The time my boyfriend [M] fingered me [F] on a bus

My boyfriend at the time and I had been together for a bit over a month and had just gone on our first little get away together. Of course, it involved a lot of sex, but I can tell you about that on another day.

So there we were, on the bus on our way back home, listening to music and sharing earbuds. It was dark and the lights were out. It got kind of cold, so he covered us with his jacket. Soon I felt his hand on my thigh, and he had such power over me that I automatically opened my legs. He caressed me all over my inner thighs and crotch until he decided that wasn’t enough anymore and unbuttoned and unzipped my pants.

Now, as I previously stated, we hadn’t been together all that long. We were both pretty young and inexperienced. And I especially had never considered that my boyfriend could have been an exhibitionist. And that was fucking hot.

Without hesitating, he shoved his hand in my pants and started feeling around. He found my clit with relative ease, having gotten so well acquainted with my body the last few days, and started rubbing it. Hard.

It took a lot for me not to start moaning. He was really going to town, and he wasn’t even looking at me. He was just casually looking out the window, with his hand wreaking havoc in my pussy. No one would’ve imagined what was going on under that jacket.

I was so wet that soon we started to hear that soft glistening sound of soaking pussy. His solution? Instead of stopping or going slower, he just shoved two fingers inside me and started rubbing my G spot. I was in absolute ecstasy, all tensed up and barely breathing as I feared I would bring too much attention to us.

And then the lights turned on. We were arriving at our destination soon, but he was determined. Instead of giving up, he started going harder until I felt my hole fighting his fingers, squeezing and contracting as I came. He immediately pulled them out, cleaned them with my panties and rested his elbow against the arm rest and his face in his hand, suspiciously close to his nose. I noticed an older gentleman glancing back at us, but thought nothing of it. We had absolutely nailed being discreet.

It wasn’t until a few months later that he broke the news to me that my efforts had been in vain and I did actually make a yelping sound when I came.


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