It’s 1:30 a.m. and my ex wife just blew my mind. [MF]

*(((I posted this last night in a subreddit that involves wifesharing. So, expect some of that subject matter. I’m just posting here in case anyone else might want to read it.)))*

So, it’s 130 am and I just got home from a quick visit to my ex wife’s house. I frequent this subreddit and couldn’t wait to type it up. I would have never thought I would have a story to share.

My ex and I have been divorced for almost 10 years. Before we got married, we were pretty good friends. The subsequent marriage, however, wasn’t really kind to either one of us and we ended with some hard feelings. But, we had 2 kids together and made an effort to mend fences in behalf of our children.

Over time, we rekindled our friendship and it has become stronger than it ever was. We are far more open and honest with each other than we ever were before. We have never, however, rekindled any romantic/sexual relationship. During the marriage, our bedroom was dead; my wife wasn’t nearly as adventurous as I initially though her to be and sex became infrequent and remained vanilla. Eventually, she grew to disdain anything outside of “traditional” sex. In short, she thought I was a little pervy for daring to think ‘out of the box’ in the bedroom.

Now that we are friends with a joined past, we talk about EVERYTHING without judgement. I know all about her sex life and she knows about mine. A few years back, when she learned that I enjoyed seeing my (then) girlfriend flirt with other guys, she said “There you go again, perv.” But she said it in a playful way and asked me all about it. I explained to her that I really would like to see the person I’m in a relationship with have sex with someone. This led to a million other questions from her. In the end, she just shook her head and said that she had no idea I felt this way. She also reaffirmed that we were definitely not made for each other in the bedroom – she still liked her sex to be traditional in nature.

We never really talked about the topic again until a couple weeks ago. She dropped the kids off at my house and i offered her a glass of wine. We chatted about random stuff and sex came up. I joked that I’m in a bit of a drought and she countered that she certainly WASN’T – that she was having a small slutty phase. She saw something in my countenance change and asked what was up. I denied that anything changed, but she knew me and pressed me on why I looked so funny when she told me she was getting laid.

I figured I’d just be honest like we normally were and I told her it made me horny to think of her getting fucked. She burst out laughing and said that I was a “fucking weirdo”. We both had a good laugh about it. Then she started remembering our previous conversations and asked if I ever got to share any of my girlfriends with anyone. I told her that sadly, none of the relationships ever got to that point. She mocked me by sticking her lower lip out and saying “poor baby”.

Like I said, that was a couple weeks ago.

We share custody 50/50 and this weekend is my weekend with the kids. I invited my sister to bring her kids over and we all spent the day playing football and grilling out. After a movie in the evening, all the kids went to sleep, my sister went to the guest room, and I turned in for the night as well.

At midnight I got a call from my ex wife. Although it’s not common, I’ve received calls this late from her for a variety of reasons, but I was still a little concerned something might be wrong. I answered and she asked what I was doing. I told her about the day we had with all the kids and my sister. She asked if my sister was still there. I told her yes. She said “Meet me at my house in 20 minutes. I have something I want to show you.”

This was very odd. I asked her if she was ok and she said she was fine. Her voice sounded a little slurred and she confirmed she’d been drinking, but she said she was in an Uber and would be at her house soon. She wouldn’t tell me what was so important, but I agreed to meet her. She’d never asked for something she didn’t need, so I really didn’t hesitate.

I told my sister where I was going and she said she’d look after all the kids. I hopped in the car for the 10-minute ride to my ex’s house. When I arrived, the lights were on in the house. I parked on the street in front and knocked on her door.

“Hello my perverted ex-husband!” She exclaimed as she threw open the front door. She was drunk. I love her when she’s drunk – she’s always so lively and fun. She reached out and pulled me into the house.

“Have I got a surprise for you!”, she said as she led me to the living room. I had no idea what she was talking about. We both sat on her couch and she grinned at me with the most devious smile I’d seen from her. “Wellllll,” she began, “guess who just got laid???”. She pointed her thumbs at herself and said “This girl!”

I chuckled and told her I was proud of her, but that I wasn’t sure what that had to do with me. She drunkenly put her finger to her mouth and ‘shushed’ me. “Let me finish! I got laid. NO! I got FFFFFFUCKED”. With these last words she lowered her eyes to me and gave me the biggest seductive look. Clearly she was intentionally fucking with my head but I still didn’t have any idea where this was going.

She then blew my mind.

“Look!”, she said, as she pulled out her phone. She began to swipe through pictures of her. They were obviously taken earlier in the evening because she was wearing the same outfit. The pics progressed through the evening’s events. She was out with friends, then some guy from the bar started appearing in the pics. I asked her who he was and she said his name was Steve and she’d just met him at the bar. Then, a pic of her and Steve kissing appeared. My dick immediately twinged. She continued to swipe. There was a change in the scenery – she apparently left the bar and was at his house. Next pics were a mixture of Steve and my ex undressing each other. I couldn’t believe that A) she was showing me this and B) how fucking hot it was.

Out of the blue she reached over and grabbed my hard dick through my pants and said “Holy shit you perv! You DO like this!” The thing is, this was the first sexual contact I had with her in over a decade. Her touch electrified me. She smiled at me and took her phone and selected something. She then snuggled up close to me, handed the phone to me and started to unbutton my pants. I asked what the hell she was doing but she told me to be quiet and press ‘play’.

She took my dick in her hand and started stroking it as the video began. There was my ex wife on the screen, lying on her stomach, holding the phone outstretched in front of her. She was staring into the phone’s camera, naked. Steve was on top of her, fucking her from behind. Every time he would slam into my ex-wife’s ass, the camera would shake and her face would reveal her exquisite pleasure.

“Tell me before you cum.”, she whispered in my ear as she continued to stroke me. I told her honestly I wouldn’t make it much longer. Hearing that, she released my cock and it jumped and twitched at being abandoned so close to orgasm. We both watched the video for a few minutes more. As it was approaching the end, she said “Oh here it comes. I want you to see this!”

What she wanted me to see was Steve impaling her, his motions growing jerkier and more inconsistent, and then him grunting loudly as he came inside of her. My dick was aching as I watched her on the screen, moaning with pleasure as he filled her up with his cum.

She reached over, took the phone from me, and set it on the coffee table. She quickly stood up and moved in front of me and said “I brought you a present, perv.” And started to unbutton her jeans.

I absolutely couldn’t believe what was happening. My ex-wife, who I hadn’t touched in years, slowly lowered her jeans and stepped out of them, leaving her in only her top and a black thong. I asked if I could touch her and she said “Duhhhh!”

I leaned over and pulled her to me. My eyes were even with her bellybutton – the one she pierced just after our divorce. I put my nose up to her abdomen and inhaled her scent. I reached up and slowly lowered her panties. To my surprise I saw she was fully shaved. Never had she done that when we were married. That made my heart jump with decade-old jealousy.

As I lowered her panties to mid-thigh, I saw a string of Steve’s cum hanging from her pussy, stuck to her inner thigh. The gusset of her panties were soaked with a mixture of her juices and his seed. My ex asked if I liked what I saw and laughed a bit. As she laughed, more cum started to bubble out of her. I was in heaven.

She reached down and lifted my chin up so our eyes could meet. She smiled and said “I’ll never understand what you like about any of this.” She then gave me a little push that sent me back against the sofa cushion. I watched as she squatted a little bit, placed her cupped hand under her vagina, and pushed some cum into her hand. She then sunk three fingers into her hole and brought out another gob of semen. She smiled at me and leaned over and wrapped her gooey hand around my cock.

This woman that I divorced – this woman that preferred vanilla sex when we were married – this woman started pumping her cum-soaked hand on my cock and told me to cum for her.

With all that I was seeing and feeling, I came in less than 60 seconds. It was a bone-shaking, soul-shifting orgasm that I never had experienced in my life. My cum spewed out and intermixed with her pussy juices and Steve’s spunk, and ran down into my unzipped pants.

She smiled at me and just said: “I hope you enjoyed your present. I’ll see you soon.” She stood up, staggered towards her bedroom and shut the door.

So, here I sit, back at my house, typing away after one of the most memorable nights of my life. I couldn’t wait to share it with you all.



  1. Holy shit, that was a seriously hot read. I’m here hoping that you’ll share more stories about you fucking your ex-wife

  2. Great story, better ending! Do more please. I really like the way you led up to the end.

  3. That my friend, is a great story. I hope you sent that video to yourself before she sobers up. Follow up and let us β€œpervs” know if she remembers this, is embarrassed, or it turns over a new stone!

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