A late night, in the library, with a vampire [MF]

This takes place when I was 20, in the early 90’s. I was going to UCSC and studying biochemistry and computer science. This **is** a gonewild story, but it’s not particularly erotic… rather… it’s a story of first time discovery. It’s not meant to be an erotic story you’ll masturbate to! It is, nevertheless, genuinely a gone-wild moment in my life.

Back then, I lived off-campus with other geeks, in a house we named for the location just offshore we could see, where the Continental Shelf dropped off and the ocean turned almost jet black. I’m leaving out the name for privacy, but if you know, you know.

Because of the subject I was taking, the Science Library was a regular haunt for me. There was a fantastic place to study there, with 30′ tall glass windows facing the redwood forest and comfortable chairs to sit in. The basement had one of the larger unix terminal labs as well, and was great for my early-internet days of being on IRC, forums, and the like.

As the year wore on, and fall made way for winter — the rain and cold weather saw me spending more time indoors than out, and I had gotten to know many of the library staff by being there quite so often.

Especially the staff that would stay there late into the night.

There was one person though that I saw very often, especially in the evening and night named Laurali. ( Lau-rah-LAY ) She had long, wavy black hair that would have hung just below her waist if she didn’t keep it tied up in a complex braid most of the time.

She had an exotic complexion for someone who I always seemed to bump into in the night,.. Somewhere between milk chocolate and the kind of rosy brown you get from people who live in Morocco.

Her mom and dad were from South Africa and Korea, respectively. The mix of those two cultures, and of their complexions was striking, exotic, and beautiful.

She was … very un-librarian for my preconceived notions of what a librarian should be like. I mean, she was every bit a librarian — but she was also talkative, outgoing, easy to get along with and very much a geek. She also had a peculiar sense of style.

I was then as I am now, pretty much — T-shirt with some pithy saying or drawing on it, belt, slacks or jeans and shorts — and back then I used to wear Birkenstocks all the time.

Laurali though? Grey. Generally a loose fitting knit gray dress that came down to her knees and some kind of contrasting stocking… or a gray sweater over a blouse and a gray skirt with sensible shoes. It matched the very very pale gold/green/gray of her eyes.

For nearly six months, the routine was much the same for me, and for her. I’d come to the library sometime after dinner ( 5 or 6 pm ) after the sun had gone down and take up either a comfy chair, or a place on one of the long tables under a lamp to work on my assignment. She would generally be there to say hi, and we’d talk for 15-20 minutes.

After I finished my studies and problems, I generally would make a motion to go down to the computer lab… it was her job to staff it between 8pm and midnight, and I’d generally be there… logged in to chat with random people, or play a game, or whatever.

She would joke sometimes that we were the “two vampires of the library.” Always there, in the dark.

One day, while I was playing a MUD or something like that ( multi user dungeon, if you’re not familiar — the first multiplayer online games, in text mode ) … a message popped up for me from another player. “Miss-Teri”

“Why are you always here in the dark?” I was asked. “You’re in the basement every night, I see you here. Do you ever go out on a date or anything?”

… “Are you a vampire or something?” the text glowed on the screen, the cursor blinking.

I laughed out loud, and she popped her head up from the desk and grinned at me. We were the ONLY two people in the computer lab, and it was close to midnight when it normally would close.

“Well,” she asked. “DO you ever go out? Or do you just go drinking people’s blood?”

“I’ve never had anyone ask me out…. and I’ve been studying.” I said, honestly. “How about you? Why are you always here?”

“Oh, that’s easy.” She replied. “I _AM_ a vampire. Kind of.”
We went back up to the couches, in the now abandoned library. Officially, the stacks and lounge closed at 9pm.

Over the next hours, into the wee hours of the morning a flood of questions, answers, and stories flowed between us. Like happens with any two new friends…

I found out she had a medical condition that made her eyes very sensitive to damage by sunlight. Her corneas and lenses provided no UV protection.

Although she had melanin, her skin still suffered the same way — it could easily peel and burn, even on a cloudy and overcast day.

During the day, I hadn’t seen her because she wore something very much like a full body cover. She wore the gray outfits as a kind of rebellion against the dress code of the Library.

She asked me out on a “Library Date” … and so our first date was at midnight, in the garden on the 5th floor of the Science Library… sandwiches and candles, and a bag of candy corn.

Even back then, I knew I had adventurous tastes… in people, in adventures, and in sex and eroticism.

And what ELSE do two people who are getting to know about each other talk about?!?


So, I found out she was interested in finding out more about being submissive, and bondage … I told her about my experiences being a Dom, and going to clubs like Bondage a Go-Go ( where we ended up going more than a few times… but I’m getting ahead of THIS story. )

Twice a year, the Library would basically shut down .. Summer Break, and Winter Break. Usually for upgrades, renovations, and things that can’t get done when the library is in use.

But that year, there was nothing to do. I wasn’t going anywhere, and neither was Laurali.

So, not long before New Years eve… I had to do some IT work in the computer lab, and she had a pretty big laundry list of maintenance work to do on the catalogs.

I got an intermail ( basically a proto-email ) from her that said “Come upstairs at 11pm. I have something for you.”

Now, you have to understand, there was really only one way up from the computer lab to the lounge after 9pm. It was a winding metal staircase that was meant to be used as an emergency escape route.

It really only connected the basement floor to the lounge, and the lounge pretty much straight to the roof with doors every floor landing.
When I got to the staircase door, there was a single long stocking… just laid across the steps.

As I went up the staircase — there was another stocking. Then her sweater hung on the end of the handrail.

I opened the door to the lounge, and draped across a chair was her sweater… farther along into the book stacks the skirt lay discarded on the floor.

At the end of a set of shelves ( As it turned out, she picked 306.7 – Sexuality. ) her panties and bra lay discarded on the endcap table
And there she was…

Dressed in a gray cocktail dress, that had an understated shimmer to it. It left her shoulders bare, but covered her from there to her ankles. Her feet were bare on the floor.

It covered her very well, but also left NOTHING to the imagination. Her small breasts, about enough for a handful each, and tight bean-sized nipples were outlined clearly by her chosen outfit.

And her eyes gleamed with all kinds of mischief.

“Guess what I’m wearing under this.” she said.

I am.. and always will be… a human muppet and a goofball. “Body armor and a jock strap.” I replied.

She laughed, and there was no better sound in the world to me. She reached out her arms and opened her hands.. inviting me to gather her up into mine.

She reached her lips to my ear and one leg wrapped around me. “No…”

She smelled of nutmeg, and cinnamon… and the sea. “I’m wearing you tonight.”

“Wearing me?” I asked, pretending to be utterly dense.
“Yes…. wearing. you. out.”

There were a lot of firsts for me that night.

First time making love to someone somewhere I could get caught. First time where a woman made the first move on me, strongly. First time tying someone to a book sorting machine, spanking her, fucking her…

First time falling in love. Really, truly, falling in love with someone.

I have very fond memories of that time… of Lora, of discovery, of life.

Our relationship didn’t last long, but it burned very brightly. We still occasionally cross paths, and the chemistry still burns brightly when we do… no regrets.

Source: reddit.com/r/gonewildstories/comments/xz19yy/a_late_night_in_the_library_with_a_vampire_mf

1 comment

  1. Yes. Santa Cruz is definitely infested with vampires. I watched the documentary “Lost Boys”.

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