some errand. 😒

While walking out with drinks, he was whispering how hot I looked and how hard it was for him to contain himself… all the while I had eyes locked on my husband or his fiancé! I felt the power of biblical or mythological temptresses – Jezebel, Potiphar’s wife, siren – in how I could allure someone astray!

The rest of evening I tried to keep away from Jason. (I am still not open to cheat on my husband.) But still there were plenty of lingering glances, fingertip grazes, and rip-my-clothes-off-and-take-me-now stares!
I purposefully kept away from stepping inside the house to avoid being alone with him.

We (me and my husband) often find ourselves in a silly predicament after such parties – we are often the only people not drunk (both of us don’t drink alcohol) and are usually needed to plan how the evening winds off and people leave. 😃

So it happened, that my husband volunteered to drive few of their teammates and I started to leave after 15-20 minutes of his departure. There were still a couple of guests left.

At the door, Jason gave me a civil hug while his fiancé was right next to him. (She was quite happy to meet me and I seriously looked forward to know her more).
As I walked to my car, Jason came running to me to hand over some left over dessert. I knew this was a pretense to have a moment with me. 😝

We were in the dark alley with tall shrubs giving us some privacy. I knew this could be the moment! 🤫
I took the brown bag gracefully and as I bent at my waist to keep it on the passenger seat… a tight slap on my ass opened a faucet of my pussy juices! Jason had moved the hem of my sundress up and slid his hand under my butt, pushed my good for nothing panties to side and had his fingers inside me!

“Gosh! You are wet”

He was not wrong. Being touched intimately in close vicinity of people we knew, with distant party music still blasting, a cold coke can in my hand, and his warm breath on the back of my neck – it was a thrill that hit me like cocaine!
After 20 seconds that felt like an eternity, I jumped into the driver’s seat. The cold leather on my naked ass brought some sense into me (offcourse, the orgasm helped too!)
I put a hand on his crotch (gawd! he was big) and pushed him back to clear the car door.
“Another time big boy 🤫”

He gave me a wink as he closed the door for me and I scowled back.

I drove back home in mixed emotions – I was a gleeing teenager, a remorseful wife, a conniving seductress all in one!

I took a long cold shower to put my head in place and was deep asleep when my husband ubered home later that night…

Do you think I took it ahead with Jason or chickened out?

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/y2bwk9/did_my_husbands_coworker_get_what_he_was_after_mf


  1. Amazing story Any guy would be lucky to be in the position you can feel the tension with each word

  2. Loyalty to your husband shouldn’t change due to opportunity. While some might think that’s cheating, it certainly isn’t the worst thing you could have done.

  3. love the story it was so hot and naughty

    i would like to think that was only the begining and you couldn’t stop thinking of his big cock

    and you gave in to you’re inner slut and let him have his way with you

  4. “I am not keen to cheat on my husband” you said as you were already cheating on your husband lmao. All those emojis, innuendo, and flirting through DMs is cheating, cause I definitely know you wouldn’t have wanted your husband to see it. And whatever line you felt you hadn’t crossed at that point, you blew right past it with the end of the story.

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