Demonstration [M20s/FFF30s][Orgasm Control, Femdom]

“What have I gotten myself into,” I wondered as I stood behind the curtain. Nude but for a silk robe and this ring wrapped around my cock and balls.

For the life of me, I couldn’t remember anything she said during the interview. I mean, who wears a miniskirt when they have a glass desk. She must have known I was looking. I didn’t even glance at the documents she made me sign.

“Maybe that was the point,” I wondered.

The lights blinded me as the curtain opened, snapping me back to the present. A hand on my arm guided me a few steps forward, and soft fingers pulled back my robe, setting off a wave of cheers and whoops from a crowd I still couldn’t see.

Still blinking at the light, my exposed cock twitched and stiffened as the room came into focus, full of countless beautiful women. I was so taken aback I barely registered that the presenter had started speaking next to me.

“… our proprietary technology will prevent orgasm, regardless of applied stimulation.” she said.

“What!” my head jerked around to look at the woman speaking. It was the same woman who interviewed me, still wearing that same miniskirt.

“And this evening,” she gestured to me like a showgirl on The Price is Right, “we’ve arranged a demonstration for any of you ladies would like to, um,” she looked at me, a sly smile at the shock plain on my face, “test the system for themselves.”
