Prey [F18][Monster]

Kaitlyn explores the woods behind her house and finds an enormous pack of horny, dog-bear-looking animals. These intelligent horrors are hell-bent on breeding Kaitlyn, even if it’s against her will.

Each dark creature lunges forward, excited and expecting a good fight during their intense, rape-mating session. However, Kaitlyn is a strong young woman with a passion for staying alive. But will it be enough to fight off the exceptionally well-hung, shaggy beasts in heat?~~


Kaitlyn walked out of her back door and walked across the yard towards the dark woods. She had always wanted to explore them but never had the courage- until now. She nervously took each step, her heart racing as she anticipated what might be lurking in the shadows. As she got closer, she could see movement out of the corner of her eye, and she froze. She was sure there was something there, watching her. She slowly turned her head to get a better look and saw a large, furry creature standing just inside the tree line, staring at her.

It looked like a cross between a bear and a dog, and it was definitely not something she had ever seen before. Without thinking any further, Kaitlyn turned and ran back to her house as fast as she could. Once she was safely inside, she locked the door and tried to catch her breath. She was sure that whatever that was, it was not friendly. She would have to be more careful in the future if she wanted to explore the woods.

Kaitlyn’s heart was still racing as she thought about the creature she had seen. It was unlike anything she had ever seen before, and she was sure it was not friendly. Taking a deep breath, Kaitlyn closed her eyes and sat on her couch in the living room. The fan above cooled Kaitlyn and brought down her anxiety. Still, beads of sweat dripped from the sides of her face. She had never been so scared in her life. Kaitlyn’s mind swirled with questions: What was that thing? Was it dangerous? What if it comes back?

Kaitlyn tried to push the thoughts out of her head and relax, but she couldn’t. She was too keyed up from the adrenaline rush. She got up and paced around the living room, trying to burn off some of the energy. After a few minutes, she decided to go upstairs and take a shower. Maybe the hot water would help her relax and clear her head.

Kaitlyn got undressed and turned on the shower, waiting for the water to heat up. As she stood there, she heard a noise coming from downstairs. It sounded like something was scratching at the door. She froze, not knowing what to do.

Kaitlyn’s heart raced as she tried to decide what to do. She didn’t want to go downstairs and confront whatever was making that noise, but she didn’t want to just hide upstairs either. After a moment’s hesitation, Kaitlyn decided to go downstairs and take a look.

As she cautiously made her way down the stairs, the noise got louder and more distinct. It sounded like something was definitely trying to get inside. Kaitlyn reached the bottom of the stairs and slowly made her way toward the door. She could see the handle moving up and down as whatever was outside tried to turn it.

Kaitlyn’s heart was pounding in her chest as she reached for the door handle. She hesitated for a moment, her hand shaking. She knew she had to do something, but she was scared. Taking a deep breath, Kaitlyn turned the handle and opened the door.

As she did, a large, furry creature burst into the house.

“Oh, no!” Kaitlyn cried as she tried to slam the door shut, but the creature was too strong. It pushed its way into the house, and Kaitlyn ran away in terror.

The creature chased Kaitlyn through the house as she screamed for help. She ran into the living room and tried to hide behind the couch, but the creature found her and snatched her up in its teeth. Kaitlyn kicked and screamed, but it was no use. The creature carried her out of the house into the woods.

Even though Kaitlyn was scared, she tried to stay calm. She knew she had to think of a way to escape. As the creature walked through the woods, Kaitlyn looked around for anything that could help her. She saw a tree branch lying on the ground, and she reached for it, but the creature was too quick. It swatted the branch away and continued walking.

Kaitlyn knew she had to do something soon. The longer she waited, the more likely it was that she would never get away. She had to act fast. When the creature stopped to rest, Kaitlyn saw her opportunity. She quickly crawled out of its mouth and ran away as fast as she could.

The creature chased after Kaitlyn, but she was faster. She ran and ran until she got to the edge of the woods. She could see her house in the distance, and she knew she would be safe. The sound of something else came front in front of Kaitlyn. Suddenly she noticed the brush rustling in front of her. Out from the bushes came a large, furry creature. It was another one of the things that had chased her through the woods.

Terrified, Kaitlyn turned to run back into the woods, but the first creature was right behind her. She was trapped.

Kaitlyn didn’t know what to do. She was surrounded by the two creatures, and she knew she wasn’t going to be able to escape. She tried to fight them off, but it was no use. They were too strong. Kicking her feet into the dirt, she managed to get up and start to run. However, one of the creatures grabbed her by the foot, and she fell to the ground.

Kaitlyn screamed as the two creatures began to mount her. She struggled and fought, but it was no use. There was nothing she could do to stop them. She knew she was going to die.

Suddenly, she heard the sound of something else coming through the woods. It was another one of the creatures! Kaitlyn’s heart sank as she realized there was no hope for her now. The foliage was dense, and it made for difficult running, but Kaitlyn didn’t care. She had to get away from the creatures. She ran as fast as she could, but eventually, she was surrounded by the three large beasts.

The beasts circled Kaitlyn, sniffing and curiously poking at her with their noses. It was clear they had never seen anything like her before. Kaitlyn was terrified, but she knew she had to stay calm.

The beasts began to communicate with each other in strange grunts and growls. Kaitlyn didn’t understand what they were saying, but she could tell they were communicating.

After a few minutes, the beasts came to a decision. One of them stepped forward and grabbed Kaitlyn by the arm sleeve of her red top. She tried to pull away, but it was no use. The beast was too strong. It began to drag her into the woods.

Kaitlyn didn’t know what was going to happen to her, but she knew she had to go with the creature. She didn’t have any other choice.

The beast dragged Kaitlyn through the woods for what felt like hours. She was exhausted and scared, but she kept going. Finally, they came to a clearing in the woods. In the center of the clearing was a large tree with a door in it.

The beast pushed Kaitlyn through the door, and she found herself in a small room. The only light came from a small window high up on the wall. There was a bed in the corner of the room and a table with some food on it.

The door slammed shut, and Kaitlyn was alone in the room. She didn’t know what was going to happen to her, but she knew she had to stay calm. She would figure a way out of this mess; she was sure of it. Closing her eyes for a moment, Kaitlyn considered these beasts and their intelligence. They must be more intelligent than she thought if they were able to build something like this tree house.

She would have to be careful. She didn’t want to anger these creatures. They could do anything to her if they wanted to. Kaitlyn had to find a way to escape before something happened.

But for now, she was safe, and she had time to plan her next move. Keeping an eye on the door, Kaitlyn pushed herself up against the back wall. She would be ready for whatever these creatures had in store for her.

The sound of footsteps brought Kaitlyn awake. Looking around, wide-eyed, Kaitlyn awaited the door to open. She knew it wouldn’t be anything good.

The door slowly opened, and one of the beasts peered inside. It grunted and beckoned for Kaitlyn to follow. Even though it was pitch-black darkness, Kaitlyn’s dim watch lit only the smallest amount of space around it.

Kaitlyn had no choice but to go with the creature. She didn’t know what was going on, but she knew she had to be careful.

The beast led her out of the room and into a bigger, dug-out room, underground. There were other beasts there, and they all turned to look at Kaitlyn as she was led into the center of the group. Each looked very similar in appearance; however, some had a difference in their fur coat colors.

One of the beasts stepped forward and started to speak in a strange language. Kaitlyn couldn’t understand what it was saying, but she could tell it was important.

The beast gestured for Kaitlyn to sit down and stepped back. Kaitlyn sat down, not knowing what else to do. She looked around at the expectant faces of the creatures and knew something was about to happen.

Kaitlyn didn’t know what to expect as the beasts began to speak in their strange language. She knew she was in trouble, but she had no idea what they were going to do with her.

She sat there for what felt like hours, waiting for something to happen. The beasts continued to talk and occasionally gestured toward her, but she couldn’t understand what they were saying.

Finally, one of the beasts stepped forward and grabbed her by the arm, then threw her to the dirt ground. Several other beasts roared. Kaitlyn was terrified. She had no idea what was going on.

Turning at the last moment, she watched as each of the dark furry beasts began to close in around her. Kaitlyn knew she was in trouble. There was no way out this time. She was surrounded and outnumbered.

The beasts began to close in around her, growling and showing their teeth. Kaitlyn was terrified. She didn’t know what they were going to do to her, but she knew it wasn’t going to be good.

Suddenly, one of the beasts lunged forward and grabbed her by the leg. Kaitlyn screamed as she was pulled to the ground. She struggled against the beast, but it was too strong. She couldn’t escape. The beast stared at her with its cold, hard eyes and then mounted her, rapidly thrusting its hips forward.

The beast started to force itself inside of her, and Kaitlyn screamed in pain. Kaitlyn felt the beast’s thick, hard cock push inside of her. She fought against it, but there was nothing she could do. The other beasts watched as she was violated by their leader.

Kaitlyn felt tears streaming down her face as the beast continued to rape her. She could feel the beast’s hot breath on her neck as it began to pant heavily.

The beast began to fuck her hard, thrusting its hips forward and slamming into her over and over again.

The pain was unbearable, but Kaitlyn knew she had to endure it. She had no idea what would happen if she fought back.

The beast continued to fuck her hard, its thick cock pounding into her over and over again. The pain was intense, but Kaitlyn refused to give up.

She would find a way out of this mess; she was sure of it. But for now, she had to endure the beasts’ torment.

The beast continued to ravage her, moving faster and harder with each passing moment. Kaitlyn could feel her insides being spread apart by the creature. Suddenly pain split into pleasure, then overwhelmed all of Kaitlyn’s senses. Overwhelmed, the ecstasy was more than she could bear. She screamed and begged for it to stop, but the beast paid no attention to her pleas. It continued to fuck her hard, its hips slapping against hers with tremendous pleasure.

Kaitlyn felt the beast inside of her and screamed in pain. This was not what she had expected. She thought they were going to kill her, not rape her.

The beast continued to thrust its hips forward, moving its pelvis in a circular motion. Kaitlyn could feel its fur rubbing against her skin and the stench of its breath.

She cried out in pain as the beast forced itself inside again. She could feel its claws digging into the ground at her sides while it held her tight. Kaitlyn felt like she was going to explode in a firework of orgasm.

The beast continued to thrust into her, harder and harder until finally it reached its peak and released itself inside of her. Kaitlyn felt the hot liquid fill her up, and she cried out in pain.

The beast then pulled out of her and looked at her with a satisfied look on its face. Kaitlyn lay there, crying in ecstasy and horror, as the other beasts began to close in around her. She knew she was going to be their next breeding bitch.

The other beasts watched on, growling and grunting, as their companion took Kaitlyn for his own. Kaitlyn couldn’t believe what was happening to her. She had been captured by these creatures, and now she was being used as their personal sex toy.

Kaitlyn felt the beast’s hard dick pressing against her as it grabbed her by the waist. She screamed as it began to thrust its hips, penetrating her with its long, hard member.

The pleasure was unbearable as the creature thrust its way inside her. Kaitlyn could feel its hot stank breath on her neck as it continued to thrust its hips, going deeper and deeper inside her.

She cried out in orgasm as the creature pounded her mercilessly. The only thing she could think about was the sensations. Then, she gave in. The world collapsed around Kaitlyn while she orgasmed, hitting her climax harder. “Oh, god! Oh, oh!” Even though she hated every moment, Kaitlyn squirted and repeatedly came on the beast. Every part of her body shuddered with traces of lightning. “Fuck,” she groaned.

Finally, after what seemed like forever, the beast ejaculated inside her and then pulled out. Kaitlyn lay there on the ground, panting and sweating. Sweaty tears stung her eyes while she closed her eyes for a moment and clung to the remaining ripples of orgasmic pleasure.

The next beast leaped forward and threw Kaitlyn to the ground. Eyes wide, and face down, Kaitlyn was horrified to the bone. She knew what was happening, but she couldn’t believe it. These beasts were raping her. She screamed and fought back again, but it was no use. There were too many of them, and they were too strong.

She had never felt so violated in her life. She thought she had been through enough when she was taken captive, but this was something else entirely.

Kaitlyn wasn’t sure how long it went on, but eventually, the beast pulled out of her dripping, cummy pussy. She could feel the warmth sliding down between her legs while she wondered if she could escape through the small opening of beasts in front of her. Then, without warning, the dark, dog-like, hairy beasts closed in around Kaitlyn. Several began to fight, biting and clawing at each other, while the rest circled around her, poking and prodding her with their long, sharp claws.

Kaitlyn was terrified. She didn’t know what they were going to do to her, but she knew it wasn’t going to be good. The beasts continued to fight and claw at each other until, finally, one of them emerged victorious.

The victor approached Kaitlyn with a look of triumph in its eyes. It was much bigger than the others. “No… No!” She screamed, trying to push herself back in the dirt, away from the beast. Kaitlyn could see its thick dark brown fur approach in the moonlight. “Please… not again…”

Kaitlyn was in bliss. She had never felt ecstasy like this before. The beast continued to ravage her body, taking her over and over again. Kaitlyn’s screams echoed through the night, but no one came to save her. She was their breeding stock. The thought filled her with terror, and she struggled against the beast, but it was too muscular. It held her down effortlessly as it pushed its way inside her. Kaitlyn shrieked in pleasure as it penetrated her deeply.

The beast began to thrust its hips, moving faster and faster. Kaitlyn couldn’t think straight as the pleasure built inside her. The beast’s movements were relentless, and she soon found herself on the brink of orgasm.

Tears fell down her face, and dirt coated her body while she writhed in pleasure. Releasing and squirting, cumming hard, Kaitlyn fought against the orgasm, but it overwhelmed every sense. As the beast pulled out of her, Kaitlyn felt a heaviness in her lower abdomen. She put her hand to her stomach and felt the bulged part. The beasts had came inside her many times, and so much that they had entirely filled her womb to the point where it appeared like a stomach protrusion.

When Kaitlyn put her hand on the bulge, she felt full. “Ugh,” she groaned. Without a doubt in her mind, these beasts had impregnated her or at least tried to.

Kaitlyn wiped the sweat from her forehead, pleasure washing over her body. Watching another beast rush forward and penetrate her pussy, Kaitlyn felt the fullness in her belly become even more pronounced. She didn’t know why this was happening, but she knew it felt good.

The beast continued to fuck her hard and fast, its furry body slamming against hers. Kaitlyn moaned and screamed in pleasure as she came harder than she ever had before tonight.

The beast, too, reached its climax, grunting and growling as it pounded into her one last time. Kaitlyn collapsed onto the ground, spent and completely overwhelmed by what had just happened. She didn’t know what to think or feel as she lay there, panting and trying to catch her breath.

All she knew was that she had just been fucked by a creature that she thought was going to eat her. To her surprise, the beasts didn’t hurt her. Instead, they each took turns mounting her and giving her pleasure beyond anything she could have imagined.

The beast grunted and spoke in its strange language as it continued to thrust its hips forward. Kaitlyn could feel its thick member pounding inside her wet pussy. The beast’s fur was rough and scratchy, but she didn’t mind. She was too lost in the pleasure to care.

As the beast pounded away, Kaitlyn’s screams echoed through the room. The other beasts watched with eager eyes, their own cocks rock hard and begging for attention.

Suddenly, the beast exploded inside of her, filling her with its hot seed. Kaitlyn’s body was wracked with pleasure as she came undone beneath him. With each thrust, the beast’s cock filled her pussy, and she moaned in pleasure.

The beast pulled out of her and was quickly replaced by another one of the kind, eager to mate and breed. Kaitlyn was in shock as she felt the beast’s cock enter her. She had never been with anything so big before. The beast pounded her hard, its furry body slapping against hers. Kaitlyn couldn’t help but respond to the pleasure, despite the situation. “Oh, ugh…” she groaned, her breasts heaving against the ground.

The other beasts began to close in around her, growling and showing their teeth. Kaitlyn was terrified but knew they were only here to breed. She knew she could get through the night if that’s all it came out to be.

Kaitlyn’s eyes widened in surprise as she felt the beast inside her. She wasn’t sure what was happening, but she knew it felt amazing. The beast continued to thrust its hips, going deeper and deeper inside her. Kaitlyn moaned in response as she felt herself getting closer and closer to orgasm. She moaned as the beast thrust its hips, moving its thick member in and out of her.

Kaitlyn could feel it throbbing inside of her, hitting just the right spot with each thrust. Kaitlyn felt the beast’s furry stomach on her back and let herself go, giving in to the pleasure that was taking over her body.

The beast pounded into her hard and fast, its member pumping in and out of her wet pussy. Kaitlyn could feel her orgasm building, but she didn’t want it to end yet. She wanted to savor this moment. But eventually, she couldn’t take it anymore, and she came hard, her body shaking and convulsing with pleasure.

Kaitlyn moaned as the beast continued to thrust its hips, its fur rubbing against her sensitive skin. She cried out as she came, the pleasure intense and overwhelming. The beast followed suit, growling deep in its throat as it came inside her, pumping load after load of sticky hot cum into her pussy.

Kaitlyn collapsed to the ground, exhausted and spent. She didn’t know what had just happened, but she knew it was amazing. Whatever these creatures were, she wanted more.

The beast’s movements became erratic, and then with one final thrust, it shoved itself deep inside her and let out a loud roar. Kaitlyn screamed as she felt even more of the creature’s hot seed spill inside her.

To her surprise, the beast spoke. “Adventure,” it said in a gruff voice. “Come with us.”

“What?” Kaitlyn replied. She had no idea they could speak plain English. Before she received a reply, another breast sprinted forward and immediately mounted her, thrusting deep into her dripping, cummy pussy.

Kaitlyn moaned, her body moving on its own. The beast’s cock felt good inside her. She wrapped her legs around its waist and rode it, moving her hips in time with its thrusts, taking the beast in a missionary position. With her legs wide in the air, Kaitly felt the creature go all the way inside. She heard him grunting with each heavy penetration. It was big, and its fur felt soft against her skin.

The beast’s balls slapped against her pussy, the sound echoing in the underground room. Kaitlyn tilted her head back and let out a moan as she came. The beast followed suit, pumping his hot cum deep inside her. Then, as he withdrew his creamy dick, Kaitlyn rolled to her stomach and arched her ass into the air for easy access.

Copyright 2022 Jezebel Rose, [](

I’ve written and published over [2,700 stories]( in the past 14 years. Start with my [horror stories here]( if you liked Prey! Thank you, r/eroticliterature subreddit 💘
