The Sister, Part Ten [M19, F18] [Erotic Couplings] [Cheating]


My first kiss with Jessica had been tame.

It was one of those ‘first date’ kisses you share at the end of the night; a peck to affirm that you both had a good time. Not that I would have been opposed to something more, of course, but I usually aimed for the more patient and respectful route to play things safe and not push my luck. If a girl wanted more than that at the end of the night, she usually wasn’t shy about communicating as much.

Natalie was nothing like her older sister. After so much suspense, it was like a dam had broken. Instead of water, however, it was sheer passion. Our lips crashed together, and all bets were off as she locked hers with mine. So far, I had managed to keep my hands to myself, though they had reflexively moved towards her once or twice throughout the last few minutes of teasing. As we began making out, I could no longer hold myself back. Matching the intensity of her kiss, I gripped her bare sides just underneath her bikini top.

Once I was there, I discovered that it wasn’t good enough. Her skin was so smooth and inviting, and I wanted more of Natalie’s tempting body as she both pulled me into her and pressed herself against me at the same time. My hands shifted until my arms were wrapped around her. One hand held her upper back, ready to untie the strings of her bikini at a moment’s notice; the other hand rested on her lower back, poised to reach lower. Our bodies were pretty flush already, but I made a point to match her energy and pull her even closer.

I was rewarded with a hum against my lips. It was the lightest little moan, but the way I could feel it through our connection was wildly arousing. Natalie was also a *really* good kisser. She had told me as much, of course, but experiencing it was a lot different than the fleeting image/fantasy her words had created earlier. Normally making out with someone for the first time required some degree of adjustment as you got used to their lips and their style. Not with Natalie. She seemed to fit against me perfectly, and there was never an awkward moment as our lips met again and again. Even the small breaks were sexy. After a deep kiss, she would round it off with a light nibble, or a playful lick, or a sultry sigh. The girl’s warm breath against my lips was as intoxicating as all the physical sensations. Anything and everything she did sparked more passion and lust from me, and I continued the hot make-out session with her without any reservations.

Just like my hands were more or less acting of my own accord, the twitch or two below my waist from before was developing into a more noticeable hardness that wasn’t going to go away any time soon. Especially not after Natalie noticed. It wasn’t just her chest that was pressed against me; the moment she felt my member shift between us, she gently grinded her hips in a way that instantly coaxed me to full attention.

“Mmm,” she purred against my lips. Her hands trailed from my sides to my waist, and she slightly separated herself from me; just enough so her fingers could begin toying with the button of my jeans, but not undoing it. At least, not undoing it yet. She just found a good grip and gave a small tug to further announce her presence. “*Ask*, babe,” Natalie whispered.

I knew what she wanted to hear. It was the same as before, only this time I didn’t hesitate in the slightest to go along with it. “Strip me.” My voice was just as quiet, as we spoke to each other without separating our lips. Deep down, I knew that this was wrong. I was making out with my girlfriend’s sister. A fucking eighteen year old finishing up her last semester of high school. But Natalie was right–I wanted her. And the further we went, the more difficult it was to think clearly. Wanting something and taking it were two different things entirely, but we had long since crossed that line.

“Strip me, *what*?” she asked. Her hands stopped their idle movements. They simply rested in place, and I immediately picked up on the teasing threat. If I didn’t play along, this could all easily stop.

“Strip me, please,” I said, without missing a beat.

A second later, I could actually feel her smirking against my lips. “Close,” she replied. Her lips sank into mine for a long, almost intimate kiss. One hand kept its grip on the waistband of my jeans, while the other roamed downwards, inch by inch. With the lightest touch, she grazed her fingertips against the tip of my shift. The fact that I was wearing clothes made it even more of a tease; as I could barely appreciate the feeling with the layers in the way. “Strip me, *Natalie*,” she corrected me.

I could hardly stop my body from reacting. My hips shifted forward, trying to meet her hand for a more satisfying touch than the first one. No luck. For every bit I moved towards her, Natalie drew her hand that much farther away. It was always within reach, always brushing against the sensitive spot it had found, but never enough for me to get anything from it. “Fuck you.” I knew exactly what she was doing, but felt powerless to stop it. This was her game, and I was just along for the ride. Of course, that didn’t mean I couldn’t call her out on things.

“Soon, babe. You can fuck me in a minute.” Her flirty tone was back, lilting and dripping with seductive confidence. “But first, say the magic words.”

The way she twisted my words should have been frustrating, but I could only think about how hot it sounded in her voice. Not wasting a second, I locked lips with her to show that I could be assertive, too. Then, I murmured the phrase from earlier.

“Please strip me, Natalie.”


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